"Above all, Posters on the Moving Train" ...

May in fact be some of the most racist people on the planet. Holy crap, its just unreal lately. Jews, whites, Arabs, Muslims ... This place is a collection of mindless bigoted statements that do absolutely nothing to change the current shitty state of affairs in the world today. Is there some sort of point to saying things like "Jews are the most racist people on the planet" or "Let's watch Israel's beautiful army crush the useless Arabs"? Venting anger? Promoting a different point of view?
I don't know ... The ignorance is making me pretty uncomfortable.
I don't know ... The ignorance is making me pretty uncomfortable.
Post edited by Unknown User on
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
i don't see this at all ... maybe it's in the interpretation
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
I'm past all that noise. I often push both sides of the argument just to verify some of my instincts and observations.
I think it is, but of course this is subjective.
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
as is much in this life...and also what can cause, and solve, problems. perception is everything, right or wrong.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
In life it's easier to recognize, with the facial expression, or body expression, with the tone and all this, here it's just hard to add a "tone" to a comment like "above all, Albertans are americans"
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
wow...that's quite a broad paintbrush you are using...while I agree, the examples you noted use the same brush you are using in this post, I would contend that the majority of posters here on the train are not what you are claiming them to be...
I would say that I have noticed some using the "racist card" when someone does not agree with their position...for example, when someone speaks against Israel and their current actions, they are labeled a Jew-Hater and the like...
i actually was referring to both words and actions....isn't it clear that even in reality BOTH are clouded by our own perceptions? i think that is the whole point. even the most 'objective' amongst us...cannot fully seperate from their own perceptions. time and again, studies have shown what we *see* is more in our mind than our vision....we take the information in, bare witness to events, and it gets *filtered* through our minds, our own personal histories, our own powers of observation, etc...so even if you and i *see* the exact same thing, our recall of such events may very well be quite different. individual perception.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
Yep, should have said some.
I agree...I am sick of people throwing your an anti-semite card about....like I said its pathetic retailation to those who don't agree with these few one sided view on the story....
Of course, you can't very well take away ones perspecption but you might be able to change someones or they could change yours...or just agree to disagree. But it makes for interesting discussions when we get these differing perspectives on the same board. You might stop to think about something a totally different way than you did before. And if not at the very least, you become aware and informed of all the others views out there.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
in that case, I fully agree with you...:)
I don't know ... You have some people playing the anti-Semite card, and you have others playing the racist against Arabs card. Its not a good debate tactic ... Then again, sometimes the comments might be justified.
It's hard not to generalize in a world of generalization. I'm not defending my statement, but it was taken out of context. I have a hard time finding the original paragraph.
I've said it probably 100 times and I'll say it again, Arabs are semites too.
again, I agree...your point is a good one...I think what we are seeing is an extension of the polarized state we are currently in...the whole red state-blue state thing...people are picking teams like it's a sporting event...it's frustrating...
These boards make me very uncomfortable ... as is the case above when people obsess over their hatred of Israel and Jews but then lament it when others see their transparently blanket obsession against Israel as being, well ... anti-Israel! Then they have the gall to call it the "race card".
If you are a congenital antisemite, at least have the nads to come out and say it. Maybe some on the far political left need to get out of their echo chamber and realize that "tolerance" applies to ALL people, and that bigotry and intolerance can be hurled at ALL people.
If someone dares suggest that the mass murdering acts of "militants" may begin from the fiery sermons of an Imam, they scream anti-Muslim bigotry. If they feel someone of a darker race or minority sexual preference is ostracized, they scream bigotry. But then, they'll foam out of the other side of their mouth about Jews or "rednecks" because they believe it not to be raw bigotry if aimed at those they view as the bigots or "privileged classes".
In their own warped sense of victimization, their bigotry is merely defensive.
Bigotry and racism runs in ALL directions - yes, even from minorities to "majorities". If there are those who obsess over Israel and bash it for everything and anything while conveniently ignoring the transgressions of her enemies, let's call it like it is. It's not pulling a "race card". If you choose to be a hater, hate whomever you like. But if thats your tendency, just call it what it is and don't twist it and hide being the faux-defensive posture of saying someone "pulled the race card" on YOU (the poor "victim").
Don't parade around with this sense of superiority for being so "tolerant" and such a victim. Admire yourself as the TRUE inheritors of Nazi philosophy instead of finding a way to pin it on the Jews. Or ... if you so choose ... keep pinning every woe in the world and your personal life on the Jews. I'm sure it'll get you real far in life. Well, actually it will get you far at the UN.
Generalization is a neccissary evil, kind of like collateral damage. People dislike Israel's actions, not the Israeli people. The offense they take to criticism of Israel is collateral damage, and primarily their fault for misinterpreting it as racism. calling it racism, and the crap you just posted are dumb.
I'd love them to bits if they just stop the bullying.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Nothing I can say to retort the "Israel as bully" party line can match Bob Dylan. So consider his gloriously sarcastic response to this charge (and listen to the song if you get a chance):
Well, the neighborhood bully, he's just one man,
His enemies say he's on their land.
They got him outnumbered about a million to one,
He got no place to escape to, no place to run.
He's the neighborhood bully.
The neighborhood bully just lives to survive,
He's criticized and condemned for being alive.
He's not supposed to fight back, he's supposed to have thick skin,
He's supposed to lay down and die when his door is kicked in.
He's the neighborhood bully.
The neighborhood bully been driven out of every land,
He's wandered the earth an exiled man.
Seen his family scattered, his people hounded and torn,
He's always on trial for just being born.
He's the neighborhood bully.
Well, he knocked out a lynch mob, he was criticized,
Old women condemned him, said he should apologize.
Then he destroyed a bomb factory, nobody was glad.
The bombs were meant for him.
He was supposed to feel bad.
He's the neighborhood bully.
Well, the chances are against it and the odds are slim
That he'll live by the rules that the world makes for him,
'Cause there's a noose at his neck and a gun at his back
And a license to kill him is given out to every maniac.
He's the neighborhood bully.
He got no allies to really speak of.
What he gets he must pay for, he don't get it out of love.
He buys obsolete weapons and he won't be denied
But no one sends flesh and blood to fight by his side.
He's the neighborhood bully.
Well, he's surrounded by pacifists who all want peace,
They pray for it nightly that the bloodshed must cease.
Now, they wouldn't hurt a fly.
To hurt one they would weep.
They lay and they wait for this bully to fall asleep.
He's the neighborhood bully.
Every empire that's enslaved him is gone,
Egypt and Rome, even the great Babylon.
He's made a garden of paradise in the desert sand,
In bed with nobody, under no one's command.
He's the neighborhood bully.
Now his holiest books have been trampled upon,
No contract he signed was worth what it was written on.
He took the crumbs of the world and he turned it into wealth,
Took sickness and disease and he turned it into health.
He's the neighborhood bully.
What's anybody indebted to him for?
Nothin', they say.
He just likes to cause war.
Pride and prejudice and superstition indeed,
They wait for this bully like a dog waits to feed.
He's the neighborhood bully.
What has he done to wear so many scars?
Does he change the course of rivers?
Does he pollute the moon and stars?
Neighborhood bully, standing on the hill,
Running out the clock, time standing still,
Neighborhood bully.
Religion breeds hatred. What else is new? Been going on for thousands of years. I don't understand why you are so surprised.
7-6-2006 Las Vegas. 7-20-2006 Portland. 7-22-2006 Gorge. 9-21-2009 Seattle. 9-22-2009 Seattle. 9-26-2009 Ridgefield. 9-25-2011 Vancouver.
11-29-2013 Portland. 10-16-2014 Detroit. 8-8-2018 Seattle. 8-10-2018 Seattle. 8-13-2018 Missoula. 5-10-2024 Portland. 5-30-2024 Seattle.
Great post.
I say for the love of .... (insert your diety here) let all the bad of the past die already, and move forward from this point intelligently.
The key words being intelligent, aware, and open minded towards the future mankind.
Not "yeah I am doing that, but I gotta kill off this guy first" :rolleyes:
uhm...peacefully anyone?
I can see aspects of this song describing both sides. Can you?
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
funny hearing that from you.. you have a history of objecting to the thought of racism.
I think racism is deep - and in an anonymous place like this - it surfaces more.
racism manifests itself more like joining a gang for protection in what looks more and more to me like a very ugly and vicious world.
I know I do, but I am starting to see the light a little, I think. I have some Jewish ancestors (not to mention a lot of Jewish friends, some in Israel as we speak), and some of the stuff people write lately cuts a little too deep. A man experiences something, and suddenly its hard to deny its existence anymore. Of course, I've experienced a ton of racism as a kid (for being white, interestingly), so why I am suddenly developing this insight now is a bit odd. I think its because usually, people on here make racial blanket statements about the so-called majority group, and after hearing so much of that garbage when I was younger, you're damn skippy it still bugs me.
I don't know. I still think that the race card is something that people often play inappropriately ... But I am no longer in a position to get super-defensive whenever someone brings it up. People's biases are getting ugly on here, and many of them don't even know it (see nakedeye's EXCELLENT post).
I challenge to you find where I blame everything on the Jewish....you know what that really pisses me off...you wanna talk about intolerance look at the thread where one sided supporters try to justify the killing of innocents by Israel.....where I have condemded both sides time and time again...you piss me off trying to say I think like a Nazi...where the hell did I blame anything on Israeli people...I have challenged their policies as well I have condonded any attacks from Hezbollah...I am trying to suggest that people try to find ways to end this murderous cycle....man you know how to slander like the best of him...your a complete waste of time if you are trying to compare how I think to Nazism....
YOU SHOULD NOT PARADE AROUND HERE CALLING PEOPLE NAZI'S...damn your post made me sick...I know who I am and guess what buddy I am tolerant, you think with your one sided support for Israel that that supports tolerance...where my side of attacking evil actions on both sides is comparable to Nazi's..you have no idea what the hell you are talking about...if you dont have enough intelligence to figure out what is critisicm and what is actual hate thats your problem...I suggest reading my posts before you make such slanderous claims....