the origins of jesus, the end times, christianity and every other religion...

i found this very interesting, this is part one of zeitgeist ( ) of 3 parts...this is the only one dealing w/ religion, the rest was using fear as a social control method and the 3rd part is about the ppl behind the curtains (bankers/federal reserve, industrialists....)
anyway, it lays a pretty good claim that jesus, christianity and pretty much every other religion is lifted from paganism and astrology and the whole myth of jesus and the end times and all that is based on makes the claim that the end times has been mistaken for what it really means, it does not mean the end of the world as a lot of christians believe but the end of the age...the changing from the age of pisces to the age of aquarius and points out bible quotes that point to that...
watch (just 26 min, but veeeeery interesting) and discuss!!!
anyway, it lays a pretty good claim that jesus, christianity and pretty much every other religion is lifted from paganism and astrology and the whole myth of jesus and the end times and all that is based on makes the claim that the end times has been mistaken for what it really means, it does not mean the end of the world as a lot of christians believe but the end of the age...the changing from the age of pisces to the age of aquarius and points out bible quotes that point to that...
watch (just 26 min, but veeeeery interesting) and discuss!!!
standin above the crowd
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
Post edited by Unknown User on
fyi, I'm agnostic. I don't believe, but I don't not believe.. I just wish people would not go nuts over religion. I think it ok to have, but not exploit.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: read Joseph Campbell. Is it coincidence that his initials are JC? I wish I hadn't had so much to drink tonight, I would contribute more.
Trading stories with the leaves instead
Have you seen Bible Uncovered on National Geographic?
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The in-between is myth-making by investors.
can u give me the name of this video.
Take my hand, my child of love
Come step inside my tears
Swim the magic ocean,
I've been crying all these years
whats a "dont ask dont tell" policy ??
Take my hand, my child of love
Come step inside my tears
Swim the magic ocean,
I've been crying all these years
you can see plenty of evidence of that in the US military thread
pussy fucking americans scared of the boogey man
Instead of trying to refute these claims, I will instead refer readers to several books which deal with the "jesus is taken from pagan myths" theories (not that Im avoiding the issue, but rather I respect their scholarship)
I reccomend "Reinventing Jesus" (the authors escape me at the moment), anything by N.T. Wright (very scholary), or perhaps some Ben Witherington.
Look them up on Amazon if you have some extra cash to invest. If not, I suppose you can continue to believe that these theories are bulletproof and that the case concernig Christ is closed.
If David Blaine and/or Criss Angel were around 2000 years ago... doing the magic tricks they do in New York and Vegas... except they did these same tricks in Jerusalem or Damacus... do you think they might have a Religion based upon them today?
Hail, Hail!!!
what is so hard to understand what I mean by that?
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
this is part one of zeitgeist ( ) of 3 parts
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
Therefore, even though there are similarities between Christianity and Mithraism, it is up to the critics to prove that one borrowed from the other. But, considering that the writers of the New Testament were Jews who shunned pagan philosophies and that the Old Testament has all of the themes found in Christianity, it is far more probable that if any borrowing was done, it was done by the pagan religions that wanted to emulate the success of Christianity.
The bolded text is factually in accurate. Noah's Ark story for example dates back to the Epic of Gilgamesh (2500 B.C.). Pointing out a single error in some literary works will not prove the bolded statement.
That statement also doesn't explain Isis-Mari, Devaki, Maya and so on. It only talks about Mithraism. The reason these Christian apologists use Mithraism is because the area is very disputable, but there are many other traditions which aren't spoken about by apologists. Or at least all I've seen.
i posted some other links that address the concept that is presented. Here is one that discusses some of the issues as well.
The quote that I posted mostly had to do with the resurrection component that other religions had, it wasn't meant to be taken as dealing with the Ark.
I see little relevance to the post I made, which was simply to inform the readers of the topic of some good, scholary, works which discuss Jesus, his origins, resurrection, and so on. To be honest, I was not expecting a response to my post; there was nothing to respond to, for I like I said, I simply suggested a few books for those who were interested. But,alas, I recieve a response like this...
But to answer your question, there were many magicians in antiquity, some of which were mentioned in the Bible. Is your argument that Jesus was nothing more than a magician, who impressed onlookers? If so, you must provide some evidence for you claim, which unfortunatley you haven't provided. One might assume the "miracles" described in the Gospels were nothing more than illusions shown to gullible onlookers, but this requires that 1. There must have been a man Jesus who did these things
Many (such as are not willing to accept that.
2. The Gospels must be at the very least somewhat trustworthy (or else you could not use them for your theory)
The reason Christ has a religion based upon him is not because of his miracles, whether you believe them to be supernatural or not, but rather the fact he claimed to be the Messiah, a Savior. His miracles were secondary to the crucifixion and resurrection.
What do you mean by evidence being plausible or implausible?
Also my Indian friend who happens to be a devout Sikh sometimes likes to bring up some of his beliefs, the ones that come to mind after watching the video are:
There is only one God...
And that all religions just have a different viewpoint or perspective of this same God.
The universe is the temple of God.
Apparently they all have the same birthday, I wonder if that’s along the lines of what he was talking about... Gurus are always talking in code messin with me head.
Interesting film
Meaning they actually had well thought out theories backed up by evidence and religion, like Christianity, has no evidence, only faith. You can believe it if you want, makes no difference to me, but I thought it was a very compelling video.
Do you mean to say Christianty has no evidence, implausible evidence, or that you are unconvinced by the evidence for it? Furthermore, by "evidence for Christianity" do you mean specifically the Resurrection, or the credibility of the Gospels, or the evidence for or against the existence of God (and so on)?
Just trying to understand what exactly you mean
yes, where is the proof, especially to date wise, of the flood and noah's ark? the resurrection? jesus at all, other than from the bible? that god spoke to moses on the mountain? the burning bush? it's blind faith.
what do you think will happen during the rapture/end times?
did you watch the video and see all the documented similarities of figures like jesus from religions BEFORE, in some cases hundreds of years before, christianity? 3 kings, death, resurrection after 3 days, the cross, 12 brothers/disciples, virgin birth, mary, moses like figures (placed in a basket in the water, raised by royalty, took the word of god...)w/ names like 'mises'....?
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
I believe people love arguing and they will do it over anything they can.
Mr. Kabong,
What proof do you need? The Jesus-myth theory is held by few (if any)reputable scholars, inculding secular. His existence is almost non-debatable; what can be questioned are the claims He made, that is, about himself being the Son of God. I could say the testimonies presented in the Gospels, and throughout the writings of Paul (and others) are indeed "evidence of Christianity" (which, as I mentioned in an earlier post, is ambiguous).
And yes, I did watch the video, but there wasn't any groundbreaking information that can't be found by doing a simple Google search. Did you read any of the books I suggested? Some scholary books, and heck, some authors have degrees in the relevent fields, and even have citations and the like. Perhaps you check them out...
That is complete bullshit, no-one likes arguing. You dick.
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Mr. Aaron,
that didn't answer any of my questions other than did you watch it.
PS no, i haven't had a chance to read any books yet, but what about the pretty big list of scholars from that time who never mentioned jesus? and what about all the reoccuring themes in these religions?
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
So if all scholars didn't comment on Jesus it implies that he is made up? I'm sure a lot of those scholars left out many details in regards to other things. The fact they didn't report on Jesus can mean a lot of things; your presuppositions about Jesus prob lead you to a conclusion that you like, just as my presupps lead me to a conclusion I like.
The first argument against this view is the logical fallacy of false cause. This fallacy occurs when someone argues that just because two things exist side by side, that one must be the cause of the other. As one theologian has written, the History of Religions School had the tendency "to convert parallels into influences and influences into sources."{5} Causal connection is much harder to prove than proximity. The mere fact that other religions may have had a god who died and then came back to life in some manner does not mean that this was the source of Christian ideas, even if it can be shown that the apostles knew of this other set of beliefs.
Some scholars, hostile to Christianity, tend to exaggerate, or invent, similarities between Christianity and the mystery religions. British scholar Edwyn Bevan writes:
Of course if one writes an imaginary description of the Orphic mysteries . . . filling in the large gaps in the picture left by our data from the Christian Eucharist, one produces something very impressive. On this plan, you first put in the Christian elements, and then are staggered to find them there.{6}
An example might be the practice of the taurobolium in the cult of Cybele or Great Mother. This initiation rite, in which the blood of a sacrificed bull is allowed to pour over a neophyte, is claimed by some to be the source of baptism in Christianity. Arguments have been made that the language "blood of the lamb" (Rev. 7:14), and "blood of Jesus" (1 Peter 1:2) was borrowed from the language of the taurobolium and criobolium in which a ram was slaughtered. In fact, a better argument can be made that the cult borrowed its language from the Christian tradition.
The cult of Cybele did not use the taurobolium until the second century A.D.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)