This Elephant was an asshole!
I knew this Elephant when it was at the Vilas Zoo in Madison. It would go nuts if you clapped your hands. I remember a drunk guy kept clapping his hands and moving to various parts of the enclosure and the Elephant was charging the moat and throwing dirt at everyone. It tried throwing a tire across but it was too big. The other Elephants were cool, this one was a prick.
I knew this Elephant when it was at the Vilas Zoo in Madison. It would go nuts if you clapped your hands. I remember a drunk guy kept clapping his hands and moving to various parts of the enclosure and the Elephant was charging the moat and throwing dirt at everyone. It tried throwing a tire across but it was too big. The other Elephants were cool, this one was a prick.
Post edited by Unknown User on
Also it's probably a lot smarter than we realize. Hell if they can train them as well as they do it's definitely has some mind of it's own... they do mourn their dead afterall, and talk a lot to each other in the inaudible range
Mihi cura futuri.
The elements they speak to me.
so cute they are
An animal such as an elephant, held captive in a very confined space, so that we might gawk and throw popcorn while some drunk bastard claps his hands in an obvious attempt to taunt and torment her/him, and, the elephant is an asshole?
That is exactly the problem ... Such an animal probably would not make it in the wild. Of course, not making it in the wild and euthanasia wind up at the very same place, so ...
No kidding, but you know what I mean...(I hope)
With radio tracking for a few months, yes, in a controlled reserve in Africa yes they can.
Also they are herbavores....they don't hunt. Do they somehow forget how to chew food outside of the zoo?
Good points ...
wrong...wrong... What the fuck (animal) is going to attack an elephant?
you're kidding right?
Yeah, no doubt! A lot of these poor elephants have been abused in the past, it's no suprise that it's aggressive. This is not a new thing with elephants. Eventually a lot of them 'snap' and turn violent, even against those trying to help and take care of it. Wild animals are just that, wild. I guess when someone's pet tiger freaks out and mauls him, it is an asshole too. I remember reading about some guy's 'pet' python wraping around his neck and choking him to death in front of on-lookers. Asshole snake.
but the illusion of knowledge.
~Daniel Boorstin
Only a life lived for others is worth living.
~Albert Einstein
Actually most elephants and other large mature animals die from starvation or disease. I'm assuming that this elephant is very old. 30 years in captivity, how old was it when captured? This is very old for a large mammal to cope in the wild. Furthermore, it doesn't know the terrain and jungles in Myanmar are not easy to navigate I'm assuming.
And you cannot release it into Africa. It is a different subspecies and you would be introducing genes not native to the continent.
Elephants have few natural predators, I agree. Not what I meant ... Stress associated with an unfamiliar environment is probably the biggest problem.
That's a weak opinion dude. elephants are smarter than you think man. I got that right away, just from beholding the creature. They actually get bored in zoo's.
"Nandipa (16 year old female) was released in September 2003 and is surprising us all with how quickly she is adapting."
read this:
released elephants success stories:
Yeah, age could pose a problem, however it's middle aged, and I give these beasts huge credit to adapt. They've been doing it for hundres of millions of years. The survival instinct is strong.
I think the thing is actually going stir crazy and speaking out. I think he knows what he is doing and voicing miscontent for his circumstance(s).
What I'm saying is that it can be done and is being done...
Elephants live almost along as humans 60-70 years. The last of our worries is this thing breeds sucessfully. Also it could be have it's tube's tied if necessary. However that definitely isn't a problem
These things are going extinct if you haven't noticed.
Is she a Muslim elephant?
Hard to believe an intelligent animal like an elephant wouldn't appreciate being captured, hauled around the globe, imprisoned, poked and jabbed with sticks, electricuted and expected to entertain some human beings.
Damn, Ungrateful Muslim Elephant!!!
Sadly, I agree with this. Even if there is a program in Burma to reintroduce elephants into the wild, an angry elephant with no fear of humans, and accustomed to looking to humans for food, is a recipe for disaster. The poor thing is probably insane from years of abuse and confinement in a non-stimulating environment.
Such a sad story ... I feel terrible about the handler who died. The Elephant Sanctuary is one of my favorite charities and one of the all-time great animal welfare organizations, it's horrible that this tragedy happened there of all places, taking the life of someone who was so devoted to these animals.
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
hiya hippie!!!!!!!!!!
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
...and upon reading it, I find out it's about an actual elephant. Damn.
Now I want to watch Operation: Dumbo Drop, starring Ray Liotta and Danny Glover.
isnt that when the dems announce Hillary as their candidate????
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
Seeing the relative poor state of the elephant population in this world, everything and I mean EVERYTHING should be done to release this animal into the wild, over euthanasia. What makes you people think you know how this animal would want to die? You say euthanasia is so much more humane. Bullshit. At least give it a chance to live some sliver of its existence in the habitat it has been evolved to adapt to. Just because it's lived in a concrete box for decades doesn't mean we can decide it can't live anywhere else. Sure, previous animals released may have died from such and such a cause, but like I said, who are WE to play 'god'???? Don't get me started on 'they are not native' to such and such a region. First, pretty soon they won't be native ANYWHERE, and second, then just release it where it is native. Stop the excuses.
After all we've done to exploit its existence, I say give it a chance.
nowadays hits you when you're young
I guess I'm the only one?
It has, and is, being done, and it's working, and I posted links to the examples of...
I just can't stand the mentality of hmm it's broken...oh well kill it then. Serve it death promptly. Fucking retarded thought process that is.
Then I wonder why we're tits deep in a bloody, senseless war right now...
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
A Moving Train Politics, current events - reasoned debate and discussion - we can all learn something new.
beyond politics, i think this thread subject fits ALL of the other, above listed criteria for this forum...unless i am missing something?
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
the jist of it is, the CEO of the Detroit Zoo thought the enclosure was too small, so at great expense (and at the risk of losing their zoological socity accreditadation) they found an elephant sanctuary and had it transported across the country.
here's a brief story about it...