Should there be public schools?

The "vocal third" of this board is much more libertarian than neo-con. Therefore, I'd like to see how many people respond to this question with "no." Kind of out of curiosity as to what I believe is a one-day-to-be libertarian majority feels.
Should there be public schools?
Public schools are undoubtly socialist. They take money from the hard working so the children of the impoverished can go to school. It is quite contrary to a free market. Should these poor families not just make the child an apprentice? Then that child can work his ass off and one day HIS/HER kids can go to school. Sure it is not fair, but that's the market. (In reading this, I know I sound like a smartass, but it is not my intent.
Kids need this opportunity, particularly in a place (USA) that prides itself in giveing everyone a chance. Poor kids deserve schooling as much as rich kids. The notion that some kids could not afford school (or even that some parents would just not prioritize it enough to spend the money) is a market failure that has to be corrected.
Should there be public schools?
Public schools are undoubtly socialist. They take money from the hard working so the children of the impoverished can go to school. It is quite contrary to a free market. Should these poor families not just make the child an apprentice? Then that child can work his ass off and one day HIS/HER kids can go to school. Sure it is not fair, but that's the market. (In reading this, I know I sound like a smartass, but it is not my intent.
Kids need this opportunity, particularly in a place (USA) that prides itself in giveing everyone a chance. Poor kids deserve schooling as much as rich kids. The notion that some kids could not afford school (or even that some parents would just not prioritize it enough to spend the money) is a market failure that has to be corrected.
I cannot come up with a new sig till I get this egg off my face.
Post edited by Unknown User on
I'd like to see education run like healthcare should be run. Publically funded but provided by anyone with the proper credentials at a government mandated rate. Your publically funded education should be through high school.
The current public school system is a joke. It's education by lowest denominator. Built around dumbing things down to the point that even ther most uninterested student is still given a passing grade. After all, we wouldn't want to hurt little Johny/Joanie's esteem by failing them when they do failing work.
when it hits you, you feel to pain.
So brutalize me with music.”
~ Bob Marley
when it hits you, you feel to pain.
So brutalize me with music.”
~ Bob Marley
Damn. I did not think of someone bringing this up. I would rather not have this debate. I suppose better wording would have been "should education be publicly funded."
when it hits you, you feel to pain.
So brutalize me with music.”
~ Bob Marley
It's to provide for a more uniform education system. I don't want my tax dollars funding some fucked up christian homeschooling their kids that the bible is factual. If you want to teach that to your kids, more power to your ignorance. But I'm sure as hell not paying for it.
—Dorothy Parker
We could always just Columbine little Johnny and Joanie. Call it evolution by proxy
—Dorothy Parker
when it hits you, you feel to pain.
So brutalize me with music.”
~ Bob Marley
—Dorothy Parker
-Greg Dulli
when it hits you, you feel to pain.
So brutalize me with music.”
~ Bob Marley
So I guess "No", but it's not a strong no...
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
And....if you are not catholic or privledged where are you supposed to go to get educated?
Because you say so.
There should be no federal requirement for states to run a public school program. If states wish to do so upon a vote by their legislatures, fine.
I would prefer that government have little if anything to do with education, as we've seen: it does not adequately educate young people. Markets could address the needs of young people better.
-Enoch Powell
Those who are not catholic or "priveleged" could form their own schools. Educational requirements would be developed on a school by school basis where markets determine what children must know. Since the market would conclude that people who have broad-ranging knowledge make the best employees, not much would be different from current school systems. Except, children would be better educated and standards would be more difficult.
-Enoch Powell
markets?? ... wtf does that mean? ...
who is this markets fella? ... apparently he is the solution to all of life's ills!
It's kind of like a higher quality market for healthcare develops when you don't let the government run it...oh, whoops. You're Canadian.
Maybe that's why Canadians come to America to get their healthcare. Because MARKETS offer better competition than government bureaucracy.
-Enoch Powell
i still don't know who this markets guy is ... i do know that your understanding of our health care system is misguided ... i wonder how many canadians would trade our system for yours??
In my opinion school (kindergarten, elementary and secondary education) should be free (well we pay it via our taxes) and available to every single kid of this planet. The benefits of having an educated population are infinite times larger than the monetary cost of publicly funded education.
Hundreds of studies show that poverty, criminality, violence and plenty of other negative externalities are inversely related to education. The more educated the people the better we are as a society. This is an oversimplification and overstilization of facts, but pretty much these are some of the most known benefits of education
Probably the ones who don't work would trade it.
-Enoch Powell
uhhh ... i'll presume you are referring to americans ... in any case - i would guess that there would be more americans wanting our health care system (as imperfect as it is) then the other way around ...
Perhaps the minority who are uninsured might, but those who are insured wouldn't want crappy healthcare. Not by a longshot.
-Enoch Powell
Now, if you ask me if an 30 year old adult should be given a check every month for nothing, then my friend you can kiss my hairy bean bag
But children, no. They deserve the best.
Untill their will grows tired
So if I form my own school then it would be non of your business what I would teach the kids. Going by your standard. Why don't they teach religion at public schools? Anyway, we have seen how well your government likes (Branch Dividians for one) when a group goes off and does things their own way.
Funny you say about good education when you have a lobby in the States that stepped in and took a job away from a very good educator because of their view of a certain place in the world. Please come back and answer something a little better then "markets" having a control of education. Works well for people who can invest. And the others?
and what percentage of the population is that??