Hey... Arabs...

Hey, Arabs... Dudes...
Just a little advice here... you might want to knock that whole, "Death To ____ !!!" shit, down a notch or two. It kinda makes you look a little... er,... a LOT nutz. I know you know what I'm talking about... it was a fucking CARTOON, man. No need to burn shit down. And the Pope... most of us know he's full of shit and his 'followers' don't do what he says. No need to go all psycho and shit.
Personally... I think you all take your religion waaaay too damn seriously. Really. Try doing it on a part time basis like we do Christianity over here... we go to church for a couple of hours on Sunday... sing hymnns and do the whole "Jesus, save me, Jesus..." thing, then go off and do what we like doing best... making money. You should try it. You guys with your prayers every two hours every day for your whole life... ever think God just wants you to shut the fuck up for a while and enjoy this life He has given you? I mean, what do you say to God all those times? I know, we all love the compliments and 'Atta Boys' every onece in a while... but, 5 times a day... every day? Come on, you're ass kissing now.
Now, I know some of you are going to call for a 'Jihad' on my boney ass... whatever... you know where to reach me. I'm not too worried about because I've already made a few enemies... the Bush-lovers took their mouths off of the President's dick long enough to tell me I've been placed on the 'Axis Of Evil' list.
Anyway... here's a little suggestion... you guys invented Hashish, right?... I remember from my pot/stoner daze that Blonde Lebanese Hash was pretty damn good. You might want to break off a chunk of that shit and fire it up in your Hukkah pipe... put on some 'Pink Floyd' or 'Led Zeppelin' and just veg out for a bit. Lay in the sand... stare at the stars and talk about God and the Universe and wonder about stoned stoner shit... like are there more stars in the sky, than grains of sand on the Earth... or hairs on Ron Jeremy's body... whoa... where did that come from? Must have been a flashback. Anyway, you get the gist of what I'm saying, right? We're all basically the same... even the Jews. You might want to try building bridges, instead of blowing up busses. It'll make you seem a lot... less psycho. And I think God... er, Allah will still love you.
Just a little advice here... you might want to knock that whole, "Death To ____ !!!" shit, down a notch or two. It kinda makes you look a little... er,... a LOT nutz. I know you know what I'm talking about... it was a fucking CARTOON, man. No need to burn shit down. And the Pope... most of us know he's full of shit and his 'followers' don't do what he says. No need to go all psycho and shit.
Personally... I think you all take your religion waaaay too damn seriously. Really. Try doing it on a part time basis like we do Christianity over here... we go to church for a couple of hours on Sunday... sing hymnns and do the whole "Jesus, save me, Jesus..." thing, then go off and do what we like doing best... making money. You should try it. You guys with your prayers every two hours every day for your whole life... ever think God just wants you to shut the fuck up for a while and enjoy this life He has given you? I mean, what do you say to God all those times? I know, we all love the compliments and 'Atta Boys' every onece in a while... but, 5 times a day... every day? Come on, you're ass kissing now.
Now, I know some of you are going to call for a 'Jihad' on my boney ass... whatever... you know where to reach me. I'm not too worried about because I've already made a few enemies... the Bush-lovers took their mouths off of the President's dick long enough to tell me I've been placed on the 'Axis Of Evil' list.
Anyway... here's a little suggestion... you guys invented Hashish, right?... I remember from my pot/stoner daze that Blonde Lebanese Hash was pretty damn good. You might want to break off a chunk of that shit and fire it up in your Hukkah pipe... put on some 'Pink Floyd' or 'Led Zeppelin' and just veg out for a bit. Lay in the sand... stare at the stars and talk about God and the Universe and wonder about stoned stoner shit... like are there more stars in the sky, than grains of sand on the Earth... or hairs on Ron Jeremy's body... whoa... where did that come from? Must have been a flashback. Anyway, you get the gist of what I'm saying, right? We're all basically the same... even the Jews. You might want to try building bridges, instead of blowing up busses. It'll make you seem a lot... less psycho. And I think God... er, Allah will still love you.
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
Hail, Hail!!!
Post edited by Unknown User on
They're crazy people. Telling a crazy person that they are crazy ain't no big deal because they're crazy.
I know they aren't going to build bridges with Israel... they apparently feel that blowing up busses is doing the trick.
And if you ask me... even if Israel packed up everything and moved to Florida... there would STILL be fighting in that part of the world.
Remember... these are people who flipped out because of a cartoon in a newspaper in some little country in Europe. Flipped out and acted like fools... crazy blowing up shit fools.
I think they need to smoke more pot and chill.
Hail, Hail!!!
hey jews.. .stop telling everyone you are entitled to palastine....
hey bhuddists... stop telling everyone to chill...
could people on this board stop generalising please. not all "arabs" are saying "death to..."
http://www.myspace.com/thelastreel http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=19604327965
Well, I was going to specify, "Hey... Persons of Arabic or Persian Desent Who Align Themselves With The Muslim Faith That Has A Tizzy Fit And Blows Up Shit Because Some Dutch Dude Draws A Cartoon They Don't Like or Blows Up Shit Because Of Something The Fucking Pope Babbles... You Need To Knock That, "Death To _____!!!" Thing Down A Notch Or Two..."
but it wouldn't fit on the Subject Line.
P.S. I don't think we've met, yet... I'm a sarcastic fuck, pleased to meet you... hope you guess my name.
Hail, Hail!!!
it's like when a person makes a racist comment and when they are called on it they say, 'i'm just kidding'.
i think maybe a bit more respect is required....by everyone.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Well, you can paint me with the same brush you're painting Cosmo, because like it or not, I think he has a point. I respect anyone who doesn't call for my death, Arab, Asian, Martian, whomever. If someone does call for my death, on the other hand, they deserve the crazy fuck label.
Here's what I don't get...
Why do we have to walk on eggshells around the fanatical wing of the Muslim Faith? I know most Muslims aren't fucking psychos... blowing up shit. It'd be the same thing as tip-toeing around the radical, militant fundamentalist wing of Christianity... The Ku Klux Klan. The Klan does not represent Christianity, just as these radical nutcases do not represent Islam. I know this.
Still... oooohhh, we better be careful... Muslims... Islam... don't want to upset them. Well, fuck these tempermental fringe element fucks... just as I say, fuck those cross-bread, toothless, Meth Lab Klansmen fucks. If you are a Muslim and you are more offended by my comments about these individuals than the act of violence they commit... whether it be the fire bombing a store front or the act of murder/suicide on a city bus... then, in my book... you've got the bigger problem than me.
Hail, Hail!!!
Exactly. Its political correctness, basically, and its going to be the end of not just rational thought, but society as a whole. Seriously. I wish people could just assume that people like you and I are halfways intelligent and recognize that not everyone who practices Islam is dangerous. What's ironic is that the people we decry want to kill not just us, but also the very people who freak out everytime someone points out the problem of radical Islam. I am thinking about just putting a disclaimer in my sig, although that probably won't cure the problem either.
It's meant to be. Funny, that is.
Like a long hair stoner/hippie/surfer dude talking to a wild-eyed psycho Fundamentalist who is lashing himself with a fucking whip because someone said something about his religion. Not a big deal, man... here... take a hit of this and listen to 'Wish You Were Here'.
Hail, Hail!!!
I know you and I stand diametrically opposed on several issues and can see eye to eye on others. We are both, neither black nor white because we know that black and white are the tiny, extreme ends of the 98% grey spectrum.
I do not understand it. I am probably the furthest thing from a racist. But, if it were Mexican dudes acting all crazy and shit... I'd be saying, "Hey... Mexican Dudes...". Nothing to do with race... everything to do with acting like a psycho. If Crazy Psychos is a race... then, okay... I'm an admitted racist.
Disturbing the extreme elements is not out of bounds... this is where the lunatics are... on the outskirts of the norm. These are the fucks causing all the problems. Whether it's a religious spectrum or a political spectrum... we should never surrender the mass of the majority to the nutcases on the fringes. It has always been this way... today is no different.
Hail, Hail!!!
"Life Is What Happens To You When Your Busy Making Other Plans" John Lennon
Honestly dude, I think at least half of them didn't need this advice. They already live it. No doubt there are a lot of crazy fucks over there, and certainly their crazy fucks outnumber ours, but consider how fucked over they are by our governments' actions and by the actions of their governments that are allied to ours.
oh god you are funny ... listed i think they really take their religion far far away.... i am a jew ok ? i don't know if we need to call it a jew , it's noe like i praying to god or something it's like - i don't care .... do you know what bet kneset means? never been there ....
just wanted to make a point even if i didn't ...
lovely dayyyyy
it is a lovely day - isn't it?
see ya at the airport...
10/03/05 philadelphia
05/09/06 toronto
05/10/06 toronto
06/01/06 e. rutherford
06/03/06 e. rutherford
09/30/06 athens
06/12/07 munich
Right. I might as well tell some depressed kid who just slit her wrists that she's a whacko, since it's no big deal.
And I'm not really concerned about the violence in that part of the world, as much as I am about the violence that comes from there to here (the U.S.). So what you said about Israel moving doesn't really mean much to me.
Did you catch Scarborough country last night? He had a great segment about South Park - Trey and Matt were talking to Nightline about how they have artistic license to defame Jesus in any way, shape or form, but when it comes to Mohammed - the network wouldn't even let them show an image. Nice double standard.
This kid you're talking about... she's the one who slit her wrist after burning down the art supply store that sold the crayons that some guy used to draw a picture of her cat, right? She was so enraged that someone dare draw a picture of her cat... that, not only did she burn down the art supply store, but she vowed to kill the guy who drew it and everyone that lived in his neighborhood.
Yeah... it's okay to call her crazy.
Hail, Hail!!!
Again, it's ok, if you're not concerned about building bridges, yes.
It takes both sides to build a bridge. When one side is saying, "If you call us murderers, we will kill you," or if you draw cartoons of the "prophet" we will issue a fatwa for your death, building a bridge isn't possible.
And when the other side is saying "you're crazy, violent people", building a bridge isn't possible either. It serves no purpose to say that other than to make it harder to build the bridge.
So if we say, "Hey - keep on keepin' on - you're nice and peaceful" they'll stop killing the "infidels"?
I'm not saying that at all. I'm saying that scolding them for being all nutty doesn't help build a bridge. It only widens the gap.
What is your solution, then?
No... you are not going to build bridges as long as there are extremists on the fringes that control the bulk using fear and violence to make their statements.
I think you are taking this thing way out of its original context... the point being, quit acting like violent psychos who flip out and blow up shit at the drop of a hat and maybe things will work out for you. You will win points... at least, with me... if you leave it a level of discussion, rather than running amok on the streets, blowing and burning down shit. That sort of violence makes a point for the opposite side and does nothing for yourself.
You need to re-read the original posting... and this time, try not to take it so literally.
Hail, Hail!!!
Agreed. Whatever happend to calling a spade a spade?
Depends what you think the problem is. If the problem is Muslim extremism and their hatred for us, then I don't think anyone has a grand solution to that. All I'm saying is, calling them crazy and stupid only contributes to the problem.
I think a solution could only happen when(even though its nearly impossible) extremist Muslims (or of any faith calling for the death of others) to realize that they are completely nuts and to change. It seems to me that the people calling them crazy are only trying to point that out. And that most of the responsibility still lies with the extremists themselves.