"Bush Bashing"

I asked this in another thread yesterday, but didn't get much feedback...
my question is: What is "Bush Bashing"...? I'm serious and curious as to how that is defined by those who use it...
for me, I see it as a way to dimiss negative criticism and/or views of bush, his policies, and any choices he makes without addressing issue raised...am I wrong..?
my question is: What is "Bush Bashing"...? I'm serious and curious as to how that is defined by those who use it...
for me, I see it as a way to dimiss negative criticism and/or views of bush, his policies, and any choices he makes without addressing issue raised...am I wrong..?
Post edited by Unknown User on
I suppose it's on a par with 'Anti-American' - a meaningless statement designed to avoid confonting facts.
nope. in fact, you're pretty much spot on.
Give an example of what he's being blamed for by other presidents?
Well, Bill Clinton may have "tried", but he sorta dumped that whole "bin laden thing" on georgie. For starters.
The point that your missing is that he is being criticized for Iraq. If he would have stayed in Afg and gone after BL then i dont think the criticisim would be so heavy.
did i miss the headline where bush succeeded in capturing bin laden where clinton failed?
Im not missing anything. You however, are hijacking the thread. If all the left criticized Bush for was Iraq, it wouldnt be so ridiculous. But some of the things I've seen blamed on Bush in the last few years are hilarious. This is a "criticize vs. Bash" thread.
bash (bsh) Pronunciation Key
v. bashed, bash·ing, bash·es
v. tr.
To strike with a heavy, crushing blow: The thug bashed the hood of the car with a sledgehammer.
To beat or assault severely:
To engage in harsh, accusatory, threatening criticism.
crit‧i‧cize /ˈkrɪtəˌsaɪz/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[krit-uh-sahyz] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation verb, -cized, -ciz‧ing.
–verb (used with object) 1. to censure or find fault with.
2. to judge or discuss the merits and faults of: to criticize three novels in one review.
–verb (used without object) 3. to find fault; judge unfavorably or harshly.
4. to make judgments as to merits and faults.
Bush bashers are lining up for this thread. :0
this is very true. but he is also "bashed" on many other issues besides Iraq. for example, the techniques used on the war on terror. people see it from both sides. if they dont agree, like most here, they bash. see definition above.
People rarely if ever see things "from both sides". The pit would be the perfect example of that.
inmytree if you consider this hijacking then i apologize....
PP - You brought Bin Ladin being left for Bush, i clarified for you what people are bashing.
Oh, Jesus Christ. Did you not watch tv or listen to the radio from 1992-2000? Yeah, the entertainment industry just decided to start criticizing politicians last week.
I will never understand why some actor/musician criticizing the President gets some people bent so out of shape. These right wing radio people harp about it constantly. "These unqualified celebrities spouting their unsolicited opinions, etc. etc." I find these criticisms pretty ironic coming from a bunch of overbearing, condescending fat-asses whose main job is to run their mouths.
That's not to say that all old news is irrelevant. When he criticizes (or allows his subordinates to criticize) the military service of others, he opens himself to examination of his own service, for example.
A recitation of facts that happens to make Bush look bad is NOT bashing.
Let's see Bashing someone for a blowjob....or bashing someone for the lives of thousands of innocents? Which one should bash apply to? See definitions above.
As far as war techniques go, for someone to run on moral values, then advocated torture...that shoulnt be bashed.
A naked clown? Must get chilly! :eek:
George Bush is a greater threat to your national security than Al Qaeda ever was, and shall ever be.
Let the bites, begin!
"Behave like rock stars - not like the President." (live - Noblesville, IN - 8/17/98)
"Yeah, I was gonna learn to play it (Breath) but somebody slipped me a bottle of viagra and was busy doing something else six times last night" (live - New York, NY - 9/10/98)
1. Things Bush has no control over - Presidents have next to no control over the economy. Head of the Federal Reserve has much more power here. States have much more power here.
2. Damn if you do, damned if you don't - Going into Darfur without a UN resolution. If Bush did he'd hear all about this being another example of the US acting on it's own. An dby waiting for a UN resolution he' gets bashed for not doing the right thing.
3. Fear-mongering - Look at the baseless fear-mongering that surrounded Bush's Supreme Court Nominations. Some people were acting liek it was the end of the world. So far they look to have been pretty solid choices.
when it hits you, you feel to pain.
So brutalize me with music.”
~ Bob Marley
Look at New Orleans - Bashing Bush
How much are we spending on the war - Bashing Bush
Not enough armour for the troops - Bashing Bush
Didn't heed any advanced warnings - Bashing Bush
Prick should have nuked the middle east - Bashing Bush
Illegal prisons around the world - Bashing Bush
Why isn't anybody signing up to go to war - Bashing Bush
Why do I have to go back to the war, again - Bashing Bush
Why don't you take on somebody who actually has nu-cu-lar weapons - Bashing Bush
Losing our freedoms - Bashing Bush
And when all else fails. Bring up Clinton or some other prez you can reference against to make your arguement seem like you have a better excuse as to why Bush is the way he is.
It is like reading this statement on the board. " I don't agree with the war and the fuck up that it is. But, I don't think Bush is doing a bad job." Ah, yeah. A comedy, a tragedy.
You don't remember all the jokes and skits about the redneck peanut farming Carter family? What's going on now is TAME by comparison. They pick on Bush, sure, but they were ruthless to Carter's entire family, his young daughter included.
How about Reagan? All the jokes about what an airhead he was?
Bush I? Whether it was his goofy speaking style, or his puking on foreign heads of state, I remember plenty of jokes about him.
And Clinton, my god ... you MUST remember that! He made it so easy for them, every comedian loves a good sex joke.
There's nothing new here ... serving as fodder for the nation's comedians is part of the job.
drastic measures must be taken on preventing a nuclear bomb from going off in this country. the senate and house seem to agree.
nmytree, i think this answers your question
Some of the harshest attacks during the Clinton administration weren't even on him, they were aimed at Hillary, and sometimes even Chelsea, who was a freaking teenager then.
And not for nothing, but for reasons passing all understanding, the #1 comedy tour in the country for the past few years has been the Blue Collar Comedy Tour, featuring Larry the Cable Douchebag. I know that Larry is a big Bush supporter, and I doubt that the other guys do a lot of anti-Bush material.
That bill is a joke and the only reason it went through is so Republicans can use it as an example of their party's "strength on national security" from now until November.
uhhhh, his term was over...what was he supposed to do, be like guliani and not step down when his term expired??
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
bash or disagree?
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
hell, even bill hicks attacked clinton!
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
Anyone remember poor Billy Carter? All that guy wanted to do was hang around his gas station and drink beer. Not the most noble goal, I'll grant you that, but he never asked to be put in the spotlight, and people would not let him be. They also mocked Lillian, President Carter's elderly mother, and his daughter Amy, who was just a little girl when her dad got elected.