My concern stems from what I know. I'm guessing that's probably the same deal for most who have a problem with that quote. We don't need to make up false reasons to not like Obama's record, history and own's all right there.
and that's cool with me...
as I see it, Obama is looking more at the diplomacy displayed by those mentioned...but that's just me...
for me, I'd like someone who can reach out to others...I don't think that's a bad thing...
Well I'm not playing along in this rigged game. I couldn't do it with a clear conscience. I gotta keep doing all I can to rail against this system because it's not working for us and the rest of the world....only the small % of people we know as the wealthy/powerful benefit from this sorry excuse for a gov't.
what i don't understand as it pertains to this quote of obama's is ... the guys that were around with reagan are around with bush ... guys like rumsfield, wolfowitz, etc ... its the same guys ...
what i don't understand as it pertains to this quote of obama's is ... the guys that were around with reagan are around with bush ... guys like rumsfield, wolfowitz, etc ... its the same guys ...
Yeah, it's seems like to me there is an effort to make it seem like the same exact people and policy haven't been running the show this whole time. You know, like we the people actually have a say and our votes change things.
If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
I don't...I did say your point was taken..I do think the original blogger did misquote on purpose....for effect...
and that's cool with me...
as I see it, Obama is looking more at the diplomacy displayed by those mentioned...but that's just me...
for me, I'd like someone who can reach out to others...I don't think that's a bad thing...
I think the bogger is focusing on this point of concern just like I am
Coming from Reagan and Bush foreign policy...I hope he doesn't plan on reaching out in the way they did...which included overthrowing those country's democratically elected gov't and installing ruthless dictators and funding them to oppress their people and keep them in line with death squads.
If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
I guess I'm looking at in a different no way do I think Obama is a perfect person...there is no such person...
however, it's the system we have...sure, go vote third party...that's everyone's right...and I support that right...I would hope that those who disagree with the two-party system would respect my choice to vote for someone in that system...
sure ... i can definitely respect the lesser of two evils approach - as change is often symbolic anyways ...
unfortunately real change starts within and that is the hardest change to make ...
Coming from Reagan and Bush foreign policy...I hope he doesn't plan on reaching out in the way they did...which included overthrowing those country's democratically elected gov't and installing ruthless dictators and funding them to oppress their people and keep them in line with death squads.
do you seriously believe Obama is advocating death squads and will seek to overthrow democratic gov'ts....?
I guess I'm looking at in a different no way do I think Obama is a perfect person...there is no such person...
however, it's the system we have...sure, go vote third party...that's everyone's right...and I support that right...I would hope that those who disagree with the two-party system would respect my choice to vote for someone in that system...
No one said they didn't respect your right to make your own decisions. We just point out problems we have with the guy that just so happens to be your choice and then you defend him and we get into these discussions. Saying that I disrespect your choice would have to also say you disrespect my not choicing your choice. I don't think that's the case either way...we're just on here discussing our disagreements.
If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
No one said they didn't respect your right to make your own decisions. We just point out problems we have with the guy that just so happens to be your choice and then you defend him and we get into these discussions. Saying that I disrespect your choice would have to also say you disrespect my not choicing your choice. I don't think that's the case either way...we're just on here discussing our disagreements.
I think you read too far into my comments...I see no disrespect here...I did not mean to imply that...
i would say nader isn't controlled by corporations ... i could be wrong but i doubt it ...
someone posted something about his stock's pretty interesting..also, I know he played hitman for a group of lawyers to strike down a proposition that would limit how much a trial lawyer could charge a client...the proposition (law) was defeated, with Nader's lawyers can take 75% of the payout....
someone posted something about his stock's pretty interesting..also, I know he played hitman for a group of lawyers to strike down a proposition that would limit how much a trial lawyer could charge a client...the proposition (law) was defeated, with Nader's lawyers can take 75% of the payout....
But Nader has a loooong history of fighting against corporations and putting the people before his own interests. Check out his wiki page or watch that doc I recommended to you. You can not deny that he has put himself out there for the better good of the common man against big business and corruption for decades.
If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
To me this is nothing more then trying to kiss a little ass with Independent and GOP voters frustrated with the Bush years. He's trying to WIN the election and I can't blame him. If Obama was more like Nader he wouldn't have a chance in HELL to win this election because we are a centrist country. You can't win the election if you are too liberal or to conservative. All Liberal presidents have to suck up a little to the Right to get nominated. Look back at your history.
People who are making Obama and Hillary out to be just like Bush are laughable imo. I mean Obama voted AGAINST the Iraq war. He wants to redeploy to Afghanistan to fight Al Queda again, bc of that whole 9/11 thing. I don't see anything wrong with this policy. It's not like hes creating new wars for no reason.
Also he said he liked the diplomacy used by Bush I in Persian Gulf and some of Reagons policies. That is hardly an Alignment on GOP foreign Policy.
10/31/2000 (****)
6/7/2003 (***1/2)
7/9/2006 (****1/2)
7/13/2006 (**** )
4/10/2008 EV Solo (****1/2)
6/25/2008 MSG II (*****)
10/1/2009 LA II (****)
10/6/2009 LA III (***** Cornell!!!)
To me this is nothing more then trying to kiss a little ass with Independent and GOP voters frustrated with the Bush years. He's trying to WIN the election and I can't blame him. If Obama was more like Nader he wouldn't have a chance in HELL to win this election because we are a centrist country. You can't win the election if you are too liberal or to conservative. All Liberal presidents have to suck up a little to the Right to get nominated. Look back at your history.
People who are making Obama and Hillary out to be just like Bush are laughable imo. I mean Obama voted AGAINST the Iraq war. He wants to redeploy to Afghanistan to fight Al Queda again, bc of that whole 9/11 thing. I don't see anything wrong with this policy. It's not like hes creating new wars for no reason.
Also he said he liked the diplomacy used by Bush I in Persian Gulf and some of Reagons policies. That is hardly an Alignment on GOP foreign Policy.
Obama's a lot more like Bush than many would like to think. No one claimed that were the exact same.
Polls show America actually supports most of Nader's ideas. But the media isn't gonna be covering assured.
Obama has voted to fund the war and reenact the patriot act.
If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
panders to special interests
is going to keep the war going 'if Al Quaeda is there'
is funded by defense contractors, nuclear power and the financial sector
says one thing and does another
voted for the fence in texas
doesn't support single payer
supported the patriot act and voted in condi
is against gay marriage
support crappy environmental policies that don't do nearly enough
and on and on
If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
But Nader has a loooong history of fighting against corporations and putting the people before his own interests. Check out his wiki page or watch that doc I recommended to you. You can not deny that he has put himself out there for the better good of the common man against big business and corruption for decades.
sure, but some see past behaviors as predictors of the future...:)
But Nader has a loooong history of fighting against corporations and putting the people before his own interests. Check out his wiki page or watch that doc I recommended to you. You can not deny that he has put himself out there for the better good of the common man against big business and corruption for decades.
And at the same time making a pretty good buck on said corporations.
sure, but some see past behaviors as predictors of the future...:)
And his past behavior is main reason for voting for him. The good that he has brought to this nation outweighs the bad in this case. He can't be making too much off said corporations given how he had to raise $50,000 last week just to get on the ballot in Arizona...yeah, he's rolling in the dough.
is going to keep the war going 'if Al Quaeda is there'
some view al queda as an actual threat... can't really blame them after 9/11
is funded by defense contractors, nuclear power and the financial sector
90% of obamas donations have been for less then $100...he has created the biggest grassroots campaign finance in the history of this country... as far as indivdual donors and their industry, just like your buddy Ron Paul had no problem accepting donations from a ranking KKK member... he cannot control who donates money to his campaign... obama actually supports full public finding of the elections to eliminate the $ influence in the process and has not accepted money from federal lobbyists... he doesn't make the rules, he just plays by them... i gaurnatee you that Ralph Nader accepts every single $ donated to him... and never asks twice where it came from
says one thing and does another
your opinion
voted for the fence in texas
there are alot of people that feel border control is important... cant really call them crazy after the free for all bush border policy... whether or not we like it, immigration is a major issue and has a tremendous affect on our national recources
doesn't support single payer
so that makes him like Bush? bush believes in turning his head and saying everything is fine... obama states there is a problem and has a proposed resolution...
supported the patriot act
he voted for the modified version as did many others... i am against it, but i am also not in charge with providing laws to protect the country either... he did not support the original patriot act by the way... bush would have your toothbrush tapped if he could... but i do have a cocnern for this vote on Obamas part
and voted in condi
you have to have better then that?
is against gay marriage
where did you see that?
support crappy environmental policies that don't do nearly enough
and on and on
um, not really giving much detail... and compared to bush, anyone is progressive on the enviroment... so again i do not see the similarities to Bush at all on this one
honestly... i dont see how you pointed out any similarities to GW Bush, his ideals, or his policies... at all
your opinion...
some view al queda as an actual threat... can't really blame them after 9/11
90% of obamas donations have been for less then $100...he has created the biggest grassroots campaign finance in the history of this country... as far as indivdual donors and their industry, just like your buddy Ron Paul had no problem accepting donations from a ranking KKK member... he cannot control who donates money to his campaign... obama actually supports full public finding of the elections to eliminate the $ influence in the process and has not accepted money from federal lobbyists... he doesn't make the rules, he just plays by them... i gaurnatee you that Ralph Nader accepts every single $ donated to him... and never asks twice where it came from
your opinion
there are alot of people that feel border control is important... cant really call them crazy after the free for all bush border policy... whether or not we like it, immigration is a major issue and has a tremendous affect on our national recources
so that makes him like Bush? bush believes in turning his head and saying everything is fine... obama states there is a problem and has a proposed resolution...
he voted for the modified version as did many others... i am against it, but i am also not in charge with providing laws to protect the country either... he did not support the original patriot act by the way... bush would have your toothbrush tapped if he could... but i do acknloledge my cocnern for this vote on Obamas part
you have to have better then that?
where did you see that?
um, not really giving much detail... and compared to bush, anyone is progressive on the enviroment... so again i do not see the similarities to Bush at all on this one
honestly... i dont see how you pointed out any similarities to GW Bush, his ideals, or his policies... at all
Only because you choose not to. And frankly, I'm tired of wasting my time telling you anything because it is pointless and goes in one ear and out the other without even being processed. So save your reply of 'that's all you got' or whatever can have this one, champ.
If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Only because you choose not to. And frankly, I'm tired of wasting my time telling you anything because it is pointless and goes in one ear and out the other without even being processed. So save your reply of 'that's all you got' or whatever can have this one, champ.
what do you mean i choose not to? you said Obama is tha same as Bush in many ways, which is ridiculous in my opinion... so i asked you to back that up... and what you provided was not very convincing at all to me... no big deal
not to mention i have heard the nader broken record for the last decade so i know what he is about... its not liek this is ground breaking stuff... besides, what do you know about my ears and what they retain and process? kind of assuming isnt it? or should i say elitist? to assume since i still dont agree with you on who to vote for in november that i am not processing the information?
funny how Nader disapears into the shadows after the elction is over... where has he been the last 4 years? how come he hasnt been leading the anti war charge? or the champiopn of the enviroment? why does he disappear once the glow of the election lights are gone?
you guys get too testy over this shit... relax folks... Nader is no fucking Jesus
on 1/21/09 i will be scrutinizing President Obama as much as the next person... and you know that
ralph nader hates old people
The point is to get a president in office we won't have to scrutinize over to the extent we have become accustomed to. Once he's in office it's too late to go back then and you're going to have to be partially responsible for getting him in there .
If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
I don't...I did say your point was taken..I do think the original blogger did misquote on purpose....for effect...
and that's cool with me...
as I see it, Obama is looking more at the diplomacy displayed by those mentioned...but that's just me...
for me, I'd like someone who can reach out to others...I don't think that's a bad thing...
what i don't understand as it pertains to this quote of obama's is ... the guys that were around with reagan are around with bush ... guys like rumsfield, wolfowitz, etc ... its the same guys ...
Yeah, it's seems like to me there is an effort to make it seem like the same exact people and policy haven't been running the show this whole time. You know, like we the people actually have a say and our votes change things.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
I think the bogger is focusing on this point of concern just like I am
Coming from Reagan and Bush foreign policy...I hope he doesn't plan on reaching out in the way they did...which included overthrowing those country's democratically elected gov't and installing ruthless dictators and funding them to oppress their people and keep them in line with death squads.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
sure ... i can definitely respect the lesser of two evils approach - as change is often symbolic anyways ...
unfortunately real change starts within and that is the hardest change to make ...
I guess we'll agree to disagree...
do you seriously believe Obama is advocating death squads and will seek to overthrow democratic gov'ts....?
this is the thing ... no president ever advocates death squads ... they just get approved by them ...
well, I guess that could be said for any one currently running for office, be it Obama, Clinton, McCain, Nader, and so on...
sadly, I've not yet attained the ability to predict the future...:)
No one said they didn't respect your right to make your own decisions. We just point out problems we have with the guy that just so happens to be your choice and then you defend him and we get into these discussions. Saying that I disrespect your choice would have to also say you disrespect my not choicing your choice. I don't think that's the case either way...we're just on here discussing our disagreements.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
But when Obama praises the foreign policy of someone who did approve of and fund death squads then it does point to the future.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
i would say nader isn't controlled by corporations ... i could be wrong but i doubt it ...
I think you read too far into my comments...I see no disrespect here...I did not mean to imply that...
someone posted something about his stock's pretty interesting..also, I know he played hitman for a group of lawyers to strike down a proposition that would limit how much a trial lawyer could charge a client...the proposition (law) was defeated, with Nader's lawyers can take 75% of the payout....
Okay cool then
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
But Nader has a loooong history of fighting against corporations and putting the people before his own interests. Check out his wiki page or watch that doc I recommended to you. You can not deny that he has put himself out there for the better good of the common man against big business and corruption for decades.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
People who are making Obama and Hillary out to be just like Bush are laughable imo. I mean Obama voted AGAINST the Iraq war. He wants to redeploy to Afghanistan to fight Al Queda again, bc of that whole 9/11 thing. I don't see anything wrong with this policy. It's not like hes creating new wars for no reason.
Also he said he liked the diplomacy used by Bush I in Persian Gulf and some of Reagons policies. That is hardly an Alignment on GOP foreign Policy.
6/7/2003 (***1/2)
7/9/2006 (****1/2)
7/13/2006 (**** )
4/10/2008 EV Solo (****1/2)
6/25/2008 MSG II (*****)
10/1/2009 LA II (****)
10/6/2009 LA III (***** Cornell!!!)
Obama's a lot more like Bush than many would like to think. No one claimed that were the exact same.
Polls show America actually supports most of Nader's ideas. But the media isn't gonna be covering assured.
Obama has voted to fund the war and reenact the patriot act.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
how is that, exactly
panders to special interests
is going to keep the war going 'if Al Quaeda is there'
is funded by defense contractors, nuclear power and the financial sector
says one thing and does another
voted for the fence in texas
doesn't support single payer
supported the patriot act and voted in condi
is against gay marriage
support crappy environmental policies that don't do nearly enough
and on and on
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
sure, but some see past behaviors as predictors of the future...:)
And at the same time making a pretty good buck on said corporations.
And his past behavior is main reason for voting for him. The good that he has brought to this nation outweighs the bad in this case. He can't be making too much off said corporations given how he had to raise $50,000 last week just to get on the ballot in Arizona...yeah, he's rolling in the dough.
Here's a bit you might find interesting, though.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
see my last reply ^
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
honestly... i dont see how you pointed out any similarities to GW Bush, his ideals, or his policies... at all
Only because you choose not to. And frankly, I'm tired of wasting my time telling you anything because it is pointless and goes in one ear and out the other without even being processed. So save your reply of 'that's all you got' or whatever can have this one, champ.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
what do you mean i choose not to? you said Obama is tha same as Bush in many ways, which is ridiculous in my opinion... so i asked you to back that up... and what you provided was not very convincing at all to me... no big deal
not to mention i have heard the nader broken record for the last decade so i know what he is about... its not liek this is ground breaking stuff... besides, what do you know about my ears and what they retain and process?
funny how Nader disapears into the shadows after the elction is over... where has he been the last 4 years? how come he hasnt been leading the anti war charge? or the champiopn of the enviroment? why does he disappear once the glow of the election lights are gone?
you guys get too testy over this shit... relax folks... Nader is no fucking Jesus
thats because you know damn well Obama is not like GW Bush in anyway... not even close
and if you think so, then i dont know what to tell you except that you are clearly wrong
my2hands hates puppies
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
see... you're one of the good ones
on 1/21/09 i will be scrutinizing President Obama as much as the next person... and you know that
ralph nader hates old people
The point is to get a president in office we won't have to scrutinize over to the extent we have become accustomed to. Once he's in office it's too late to go back then and you're going to have to be partially responsible for getting him in there .
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde