Climate Change Skeptics

hopefully, all your doubts and questions can be answered here ...
Post edited by Unknown User on
If human beings stopped producing any greenhouse gases, short of breathing, what would happen to global temperatures and sea levels?
that's impossible to do. but if we can reduce emmissions by half; the temperatures should start to reverse in about 50 years. it's going to get a little worse before it gets better but now we're preserving the earth for our children and their children.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
My question isn't about whether or not it's possible. I'm just curious if anyone can give me an answer to the hypothetical.
haha nope I just did an experiment from a rock I found outside. came up with that exact age.
what would happen hypothetically is that the planet would not be artificially warmed ... natural cyclical patterns would take over which would be more easily predictable without the extremes we are experiencing now ...
basically, instead of us affecting the weather - it would just be mother nature
I don't understand. Are we not part of the "natural cyclical pattern"?
Anyway, I don't think this even answers my question. What would happen to temperatures and sea levels in my hypothetical situation?
A 50% reduction in what?
Greenhouse gas emissions ... What did you think I was talking about, exactly? See, this is why this place is insanity-provoking. No one has any powers of logical deduction. What was the odds that I was talking about greenhouse gas emissions, given the previous content in this thread? Was it not fairly high?
Slow down...I really had no idea what you were referring to. It could have been gasses, it could have been temperature increases, it could have been sea levels, it could have been a whole host of things.
Sorry ... My apologies.
Of all the guys who post here I woild figure you would be the least surprised to have "silly" questions asked to you...anyway that made me laugh....and to re-iterate what I have been saying for the last two weeks...emission reductiona can be done within economic reason...and yet again how do I know....because I am involved in the design of such I understand the calculations/dispersion models that go along with their is attainable.....
Also take into account sulphur products/chloride products/fluorine products/various other man made (inorganic) compounds....that are blasted into the air.....these are the ones that bother me to be completly honest with you.....NO'x from car emmissions...
farfromglorified is a smart guy, I was needlessly snarky. Too much going on these days.
I agree with the rest of your post. I don't understand enough about economics to actually propose HOW this could be done.
greenhouse gases include carbon dioxide, ozone, water vapor, methane, and nitrous oxide. so the question was probably which one of these gases. the answer would be methane, nitrous oxide, and most importantly, carbon dioxide, which man influences.
That is what the question was...
thanks for the post, as always dear polaris.
Well, but I have a question, too, regarding the link.
I just shortly overlooked the site (and post) but it seems that it offers good argumentation for convincing people who still deny the fact, impact and influence of and on and around climate change.
It is real, we caused it and it is too clearly seen now to overlook anymore.
So why would people still be sceptic? Who pays Fox news to broadcast documentations that would still calm down and deny the fact?
Who stands behind the propaganda that climate change is a hoax, another fear attack, so all very easy to fix.
-so gimme the next champagner breakfast for every one-
Haven't you noticed the weather recently?
Germany/ Europe is wide aware now. The subject is still on every paper every day while we have perfect spring time in the usually snowy February. thanks polaris to pick up the subject again and again.
good work
greetings to kanada.
...the world is come undone, I like to change it everyday but change don't come at once, it's a wave, building before it breaks.
For company reaches 99.8% sulphur removal from its products before sending by-products to flare....the legislation is somwhere at is not hard (for us about $1,000,000...which is less than a day's worth of income) to make this system.....
Hey my whole agenda is simply....clean the environment and keep pollutants out of iy...I find that people can, from both sides of the fence, come together under that goal...the problem arises when people from one side preach doomsday and the other side becomes so enthralled in attacking this attitude it seems they become complacent to do nothing....regardless of whether global warming is a myth or fact we should be doing our best to clean up the environment and it is possible to do economically.....
No doubt
I totally agree.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
Its how far partianship has now applies to everything....every policy every law...some days I think people just fail to agree because they have trapped themselves inside an idealogical corner that they do not have the courage to back out of.....I feel that in years past I was becoming that way over the past year I have tried to open myself up and learn....what I have learned is that extreme views are running this world right now and its a dangerous combination....
On the matter of climate change I think too many of those on the left (Nike) feel that the right (Reebok) hate the environment and what to choke the bitch we call Earth to death...while Reebok thinks that Nike is some communist faction hell bent on ruining modern culture and is sick of tired of hearing how the world will end....will Nike and Reebok both shut the fuck up and actually realize EVERYONE wants a cleaner environment....Nike needs to drop the doomsday attitude to bring Reebok to the table and Reebok needs to lighten up and realize there are alternatives (tax free hybrid vehicles, tax refunds for wind/soler/thermal power generation equipment, etc.) that are economically possible....I dunno right now both the left and right are the reason nothing is being done and all this division is getting nothing accomplished....sorry for the rant I just want nice clean air for my children...I want to goto National Parks where litter isn't strewn all over the bloody place....
when it hits you, you feel to pain.
So brutalize me with music.”
~ Bob Marley
I have fallen into the left/right trap way too many times over the past couple years....this past year I become warming is the actual topic that made me realize that this right/left wing crap is very bad for us as a society....because no problem every gets just gets prolonged....
today i recycled. today i conserved water during my shower, i turned off my computer when i didn't need it, i turned off lights when i didn't need it, i set my heater to a lower temp and put on a sweatshirt,... stay conscious and make a difference,...
~Ron Burgundy
Amen my starts with us....the common your part because waiting for those "enlightened" in power to do something will not help anything....