"Allah will not be pleased until we reach the rooftop of the White House,"

Lil kim might have some buyers...
Post edited by Unknown User on
No wonder your confused, Al queda is a threat, Irak wasnt a threat.
Fan Law: Sarcastically replying to someone's sarcastic reply is both hilarious and highly recommended.
Al Qaeda has always been the threat. Don't you remember September 11, 2001? Something horrible happened that day... Al Qaeda was to blame.
Hail, Hail!!!
cool im glad we agree. some people here didnt think that was the case. i'm glad we cleared that up
No one has ever said that, this is just another wild presumption by you
not really. people here dont believe they were responsible for 9/11. so why would they be an enemy.
Surely you've seen posts from our resident fringe consipiracy theorists promoting the idea of an "inside job."
It's obvious they do not like America. While some believe they are behind 9/11 and others don't, I think most would agree they are a threat to American interests around the world
Yes, it is possible to believe that al qaeda hates the US and at the same time believe that US goverment is filled with a bunch of lowlifes who only have their interest involved when they make important deccisions.
I'm not confused. I believe el queda is a much bigger threat then Iraq, always have.
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I know you do, I will refer you to the fourth post on this thread. it explains alot.
I.e, Bush is a mutant jellyfish seeking to colonise the moon because he doesn't like earthlings taking the piss out of him.
got it. I just wanted to make sure we are clear.
You almost got it right. But, it MARS... not the Moon we are going to colonize. Don't you know that a colony on the Moon in not feasible? Geeeez.
Hail, Hail!!!
I suspected that there may have been one or two flaws in my reasoning.
but i thought that was our government
Esther's here and she's sick?
hi Esther, now we are all going to be sick, thanks
No... it was Al Qaeda.
Hail, Hail!!!
im glad you think so. many people here dont.
I have made this point before...
The Bush Administration is too inept pull off such a plan...
and if they did... they are too inept to keep it a secret.
I DO believe that they purposely USED the results of these attacks to instill the Fear into us and garner support for their little 'War On Saddam'. If anything, they should be suspected of being opportunists, not criminal masterminds. To do so would mean they have 'Master Minds'... which they have disproved to us time after time.
Hail, Hail!!!
Considering the public fell for their "War On Saddam" implies that the Bush Administration is more adept than the general public. So why couldn't they pull it off?
If they did... it means that it was a brilliant plan that was executed with pinpoint accuracy and lead to the exact outcome they had planned for.
Bush wouldn't be able to keep his fool mouth shut about this. He would be pointing out his attacks as the centerpiece of his presidency. And Rumsfeld? That fucker would be bragging to every cocktail waitress and his five dollar hookers about it.
They are very good with the whole manipulation... half truths... semi-lies and covering their asses tactics. Look how they manipulated people into thinking that Gay Marriages are more destructive than I.E.D.s and that Purple Hearts and Bronze Stars are worthless hunks of metal that are passed out to anyone like cheap Halloween candy.
Hail, Hail!!!
dont let him fool you cosmo. he will tell you he and elvis had breakfast this morning.
Yea, exactly, I think Bush has shown quite clearly what he can get away with and rub it in your face at the same time.
Quote RE: The Constition "It's just a piece of paper" - George Bush
Dude, Elvis is dead. Fast-forward to the present.
You should check out this book....