i'm sorry everybody, back to your regularly scheduled program of bashing women!
and, no, not everyone knows as you'd think as purple hawk has posted an article claiming bill o'reilly listeners are among the most informed audiences
seriously? that's just frightening. though bill o'reilly annoys me less than rush and hannity. he at least seems to acknowledge that he's a pompous prick who enjoys demeaning his guests. he also seems to not hide that he has a very specific agenda, whereas the other seem to think they have the only agenda.
i saw a study showing that of all political talk show hosts... jon stewart had the most intelligent audience by a landslide. of course, liberals on the whole are more intelligent. as colbert pointed out, "reality has a well known liberal bias."
yeah, i recall them really giving the tigers a run for their money in the playoffs last season... or maybe im thinking of the A's... the team that swept the twins out of the playoffs?
hehe, and there is no need to read slower when reading about o'reilly and his show. i know im not going to find anything particularly compelling coming out of his springer inspired political show.
yeah, i recall them really giving the tigers a run for their money in the playoffs last season... or maybe im thinking of the A's... the team that swept the twins out of the playoffs?
The Twins had an emotional letdown, expecting to play the Yankees, when the Tigers totally melted down and let them win the division. I predicted the Twins would win the division. I predicted the Tigers would lose the World Series. Both predictions about this time last year. Ask Skitch.
The Minnesota Twins are this year's World Series Champions. Sorry, there's nothing you can do about it.
seriously? that's just frightening. though bill o'reilly annoys me less than rush and hannity. he at least seems to acknowledge that he's a pompous prick who enjoys demeaning his guests. he also seems to not hide that he has a very specific agenda, whereas the other seem to think they have the only agenda.
i saw a study showing that of all political talk show hosts... jon stewart had the most intelligent audience by a landslide. of course, liberals on the whole are more intelligent. as colbert pointed out, "reality has a well known liberal bias."
he sells a lot of books, coffee mugs, 'spin stops here' doormats, membership to his website...and other shite...there's a whole lotta ppl who take what he says seriously and as truth
standin above the crowd
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
he sells a lot of books, coffee mugs, 'spin stops here' doormats, membership to his website...and other shite...there's a whole lotta ppl who take what he says seriously and as truth
and there's a whole lot of people who think michael moore speaks truth. there are and always will be dumb people on both sides and bill o'reilly not being there to validate their beliefs is not going to suddenly make them open-minded.
and there's a whole lot of people who think michael moore speaks truth. there are and always will be dumb people on both sides and bill o'reilly not being there to validate their beliefs is not going to suddenly make them open-minded.
what a dick...all he did was cut her off, talk over her and distort what she was saying...he kept saying 'so, you're saying america is evil and everything is our fault?' and she keeps saying no but he keeps insisting that is his stance
THen don't watch. How much does he really affect your life? How much do you really give him credit for actually swaying or changing the thoughts/beliefs of anyone who watches him? Id be willing to bet more people like you watch him just to get pissed of and whine on message boards than people who agree with him. Jesus.
Bill O'Riley's view point is so twisted and evil, I cannot believe that more than one American per day watches that show.
there are lots of Americans that are twisted and evil. There are many posts in this thread...asking why is he so popular...why do so many people watch....he simply plays to their fears...self justification...as is all of Fox news. Just think about how fked this administation is....and the majority of Americans voted for them...how tuff has that got to be....so Fox and O Riley are medicine to thier souls. Sad but true.
bill o'reilly is a fucking worthless piece of shit.
he's a waste of human air and the world would be a much better place without him. i'm not a hateful person, but for someone who thinks they are so right to defend america to cut an army vet off is extremely unpatriotic and disrespectful. Bill O'reilly needs to stop taking advantage of america's freedom of speech and widen his mind....or just go dig a ditch and hide in it for eternity...that sounds better to me
7/2/06 - Denver, CO
6/12/08 - Tampa, FL
8/23/09 - Chicago, IL
9/28/09 - Salt Lake City, UT (11 years too long!!!)
9/03/11 - East Troy, WI - PJ20 - Night 1
9/04/11 - East Troy, WI - PJ20 - Night 2
So...Kabong...since you seem to be the "bias watchdog" for everyone here on the board...and you are willing to admit that MSNBC and CNN are op-ed shows too...then why are you ONLY calling out O' Reilly??? Where's your thread on that talking head former ESPN commentator Keith Olbermann??? He spews just as much bullshit from the other side as O Reilly...yet you never call him out. (Probably because you agree with him.)
For someone who is always SO partisan, you do nothing but bash Republicans and conservatives. Why don't you just admit that you agree with people like Olbermann and quit trying to play the middle of the road game.
So instead of acting like you're all about "the truth", and making sure people know what's REALLY "fair and balanced", why don't you cut the BS and just admit that you pretty much agree with everything that people like Olbermann say...and that by doing so...you're nothing more than a leftist version/pupil of THAT talking head douchebag dick.
MOSSAD NATO Alphabet Stations (E10)
Low Traffic CIO MIW
So...Kabong...since you seem to be the "bias watchdog" for everyone here on the board...and you are willing to admit that MSNBC and CNN are op-ed shows too...then why are you ONLY calling out O' Reilly??? Where's your thread on that talking head former ESPN commentator Keith Olbermann??? He spews just as much bullshit from the other side as O Reilly...yet you never call him out. (Probably because you agree with him.)
For someone who is always SO partisan, you do nothing but bash Republicans and conservatives. Why don't you just admit that you agree with people like Olbermann and quit trying to play the middle of the road game.
So instead of acting like you're all about "the truth", and making sure people know what's REALLY "fair and balanced", why don't you cut the BS and just admit that you pretty much agree with everything that people like Olbermann say...and that by doing so...you're nothing more than a leftist version/pupil of THAT talking head douchebag dick.
Kabong acts like his middle of the road? I must have missed that memo.
If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
O'reilly is incredibly boring, and generally irrelavant. and he takes himself incredibly too seriously which kind of writes him off for me.
I think you'd probably enjoy watching Mcneill/Lerher a lot more EK.
I've tried to watch O'reilly and I've tried to listen to his radio show, it's just not worth it.
Outside of that he's a talkshow host, he knows his audience and what they want, and he knows that cutting this or that person and talking will inflame one side and get them to keep getting his name out like this. Any pub, is good pub for him.
Just ignore it, really man it's not worth your time.
My Girlfriend said to me..."How many guitars do you need?" and I replied...."How many pairs of shoes do you need?" She got really quiet.
So...Kabong...since you seem to be the "bias watchdog" for everyone here on the board...and you are willing to admit that MSNBC and CNN are op-ed shows too...then why are you ONLY calling out O' Reilly??? Where's your thread on that talking head former ESPN commentator Keith Olbermann??? He spews just as much bullshit from the other side as O Reilly...yet you never call him out. (Probably because you agree with him.)
when did i say i was the 'bias watchdog' ?? are the '15 kidnapped marine watchdog'??? plz try to include a coherent point next time?
i don't 'only call out o'reilly', i've posted about other hosts before and if you want me to post something about olberman show me a youtube video of him cutting off a 29yr military vet and i'll gladly post it.
i don't know if i agree w/ him or not, i never even watch his show, i don't even watch o'reilly's but i saw theis clip and remembered ppl defending him saying he doesn't cut ppl's mic or talk over them
For someone who is always SO partisan, you do nothing but bash Republicans and conservatives. Why don't you just admit that you agree with people like Olbermann and quit trying to play the middle of the road game.
i guess you missed my posts about how the dems are frauds and their dishonest about their sances on things like the war and health care? i ay a lot of shit about the dems, but again, you only see what you want to see
So instead of acting like you're all about "the truth", and making sure people know what's REALLY "fair and balanced", why don't you cut the BS and just admit that you pretty much agree with everything that people like Olbermann say...and that by doing so...you're nothing more than a leftist version/pupil of THAT talking head douchebag dick.
i don't agree w/ everything olberman or 'ppl like him' say. you are a fool, i repeatedly say the other networks are op/ed shows, that they push lies and the corporate agenda, that they only allow corporte approved candidates to hav any exposure, they they are full of shit and shouldn't be watched and you get this crap you posted out of it?
i will post about whatever the fuck i want to post about, we've been trying to discuss topics, not the poster and here you are....ha!
sorry i hurt your feelings by posting this about bill, i didn't realize you would take it this way :(
standin above the crowd
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
Bottom line, folks... just about everything that comes through that little glowing box in your living room is ENTERTAINMENT. Cable News is no different from 'WWF' or 'NASCAR' or the NBA... FOX News is about as valid a 'Newscast' as Saturday Night Live's 'Weekend Update'... they make money when people want to be entertained. No one makes money from journalism these days... that's IF journalism even exists today. If that were the case, PBS or 'Meet The Press' or 'Face The Nation' or C-SPAN would be on at 8:00 to 11:00 P.M., instead of being relegated to the 6:00 A.M Sunday morning timeslot between the evangilist telling you that you are going to Hell unless you send him a donation and the TeleTubbies.
Face it... Americans do not want news... we want entertainment. And two guys yelling at each other is much more entertaining than some boring newsman grilling some boring politician on the complicated intricacies of appropriations.
The ONLY people who get it right are 'Comedy Central'. They parody the idiocy that occurs on broadcast 'News' shows and in an odd twist... seem to get closer to the truth than any of them. It is entertainment.
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
So...Kabong...since you seem to be the "bias watchdog" for everyone here on the board...and you are willing to admit that MSNBC and CNN are op-ed shows too...then why are you ONLY calling out O' Reilly??? Where's your thread on that talking head former ESPN commentator Keith Olbermann??? He spews just as much bullshit from the other side as O Reilly...yet you never call him out. (Probably because you agree with him.)
For someone who is always SO partisan, you do nothing but bash Republicans and conservatives. Why don't you just admit that you agree with people like Olbermann and quit trying to play the middle of the road game.
So instead of acting like you're all about "the truth", and making sure people know what's REALLY "fair and balanced", why don't you cut the BS and just admit that you pretty much agree with everything that people like Olbermann say...and that by doing so...you're nothing more than a leftist version/pupil of THAT talking head douchebag dick.
Perhaps. The difference is Olbermann doesnt bring guests onto his view so that he can cdistort their points to fit his agenda. Nor is he as rude and ignorant to his quests as O Reilly, doesnt accuse ppl of hating their country for disagreeing with Iraq etc... O Reilly is just plain ignorant here to this Corporal and at the end he completey partonizes her - watch again - he just keeps saying "yeah sure you do- uh huh" etc... that is why ppl hate this asshole so much.
Listen, this is all about self promotion. Its a shell game. Bill will distort what his guests say in order to "prove" his point - and thus provide him with more fuel for him next book, or article, or whatever. Its self promotion.
"I told you the blame America first crowd is in a culture war - buy my next book for more details"!
"Sean Hannity knows there is no greater threat to America today than Bill Clinton 15 years ago"- Stephen Colbert
So...Kabong...since you seem to be the "bias watchdog" for everyone here on the board...and you are willing to admit that MSNBC and CNN are op-ed shows too...then why are you ONLY calling out O' Reilly??? Where's your thread on that talking head former ESPN commentator Keith Olbermann??? He spews just as much bullshit from the other side as O Reilly...yet you never call him out. (Probably because you agree with him.)
For someone who is always SO partisan, you do nothing but bash Republicans and conservatives. Why don't you just admit that you agree with people like Olbermann and quit trying to play the middle of the road game.
So instead of acting like you're all about "the truth", and making sure people know what's REALLY "fair and balanced", why don't you cut the BS and just admit that you pretty much agree with everything that people like Olbermann say...and that by doing so...you're nothing more than a leftist version/pupil of THAT talking head douchebag dick.
what does this have to do with the o'retard cutting off the mic of a 29 yr army vet...?
Bottom line, folks... just about everything that comes through that little glowing box in your living room is ENTERTAINMENT. Cable News is no different from 'WWF' or 'NASCAR' or the NBA... FOX News is about as valid a 'Newscast' as Saturday Night Live's 'Weekend Update'... they make money when people want to be entertained. No one makes money from journalism these days... that's IF journalism even exists today. If that were the case, PBS or 'Meet The Press' or 'Face The Nation' or C-SPAN would be on at 8:00 to 11:00 P.M., instead of being relegated to the 6:00 A.M Sunday morning timeslot between the evangilist telling you that you are going to Hell unless you send him a donation and the TeleTubbies.
Face it... Americans do not want news... we want entertainment. And two guys yelling at each other is much more entertaining than some boring newsman grilling some boring politician on the complicated intricacies of appropriations.
The ONLY people who get it right are 'Comedy Central'. They parody the idiocy that occurs on broadcast 'News' shows and in an odd twist... seem to get closer to the truth than any of them. It is entertainment.
Of the week...soooo frighteningly (is this a word) true.
how?? it's fox, the'yre 'fair and balanced', they show both sides of the story! you're just mad they have an outlet to express their opinions and views...:rolleyes:
where, exactly is the actual news on fox news? where is this fair and balanced take on things? it's pretty much all op-ed shit, same on msnbc, cnn but more extreme
news isnt supposed to be fair and balanced.. its supposed to present the story as it is.. no opinions...
TV is entertainment. the facts are jumbled in the text and words spoken...you have to decipher them on your own or be ignorant forever.
Or you could just turn off Television news stations and get a paper or read a book.
Perhaps. The difference is Olbermann doesnt bring guests onto his view so that he can cdistort their points to fit his agenda. Nor is he as rude and ignorant to his quests as O Reilly, doesnt accuse ppl of hating their country for disagreeing with Iraq etc... O Reilly is just plain ignorant here to this Corporal and at the end he completey partonizes her - watch again - he just keeps saying "yeah sure you do- uh huh" etc... that is why ppl hate this asshole so much.
Listen, this is all about self promotion. Its a shell game. Bill will distort what his guests say in order to "prove" his point - and thus provide him with more fuel for him next book, or article, or whatever. Its self promotion.
"I told you the blame America first crowd is in a culture war - buy my next book for more details"!
then why do people keep going on his show? they know he's going to distort their views. stop giving him ammunition. people will stop watching his show when the liberals stop going on there to be manipulated... his show will be much less interesting when his only guest is sean hannity and they spend the time patting each other on the back and telling each other what geniuses they are and blowing each other. though i think that last one might draw serious rating from the anti-gay marriage crowd... aka, the closet cases.
So...Kabong...since you seem to be the "bias watchdog" for everyone here on the board...and you are willing to admit that MSNBC and CNN are op-ed shows too...then why are you ONLY calling out O' Reilly??? Where's your thread on that talking head former ESPN commentator Keith Olbermann??? He spews just as much bullshit from the other side as O Reilly...yet you never call him out. (Probably because you agree with him.)
For someone who is always SO partisan, you do nothing but bash Republicans and conservatives. Why don't you just admit that you agree with people like Olbermann and quit trying to play the middle of the road game.
So instead of acting like you're all about "the truth", and making sure people know what's REALLY "fair and balanced", why don't you cut the BS and just admit that you pretty much agree with everything that people like Olbermann say...and that by doing so...you're nothing more than a leftist version/pupil of THAT talking head douchebag dick.
i mean, kabong, you like baseball? football? um...barefoot girls dancing in the moonlight?
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
oh yes. and the tigers will own everyone this season. why?
seriously? that's just frightening. though bill o'reilly annoys me less than rush and hannity. he at least seems to acknowledge that he's a pompous prick who enjoys demeaning his guests. he also seems to not hide that he has a very specific agenda, whereas the other seem to think they have the only agenda.
i saw a study showing that of all political talk show hosts... jon stewart had the most intelligent audience by a landslide. of course, liberals on the whole are more intelligent. as colbert pointed out, "reality has a well known liberal bias."
the first time i skimmed over this i saw "id love to see a 26 year old vader on o'reilly's show" and i thought THAT is a show id watch.
You need to read slower.
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
Twins baseball. It's coming to your town.
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
yeah, i recall them really giving the tigers a run for their money in the playoffs last season... or maybe im thinking of the A's... the team that swept the twins out of the playoffs?
hehe, and there is no need to read slower when reading about o'reilly and his show. i know im not going to find anything particularly compelling coming out of his springer inspired political show.
The Twins had an emotional letdown, expecting to play the Yankees, when the Tigers totally melted down and let them win the division. I predicted the Twins would win the division. I predicted the Tigers would lose the World Series. Both predictions about this time last year. Ask Skitch.
The Minnesota Twins are this year's World Series Champions. Sorry, there's nothing you can do about it.
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
he sells a lot of books, coffee mugs, 'spin stops here' doormats, membership to his website...and other shite...there's a whole lotta ppl who take what he says seriously and as truth
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
and there's a whole lot of people who think michael moore speaks truth. there are and always will be dumb people on both sides and bill o'reilly not being there to validate their beliefs is not going to suddenly make them open-minded.
THen don't watch. How much does he really affect your life? How much do you really give him credit for actually swaying or changing the thoughts/beliefs of anyone who watches him? Id be willing to bet more people like you watch him just to get pissed of and whine on message boards than people who agree with him. Jesus.
Well she was talking but I couldn't hear her at the end. All I heard was a jackass braying.
towards the end, he instructs someone to cut her mic. he doesn't have a button to push at his desk, it isn't the gong show.
if you watch again, you'll see her talking but her no audio from her.
there are lots of Americans that are twisted and evil. There are many posts in this thread...asking why is he so popular...why do so many people watch....he simply plays to their fears...self justification...as is all of Fox news. Just think about how fked this administation is....and the majority of Americans voted for them...how tuff has that got to be....so Fox and O Riley are medicine to thier souls. Sad but true.
he's a waste of human air and the world would be a much better place without him. i'm not a hateful person, but for someone who thinks they are so right to defend america to cut an army vet off is extremely unpatriotic and disrespectful. Bill O'reilly needs to stop taking advantage of america's freedom of speech and widen his mind....or just go dig a ditch and hide in it for eternity...that sounds better to me
6/12/08 - Tampa, FL
8/23/09 - Chicago, IL
9/28/09 - Salt Lake City, UT (11 years too long!!!)
9/03/11 - East Troy, WI - PJ20 - Night 1
9/04/11 - East Troy, WI - PJ20 - Night 2
For someone who is always SO partisan, you do nothing but bash Republicans and conservatives. Why don't you just admit that you agree with people like Olbermann and quit trying to play the middle of the road game.
So instead of acting like you're all about "the truth", and making sure people know what's REALLY "fair and balanced", why don't you cut the BS and just admit that you pretty much agree with everything that people like Olbermann say...and that by doing so...you're nothing more than a leftist version/pupil of THAT talking head douchebag dick.
Low Traffic CIO MIW
Kabong acts like his middle of the road?
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
I think you'd probably enjoy watching Mcneill/Lerher a lot more EK.
I've tried to watch O'reilly and I've tried to listen to his radio show, it's just not worth it.
Outside of that he's a talkshow host, he knows his audience and what they want, and he knows that cutting this or that person and talking will inflame one side and get them to keep getting his name out like this. Any pub, is good pub for him.
Just ignore it, really man it's not worth your time.
when did i say i was the 'bias watchdog' ?? are the '15 kidnapped marine watchdog'??? plz try to include a coherent point next time?
i don't 'only call out o'reilly', i've posted about other hosts before and if you want me to post something about olberman show me a youtube video of him cutting off a 29yr military vet and i'll gladly post it.
i don't know if i agree w/ him or not, i never even watch his show, i don't even watch o'reilly's but i saw theis clip and remembered ppl defending him saying he doesn't cut ppl's mic or talk over them
not really, but then you always have been pretty easily amused....
i guess you missed my posts about how the dems are frauds and their dishonest about their sances on things like the war and health care? i ay a lot of shit about the dems, but again, you only see what you want to see
i don't agree w/ everything olberman or 'ppl like him' say. you are a fool, i repeatedly say the other networks are op/ed shows, that they push lies and the corporate agenda, that they only allow corporte approved candidates to hav any exposure, they they are full of shit and shouldn't be watched and you get this crap you posted out of it?
i will post about whatever the fuck i want to post about, we've been trying to discuss topics, not the poster and here you are....ha!
sorry i hurt your feelings by posting this about bill, i didn't realize you would take it this way :(
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
Face it... Americans do not want news... we want entertainment. And two guys yelling at each other is much more entertaining than some boring newsman grilling some boring politician on the complicated intricacies of appropriations.
The ONLY people who get it right are 'Comedy Central'. They parody the idiocy that occurs on broadcast 'News' shows and in an odd twist... seem to get closer to the truth than any of them. It is entertainment.
Hail, Hail!!!
Perhaps. The difference is Olbermann doesnt bring guests onto his view so that he can cdistort their points to fit his agenda. Nor is he as rude and ignorant to his quests as O Reilly, doesnt accuse ppl of hating their country for disagreeing with Iraq etc... O Reilly is just plain ignorant here to this Corporal and at the end he completey partonizes her - watch again - he just keeps saying "yeah sure you do- uh huh" etc... that is why ppl hate this asshole so much.
Listen, this is all about self promotion. Its a shell game. Bill will distort what his guests say in order to "prove" his point - and thus provide him with more fuel for him next book, or article, or whatever. Its self promotion.
"I told you the blame America first crowd is in a culture war - buy my next book for more details"!
what does this have to do with the o'retard cutting off the mic of a 29 yr army vet...?
news isnt supposed to be fair and balanced.. its supposed to present the story as it is.. no opinions...
TV is entertainment. the facts are jumbled in the text and words spoken...you have to decipher them on your own or be ignorant forever.
Or you could just turn off Television news stations and get a paper or read a book.
whats that quote we learned in elementary school
something abut divison and not being able to stand
then why do people keep going on his show? they know he's going to distort their views. stop giving him ammunition. people will stop watching his show when the liberals stop going on there to be manipulated... his show will be much less interesting when his only guest is sean hannity and they spend the time patting each other on the back and telling each other what geniuses they are and blowing each other. though i think that last one might draw serious rating from the anti-gay marriage crowd... aka, the closet cases.
You can't be 20 on Sugar Mountain