U.S. general: No evidence Iran is arming Iraqis

Here we go again.
Updated: 18 minutes ago
JAKARTA, Indonesia - A top U.S. general said Tuesday there was no evidence the Iranian government was supplying Iraqi insurgents with highly lethal roadside bombs, apparently contradicting claims by other U.S. military and administration officials.
Gen. Peter Pace, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said U.S. forces hunting down militant networks that produced roadside bombs had arrested Iranians and that some of the material used in the devices were made in Iran.
“That does not translate that the Iranian government per se, for sure, is directly involved in doing this,” Pace told reporters in the Indonesian capital, Jakarta. “What it does say is that things made in Iran are being used in Iraq to kill coalition soldiers.”
His remarks might raise questions on the credibility of the claims of high-level Iranian involvement, especially following the faulty U.S. intelligence that was used to justify the invasion of Iraq in 2003.
Three senior military officials in Baghdad said Sunday that the highest levels of Iranian government were responsible for arming Shiite militants in Iraq with the bombs, blamed for the deaths of more than 170 U.S. troops
Asked Monday directly if the White House was confident that the weaponry is coming on the approval of the Iranian government, spokesman Tony Snow said, “Yes.”
Iran on Monday denied any involvement.
“Such accusations cannot be relied upon or be presented as evidence. The United States has a long history in fabricating evidence. Such charges are unacceptable,” Foreign Ministry spokesman Mohammad Ali Hosseini told reporters in Tehran.
Updated: 18 minutes ago
JAKARTA, Indonesia - A top U.S. general said Tuesday there was no evidence the Iranian government was supplying Iraqi insurgents with highly lethal roadside bombs, apparently contradicting claims by other U.S. military and administration officials.
Gen. Peter Pace, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said U.S. forces hunting down militant networks that produced roadside bombs had arrested Iranians and that some of the material used in the devices were made in Iran.
“That does not translate that the Iranian government per se, for sure, is directly involved in doing this,” Pace told reporters in the Indonesian capital, Jakarta. “What it does say is that things made in Iran are being used in Iraq to kill coalition soldiers.”
His remarks might raise questions on the credibility of the claims of high-level Iranian involvement, especially following the faulty U.S. intelligence that was used to justify the invasion of Iraq in 2003.
Three senior military officials in Baghdad said Sunday that the highest levels of Iranian government were responsible for arming Shiite militants in Iraq with the bombs, blamed for the deaths of more than 170 U.S. troops
Asked Monday directly if the White House was confident that the weaponry is coming on the approval of the Iranian government, spokesman Tony Snow said, “Yes.”
Iran on Monday denied any involvement.
“Such accusations cannot be relied upon or be presented as evidence. The United States has a long history in fabricating evidence. Such charges are unacceptable,” Foreign Ministry spokesman Mohammad Ali Hosseini told reporters in Tehran.
Post edited by Unknown User on
thats enough for me.
yeah, shall we attack washington if we find something manufactured in the United States is used to kill one of ours?
Its this angry thoughtless thought process that has killed our soldiers in Iraq and the people of Iraq.
do you think Iran is doing anything to prevent these bombs and weapons from getting into Iraq?
And here I thought when you try to take over a country, you should secure the borders. ha ha ha
Yeah, the joke that is this war on a word, in the wrong country.
I'm not ready to buy into it. There better be some real "slam dunk" evidence to get me to believe anything now. I had better see a videotape of the President of Iran handing over weapons to insurgents in Iraq before I will believe anything
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
hahahahahahahahaa its sooo funny isnt it? we cant even secure our own borders. you seem to think its easy to secure a much larger, more remote border, more then half way around the world.
hahahahahahahahahaha its sooo funny
its not that, its just i do not trust our president at all. in fact i am not so sure i believe in government with what it has become in recent years. the fucking senate will not even debate on iraq resolutions, which is what the public wants it to do.
i am tired of being told to live in fear, and i do not fear the little man in iran and you shouldn't either.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
I dont trust bush and I dont fear Iran's little president. but I do believe that Iran would support the killing of american troops and Israel civilians given the opportunity.
and you would believe it because fox news told you it was true. give me a break. we have been lied to so many times i don't believe anything this administration says anymore. you know iran had nothig to do with 9/11 right?
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
but half of the world supports this. can't you see that?
all because bush thought it was a good idea to act unulaterally in iraq. we have spoiled all of the goodwill towards the US that we had right after 9/11.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
I agree I dont trust them either.
yea I know. it was Bush and the PNAC
Iran is surely involved - afterall we invaded and occupy their next door neighbor.. and have turned it into a monumental tragedy. The people of Iran are hurt by this invasion -
Involvement? what does that mean? To deny our involvement in the death of Innocent Iraneans in this mess would be a larger joke
What exactly is your point? are you afraid we may mistakenly consider the nation of Iran to be one of people?
now we are killing innocent Iranians? since when?
my point is that Iran is trying to kill US soldiers. you may think its ok or that we deserve it. I dont
Are you going to be able to get over the fact that this war was all for nothing?
Well, maybe not nothing. We did get some really cool explosions and buckets of blood.
My solution? Leave Iraq. I'm open to ideas about how we go about that, provided we start going about that now.
How are we killing Iraneans... Well, there are a bunch in Iraq - and we are killing people there with great regularity and with absolutely no evidence - and very little discresion.. Well without sincere honest consideration..
Thats how...
The US soldiers don't deserve it... nobody deserves to be killed... I'm all for stopping it right now... are you? If so, why do you insist on participating or accepting the hateful rhetoric and propaganda...
nothing? nope sorry I dont beleive that. I think the test of time will tell what this war was for.
so you are ok with some extreme Islamic radical taking over and being the new dictator? and possibly letting tens of thousands more die in the impending civil war that would rage if we left today?
Iraqis are close. probably less then 2 years away from living in peace and democracy.
if Iran is supportting the killing of american troops then those american troops should use all means necessary to defend themselves.
If there are enough people in Iraq who believe in radical Islam strong enough to legitimize an Islamic dictator, what do you think we can do in two years that will subdue that belief?
And, how is it that what's going on over there isn't a civil war yet?
ok, we arent too far off then
I will say, though, if you believe that military action against Iran is a good idea, or in any way justified, we're very far off.