Excuses already?

Heard Mr. Reid talking about how you can't place arbitrary timelines on getting things accomplished....
Hmmmm, this sounds familiar.
Is it more of the same after all? I guess we'll sit back, empty our wallets and see what happens.
Hmmmm, this sounds familiar.

Is it more of the same after all? I guess we'll sit back, empty our wallets and see what happens.
hippiemom = goodness
Post edited by Unknown User on
Hope and change!
Harry Reid is a idiot...
the man isn't even in office yet! and no, change does not happen overnight...but we will see if he puts the wheels in motion. i've waiting 8 long years, i think i can wait and see for a bit.....
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
I am inclined to agree ... While this election result might be good for the American soul, so to speak, I am not sure what massive changes can be accomplished under the current economic and sociopolical conditions. What's Obama going to do, exactly? Time will tell. I suspect the U.S. will still be the U.S., when all is said and done.
Don't wait, work. We the people have to make sure the progressive agenda stays intact. That can start now.
"We've laid the groundwork. It's like planting the seeds. And next year, it's spring." - Nader
Prepare for tending to your garden, America.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
i agree...and i also believe it IS obama's intention to get to work NOW. however, the OP sure makes it sound like that isn't the plan. my only point is....focusing on 'excuses'...already?! spare me. let the man get in action, then judge all you want! hell, if i am unhappy i will say so too!
and in regards to a progressive agenda...it all depends on just what and how progressive you may think, we might not all be on the same page there.
anyhoo...whatever. i agree we need forward motion. however, for today....i plan to enjoy the victory. at least for today. i think we as a country deserve that.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
Enjoy your day. I doubt many people have much of a concentration level today for ANY kind of work.
"We've laid the groundwork. It's like planting the seeds. And next year, it's spring." - Nader
Prepare for tending to your garden, America.
i think this is obama's biggest obstacle ... an America that really can't definite itself in terms of its social and fisal values ...
he's gonna need to find some issue that he can bond the country which is no easy feat as americans are very divided to begin with ...
I think you missed the point, of course nothing can be done yet...but Harry Reid is already out there saying it'll take as long as it takes and timelines don't matter...that's terrible leadership. It's the position one takes when they don't really know what they are doing and don't want to be held accountable.
This reflects very poorly on Reid and the Dem Congress (the incumbents anyhow). This shouldn't reflect on Obama, I'm not saying that.
the election was called 13 hours ago ...
you'll have PLENTY of time to rifle through the misgivings and errors of the new administration as they come (if they come), no fucking point in shitting in everyone's cheerios this morning.
what a bunch of sour fucking grapes.
"I don't believe in damn curses. Wake up the damn Bambino and have me face him. Maybe I'll drill him in the ass." --- Pedro Martinez
Where the hell has Pessimisim ever got us?
The sun rose this morning and we have a new Leader
No doubt the country is a mess
No doubt we have a big challenge ahead of us
Ultimately It's up to us...and only us to take Obama to task on his promises.
But for Christ Sakes
Let's have some fucking Hope and belief for once...
I love the way you think!
(but you probably know that already)
Huh? I think maybe you need to take your own advice and relax.
What about this is sour grapes? Is it not legitimate to talk about? I thought the Dems were for timelines?
And again, you need to separate the different topics...Obama won is one topic...The dems gaining a bigger majority and Harry Reid basically backpeddling on expectations is another.
Again...this isn't dealing with Obama...it's about the Dem Congress and their leader Harry Reid.
why not turn your attention to your CURRENT president, who trying to pass legislation that would exhonerate him from any future warcrimes charges?
"I don't believe in damn curses. Wake up the damn Bambino and have me face him. Maybe I'll drill him in the ass." --- Pedro Martinez
Oh man and is the sun shinning here today!
I walked out the door and thought what I beautfiul day in every way.
Today I feel full of hope and I dont anyone can put a damp on my day today
OMG the man hasn't been sworn in yet...I wouldn't put timelines either until I've been PROPERLY briefed on all aspects of the country and have a solid grasp on EXACTLY what I've inherited from Bush. It would be irresponsible for Obama to do othewise.
well luckily, i have no work.
so thus i can read and post here today, again...and just luxuriate in hope for the future.
i agree, it's a HUGE obstacle. however, i see his victory as the first big step of unification. more people voted for him than not...and while still tight, and divided, oi think we are more 'unififed' than we have been in a loooonnnngggg time!
no, i didn't miss your point - not entirely in any case. i just think you focusing on that TODAY is bit...much? it's just my opinion. making such a statement, in and of itself, to me signifies nothing of what you apparently believe. i think it's a lot more realistic to make such a statement, especially right now, today. change DOES take time, all this momentous change is JUST getting started, and only truly decided last night...so i's a bit much to expect timetables right NOW. and harry reid or whomever may have wored it poorly, and/or maybe he individually believes that..i don't know.....but we are ony now getting new leadership, so i personally give them the grace period to get their shit together and formulate their plans of action, etc.....and yes, i think discussions of timeframes, etc...just a wee bit premature at the moment. just imo. i will say that i did assume you were by default also referring to obama, so for that...yes, mistaken. bottomline, for me, today is a day of celebration. it's a long road ahead....
obama or ANYone.....it's just a bit slanted to be saying 'more of the same'...the day AFTER the election.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
You know, I can think abotu more than 1 thing at a time...you are more like McCain then you probably want to believe.
Seriously, chill. I heard Harry Reid talking in an interview, backpeddling from expectations, and I found it humorous.
FYI - I voted for Obama, though I may have some sour grapes for all the incumbents that th eidiots kept in office.
Huh? Harry Reid's been in office for sometime and the Dems have had a majority for years. Is Harry Reid's middle name Obama? Why do you keep syaing that?
That's exactly how this thread sounds to me (and obviously its not only me).
here's the deal ... Obama, he's one smart cat ...
I got a feeling Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi are in for a serious fucking awakening if they don't want to get shit done.
But, despite what his detractors say, Obama is NOT the messiah, he cannot snap his fingers and the economy is back on track, or the troops are home.
(cue Axl whistling) what we need is just a little patience ....
"I don't believe in damn curses. Wake up the damn Bambino and have me face him. Maybe I'll drill him in the ass." --- Pedro Martinez
Perhaps you should re-read.
cant use Bush as an excuse anymore
I don't excuse what they say. I don't justify it, or say "oh, he probably said that just to get into power so he can make real change" or "that's not probably his real stance..he's probably just saying that to appease such and such a group". I call 'em as I see 'em. By recognizing what's before me, I am able to see ahead to the horizon.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!