'The Sunglass Hut' has a strange Policy

I was at the Store 'The sunglass Hut', checking out some shades and this guy walks in, picks up a pair of sunglasses and just starts to walk out.
I ask the sales person "Did he just take that?" His reply "yes"...I asked him if he was going to go after him and he said "no"...I say "ummm should i go get him?"
Then he tells me "dont worry, our corporate policy is not to go after people who steal things from the store"
Does that make sense to anyone?
I mean maybe they think it's too much trouble and takes too much time to run after someone or call the cops, but really?...Just let them go?
I ask the sales person "Did he just take that?" His reply "yes"...I asked him if he was going to go after him and he said "no"...I say "ummm should i go get him?"
Then he tells me "dont worry, our corporate policy is not to go after people who steal things from the store"
Does that make sense to anyone?
I mean maybe they think it's too much trouble and takes too much time to run after someone or call the cops, but really?...Just let them go?
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seems he made the right choice.
Ask for them back? I dont know, call the cops? Mall security? Not shrug his shoulders and not care.
I mean I know he just works at the place but its that attitude that gets to me, like when I went jeans shopping one day, this one salesperson told me to just put the jeans in my backpack and pay him off (like half price wink wink)
He was shocked that I did not accept his offer. What kind of world is this?
I don't understand people who think that way either.
that is a good question.
Calling mall security or the cops seems like the logical option. Chasing the thief down does not. I mean if you are going to chase them down, you have to be prepared for things not to go your way. I mean what happens if you ask for them back and the thief says no. Would you be prepared to physically restrain him or get into a fight and possibly get hurt over something that is not even yours.
Shoplifting incidents were terrible there, for that reason. I think once people realized that all they had to do was get out of the building, they started trying it more. My manager once had a tug of war with a lady in the doorway who had put a ton of stuff in a wicker basket and tried to run out with it. She ran off, but she left her ID and wallet in the basket and they caught her.
The store closed down about a year after I quit, though, so I think their dumb policy caught up with them in the end.
<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/jmgphotos/4731512142/" title="PJ Banner2 by Mister J Photography, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1135/4731512142_258f2d6ab4_b.jpg" width="630" height="112" alt="PJ Banner2" /></a>
everyones a winner
(i need not stress that i am joking
Typo Man: "Thanks kidz, but remembir, stay in skool!"
I used to work there. The behind the counter type medicines were in a locked display. A worker left it open, went back, all the cold medicine, nicotine patches, etc etc etc were gone.
That was the only time I seen ANYBODY go after a thief.
There are/were people that shopped there everyday, who stole. A few people got busted when they stopped for the alarm, but the smarter ones just keep walkin. A cop happened to be around a couple times, and busted people, but that was just a coincidence.
Walmart is afraid of a lawsuit, and I can't say I blame them. The one I worked at, got sued b/c a lady walked into a little gumball machine. Literally, what happened was, she ran into it. Knocked it over, Broke it. Wally World paid her hospital bills. They had video evidence that said the worst possible injury she could have gotten was a stubbed toe or a bruise.
overall though, i think it makes sense. why have an employee possibly endanger themselves over what? things. also, as dunkman points out...if one does chase the thief and then leaves the store, or the register, unattended....far more detrimental.
i worked many, many years in retail. it's how i put myself thru grad school. we all 'knew' the major thieving culprits, and we'd watch em like hawks......but unless we could cath them red-handed AND have security right there to stop em...all pretty futile.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
That makes no sense?? Do they not need a receipt for cash back? The Sunglass Hut policy blows my mind, I actually BOUGHT my sunglasses there while I could have just picked them up and left the store with them? WTF?
WTF is wrong with people??? I loathe thieves, so low.
I know you have to be very careful about accusing someone but man... not even calling mall security. Weird.
So yeah, I can see why some people just don't think it's worth it, anything could happen :(
Wembley 18/06/07
If there was a reason, it was you.
O2 Arena 18/09/09
this is exactly why i wouldnt try and catch them either... if they choices are $10 sunglasses VERSUS stabbing to the guts... he can keep them.
my cousin once chased a shoplifter through the streets of my town... did so for about 20mins... he got a brick thrown at him and thats when he decided to give it up... his company was Woolworths and his boss said he could have an extra 5 minutes for his break to recover.
Woolworths make millions upon millions of pounds per year.. he was 16 and on a shit wage... its just not worth a brick landing on your head.
Five minutes extra?? LMAO man, that guy was all heart.
Yeah, if you can chase with reason to at least get a description or license plate...
I think it's more important not to get yourself hurt and let the police handle it.
I used to chase thieves when I was younger now I doubt I could make it to the parking lot and have enough strength to do anything if I actually did catch them.
maybe those store alrams that read the RFID chips should just shock the crap out of you?
I think they just used the "it was a gift" routine.
Typo Man: "Thanks kidz, but remembir, stay in skool!"
I am off to get some sunglasses then
2003-06-02 Irvine
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No kidding, especially at the Sunglasses Hut where they try to charge you 100.00 for sunglasses.
One of my buddies used to be head of security at Sears and he said that they couldn't stop people after they left the store, part of their policy. He also said if a person grabs something and then is out of the camera view for 30 seconds (like behind a pillar or behind a rack) they can't do anything because the person may have dropped or left the item when they weren't on camera. So I asked, "I could grab some shoes, stand behind a pillar for 30 seconds and then leave untouched", and he said, "Basically."
for the least they could possibly do
R.i.p. My Dad - May 28, 2007
R.i.p. Black Tail (cat) - Sept. 20, 2008