Depends what you think the problem is. If the problem is Muslim extremism and their hatred for us, then I don't think anyone has a grand solution to that. All I'm saying is, calling them crazy and stupid only contributes to the problem.
And there you have it...
Don't want to what... upset them? They are already upset. Just like the Klansmen in this country... what are you gonna say to them? Are you going to ask them nicely or say, "Hey... Fuckers. Cut that crazy shit out!!!".
I think the Klansmen are crazy and I think the extremist (all extremists) are crazy.
And seriously... the best way to deal with these crazies... don't deal with these crazies. If the Klansmen want to live in isolation in the swamps and raise kids with their sisters... that's fine with me. I'm staying out of their fucking swamp. And for the extremists in the Middle East... if the majority won't even attempt to outcast them... then, I would just buy their fiucking oil at whatever prices they set and say, "Thanx, bud...", and leave.
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
Just trying to make a point... not trying to score points with the P.C. police.
Unfortunately, that is the reaction you get if you say anthing about Muslim extremists. Perhaps if they had any respect for "non-believers" they would get it in return?
Unfortunately, that is the reaction you get if you say anthing about Muslim extremists. Perhaps if they had any respect for "non-believers" they would get it in return?
It's not Arabs... it's Arab extremists. There is a difference.
Think of it as K.K.K. members in relation to White People. Just because all Klansmen are White, doesn't mean all White people are Klansmen.
Anyone on the extremes are usually out of touch with reality... whether it is the Radical Left wing ot the Reactionary Right Wing extremists... Fundamentalist religion or fundamentalist politics... out of touch and only see their point of view. Regardles of political viewpoints or religious affiliation.
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
Hey, Arabs... Dudes...
Just a little advice here... you might want to knock that whole, "Death To ____ !!!" shit, down a notch or two. It kinda makes you look a little... er,... a LOT nutz. I know you know what I'm talking about... it was a fucking CARTOON, man. No need to burn shit down. And the Pope... most of us know he's full of shit and his 'followers' don't do what he says. No need to go all psycho and shit.
Personally... I think you all take your religion waaaay too damn seriously. Really. Try doing it on a part time basis like we do Christianity over here... we go to church for a couple of hours on Sunday... sing hymnns and do the whole "Jesus, save me, Jesus..." thing, then go off and do what we like doing best... making money. You should try it. You guys with your prayers every two hours every day for your whole life... ever think God just wants you to shut the fuck up for a while and enjoy this life He has given you? I mean, what do you say to God all those times? I know, we all love the compliments and 'Atta Boys' every onece in a while... but, 5 times a day... every day? Come on, you're ass kissing now.
Now, I know some of you are going to call for a 'Jihad' on my boney ass... whatever... you know where to reach me. I'm not too worried about because I've already made a few enemies... the Bush-lovers took their mouths off of the President's dick long enough to tell me I've been placed on the 'Axis Of Evil' list.
Anyway... here's a little suggestion... you guys invented Hashish, right?... I remember from my pot/stoner daze that Blonde Lebanese Hash was pretty damn good. You might want to break off a chunk of that shit and fire it up in your Hukkah pipe... put on some 'Pink Floyd' or 'Led Zeppelin' and just veg out for a bit. Lay in the sand... stare at the stars and talk about God and the Universe and wonder about stoned stoner shit... like are there more stars in the sky, than grains of sand on the Earth... or hairs on Ron Jeremy's body... whoa... where did that come from? Must have been a flashback. Anyway, you get the gist of what I'm saying, right? We're all basically the same... even the Jews. You might want to try building bridges, instead of blowing up busses. It'll make you seem a lot... less psycho. And I think God... er, Allah will still love you.
Just trying to make a point... not trying to score points with the P.C. police.
I said nothing about being PC or not, I said I thought the rest of your post (or parts of it) was a bit disrespectful. I hope people can still tell the difference between basic respect and "being PC."
P.S. I don't doubt your respect for others and realize your post was meant in a humourously way.
Unfortunately, that is the reaction you get if you say anthing about Muslim extremists. Perhaps if they had any respect for "non-believers" they would get it in return?
Hey, I'm a non-believer and I typically don't get any respect from any religion. Not Muslims, not Christians and certainly not Jews.
Being a non-believer is one of the toughest things to be. We have to deal with god being crammed in our faces every day of our lives. Some times I think atheists are the only ones preventing all-out holy war world-wide. Some times it seems we are the only ones keeping religion out of politics.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
Hey, I'm a non-believer and I typically don't get any respect from any religion. Not Muslims, not Christians and certainly not Jews.
Being a non-believer is one of the toughest things to be. We have to deal with god being crammed in our faces every day of our lives. Some times I think atheists are the only ones preventing all-out holy war world-wide. Some times it seems we are the only ones keeping religion out of politics.
Yeah, those pesky Jews are always pushing god into everyone's faces. Where does your obvious animosity towards Jews come from?
I said nothing about being PC or not, I said I thought the rest of your post (or parts of it) was a bit disrespectful. I hope people can still tell the difference between basic respect and "being PC."
P.S. I don't doubt your respect for others and realize your post was meant in a humourously way.
I'm one of those guys that sees things and says what he thinks. I really don't have any filters that makes me shut up when I'm supposed to.
I'm not sure what disrespect you are speaking of... I said disrespectful things about Arabs and Christians and the Pope and America and Bush supporters... I'm an equal opportunity disrespecter.
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
Yeah, those pesky Jews are always pushing god into everyone's faces. Where does your obvious animosity towards Jews come from?
It's not animosity towards Jews specifically, it's towards all organized religion.
I am expected to believe that the Jews are god's chosen people and thus the justification for their presence in the Middle-East.
But, guess what? I don't believe in God so there is no God's chosen people.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
It's not animosity towards Jews specifically, it's towards all organized religion.
I am expected to believe that the Jews are god's chosen people and thus the justification for their presence in the Middle-East.
But, guess what? I don't believe in God so there is no God's chosen people.
That doesn't explain the explicit animosity towards Jews that you showed when you said "and certainly not from Jews". Why call them out more when you disagree with all organized religion. Christians and Muslims and most faiths also consider their religion to be correct.
you couldn't swing if you were hangin' from a palm tree in a hurricane.
That doesn't explain the explicit animosity towards Jews that you showed when you said "and certainly not from Jews". Why call them out more when you disagree with all organized religion. Christians and Muslims and most faiths also consider their religion to be correct.
Well, Israel is founded on Judaism, you pretty well are a Jew if you live there. They've also consistently used Judaism as justification for their actions. Also the person I was speaking too is Jew is she not? Thus the emphasis.
I don't get respect from... certainly not Christians and certainly not Muslims. Is that better? It doesn't seem like proper writing skills to me.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
Well, Israel is founded on Judaism, you pretty well are a Jew if you live there. They've also consistently used Judaism as justification for their actions. Also the person I was speaking too is Jew is she not? Thus the emphasis.
I don't get respect from... certainly not Christians and certainly not Muslims. Is that better? It doesn't seem like proper writing skills to me.
"Consistantly used Judaism as justification for their actions?" Explain please.
"Consistantly used Judaism as justification for their actions?" Explain please.
Wasn't it you that posted the MLK speech about how nobody should criticize Israel because they are god's chosen people?
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
Wasn't it you that posted the MLK speech about how nobody should criticize Israel because they are god's chosen people?
And think about it... would God really choose one people over the rest? Didn't He create everyone? Like, I know parents will choose one child over the others as their favorite... weak parents, that is. Is God a weak parent? Is He like us... flawed and imperfect?
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
My problem with cosmo's post, is that it's directed at "arabs", when what he really means is muslim-fundamentalist-crazies-who-think-blowing-up-people-in-the-name-of-Allah-is-alright. The latter group is a LOT smaller than the former.
Otherwise, carry on. And lend some hashish for the evangelists while you're at it.
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
I'm one of those guys that sees things and says what he thinks. I really don't have any filters that makes me shut up when I'm supposed to.
Weird, you see things and say what you think? So when you see fundamentalists you think "Arabs." What do you think when you see Arabs? I sincerely hope you don't naturally assume that all Arabs are fundamentalists.
And I'm not saying anyone should shut up... but I think one can speak up with respect as well.
When a mother asks you to look after her son who has Down's syndrome for a while and you don't feel like it, do you say; "No way, I don't want to look after that retard of yours?" I don't think you would, you would feel that respect is important, you wouldn't want to offend her or hurt her. So why would you not do the same for Arabs? I mean, you can call her son a fuckin' retard and when she gets mad you can say "Hey, I'm not trying to score points with the P.C. police here."
Weird, you see things and say what you think? So when you see fundamentalists you think "Arabs." What do you think when you see Arabs? I sincerely hope you don't naturally assume that all Arabs are fundamentalists.
And I'm not saying anyone should shut up... but I think one can speak up with respect as well.
When a mother asks you to look after her son who has Down's syndrome for a while and you don't feel like it, do you say; "No way, I don't want to look after that retard of yours?" I don't think you would, you would feel that respect is important, you wouldn't want to offend her or hurt her. So why would you not do the same for Arabs? I mean, you can call her son a fuckin' retard and when she gets mad you can say "Hey, I'm not trying to score points with the P.C. police here."
Someone needs a shot of humor...
BARKEEP!!! A round for my friend, here.
and you might not think it's funny... but, I do. What do I find funny? The number of people that have a fucking FIT over shit like a characiture of a religious prophet or criticism of their religion... placing a bounty on the head of a writer... it's so fucking absurd, I can't help but laugh. They really need to mellow out a bit. I also find humor in the way the rest of us tip-toe around Islam because we're afraid to upset them... yet, we are allowed to rail on the other religions.
I personally think that they take their religion way too seriously. Imagine how unbearable this country would be if the Christians were the same way... the Christians here, aren't. Religion is a past time here... Christians aren't serious about their religion. Two hours on Sunday and it's back to the business of screwing other people and making money to buy shit for ourselves. We have faith in our god... Dollah, not Allah. Imagine if this country was run like most Middle Eastern Islamic Theocracies, where the majority religions also insert religious 'values' into legislation. A whole nation of Jerry Falwells... It would suck... big time.
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
Someone needs a shot of humor...
BARKEEP!!! A round for my friend, here.
I can see the humour of it and I thought your post was funny. I was talking about people in general, I think a lot of people are so against PC that they forget that NOT being PC is not the same being disrespectful. I also admit that the word disrespectful was probably not the right word in this case, offensive would have been better... but it's not even that because it's satire...
and you might not think it's funny... but, I do. What do I find funny? The number of people that have a fucking FIT over shit like a characiture of a religious prophet or criticism of their religion... placing a bounty on the head of a writer... it's so fucking absurd, I can't help but laugh. They really need to mellow out a bit.
I think it's sad, really.
I also find humor in the way the rest of us tip-toe around Islam because we're afraid to upset them... yet, we are allowed to rail on the other religions.
Must be an American thing.
I personally think that they take their religion way too seriously. Imagine how unbearable this country would be if the Christians were the same way... the Christians here, aren't. Religion is a past time here... Christians aren't serious about their religion. Two hours on Sunday and it's back to the business of screwing other people and making money to buy shit for ourselves. We have faith in our god... Dollah, not Allah. Imagine if this country was run like most Middle Eastern Islamic Theocracies, where the majority religions also insert religious 'values' into legislation. A whole nation of Jerry Falwells... It would suck... big time.
There are plenty of Muslims who take their religion very seriously but are not part of this insane group of Muslims who call for the death of anyone who offends them or their religion.
I'm not really pro-religion, I think it should be a personal thing. The typical American Christian is also very absurd... You won't find many Christians here in Europe who have such a strong outspoken opinion on abortion, or Christmas being stolen or trying to convert people... I definitely prefer the European Christians...
Even some Europeans are finally starting to admit that free speech deserves to be protected, especially in the arts ... Took you guys long enough, though.
And there you have it...
Don't want to what... upset them? They are already upset. Just like the Klansmen in this country... what are you gonna say to them? Are you going to ask them nicely or say, "Hey... Fuckers. Cut that crazy shit out!!!".
I think the Klansmen are crazy and I think the extremist (all extremists) are crazy.
And seriously... the best way to deal with these crazies... don't deal with these crazies. If the Klansmen want to live in isolation in the swamps and raise kids with their sisters... that's fine with me. I'm staying out of their fucking swamp. And for the extremists in the Middle East... if the majority won't even attempt to outcast them... then, I would just buy their fiucking oil at whatever prices they set and say, "Thanx, bud...", and leave.'re fucking killing me. And I couldn't agree with you more. Why are we so worried about offending radical islamic jihadists nutjobs? It's their responsibility to be offended. Fuck 'em.
On the other hand, I see no one worried about offending the meth addicted Klansmen. bridges..they're not all on meth, we should understand their hatred for people different than them. Let's ponder it over tea....
I agree with free speech. and I disagree with the notion that we should catagorize at all.
Not being able to catagorize would essentially mean there is no borders no way that we can speak of people as being connected to other groups. We can't place people into a catagory that share the same views. E.g. Liberals, Conservatives, etc.. though we must accept that people are individuals and may not share all of the same views. I think people should be held responsible for their speech to the extent that it harms someone else.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
Hey, Arabs... Dudes...
Just a little advice here... you might want to knock that whole, "Death To ____ !!!" shit, down a notch or two. It kinda makes you look a little... er,... a LOT nutz. I know you know what I'm talking about... it was a fucking CARTOON, man. No need to burn shit down. And the Pope... most of us know he's full of shit and his 'followers' don't do what he says. No need to go all psycho and shit.
Personally... I think you all take your religion waaaay too damn seriously. Really. Try doing it on a part time basis like we do Christianity over here... we go to church for a couple of hours on Sunday... sing hymnns and do the whole "Jesus, save me, Jesus..." thing, then go off and do what we like doing best... making money. You should try it. You guys with your prayers every two hours every day for your whole life... ever think God just wants you to shut the fuck up for a while and enjoy this life He has given you? I mean, what do you say to God all those times? I know, we all love the compliments and 'Atta Boys' every onece in a while... but, 5 times a day... every day? Come on, you're ass kissing now.
Now, I know some of you are going to call for a 'Jihad' on my boney ass... whatever... you know where to reach me. I'm not too worried about because I've already made a few enemies... the Bush-lovers took their mouths off of the President's dick long enough to tell me I've been placed on the 'Axis Of Evil' list.
Anyway... here's a little suggestion... you guys invented Hashish, right?... I remember from my pot/stoner daze that Blonde Lebanese Hash was pretty damn good. You might want to break off a chunk of that shit and fire it up in your Hukkah pipe... put on some 'Pink Floyd' or 'Led Zeppelin' and just veg out for a bit. Lay in the sand... stare at the stars and talk about God and the Universe and wonder about stoned stoner shit... like are there more stars in the sky, than grains of sand on the Earth... or hairs on Ron Jeremy's body... whoa... where did that come from? Must have been a flashback. Anyway, you get the gist of what I'm saying, right? We're all basically the same... even the Jews. You might want to try building bridges, instead of blowing up busses. It'll make you seem a lot... less psycho. And I think God... er, Allah will still love you.
This is one of the funniest posts I've read on the board in a while. Rock on brother! And let Jimi take over! :cool:
My problem with cosmo's post, is that it's directed at "arabs", when what he really means is muslim-fundamentalist-crazies-who-think-blowing-up-people-in-the-name-of-Allah-is-alright. The latter group is a LOT smaller than the former.
Otherwise, carry on. And lend some hashish for the evangelists while you're at it.
How about we put all fundamentalists on an island - The Isle of Wight, or some island in the south pacific - and leave them to it. This would then mean that they could rip each other to shreds without involving the rest of us. And if Bush and Blair consider themselves affiliated with these fruitcakes, as appears to be the case, then they can join their comrades. Either they'll all tear each other to shreds, or, they may wake up and see the light. Especially if the islanders are deprived of their religious paraphenalia - bibles, Korans, e.t.c - and if the island has a large supply of magic mushrooms and hashish plants then we really may see something interesting develop. Either way, it would be an interesting experiment in social studies, or evolution - whichever comes first. Just a thought.
How about we put all fundamentalists on an island - The Isle of Wight, or some island in the south pacific - and leave them to it. This would then mean that they could rip each other to shreds without involving the rest of us. And if Bush and Blair consider themselves affiliated with these fruitcakes, as appears to be the case, then they can join their comrades. Either they'll all tear each other to shreds, or, they may wake up and see the light. Especially if the islanders are deprived of their religious paraphenalia - bibles, Korans, e.t.c - and if the island has a large supply of magic mushrooms and hashish plants then we really may see something interesting develop. Either way, it would be an interesting experiment in social studies, or evolution - whichever comes first. Just a thought.
Sounds good to me.
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
And there you have it...
Don't want to what... upset them? They are already upset. Just like the Klansmen in this country... what are you gonna say to them? Are you going to ask them nicely or say, "Hey... Fuckers. Cut that crazy shit out!!!".
I think the Klansmen are crazy and I think the extremist (all extremists) are crazy.
And seriously... the best way to deal with these crazies... don't deal with these crazies. If the Klansmen want to live in isolation in the swamps and raise kids with their sisters... that's fine with me. I'm staying out of their fucking swamp. And for the extremists in the Middle East... if the majority won't even attempt to outcast them... then, I would just buy their fiucking oil at whatever prices they set and say, "Thanx, bud...", and leave.
Hail, Hail!!!
naděje umírá poslední
Just trying to make a point... not trying to score points with the P.C. police.
Hail, Hail!!!
Unfortunately, that is the reaction you get if you say anthing about Muslim extremists. Perhaps if they had any respect for "non-believers" they would get it in return?
It's not Arabs... it's Arab extremists. There is a difference.
Think of it as K.K.K. members in relation to White People. Just because all Klansmen are White, doesn't mean all White people are Klansmen.
Anyone on the extremes are usually out of touch with reality... whether it is the Radical Left wing ot the Reactionary Right Wing extremists... Fundamentalist religion or fundamentalist politics... out of touch and only see their point of view. Regardles of political viewpoints or religious affiliation.
Hail, Hail!!!
Good for you, Cosmo!
That's some funny shit!
Also .........some true shit.
I said nothing about being PC or not, I said I thought the rest of your post (or parts of it) was a bit disrespectful. I hope people can still tell the difference between basic respect and "being PC."
P.S. I don't doubt your respect for others and realize your post was meant in a humourously way.
naděje umírá poslední
Hey, I'm a non-believer and I typically don't get any respect from any religion. Not Muslims, not Christians and certainly not Jews.
Being a non-believer is one of the toughest things to be. We have to deal with god being crammed in our faces every day of our lives. Some times I think atheists are the only ones preventing all-out holy war world-wide. Some times it seems we are the only ones keeping religion out of politics.
Yeah, those pesky Jews are always pushing god into everyone's faces. Where does your obvious animosity towards Jews come from?
I'm one of those guys that sees things and says what he thinks. I really don't have any filters that makes me shut up when I'm supposed to.
I'm not sure what disrespect you are speaking of... I said disrespectful things about Arabs and Christians and the Pope and America and Bush supporters... I'm an equal opportunity disrespecter.
Hail, Hail!!!
It's not animosity towards Jews specifically, it's towards all organized religion.
I am expected to believe that the Jews are god's chosen people and thus the justification for their presence in the Middle-East.
But, guess what? I don't believe in God so there is no God's chosen people.
That doesn't explain the explicit animosity towards Jews that you showed when you said "and certainly not from Jews". Why call them out more when you disagree with all organized religion. Christians and Muslims and most faiths also consider their religion to be correct.
Here's my guess... the reason the jews are the 'Chosen People'... the guy that wrote the first Bible was Jewish.
Hail, Hail!!!
They don't need to justify their presence in the middle east, and every religion believes that they are God's chosen people.
guess what....when you die NOTHING happens. it will only feel like an eternity
Well, Israel is founded on Judaism, you pretty well are a Jew if you live there. They've also consistently used Judaism as justification for their actions. Also the person I was speaking too is Jew is she not? Thus the emphasis.
I don't get respect from... certainly not Christians and certainly not Muslims. Is that better? It doesn't seem like proper writing skills to me.
"Consistantly used Judaism as justification for their actions?" Explain please.
Wasn't it you that posted the MLK speech about how nobody should criticize Israel because they are god's chosen people?
And think about it... would God really choose one people over the rest? Didn't He create everyone? Like, I know parents will choose one child over the others as their favorite... weak parents, that is. Is God a weak parent? Is He like us... flawed and imperfect?
Hail, Hail!!!
Otherwise, carry on. And lend some hashish for the evangelists while you're at it.
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
Weird, you see things and say what you think? So when you see fundamentalists you think "Arabs." What do you think when you see Arabs? I sincerely hope you don't naturally assume that all Arabs are fundamentalists.
And I'm not saying anyone should shut up... but I think one can speak up with respect as well.
When a mother asks you to look after her son who has Down's syndrome for a while and you don't feel like it, do you say; "No way, I don't want to look after that retard of yours?" I don't think you would, you would feel that respect is important, you wouldn't want to offend her or hurt her. So why would you not do the same for Arabs? I mean, you can call her son a fuckin' retard and when she gets mad you can say "Hey, I'm not trying to score points with the P.C. police here."
naděje umírá poslední
Someone needs a shot of humor...
BARKEEP!!! A round for my friend, here.
and you might not think it's funny... but, I do. What do I find funny? The number of people that have a fucking FIT over shit like a characiture of a religious prophet or criticism of their religion... placing a bounty on the head of a writer... it's so fucking absurd, I can't help but laugh. They really need to mellow out a bit. I also find humor in the way the rest of us tip-toe around Islam because we're afraid to upset them... yet, we are allowed to rail on the other religions.
I personally think that they take their religion way too seriously. Imagine how unbearable this country would be if the Christians were the same way... the Christians here, aren't. Religion is a past time here... Christians aren't serious about their religion. Two hours on Sunday and it's back to the business of screwing other people and making money to buy shit for ourselves. We have faith in our god... Dollah, not Allah. Imagine if this country was run like most Middle Eastern Islamic Theocracies, where the majority religions also insert religious 'values' into legislation. A whole nation of Jerry Falwells... It would suck... big time.
Hail, Hail!!!
I can see the humour of it and I thought your post was funny. I was talking about people in general, I think a lot of people are so against PC that they forget that NOT being PC is not the same being disrespectful. I also admit that the word disrespectful was probably not the right word in this case, offensive would have been better... but it's not even that because it's satire...
I think it's sad, really.
Must be an American thing.
There are plenty of Muslims who take their religion very seriously but are not part of this insane group of Muslims who call for the death of anyone who offends them or their religion.
I'm not really pro-religion, I think it should be a personal thing. The typical American Christian is also very absurd... You won't find many Christians here in Europe who have such a strong outspoken opinion on abortion, or Christmas being stolen or trying to convert people... I definitely prefer the European Christians...
Now, where's my drink?
naděje umírá poslední
Even some Europeans are finally starting to admit that free speech deserves to be protected, especially in the arts ... Took you guys long enough, though.'re fucking killing me. And I couldn't agree with you more. Why are we so worried about offending radical islamic jihadists nutjobs? It's their responsibility to be offended. Fuck 'em.
On the other hand, I see no one worried about offending the meth addicted Klansmen. bridges..they're not all on meth, we should understand their hatred for people different than them. Let's ponder it over tea....
Not being able to catagorize would essentially mean there is no borders no way that we can speak of people as being connected to other groups. We can't place people into a catagory that share the same views. E.g. Liberals, Conservatives, etc.. though we must accept that people are individuals and may not share all of the same views. I think people should be held responsible for their speech to the extent that it harms someone else.
This is one of the funniest posts I've read on the board in a while.
How about we put all fundamentalists on an island - The Isle of Wight, or some island in the south pacific - and leave them to it. This would then mean that they could rip each other to shreds without involving the rest of us. And if Bush and Blair consider themselves affiliated with these fruitcakes, as appears to be the case, then they can join their comrades. Either they'll all tear each other to shreds, or, they may wake up and see the light. Especially if the islanders are deprived of their religious paraphenalia - bibles, Korans, e.t.c - and if the island has a large supply of magic mushrooms and hashish plants then we really may see something interesting develop. Either way, it would be an interesting experiment in social studies, or evolution - whichever comes first. Just a thought.
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965