well we did. get over it. nothing will get solved being a monday morning quarterback. come up with a solution or quit your bitching.
Funny you say that. As being a person who knew, yes, knew that it would be a big screw up. Why should I offer a solution to the problem that I wouldn't have sent anybody into in the first place.
As you laugh at the mention of the UN. I would one day like to read what you would do? Aside from supporting the troops from a safe distance.
As for getting over it? A few choice races should live by that credo. It is a tiring as the Monday morning comment.
I will say, though, if you believe that military action against Iran is a good idea, or in any way justified, we're very far off.
i agree with a phased pullout and all that good stuff. I do not support military action against Iran unless they are admittly and proven to be killing US soliders
Funny you say that. As being a person who knew, yes, knew that it would be a big screw up. Why should I offer a solution to the problem that I wouldn't have sent anybody into in the first place.
As you laugh at the mention of the UN. I would one day like to read what you would do? Aside from supporting the troops from a safe distance.
As for getting over it? A few choice races should live by that credo. It is a tiring as the Monday morning comment.
i agree with a phased pullout and all that good stuff. I do not support military action against Iran unless they are admittly and proven to be killing US soliders
...and the UN was right