Where does the Republican Party Go From Here?

It can't stay the same. This is the wake up call that proved just how divided the Party has become. When the conservatives split into three groups, the ultra conservatives, the neoconservatives and the regular conservatives all with their own over the top religious and morality agendas, they changed the face of the Party. They became their own groups which created an in-house division where Republicans were almost forced to chose which click they belonged to and so began the in house fighting for attention. This in house fighting on who's agenda deserved the most attention could clearly be seen throughout the Primary process as each sector pushed their own agenda. Unfortunately it followed McCain campaign as he clearly struggled to please these different fractions. No child or adult should have to pick up the phone and hear, terrorists will kill your family if Obama is elected.
This in house fighting created an arrogance. You can't have Republicans calling Virginian's communists when most of them are military connected; can see the Pentagon and Arlington Cemetery from their damn windows. You can't have Republicans dismissing the East Coast as not relevant. You can't have Republicans dismissing the West Coast as not relevant. Why was this a bad move, because the Republicans relied solely on the Midwest, but in your arrogance, you overlooked the fact that these were the people losing their homes and jobs at a faster rate than most Americans. These were the people affected by outsourcing, the people who worked in the same plant for 30 years along side of their son or daughter only to watch it close and the jobs shipped overseas. These were the people left with little or no pensions or health coverage. These were the people who were reduce from being a hard working Americans never looking for a government handout, who now had to turn to the government for help. That's the towns of Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, and many, many other towns and suburban areas all across the United States. The Republican Party took these people for granted and depended upon tradition to carry them through. Sadly, the problem with too many agendas is that tradition became lost in the interpretation of who's tradition was being pushed.
Out of this mess came a stronger group of Independents made up of both Democrats and Republicans who believe in traditions and values but can keep it in prospective with needs of the country as a whole. This is the new face of the American voter, this is the new demand facing the old, the new and the upcoming political candidates. The labels left, right, red, blue,liberal, neo, ultra or conservative have become irrelevant, the America public will no longer be complacent and will seek accountability.
I hope this brainstorming session carries at least one thing from the McCain campaign and that is turning his slogan of Country First into a meaningful and all encompassing future agenda.
This in house fighting created an arrogance. You can't have Republicans calling Virginian's communists when most of them are military connected; can see the Pentagon and Arlington Cemetery from their damn windows. You can't have Republicans dismissing the East Coast as not relevant. You can't have Republicans dismissing the West Coast as not relevant. Why was this a bad move, because the Republicans relied solely on the Midwest, but in your arrogance, you overlooked the fact that these were the people losing their homes and jobs at a faster rate than most Americans. These were the people affected by outsourcing, the people who worked in the same plant for 30 years along side of their son or daughter only to watch it close and the jobs shipped overseas. These were the people left with little or no pensions or health coverage. These were the people who were reduce from being a hard working Americans never looking for a government handout, who now had to turn to the government for help. That's the towns of Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, and many, many other towns and suburban areas all across the United States. The Republican Party took these people for granted and depended upon tradition to carry them through. Sadly, the problem with too many agendas is that tradition became lost in the interpretation of who's tradition was being pushed.
Out of this mess came a stronger group of Independents made up of both Democrats and Republicans who believe in traditions and values but can keep it in prospective with needs of the country as a whole. This is the new face of the American voter, this is the new demand facing the old, the new and the upcoming political candidates. The labels left, right, red, blue,liberal, neo, ultra or conservative have become irrelevant, the America public will no longer be complacent and will seek accountability.
I hope this brainstorming session carries at least one thing from the McCain campaign and that is turning his slogan of Country First into a meaningful and all encompassing future agenda.
SIN EATERS--We take the moral excrement we find in this equation and we bury it down deep inside of us so that the rest of our case can stay pure. That is the job. We are morally indefensible and absolutely necessary.
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*MUSIC IS the expression of EMOTION.....and that POLITICS IS merely the DECOY of PERCEPTION*
.....song_Music & Politics....Michael Franti
*The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite INSANE*....Nikola Tesla(a man who shaped our world of electricity with his futuristic inventions)
neo con is a bit extreme
getting back to gov't out of our business would be a nice change; for this reason many americans were torn and decided to vote for change.
time tells...
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
watch....the shoe will be on the other foot in 8 years.
I think it was shown not just with the Obama race, but with lots of local and state races, that people reject the lunacy that the neocons and the religious right bring to the table. If the party can rebuild without the neocons and the religious nuts, it will have a chance in 4 years. If not, the dems will continue to eat them alive.
Many conservatives declared themselves neo conservatives, its no myth, no secret. Their views where expressed within the Party and many media outlets, especially talk radio highlighted their agenda.
All I am saying is that this division of viewpoints within the Party created too many agendas for any political candidate to meet their demands. It lead to a disorganized and fractured campaign that ostracized too many communities. That is what the Republican party has to fix.
The line between national security and the Constitution has been blurred, which has lead to the government being involved in the private lives of its citizens. Where would you start to undo what has been done?
How do they cater to the religious right? I mean specifically what policies?
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
Couldn't agree more. If the GOP decides to stick with the Christian right and the neo-cons we could maybe see the GOP split up into separate parties.
i also believe that the party needs to get out more to middle age voters in teh age group of 35-55. they are a group that i believe teh rep. can get more votes from.
- Soren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-1855)
If you haven't got anything nice to say about anybody, come sit next to me."
- Alice Roosevelt Longworth (1884-1980)
In a time of economic peril, or when we are waging wars, why do we hear about amending the constitution to define marriage as a union of man and woman? Why was Palin chosen as McCain's running mate? Why did we constantly hear about Obama's muslim heritage?
I just can't see it going the Sarah Palin route and having any success. Not just because of her, but I think that the base is getting older and really doesn't have a future.
We saw some of the excitement that Ron Paul generated this time around... While it didn't really get to a large scale, it was the first time as far as I can remember where a republican movement was created by mostly young people. I think Paul is a bit extreme to make it as far as the presidency, but they got to find someone a little more mainstream with most of the libertarian ideals.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
Well that is what I'm hoping for, that the party starts leaning more libertarian. Unfortunately the Christian right still wields a lot of power and a lot of money.
However, I do think there are conditions which may split the party to Palin and maybe a more centrist view... but any party splitting seems like a pipedream.
OK - so you got one policy - gay marriage. That's hardly catering to the religious right.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
1) Be the party of small government again (cut taxes & REDUCE SPENDING)
2) Be for a strong defense as now, but add to that. The republicans need to be the party that values and represetns the military personnel. This means a substantial increase in spending for VET related issues. This is the one area where I would like to see a spending increase.
3) Put the religious right back in their place. We need to get government out of the lives of the peope as much as possible. This does not just include lower taxes and lower barriers for business, but it also means get out of people's houses. Stop legislating personal behavior that does not harm anyone else. Be the party pf freedom that it was meant to be, in all aspects. I would think that the republican party, while they disagree personally with gay marriage, should be the champions for the cause. This promote individual freedom and limited government. They've been going about this all wrong.
4) Don't compromise on the core values...ie abortion. For those issues where other people's choices do effect the freedom of others, remain true to the core beliefs.
Well, that's the start of my roadmap anyhow. Being consistent with the talk of limited government...walk the talk in all areas possible.
Values (other than abortion) is where the change in the republican party seems to get tripped up. I saw some republican talking head on TV this morning talking about fixing the republican party, and he talked about all of the things that we all agree on (small gov't, personal liberties, cutting spending, etc.), but then went on to talk about upholding our "values" in regards to abortion, family values, marriage, 2nd amendment etc...
When you talk about upholding values, I just don't see how you can have it both ways. At least to me, protecting personal liberties doesn't seem to jive with doing things to uphold family values.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
That is definitely where it gets tricky and where the black and white breaks down into grey. I favor small government, but it's hard to legislate values and still have a small government.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
Yeah I can see how it seems contradictory...but I see the values being for freedom, less government, government getting out of the way, protecting the freedom of people...so the anti-abortion angle stays (because it's protecting the life/freedom of the baby), but those other things go. Tough for me to put into words I guess.
My husband would agree with all of Cincybearcat's ideas, except for abortion - the values thing makes him crazy.
hands down this man could and should win in 2012, but its too early for all that we just elected a bum as president
Really a bum?
I think that the solution might actually be teaching the Christian Right understanding what they're supposed to believe. Since when is blowing up ANYONE a teaching of the New Testament? Whatever happened to principle of just war?
I vote very close to my religious beliefs, which are Catholic. I thought Ron Paul's ideas were completely in-line with how I understand the catechism. Ron didn't run, so I voted for Baldwin (who, I had to write-in in NY), who was pretty much Ron Paul jr. He mentioned God a lot more than Paul ever did in his speeches, but never strayed from the ideas of peace, personal responsibility, and prosperity.
I almost want to start speaking at churches myself, telling these people:
WAKE UP. Stop promoting killing with unnecessary war. Guess what? You're not PRO-LIFE if you are for war, which ALWAYS puts innocent life in danger. If you believe a fetus is a life, than you have to believe that all human life is equal, be it an American or an Iraqi. You people wonder why your guy isn't getting elected... Guess what? He's not really YOUR GUY. You have 2 years to re-reevaluate your beliefs, and then consider who you really want in your Congress. Study hard.
I was admitedly one of these people with my head so far up my ass a few years ago. I think 9/11, and the fear parade that followed it did it to a lot of people. In the end, it's your own awareness that is at fault. You can fool some people sometimes, but you can't fool all the people all the time.
i understand your hatred but i have to say that if teh GOP went back to what they were. i.e. people know what they are doing and teh government should get out of teh way and not bother them i woudl support that party. teh problem is that the GOP is run by people who want to control others and that is teh problem.
- Soren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-1855)
If you haven't got anything nice to say about anybody, come sit next to me."
- Alice Roosevelt Longworth (1884-1980)
Seriously? Gays, abortion, creationism, Dr. Dobson...
I've got no problem with being "conservative." The Republicans need to kick the ultra conservatives to the curb. IMHO, these are not issues on which to run a campaign. Fuck the FAR right. If they can't live with a 21st century, all-denominational worldview, let 'em start their own party!
I actually think last night's ass-kicking will be a good thing for the Republican party
Vegas 93, Vegas 98, Vegas 00 (10 year show), Vegas 03, Vegas 06
VIC 07
EV LA1 08
Seattle1 09, Seattle2 09, Salt Lake 09, LA4 09
Columbus 10
EV LA 11
Vancouver 11
Missoula 12
Portland 13, Spokane 13
St. Paul 14, Denver 14