Bono = hypocrite

El_KabongEl_Kabong Posts: 4,141
edited August 2006 in A Moving Train
Bono Avoids Taxes, Joins Forbes

U2 and its lead singer Bono have been pushing the U.S. and EU countries to fork over more money for Third World nations to relieve debt and fight AIDS.

But when it comes to paying their fair share of taxes to help those efforts, U2 wants a free ride.

That's the word from Ireland, where the group has been based since it was founded in the early 1980s.

The Irish Examiner reports that U2 and Bono are furious that Ireland is doing away with its law exempting artists and authors from taxation.

Under the Irish government's last budget, artists and authors can get up to 250,000 euros ($325,000) in income tax free, but after that they pay like everyone else.

Most taxpayers would be joyous they could get the exemption Ireland provides.

But U2 rakes in tens of millions globally, and the new schedule doesn't sit well with the millionaire singer and his band members. [Editor's Note: Read more about U2 in our Special Report "Bono's Politics" -- Click Here Now.]

The Examiner reports that beginning in June of this year the group began moving parts of their business to Netherlands. The paper said now U2 pays "virtually no tax on royalties" in Holland.

And there's more news that U2 may be more of a savvy business than a social cause. Forbes magazine – the "capitalist tool" – revealed this week that U2 front man Bono and others in a financial investment company called Elevation Partners have purchased a large minority stake in Forbes Media, which owns the magazine.

Elevation Partners is a private equity firm which invests in intellectual property and media and entertainment companies. The Times said the investment amounted to $250 to $300 million.

"This investment by Elevation Partners will now accelerate our pursuit of a number of very exciting opportunities for growth," said Forbes Chief Executive Steve Forbes, who is also editor in chief of Forbes magazine.

Forbes has good reason to be gleeful: he's been a champion of free market ideas forever.

But the Times noted the irony of Bono's investment "in a magazine that celebrates wealth and consumption . . . "

Roger McNamee, a co-founder of Bono's Elevation Partners, responded: "The way you solve poverty is giving people the tools to overcome it."

It's a good point, but one never pushed by Bono.

The paper said the singer was unavailable for comment.

Perhaps he was in the Netherlands listening to "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For."

and then there's this

Bono Spends Thousands On Transporting Hat

U2 frontman Bono has a lot on his mind.

He’s so goshdarn busy - what with trying to save the world and singing formulaic songs in iPod adverts - that he occasionally puts his hat down and forgets to take it with him when he leaves.

"But wait," we hear you cry, "how will Bono keep his rakish flamboyant air without his hat? What will he do? What, for Christ’s sake? WHAT???"

Not to worry. Because (according to an American newspaper) Bono - who wants you to cut back on the odd luxury and give all your money to the poor, remember - is more than prepared to spend $1,700 on flying his favourite bit of headgear from London to Italy.

First class, no less.

Quite why someone would need to do this remains a mystery to hecklerspray. Although we would dearly like to see Bono (CDs) issue some sort of explanatory statement. Preferably while surrounded by a bunch of starving street children who would crawl naked through broken glass for even a fiftieth of the food U2 shove onto their nightly rider.

Still - we hope the hat had a lovely flight.

Oh… and we also hope that the U2 warbler suddenly has a moment of fevered self-realisation, reels back in horror at the pompous overblown hypocrite he has become, before scurrying off to live at the peak of the highest nearby mountain, never to spew his arsebrained sixth-form politics drivel into the world again.
standin above the crowd
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • LazLaz Posts: 118
    Wow a human being is a hypocrite!!!!! this is a newsflash? I didn't realize that the Pearl Jam boards were inhabited by the only people on earth who are not hypocrites...
  • He's not a hypocrite. It's no secret that he's an extreme consumer. He does great things with his time, money, and celebrity. Amazing things. Because he lives sometimes extravegantly doesn't change any of that. Sure, he could be more of a low-profile kinda guy, but part of his lifestyle is what makes him Bono and it's part of why he's arguably the biggest "rockstar" on the planet. He's got a lot of credibility and it's gonna take more than a complaint about taxes and an honest investment to taint that.
  • my2handsmy2hands Posts: 17,117
    both articles dont seem to provide any real evidence, or support any backup for their claims

    but it wouldnt surprise me one bit
  • my2handsmy2hands Posts: 17,117
    i would wager that they dont care about the $375,000 tax exemption being lifted because of THEIR having to pay another $50,000 a year, thats nothing to them...i would imagine that they are trying to support the artists in the country they live and became succesful in? just an assumption
  • El_KabongEl_Kabong Posts: 4,141
    He's not a hypocrite. It's no secret that he's an extreme consumer. He does great things with his time, money, and celebrity. Amazing things. Because he lives sometimes extravegantly doesn't change any of that. Sure, he could be more of a low-profile kinda guy, but part of his lifestyle is what makes him Bono and it's part of why he's arguably the biggest "rockstar" on the planet. He's got a lot of credibility and it's gonna take more than a complaint about taxes and an honest investment to taint that.

    maybe, but flying a hat to him is a bit too much
    standin above the crowd
    he had a voice that was strong and loud and
    i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
    eager to identify with
    someone above the crowd
    someone who seemed to feel the same
    someone prepared to lead the way
  • my2handsmy2hands Posts: 17,117
    El_Kabong wrote:
    maybe, but flying a hat to him is a bit too much

    absolutely...fed ex baby!
  • I'll worry about Bono when he gets an army and a police force like you have EK. Until then, I couldn't care less what he does with his hats or his money.
  • El_KabongEl_Kabong Posts: 4,141
    I'll worry about Bono when he gets an army and a police force like you have EK. Until then, I couldn't care less what he does with his hats or his money.

    i have an army and police force??? cool! are they in my garage somewhere?
    standin above the crowd
    he had a voice that was strong and loud and
    i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
    eager to identify with
    someone above the crowd
    someone who seemed to feel the same
    someone prepared to lead the way
  • El_Kabong wrote:
    i have an army and police force??? cool! are they in my garage somewhere?


  • cornnifercornnifer Posts: 2,130
    An artist such as Bono. places tremendous amounts of money and energy into such noble causes, and is constantly torn apart. Its a shame. I wonder how much of the scrutiny is because he is a Christian? Face it Bono is one of the good guys. The guy is a fucking hero!
    "When all your friends and sedatives mean well but make it worse... better find yourself a place to level out."
  • thats pretty bad. he is all for my tax money going to these causes, but he doesn't want to pay his taxes.

    well, how much does he give to charity?? we might all be better off if we didn't pay so much in taxes..and instead could give directly to these people and charities without the gov't skimming off the top.
  • cornnifer wrote:
    I wonder how much of the scrutiny is because he is a Christian?
    Whoa, slow down, corn. This has nothing to do with religion.
  • El_Kabong wrote:
    maybe, but flying a hat to him is a bit too much
    Yes, it absolutely is, but that was a long time ago and I'd be willing to bet that he's learned a lot since then. Maybe I'm wrong, but I doubt he'd do something like that these days.
  • cornnifercornnifer Posts: 2,130
    Whoa, slow down, corn. This has nothing to do with religion.

    I would hope not. But here, on this board, it wouldn't surprise me a bit. Bono is very up front about his faith. If it were another high profile, artist that did the same type of heroic things with his celbrity, and didn't profess Christianity, I wonder how quick people here, or elsewhere would be to lay into him. Its an honest question.

    BTW isn't Pearl Jam playing with U2 in Hawaii?!
    "When all your friends and sedatives mean well but make it worse... better find yourself a place to level out."
  • cornnifer wrote:
    I would hope not. But here, on this board, it wouldn't surprise me a bit. Bono is very up front about his faith. If it were another high profile, artist that did the same type of heroic things with his celbrity, and didn't profess Christianity, I wonder how quick people here, or elsewhere would be to lay into him. Its an honest question.

    BTW isn't Pearl Jam playing with U2 in Hawaii?!
    Knock that shit off. You're the one bringing religion into it and it's irrelevent. No one has said anything about his faith, you're just looking for that argument but it's not here. Maybe you're gonna have to start a thread that titled "Pit members hate Bono because he's a Christian."

    I think people here can see good people for what they are, not who they worship. We're not idiots. Plus, people are defending Bono on this thread. We like him. Maybe not all of us, but the majority.
  • LedZepFanLedZepFan Posts: 1,009
    Bono has geniuinely commited himself to accomplishing positive social changes which is more than we can say for most celebrities and most people in general. He's made tons of money but he's also put hours upon hours into helping those less fortunate than him, if he wants to spend the money he earned, all the power to him. Besides, lets keep in mind that 1700 to him is like 25-50 for us.
    I've faced it, a life wasted, and I'm never going back again.

    Some die just to live.
  • not so bono fide is he.

    (its not so much i am proud of that, as i like how it sounds)


    gonna read that article now.

  • surferdudesurferdude Posts: 2,057
    If the thread starter and article writer took the time to education themselves they'd now why Bono is against the tax. But laziness and finger pointing rules the day.

    Why should I care how Bono spends 1,700 dollars? It's his money. Much in the same I'm going to afford a person on social assistance some privacy and not second guess how they spend their money.
    “One good thing about music,
    when it hits you, you feel to pain.
    So brutalize me with music.”
    ~ Bob Marley
  • MrBrianMrBrian Posts: 2,672
    What makes him the biggest hypocrite is his support/defense of israel.
  • Bu$chlagerBu$chlager Posts: 498
    I would like an explanation as to why either of these articles makes him a hypocrite?


    - Dan

    Note -- I'm humoring this thread by assuming both articles are true, despite the fact that not one shred of evidence has been provided.
  • vedderelfvedderelf Posts: 100
    I dont understand why eveyone is so quick to give Bobo a free pass on this....

    The tax is for those making over $325,000 (US) I dont care if you're an artist or a scientist or a prostitute. That's a lot of money and should be taxed (just like the rest of making only 1/16 of that).

    And that hat thing is beyond unbelievable. You'll blast people for buying certain cars and stuff but he can fly a damn hat and be so wasteful? I dont care how many hours of his time he donates. Hypocritical is hypocritical.

    And yes, we're all human beings, we're all hypocritical. But those who benefit from living in the public eye must also deal with the scrutiny that comes with it.
  • Drew263Drew263 Birmingham, AL Posts: 602
    cornnifer wrote:
    I would hope not. But here, on this board, it wouldn't surprise me a bit. Bono is very up front about his faith. If it were another high profile, artist that did the same type of heroic things with his celbrity, and didn't profess Christianity, I wonder how quick people here, or elsewhere would be to lay into him. Its an honest question.

    BTW isn't Pearl Jam playing with U2 in Hawaii?!

    On that note..I believe Ed bragged in Toronto last year about drinking $1500 worth of Vodka with Bono...actually, I know he did. I was there.

    They're rich....things are on a different scale for them than us. No big deal.
  • Drew263Drew263 Birmingham, AL Posts: 602
    MrBrian wrote:
    What makes him the biggest hypocrite is his support/defense of israel.

    yeah, he should support wiping a nation off the map..then he'd be cool.

    like the liberals and terrorists.
  • sweet adelinesweet adeline Posts: 2,191
    cornnifer wrote:
    BTW isn't Pearl Jam playing with U2 in Hawaii?!

    yes, they are.
  • Bu$chlagerBu$chlager Posts: 498
    Drew263 wrote:
    yeah, he should support wiping a nation off the map..then he'd be cool.

    like the liberals and terrorists.

    Word up! :rolleyes:
  • MCGMCG Posts: 780
    This isn't news, Ed the Sock has been saying this for years. U2 has been using tax exemptions for years. I always thought it was funny that he would knock on gov't doors asking for more money but avoided paying taxes to the same gov't. But Bono's charitable acts aren't about HIS money they are about HIS time... even though he always seems to have a lot more time around the release of U2 records.
    Which came first,
    the bad idea or me befallen by it?
  • LedZepFanLedZepFan Posts: 1,009
    Drew263 wrote:
    yeah, he should support wiping a nation off the map..then he'd be cool.

    like the liberals and terrorists.

    hahahahaha you are the man, love this post
    I've faced it, a life wasted, and I'm never going back again.

    Some die just to live.
  • bootlegger10bootlegger10 Posts: 16,106
    El_Kabong wrote:
    maybe, but flying a hat to him is a bit too much

    Flying a hat for him is us getting a large coke instead of a medium.
  • Flying a hat for him is us getting a large coke instead of a medium.

    For someone who cares so much about the less fortunate, you would think he might be a little more conservative with where his moneys goes...considering how many that bit of money could have helped. But I can see it both ways, when someone really wants something, I can understand the urge to spend what you've got to get it...especially something that's special to them.
    If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.

    Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
    -Oscar Wilde
  • HoonHoon Posts: 175
    Under the Irish government's last budget, artists and authors can get up to 250,000 euros ($325,000) in income tax free, but after that they pay like everyone else.

    The Irish Examiner reports that U2 and Bono are furious that Ireland is doing away with its law exempting artists and authors from taxation.

    Well, I just put my hat in my bag that I take with me. But I agree with U2 and Bono and share their "fury" if this taxlaw is removed.

    How much cash is Ireland going to make from this change?

    What % will be just U2's cash?

    If one of the main reasons they are doing it for U2's money thats silly. If U2 and Bono are so freeflowing with their cash they should just hand over the money before the law gets changed, if it will keep the law in place for artists that really need it.

    O, and I didn't know he was a Christian.........thanx I'll put him on my "watch list".
    If you keep yourself as the final arbiter you will be less susceptible to infection from cultural illusion.
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