Question on Flight 93

I know this is another 9/11 type question that doesn't add up, but first I will explain. I used to be on the far extreme in thinking that the US was behind the attacks on Sept. 11th, but I think I have come to a general understanding that I believe they knew it was coming soon and decided to look away to justify the wars. There are still a lot of questions left unaswered that should be looked at. Now, I will move on to the topic.
It is basic information that no plane, or remains of a plane, were found outside of Shanksville, PA. Even the mayor has admitted that no plane was found. I think the logical thing to think is that if there wasn't a plane than the US decided to shoot the plane down.
I can understand why this was possibly something to keep from the public. The day was dramatic enough without even having to think that the government had to shoot down a highjacked plane.
If this is the case, I don't understand the whole "Let's Roll" propaganda that came out after the crash. It reminds me a lot of how Pat Tillman was used for support for the war, when in fact friendly fire brough him down. Don't get me wrong I have the utmost respect for Tillman, and the passengers of Flight 93.
So my questions to you are:
1- Do you believe Flight 93 was shot down?
2- Would you fault the government for shooting the plane down? (then covering it up and playing the political drum to the "let's roll")
Just curious, I am trying to keep this seperate from the conspiracy theories.
It is basic information that no plane, or remains of a plane, were found outside of Shanksville, PA. Even the mayor has admitted that no plane was found. I think the logical thing to think is that if there wasn't a plane than the US decided to shoot the plane down.
I can understand why this was possibly something to keep from the public. The day was dramatic enough without even having to think that the government had to shoot down a highjacked plane.
If this is the case, I don't understand the whole "Let's Roll" propaganda that came out after the crash. It reminds me a lot of how Pat Tillman was used for support for the war, when in fact friendly fire brough him down. Don't get me wrong I have the utmost respect for Tillman, and the passengers of Flight 93.
So my questions to you are:
1- Do you believe Flight 93 was shot down?
2- Would you fault the government for shooting the plane down? (then covering it up and playing the political drum to the "let's roll")
Just curious, I am trying to keep this seperate from the conspiracy theories.
Post edited by Unknown User on
Please show me this "basic information" or, as I call it, complete nonsense, that there was no plane or remains of a plane found there.
Ok. So in your deranged world, is the source of "basic information." Great!
why the personal attack...?
Did you even click on the link? If you had, you would see that the article is from the American Free Press. I can post a couple other sources that might well fit your taste.
It's because of stupid shit like this that the Train gets closed down for a week. If you don't agree with something, you just resort to personal attacks. Who are you? Dick Cheney?
How is that a personal attack? I was attacking his/her proverbial world, not him/her directly.
According to the "logic" you have displayed in your 9/11 conspiracy theories, sure, I'm Dick Cheney.
Maybe the Let's Roll story is true, and it just happend around the same time as the plane was shot down... i would like to think that if the passengers knew about the other crashes that they would attempt to do something.
Anyway, if the plane was shot down, I don't fault the government for doing it, or covering it up... at that moment, when three targets were already hit, and there were still un-accounted for aircraft, the fear of this and several other planes taking out other targets would justify the action. Also, they could NEVER admit that they did this...
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
the plane was never found becuase of the speed it hit the ground. the plane was travelling at 580mph. most of the plane was reduced to very tiny metal fragments buried in the dirt. anything else vaporized by the speed and heat of the impact. the flight recorder was found 25 ft below the ground. many other fragments were found according to the 9/11 commission.
the phrase "lets roll" is recorded on tape and is a proven fact that the people on board that flight prevented the flight from hitting its target
Thanks for answering the question man, I agree with you 100%. You cannot fault the government if they had shot the plane down. The fact that a plane was trailing it and around the crash site with in a minute of it's crash makes you think it was shot down. I too would like to believe the "let's roll". I would like to think that our government wouldn't try to capitalize on it.
Great response though man, thanks
That is what happens when a plane crashes nose-first (or almost nose-first) into something solid like the Pentagon reenforced concrete walls or the earth. Most plane crashes we see are the result of the people flying the planes trying to make some kind of landing at a low speed, which is why those crashes end up with large peices everywhere.
Leftist lunacy at its best. If the US government did shoot the plane down (which there is no evidence of whatsoever), you would blame the deaths of the people on board on the government, not the terrorist assholes who were trying to crash the plane into the White House.
Jesus Christ man, did you just say I hate America? I love and believe in the freedoms this country has to offer more than any of you could possibly know. That is why when something looks screwy I look into it, but I hate America? I devote my time to countless committees to better my community, am well respected in the Central Illinois area for my work with the Democratic party and have had the pleasure to help some of the best our government has to offer. Durbin, Obama, Rep. Evans. To say that I hate America is way out of line.
haaaa haaaaa hoooooo ha
nice spin...poorly played, but a nice spin....
Remember, I'm Dick Cheney.
So far all I have read is that people wouldn't mind had the government shot it down. I think, sadly, that it is better to lose the 45+ on board than the hundred that could have died were they allowed to hit their target.
If it was shot down, they would never admit to it, and I understand that.
The only reason I said you were Dick Cheney is they way you resorted to personal attacks, I'm sure your heart isn't black like his. You do seem to have a hard head, but that could come in handy too
I know there is no evidence its just MY OPINION. Its the terrorist fault all the way. But if the government did or was to shoot down a plane do you think its justified? Maybe you should ask more questions about peoples views before you make comments like "disgusting".
wow... wrapped a little tight?
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
When that plane is being used as a weapon to kill hundreds of more innocent people? Of couse it's justified. In this case, it just didn't happen.
yeah he must have woken up on the wrong side of the bed. I find left is always the best, you sleep must better at night. ha ha
its disgusting because people who hate bush want everyone to believe his government lied and covered it up.
he's still a little mad b/c i shot him down in the 'we give medals for killing civilians??' thread
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
Do you have evidence that the plane just went down? If you take what the govenment says to heart than im sorry to say this than your a fool. Fool me once shame on me, fool me twice shame on you.
I would say floowing blindly like a sheep is just as bad as people who question everything.
I hate Bush because he lies to us all the time. How am I supose to belive someone who lies to me?
did you believe Clinton when he said he didnt have sexual relations with that woman? im just curious