Iowa vs. Louisiana



  • the people were failed by their state and local governments, THEN they were failed by their federal government. Every government system failed! If a state is obviously overwhelmed and incapable of dealing with a tragedy, the feds should just do nothing? The most powerful human being on the planet and leader of the country is supposed to just sit back and say, "its your mess, you clean it up!"? That fucking asshole had to be dragged out of his fucking ranch and shown news clips to even know what the fuck was going on! what a worthless piece of shit!

    I'm fairly libertarian myself and think state government should handle its own affairs, but i'm not such an extremist to think that the federals have no responsibility when a major US city is destroyed. At least be a decent backup!

    they are all incompetant, corrupt, immoral shitbags. local, state, and federal/
  • Pacomc79Pacomc79 Posts: 9,404
    MrSmith wrote:
    the people were failed by their state and local governments, THEN they were failed by their federal government. Every government system failed! If a state is obviously overwhelmed and incapable of dealing with a tragedy, the feds should just do nothing? The most powerful human being on the planet and leader of the country is supposed to just sit back and say, "its your mess, you clean it up!"? That fucking asshole had to be dragged out of his fucking ranch and shown news clips to even know what the fuck was going on! what a worthless piece of shit!

    I'm fairly libertarian myself and think state government should handle its own affairs, but i'm not such an extremist to think that the federals have no responsibility when a major US city is destroyed. At least be a decent backup!

    Well as PM mentioned earlier, if the Army Corps of Engineers is going to be the nations public works champion. I mean come on. It dosen't take a brain surgeon to look at the levees and that actually brilliant for it's time but archaic pumping system and realize it needs work and definately some upgrading/strengthening all along the Mississippi. We've essentially ignored the fact that our vehicle needs it's oil changed so long that now it needs a new engine.

    I'd rather be proactive than reactive. Reactive is always more expensive. This is one reason I have a distaste for pork barell spending for this or that si project for some votes here and there. If Federal taxes are to be greater than state taxes and what not the Federal Government HAS to do a better job of policing thier spending and focusing resources towards needed infrastructure. If we are going to rely on the government to produce that infrastructure.

    I don't want it done by simply the lowest bidder or the fastest group, I want it done right the first time.
    My Girlfriend said to me..."How many guitars do you need?" and I replied...."How many pairs of shoes do you need?" She got really quiet.
  • 69charger69charger Posts: 1,045
    inmytree wrote:
    suddenly you're holding back...come on now, why don't you say what you want to...?

    I thought you didn't like PC...

    I just did.

    What are YOU trying to say?
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    69charger wrote:
    Culture. Mainly the sense of personal responsibility that exists in one and not the other.
    So... are you saying that (all things being equal) if the people from the Gulf Coast States swapped places with the people in the plains States... Hurricane Katrina would not have been disasterous and we'd have seen people sitting on the roofs of their houses in Iowa City?
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • kenny olavkenny olav Posts: 3,319
    RainDog wrote:
    Your list left out the most important point:

    14. We didn't see a disaster in any way comparable to the scope and scale of Katrina.

    End of story.

    # 14 wasn't included in the pre-packaged braindead right-wing email he cut and pasted this entire thing from (i've gotten this email at least twice).

    there's no way these two events compare, and it still boggles my mind that some people can't stop and think for 3 seconds to figure that out. the 9th ward flooded in a matter of a few hours, with water as high as 15 feet. i mean, the city is below sea level. the levees were in serious need of repair. our infrastructure nationwide needs modernizing, but our government is instead awarding no-bid contracts to their top campaign donors in order to build infrastructure in the oil fields of Iraq and pipelines in Afghanistan.

    and by the way, here's what our President was doing on the day the hurricane hit:

    celebrating John McCain's birthday.
  • bootlegger10bootlegger10 Posts: 16,095
    one city = sense of entitlement
    Midwest = preparation & community
  • poto101poto101 Posts: 406
    Corn...and friendly people...not a whole lot else. ;)

    Actually, while I certainly am not very fond of are some good thing:

    1) Friendly people
    2) Iowa City is very "outdoorsy"...people always out biking, walking, etc. Great walking paths, hell in the winter the walking paths are clear long before the roads
    3) Farmer's markets...I can get fresh produce, breads, pies, etc every single day of the week in a different location but all very close if I want to.
    4) The corn...laugh if you want, I did before I came here, but the frech corn from the farmer's market is the best I've ever had.
    5) Iowa City has a great Pedestrian mall (meaning walkway with shopping and restaurants/bars). In fact, the bar scene in Iowa CIty is pretty darn good.
    6) University of Iowa female students...who know so many hotties came to Iowa City for school?
    7) Casinos...if you want don't have to go far...and they even have a dog track ;)
    8) Since the flood, all property is water front!!

    so basically we need PJ to play a benefit concert at the picador....
    It's all happening....

    East Troy 2003
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    (EV chicago 2008 night 2)
  • pateljampateljam Posts: 340
    one city = sense of entitlement
    Midwest = preparation & community

    Is that just a politically correct way of saying one area is white and another is black.... if you did mean that then I applaud you since no one else has balls to say it...
    2000-10-28 San Bernardino
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