North Korea says it will stage nuke test



  • macgyver06macgyver06 Posts: 2,500
    cool little pie chart :) i love those things
  • jlew24asujlew24asu Posts: 10,118
    200,000? Innocents?> All killed by US soldiers? Reality check please.

    dude, its impossible. thanks for trying. keep up the good the good fight
  • *sigh*

    osama - yes

    bush - yes

    ...Bush's version of democracy which he is trying to spread like fire in the ME, is equally, if not 10x more damaging - rather, I take that back - Bush's idealogy IS 10x more damaging than Osamas. If we're now doing an informal poll, let's stick to the numbers game and consider how many innocent people each god-damn-bat-shit crazy person have slaughtered:

    Bush - at least 200,000 in Iraq alone

    Osama - combined terrorist attacks, maybe 10,000

    Kim Jong Ill - I've looked, I'm NOT defending the guy, but I couldn't find any record of casualties under his reign. Now I know N. Korea is a horrible place, and I'm sure this guy has done a lot of bad, but he hasn't started any wars, and he doesn't produce the worlds deadliest nuclear arsenal.

    You are playing fast and loose with the numbers there (equally, wait 10x no wait take it back etc...) No credibile source or anyone who is not an Islamo -Idiot will agree with anything you state here.
    Don't Ignore The Rusted Signs

    1998 Seattle 7-21
    2000 Seattle 11-06
    2003 Seattle Benaroya 10-22
    2005 Gorge 9-1
    2006 Gorge 7-23
  • jlew24asu wrote:
    dude, its impossible. thanks for trying. keep up the good the good fight distorting reality?
  • jlew24asujlew24asu Posts: 10,118
    information clearing house. info?

    arent they the ones who show up at your door with a big check and balloons?
  • jlew24asu wrote:
    information clearing house. info?

    arent they the ones who show up at your door with a big check and balloons?

    bwahaha, touche...

    I mean, no, no, no!
  • macgyver06macgyver06 Posts: 2,500
    jlew24asu wrote:
    information clearing house. info?

    arent they the ones who show up at your door with a big check and balloons?

    instead they give you incorrect facts at your front you can punch them out.

  • You are playing fast and loose with the numbers there (equally, wait 10x no wait take it back etc...) No credibile source or anyone who is not an Islamo -Idiot will agree with anything you state here.

    Opinions, like statements, but not intented to be scrutinized, only considered in a subjective sense.
  • PaperPlatesPaperPlates Posts: 1,745
    I never said they were killed by US soldiers.'s your check,,GGIC:2006-39,GGIC:en&q=John+Stokes

    If thats the same John Stokes, quite an odd choice of authors to go with. He's more nutty than most here! :p
    Why go home
  • Iraq Body Count seems a bit more legitimate.

    But, there are reports of the untold destruction that our war has caused there.

    I.E., when we bomb a hospital, then thousands of Iraqis die because they can't get proper medical aid. I think that's what the Information Clearing House article was getting at.
  • macgyver06macgyver06 Posts: 2,500
    it doesnt count the kids who see family members die in front of them and grow up angry

    If thats the same John Stokes, quite an odd choice of authors to go with. He's more nutty than most here! :p

    There is more than one "John Stokes" on that page...
  • jlew24asujlew24asu Posts: 10,118
    macgyver06 wrote:
    it doesnt count the kids who see family members die in front of them and grow up angry

    most of them seem to be getting angry at the shiite or sunni or visa vera. the secratrian violence has become much much worse then any aggression towards the US.

    how can that be fixed? I say the only way is to try to bring together the spirutal leaders of each side. they seem to be the only people they listen too. if the shiites and sunnis can live in peace, I might go visit Iraq. i hear they have alot of historical places and what not.
  • jlew24asu wrote:
    most of them seem to be getting angry at the shiite or sunni or visa vera. the secratrian violence has become much much worse then any aggression towards the US.

    how can that be fixed? I say the only way is to try to bring together the spirutal leaders of each side. they seem to be the only people they listen too. if the shiites and sunnis can live in peace, I might go visit Iraq. i hear they have alot of historical places and what not.

    I'd like to go with you, and sell tshirts that say, "I survived The Terror War."

    haha, but really I agree - unite the sheep under the shepherds.
  • Ok, so we derailed this thread.

    Bringing it back home, to North Korea:

    Look, the source may remind you of some stupid lottery, but the article represents all sides, and offers genuine insight provided by simple quotes and good old-fashioned objective reporting.

    This whole situation has given me new inspiration to watch the Japanese original release of Gojira (Godzilla) which is about the terror brought about by the development of nuclear weapons.

    And, speaking of going nuclear:

    Do you ever get the feeling, that the rest of the world is just going along with the U.S. because they're all terribly afraid of what we might do if they oppose us? I'm talking here, about Putin, who sold Iran nuclear enrichment technology, and is now offering Bush his support over the phone becuase Bush seems to think Iran has it out for him (oh, did I say, "him"? - I mean, of course, "us," haha.)

    "Russia is remaining steadfast in its position that, as Iran is part of the nuclear non-proliferation treaty, it has every right to pursue nuclear energy for peaceful means. This is fair and true, however, some believe that some of the more benign nuclear exports to Iran have dual-usage."
  • jlew24asujlew24asu Posts: 10,118
    Ok, so we derailed this thread.

    Bringing it back home, to North Korea:

    Look, the source may remind you of some stupid lottery, but the article represents all sides, and offers genuine insight provided by simple quotes and good old-fashioned objective reporting.

    This whole situation has given me new inspiration to watch the Japanese original release of Gojira (Godzilla) which is about the terror brought about by the development of nuclear weapons.

    yea article seems fine. saying america has killed 250,000 iraqis is not. but anyway. if kim jong il get a nuke, south korea is in alot of trouble. that man is insane.
  • inmytreeinmytree Posts: 4,741
    jlew24asu wrote:
    grow some balls people. all afraid to say how they really feel. you would all bow to osama before bush. admit it

    jesus fuckin christ..

    why can't I think they are both dicks...? seriously, why do you insist on everyone chosing one over the other...? it's the same crap spewed by bush and is war machine...

    "if you don't support us, you must hate freedom" or "you're either with us are against us"...
  • jlew24asujlew24asu Posts: 10,118
    inmytree wrote:
    jesus fuckin christ..

    why can't I think they are both dicks...? seriously, why do you insist on everyone chosing one over the other...? it's the same crap spewed by bush and is war machine...

    "if you don't support us, you must hate freedom" or "you're either with us are against us"...

    great response. jesus fucking christ. just picturing you say it as you typed it made me laugh.

    seems to be alot more hatred for bush then osama around here. wait who is the enemy of america, cant remember.
  • jlew24asu wrote:
    great response. jesus fucking christ. just picturing you say it as you typed it made me laugh.

    seems to be alot more hatred for bush then osama around here. wait who is the enemy of america, cant remember.

    Ha! You're right - Bush!!

    stolen elections, inflicting a terrible econimic debt, war profetters in office, removal of Habeas Corpus - thus puting our troops in danger cause we're sure to piss off alot more Islomo-fascists (dirty fucking word), umn... illegal war, useless war, suicidal war, barbaric war, no war plan for an exit, no safety at our airports even though we require the most absurd of regulations against our own citizens, multiple violations of our constitution against our citizens, and let's not forget this little quote from the burning Bush:

    "It's just a Goddamn piece of paper."

    Referring to the U.S. Constitution.
  • jlew24asujlew24asu Posts: 10,118
    Ha! You're right - Bush!!

    exactly my point. you would rather live with osama in a cave then listen to bush give a state of the union address. its sad.
  • jlew24asu wrote:
    exactly my point. you would rather live with osama in a cave then listen to bush give a state of the union address. its sad.

    Think before you speak, cause we've already been over this multiple times in this very thread.

    You've said the same rhetoric. I've defended our mutual liberty.
  • inmytreeinmytree Posts: 4,741
    jlew24asu wrote:
    great response. jesus fucking christ. just picturing you say it as you typed it made me laugh.

    I'm glad I can bring joy and happiness to you day...
    jlew24asu wrote:
    seems to be alot more hatred for bush then osama around here. wait who is the enemy of america, cant remember.

    I'm sorry, I missed the "I love osama" posts...I would think that the hatred for bin laden and his actions are a given...perhaps every time I post a criticism of bush I need to add the words..."oh, yeah, I hate bin laden"....

    lets see: bush was dead wrong in leading the US to war with Iraq...and oh, yeah, I hate bin laden, too...

    or this one: man, that foley guy is an ass and he should be held accountable for his actions...and oh, yeah, I hate bin laden, too..

    is that better...?
  • jlew24asujlew24asu Posts: 10,118
    inmytree wrote:
    I'm glad I can bring joy and happiness to you day...

    I'm sorry, I missed the "I love osama" posts...I would think that the hatred for bin laden and his actions are a given...perhaps every time I post a criticism of bush I need to add the words..."oh, yeah, I hate bin laden"....

    lets see: bush was dead wrong in leading the US to war with Iraq...and oh, yeah, I hate bin laden, too...

    or this one: man, that foley guy is an ass and he should be held accountable for his actions...and oh, yeah, I hate bin laden, too..

    is that better...?

    much better thanks
  • inmytreeinmytree Posts: 4,741
    jlew24asu wrote:
    much better thanks

    why do you like bin laden better that bush...?
  • Ahem!

    Back to Korea.

    ...ok, I've nothing more to say about Korea.

    Back to Iran then,

    What do you - all of you - think of Russia selling Iran nuclear technology, then telling Bush Co. and the world that Russia is siding with U.S. efforts to disarm Iran - who don't own any nuclear weapons - ?

    They sell them technology, then say they demand sanctions for having such technology?

    Could it be possible, that Korea is actualy trying to defend itself - having shown no actions of aggresion yet - defending itself against hypocritical and unstable western relations?
  • jlew24asujlew24asu Posts: 10,118
    inmytree wrote:
    why do you like bin laden better that bush...?

    no I hate bin laden and everything he stands for. hope I cleared that up for you.
  • jlew24asujlew24asu Posts: 10,118

    Back to Korea.

    ...ok, I've nothing more to say about Korea.

    Back to Iran then,

    What do you - all of you - think of Russia selling Iran nuclear technology, then telling Bush Co. and the world that Russia is siding with U.S. efforts to disarm Iran - who don't own any nuclear weapons - ?

    They sell them technology, then say they demand sanctions for having such technology?

    Could it be possible, that Korea is actualy trying to defend itself - having shown no actions of aggresion yet - defending itself against hypocritical and unstable western relations?

    o man, now we are defending the actions of the government of North Korea. you know what, yea your right. they should have nukes just in case us wacky americans want to invade their country. they should have every right to fire a nuke at south korea.
  • jlew24asu wrote:
    o man, now we are defending the actions of the government of North Korea. you know what, yea your right. they should have nukes just in case us wacky americans want to invade their country. they should have every right to fire a nuke at south korea.

    Where in my words do you find any condolence for N. Korea using their most likely weak ass nukes?

    "Could it be possible, that Korea is actualy trying to defend itself..."
    I was raising a debate, a query, not making a statement.

    And no - "we" aren't defending anybody. You are making shit up.
  • jlew24asujlew24asu Posts: 10,118
    Where in my words do you find any condolence for N. Korea using their most likely weak ass nukes?

    "Could it be possible, that Korea is actualy trying to defend itself..."
    I was raising a debate, a query, not making a statement.

    And no - "we" aren't defending anybody. You are making shit up.

    ok fine i'll play along. no its not possible. kim jong il wants a nuke to prove to the west they (he) are powerful. and you right, it may be a weak nuke, but will do major damage to the innocent neighbors to the south.
  • Why aren't North Korea allowed nuclear weapons, exactly? America has shit loads of them and I don't hear anyone saying bomb the fuck out of America...

    the rationale for the U.S. having nuclear weapons is that the U.S. has them as a defensive measure. there is a fear that North Korea would use nuclear weapons to defeat their enemies.

    the first part of that argument is not a good one. the second part is, at least, arguable.
    I'll dig a tunnel
    from my window to yours
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