Let's vote them all out - no exceptions. I'd like to start a movement to make that happen.
I've mentioned this before, too. As a rule I do not vote for incumbants. If everyone did the same we'd have a brand new House every 2 years, we'd have 1/3 of the Senate change every 2 years, and a new president every 4 years. There would be no more lifetime, beltway politicians working with the same lobbiests for decades. No more politicians worrying about getting reelected. Politicians working their entire term instead of spending half it campaigning for their next election. We'd have people from all walks of life running, serving their term, and returning back to their communities.
If any of you vote for an incumbant, you are part of the problem.
"I'll use the magic word - let's just shut the fuck up, please." EV, 04/13/08
Well I don't believe in voting all of them out. There are Congressmen/women who do a good job, but the majority of them do need to go. I for one will not be voting for our incumbent senator in Nov.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
Well I don't believe in voting all of them out. There are Congressmen/women who do a good job, but the majority of them do need to go. I for one will not be voting for our incumbent senator in Nov.
I understand that one or two good ones will get voted out with this plan, but the problem is that everyone thinks their guy is the good one, and the others need to go. One of the biggest pork spenders in the history of the country is Robert Byrd. I would guess that just about everyone in the country would think he should be voted out EXCEPT those who can vote for him. He brings a disproportionate amount of money and federal projects into a relatively insignificant state. Which obviously makes his constituency happy.
"I'll use the magic word - let's just shut the fuck up, please." EV, 04/13/08
I understand that one or two good ones will get voted out with this plan, but the problem is that everyone thinks their guy is the good one, and the others need to go. One of the biggest pork spenders in the history of the country is Robert Byrd. I would guess that just about everyone in the country would think he should be voted out EXCEPT those who can vote for him. He brings a disproportionate amount of money and federal projects into a relatively insignificant state. Which obviously makes his constituency happy.
I definitely see your point but I would hate to see good people like Ron Paul be voted out simply because they where an incumbent.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
I've mentioned this before, too. As a rule I do not vote for incumbants. If everyone did the same we'd have a brand new House every 2 years, we'd have 1/3 of the Senate change every 2 years, and a new president every 4 years. There would be no more lifetime, beltway politicians working with the same lobbiests for decades. No more politicians worrying about getting reelected. Politicians working their entire term instead of spending half it campaigning for their next election. We'd have people from all walks of life running, serving their term, and returning back to their communities.
If any of you vote for an incumbant, you are part of the problem.
What would you suggest when the person up for running in my state is even worse than the current incumbents? I mean, I definitely want the people in my state to change over because I feel they have compromised our liberties and freedoms, but what can be done when their only competition is willing to go even further than they have in ruining things?
If anyone needs to be voted out, it's Jim Sensenbrenner of Wisconsin. That guy is the biggest d-bag of all d-bags. He sponsored the Patriot Act as well as the Real ID act. The voters of that district (I think it's the affluent suburbs of Milwaukee) should be ashamed of themselves for continuing to vote this guy in.
He's also the guy that interrupted a witness in a congressional hearing, turned off the guy's microphone and ended the hearing because he did not like what was being said. He then walked out of the hearing like a big baby.
because this current batch is pissing me the hell off.
I heard yesterday, that Democrats wanted to leave for 5 weeks of vacation, so Nancy Pelosi turned the lights out and the Dems left. The Republicans wanted to stay and work on important energy issues. No wonder the price of gas has doubled since the Dems took control in 2006! All they want to do is go on vacation!
McCain said it best, "You can HOPE for cheaper gas, or you can vote for it". Not bad for a RINO!
I heard yesterday, that Democrats wanted to leave for 5 weeks of vacation, so Nancy Pelosi turned the lights out and the Dems left. The Republicans wanted to stay and work on important energy issues. No wonder the price of gas has doubled since the Dems took control in 2006! All they want to do is go on vacation!
McCain said it best, "You can HOPE for cheaper gas, or you can vote for it". Not bad for a RINO!
In order to make any bill a law, the President needs to sign it or Veto it. It's pretty tough to do when he's on vacation as well. He has been on vacation more than any other president in history.
In order to make any bill a law, the President needs to sign it or Veto it. It's pretty tough to do when he's on vacation as well. He has been on vacation more than any other president in history.
is he on vacation now? It's pretty easy to act on a bill...and they define vacation as not being at the white house...is it possible (bear with me) that with the technology we have today that he could actually be available to work or (gasp) working while he's at camp david or in texas?
make sure the fortune that you seek...is the fortune that you need
By what measure? We're still fuding the war, and we've extended the Patriot Act. Well done, dems.
funding the war is going to happen regardless, it's political suicide to do anything but while 150k plus troops are there, and the president has not exit plan.
congress can't pull the troops out, and since it'll costs 10 billion to pull out, they are in a lose lose situation.
American voters are responsible for not paying attention and re-electing bush.
Dem's have no power in the senate, and the dem house advantage is useless without a powerful senate advantage.
as for the patriot act, nothing wrong with it as a whole, it's the parts that need addressing, and well it would be nice to rename it. dem leadership was on board for most things Americans have issue with in that bill, so they can't really take action without incriminating themselves. That why Bush will never be impeached, I'd bet close to have or more of the current congress is culpable.
Of course the Dem's still have no balls, and that's one reason, though they don't have much power, if they stood up for what's right, and held congress hostage on many important bills, nothing done, til this is, then the next, etc...they may surprised at what they could do.
"Music, for me, was fucking heroin." eV (nothing Ed has said is more true for me personally than this quote)
Funny how Bush can be blamed for everything under the sun, yet plenty of excuses are offered up when you point out that Congress has been on a several-year paid vacation.
The only people we should try to get even with...
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
Funny how Bush can be blamed for everything under the sun, yet plenty of excuses are offered up when you point out that Congress has been on a several-year paid vacation.
I think most of the thinks Bush has gotten away will are directly congresses fault. First the republicans for doing what they are told, period, and same time most of the Dem's being spineless and not taking a stand against, because they know they would have been voted out at the next election, now it's a bigger mess with Dem's not having enough votes to do much, and still spineless, while not much has changed on the repub's side, though they don't do all the white houses bidding due to elections this year, they aren't working in a positive direction in congress either.
Dem's better NEVER cave on opening up more domestic drilling as long as the current available area's are being drilled, then you can reassess. they need to focus on changing our energy usage footprint
"Music, for me, was fucking heroin." eV (nothing Ed has said is more true for me personally than this quote)
In order to make any bill a law, the President needs to sign it or Veto it.
No, no it's not. There is such a thing as a fax machine, and email, and cell phones. When a president goes on "vacation," it's not as if he's off the grid.
In fact, a president is never truly "on vacation." You think if there's some sort of national crisis he can say, "Uh ... I'm on vacation. I'll get to it next week?"
There are plenty of things to deride Bush about. "Vacation" isn't one of them. In fact, it's a pretty absurd statement.
It's pretty tough to do when he's on vacation as well. He has been on vacation more than any other president in history.
Does getting your wanker sucked in the Oval Office count as "vacation?" Because if so, I think Bill Clinton actually owns the record.
everybody wants the most they can possibly get
for the least they could possibly do
Does getting your wanker sucked in the Oval Office count as "vacation?" Because if so, I think Bill Clinton actually owns the record.
Clinton was on an 8 year vacation, because he didn't do anything, he didn't want to hurt his popularity. He was lucky the Tech Boom hit during his Reign of Terror!
Still doing better than the Republicans did '02 - '06
You mean when gas was $2.00 a gallon? Vedder is quick to point out on stage that gas went from $1.50-$4.00 under Bush. But not that it went from $1.50-$2.00 under Bush and a Republican controlled congress. Then it went from $2.00-$4.00 under Bush and a Democrat controlled congress.
Dem's better NEVER cave on opening up more domestic drilling as long as the current available area's are being drilled, then you can reassess. they need to focus on changing our energy usage footprint
Again, more BS from Ed on stage. We NEED more domestic drilling. Ever think that maybe they are drilling at capacity and will move on to the rest of the available area when possible? What happens when that runs out? We need to open up that tiny portion of ANWR for drilling. Not that it matters, Dems won't let us build any more refineries anyway! Wasn't it Al Gore who said we sould have $10 a gallon gas? Well the dems are certainly taking us there!
We also need to build more nuclear plants, and get Yucca Mountain up and running!
Ha! Bush started a war based on lies, gives up trying to find OBL, takes the most vacation of any President ever, ignored the Constitution in tapping phone lines of Americans, ignored the laws of the Geneva Conventions in torturing terror suspects, etc, etc, etc....
but a guy gets a BJ and it's the end of the world. Priceless.
Then it went from $2.00-$4.00 under Bush and a Democrat controlled congress.
i see this democrt controlled congress bullshit all the time... and it is opure bullshit... the dems have a majority in the house, that is correct, but it is a dead heat in the senate with 49 democrats and 49 republicans and 2 independents, lieberman (right leaning) and Sanders (socialist)
i really wish people could sift through the horseshit propaganda... i have no clue why people just continue to repeat the "democrat controlled congress" line...
Ha! Bush started a war based on lies, gives up trying to find OBL, takes the most vacation of any President ever, ignored the Constitution in tapping phone lines of Americans, ignored the laws of the Geneva Conventions in torturing terror suspects, etc, etc, etc....
but a guy gets a BJ and it's the end of the world. Priceless.
Didn't say that. We were talking about the ridiculous notion of a president being on vacation, in which you (I think) said laws couldn't be passed (for some reason) while Bush was in Crawford.
My point is, I don't think Clinton was thinking much about signing a bill while Monica was choking down his manhood or lighting his cigar. Just because you are sitting in the Oval Office doesn't mean you are working ... and just because you aren't sitting in the Oval Office doesn't mean you're not working.
Like I said, there are a thousand reasons to denigrate GWB. The fact that he went on "vacation" isn't one of them. The President is NEVER off the clock.
everybody wants the most they can possibly get
for the least they could possibly do
i see this democrt controlled congress bullshit all the time... and it is opure bullshit... the dems have a majority in the house, that is correct, but it is a dead heat in the senate with 49 democrats and 49 republicans and 2 independents, lieberman (right leaning) and Sanders (socialist)
i really wish people could sift through the horseshit propaganda... i have no clue why people just continue to repeat the "democrat controlled congress" line...
Just a minor clarification. To some, Lieberman may be "right-leaning" -- but he still caucuses with the Democrats. For now. After he tosses Barry Obama under the bus, they might kick him out of the party for good.
everybody wants the most they can possibly get
for the least they could possibly do
Let's vote them all out - no exceptions. I'd like to start a movement to make that happen.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
I've mentioned this before, too. As a rule I do not vote for incumbants. If everyone did the same we'd have a brand new House every 2 years, we'd have 1/3 of the Senate change every 2 years, and a new president every 4 years. There would be no more lifetime, beltway politicians working with the same lobbiests for decades. No more politicians worrying about getting reelected. Politicians working their entire term instead of spending half it campaigning for their next election. We'd have people from all walks of life running, serving their term, and returning back to their communities.
If any of you vote for an incumbant, you are part of the problem.
cafferty said that very thing last night... i hope it catches on
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
I understand that one or two good ones will get voted out with this plan, but the problem is that everyone thinks their guy is the good one, and the others need to go. One of the biggest pork spenders in the history of the country is Robert Byrd. I would guess that just about everyone in the country would think he should be voted out EXCEPT those who can vote for him. He brings a disproportionate amount of money and federal projects into a relatively insignificant state. Which obviously makes his constituency happy.
I definitely see your point but I would hate to see good people like Ron Paul be voted out simply because they where an incumbent.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
It's hard to get anything done when half of Congress still can't find the lunch room.
for the least they could possibly do
If they know they are one and done, they might start paying attention to their constituents and get something done.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
What would you suggest when the person up for running in my state is even worse than the current incumbents? I mean, I definitely want the people in my state to change over because I feel they have compromised our liberties and freedoms, but what can be done when their only competition is willing to go even further than they have in ruining things?
Edit: Here's a good blog that tracks what this guy is doing/not doing in congress- http://sensenbrennerwatch.blogspot.com/
He's also the guy that interrupted a witness in a congressional hearing, turned off the guy's microphone and ended the hearing because he did not like what was being said. He then walked out of the hearing like a big baby.
I heard yesterday, that Democrats wanted to leave for 5 weeks of vacation, so Nancy Pelosi turned the lights out and the Dems left. The Republicans wanted to stay and work on important energy issues. No wonder the price of gas has doubled since the Dems took control in 2006! All they want to do is go on vacation!
McCain said it best, "You can HOPE for cheaper gas, or you can vote for it". Not bad for a RINO!
04/25/03 05/02/03 5/3/03 6/24/03 6/28/03 7/5/03 7/6/03 7/11/03 7/12/03 7/14/03
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09/28/05 09/30/05 10/03/05
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6/20/08 6/22/08 6/24/08 6/25/08
In order to make any bill a law, the President needs to sign it or Veto it. It's pretty tough to do when he's on vacation as well. He has been on vacation more than any other president in history.
all of the House of Reps every 2 yrs
1/3rd of Senate every two years (6 yr terms)
Dem's are in a bad place in the Senate, they have the majority, but no real power. Still doing better than the Republicans did '02 - '06
Stop by:
is he on vacation now? It's pretty easy to act on a bill...and they define vacation as not being at the white house...is it possible (bear with me) that with the technology we have today that he could actually be available to work or (gasp) working while he's at camp david or in texas?
By what measure? We're still fuding the war, and we've extended the Patriot Act. Well done, dems.
funding the war is going to happen regardless, it's political suicide to do anything but while 150k plus troops are there, and the president has not exit plan.
congress can't pull the troops out, and since it'll costs 10 billion to pull out, they are in a lose lose situation.
American voters are responsible for not paying attention and re-electing bush.
Dem's have no power in the senate, and the dem house advantage is useless without a powerful senate advantage.
as for the patriot act, nothing wrong with it as a whole, it's the parts that need addressing, and well it would be nice to rename it. dem leadership was on board for most things Americans have issue with in that bill, so they can't really take action without incriminating themselves. That why Bush will never be impeached, I'd bet close to have or more of the current congress is culpable.
Of course the Dem's still have no balls, and that's one reason, though they don't have much power, if they stood up for what's right, and held congress hostage on many important bills, nothing done, til this is, then the next, etc...they may surprised at what they could do.
Stop by:
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
I think most of the thinks Bush has gotten away will are directly congresses fault. First the republicans for doing what they are told, period, and same time most of the Dem's being spineless and not taking a stand against, because they know they would have been voted out at the next election, now it's a bigger mess with Dem's not having enough votes to do much, and still spineless, while not much has changed on the repub's side, though they don't do all the white houses bidding due to elections this year, they aren't working in a positive direction in congress either.
Dem's better NEVER cave on opening up more domestic drilling as long as the current available area's are being drilled, then you can reassess. they need to focus on changing our energy usage footprint
Stop by:
No, no it's not. There is such a thing as a fax machine, and email, and cell phones. When a president goes on "vacation," it's not as if he's off the grid.
In fact, a president is never truly "on vacation." You think if there's some sort of national crisis he can say, "Uh ... I'm on vacation. I'll get to it next week?"
There are plenty of things to deride Bush about. "Vacation" isn't one of them. In fact, it's a pretty absurd statement.
Does getting your wanker sucked in the Oval Office count as "vacation?" Because if so, I think Bill Clinton actually owns the record.
for the least they could possibly do
even if it did, Bush still wins by a mile
Stop by:
You mean when gas was $2.00 a gallon? Vedder is quick to point out on stage that gas went from $1.50-$4.00 under Bush. But not that it went from $1.50-$2.00 under Bush and a Republican controlled congress. Then it went from $2.00-$4.00 under Bush and a Democrat controlled congress.
Again, more BS from Ed on stage. We NEED more domestic drilling. Ever think that maybe they are drilling at capacity and will move on to the rest of the available area when possible? What happens when that runs out? We need to open up that tiny portion of ANWR for drilling. Not that it matters, Dems won't let us build any more refineries anyway! Wasn't it Al Gore who said we sould have $10 a gallon gas? Well the dems are certainly taking us there!
We also need to build more nuclear plants, and get Yucca Mountain up and running!
04/25/03 05/02/03 5/3/03 6/24/03 6/28/03 7/5/03 7/6/03 7/11/03 7/12/03 7/14/03
09/28/04 09/29/04 10/01/04 10/02/04
09/28/05 09/30/05 10/03/05
5/24/06 5/25/06 5/27/06 5/28/06 5/30/06 6/01/06 6/03/06 6/23/06 6/24/06 7/22/06 7/23/06
6/20/08 6/22/08 6/24/08 6/25/08
but a guy gets a BJ and it's the end of the world. Priceless.
i see this democrt controlled congress bullshit all the time... and it is opure bullshit... the dems have a majority in the house, that is correct, but it is a dead heat in the senate with 49 democrats and 49 republicans and 2 independents, lieberman (right leaning) and Sanders (socialist)
i really wish people could sift through the horseshit propaganda... i have no clue why people just continue to repeat the "democrat controlled congress" line...
Didn't say that. We were talking about the ridiculous notion of a president being on vacation, in which you (I think) said laws couldn't be passed (for some reason) while Bush was in Crawford.
My point is, I don't think Clinton was thinking much about signing a bill while Monica was choking down his manhood or lighting his cigar. Just because you are sitting in the Oval Office doesn't mean you are working ... and just because you aren't sitting in the Oval Office doesn't mean you're not working.
Like I said, there are a thousand reasons to denigrate GWB. The fact that he went on "vacation" isn't one of them. The President is NEVER off the clock.
for the least they could possibly do
Just a minor clarification. To some, Lieberman may be "right-leaning" -- but he still caucuses with the Democrats. For now. After he tosses Barry Obama under the bus, they might kick him out of the party for good.
for the least they could possibly do