Stupid religions

Ok, we all know there are some bizaar and wacky religions out there and I'm one who generally feels that most organized religious institutions are the downfall of man, but...there are those that are just WAY out there. Don't get me wrong, I respect everyone's belief in whatever it is they believe in but some are just so fuckin' insane I don't understand it.
Mormon: Is this not the most bizaar religion in the world? Granted, I'm not entirely familiar with this religion but what I do know sounds like the craziest story ever told. How any semi-intelligent person can take this crap that this Joseph Smith claimed and believe anything that he said to be true...MY GOD! I'm pretty sure I have just as much chance at creating a following/cult as he did.
Jehovah's Witness's: Let me first start by saying that one of my best friends is a JW. He's a great guy, but is so naive to pretty much everything in the world it just amazes me sometimes.
These two are perhaps the most insane religions that I've personally experienced. How some can be so "brain-washed" if you will is beyond me.
As I said before, these beliefs may seem crazy to me, but I do respect everyone for what they believe despite how insane it may be. What are your experiences with those religions that seem crazy to you?
Mormon: Is this not the most bizaar religion in the world? Granted, I'm not entirely familiar with this religion but what I do know sounds like the craziest story ever told. How any semi-intelligent person can take this crap that this Joseph Smith claimed and believe anything that he said to be true...MY GOD! I'm pretty sure I have just as much chance at creating a following/cult as he did.
Jehovah's Witness's: Let me first start by saying that one of my best friends is a JW. He's a great guy, but is so naive to pretty much everything in the world it just amazes me sometimes.
These two are perhaps the most insane religions that I've personally experienced. How some can be so "brain-washed" if you will is beyond me.
As I said before, these beliefs may seem crazy to me, but I do respect everyone for what they believe despite how insane it may be. What are your experiences with those religions that seem crazy to you?
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Yeah, I do.
I may think their beliefs are absolutely crazy, but if that's what makes them happy then that's fine with me. One of my best friends is a Jehovah's Witness. I think this religion is cult-like and simply insane but I respect my friend for the passion and devotion he had in his belief.
I find Catholics WAY more out there than Mormons. Transmogrification, papal infallibility, celibacy, pedophilia, etc... And evangelical Christians are as wacky as JWs. How you can pick 2 from the list is beyond me.
Haha, I know. They were just the two I was thinking about specifically when I created this thread.
I love that South Park mormon episode. LOL!
As for pedophilia's inclusion in that list, hardy har har. That's a bit of a cheap shot.
As far as wacky religions, the first thing that came to my mind wasn't a particular religion, but possibly a sect within each and every religion; catholic, muslim, what have you. - Those that feel the need to commit suicide or physically hurt themselves to be closer to their Gods. That will never make sense to me.
The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
The very next day, I began to get messages filled with hate. They were messages not from people outside of my tradition, but from within my tradition. And they were messages that nailed me to the floor, frankly, emotionally.
They just said, "You were wrong to be there. You never should have gone to Yankee Stadium. You are a heretic. You have dishonored your faith." One man said genuine terrorism was me. He said, planes crash and people die, nothing big about that. Genuine terrorism was me giving that prayer.
I just want to say that I have not gotten over that and I can't get through that. Because I lived through the real terrorists driving the planes into the real buildings. And I've talked to people whose loved ones were murdered. And for me to be put in that same category is just not tolerable to me. I can't take it. I can't bear up under it. It doesn't make any sense to me.
Within two months, a number of those people put together a petition and filed charges of heresy, saying that I am not part of the Christian Church because of what I did on that day and should not be part of my denomination anymore, should not be allowed to preach, should have my collar removed. People who brought the charges against me are clergymen from my denomination. And their belief is that the doctrine of the church does not allow a Christian to stand at the same podium with someone of another faith or everybody is going to get the same idea that all religions are equal, and we have made absolute claims, exclusive claims about our faith.
If religion leads people to make these kinds of accusations at exactly the worse moment in American history, then what's underneath religion?
Is religion really part of a lust for power and control in people's lives?
Is it a desire for absolute security so strong that people cannot see the need to reach out and help?
If that's true, then I've got a lot of wrestling to do with my own religion."
Rev. David Benke - Lutheran Minister
"Perhaps the most dangerous element that was picked out of the Muslim tradition and changed and transformed in the hands of these young men who perpetrated Sept. 11 is this idea of committing suicide. They call it martyrdom, of course. Suicide is firmly rejected in Islam as an act of worship. In the tradition, generally, to die in battle for a larger purpose -- that is, for the sake of the community at large -- is a noble thing to do. Self-sacrifice yourself as you defend the community -- that is a traditional thing, and that has a traditional meaning of "jihad." But what is non-traditional, what is new is this idea that jihad is almost like an act of private worship. You become closer to God by blowing yourself up in such a way. You, privately, irrespective of what effect it has on everyone else. ... For these young men, that is the new idea of jihad. This idea of jihad allows you to lose all the old distinctions between combatants and non-combatants, between just and unjust wars, between the rules of engagement of different types. All of that is gone, because now the act of martyrdom is an act of worship ... It's like going on the pilgrimage. It's like paying your alms, which every Muslim has to do. It's like praying in the direction of Mecca, and so on and so forth. It is an individual act of worship. That's terrifying, and that's new. ...
These young men touched a chord among considerable numbers of Muslims in the Arab world and in Pakistan and Afghanistan. That is what is so dangerous about Islam at this moment. ... These young men have captured the moral high ground. Not the whole of Islam yet, but they are in danger of capturing the moral high ground of a great religious tradition. The great, great challenge that faces Muslims today is to repudiate that. ..."
Kanan Makiya - A professor of Middle Eastern studies at Brandeis University
(excerpts from 'Faith and Doubt From Ground Zero')
Hail, Hail!!!
L. Ron Hubbard one time said something like, the easiest way to become a millionaire is to start a religion. Scientology is crap, I don't see how it is considered a religion, but L. Ron hit the nail on the head.
I cannot let myself get started on the subject of religion, I would be here all day.
I have a ton of mormon friends, and there seems to be a LOT of misunderstood things about the religion
like earlier posters said, Catholicism and Scientology are much stranger candidates if one is looking for strange religions than the mormons
no way...scientiology was invented by a science-fiction writer. i think that just about says it all. that we came from an alien race....its like something from star trek. all religions require that leap of faith but clearly some religions are more logical than others. i find scientology and mormonism very strange indeed.
Have we lost our way tonight?
Have we lost our hope to sorrow?
Feels like were all alone
Running further from what’s right
And there are no more heroes to follow
So what are we becoming?
Where did we go wrong?
It was invented by a science fiction writer who was an alcoholic and a drug addict.
well even better....joseph smith wasen't much better. how these religions can be compared to christianity or other mainstream religion like islam is beyond me. sure they all have their "out there beliefs" but at least jesus walked the talk and had a lasting impact. same deal with buddha or muhammad...albeit on a smaller scale. but wack jobs like smith and hubbard.....
Have we lost our way tonight?
Have we lost our hope to sorrow?
Feels like were all alone
Running further from what’s right
And there are no more heroes to follow
So what are we becoming?
Where did we go wrong?
please do not sum a people up based on a few.. its ignorant and so is your some research and visit salt lake city. than come back and post on mormons
muslim extremism
lol im not mormon but as far as being healthy and caring about go to salt lake
I agree too, but the thread isn't "what religion has the nicest people?" it's which ones do you think are absolutely stupid for the fundamentals they teach, etc.
I know lots of great people from all different religions, Christians, Jews, Muslims, Mormon, Jehovah's Witnesses, etc...
While all being crazy in their own way some just make me stop and say "WOW, Are you kidding me?!?!"
A bit redundant, is it not?
i think your missing the concept. If the religion or religious individual's greater message and life statement is to do good. who cares about anything else, and it certaintly shouldn't be portrayed as ''stupid''. re-evaluate your motivations
this post should be labeled 'wasted mind through mindless threads'
Well, I think you're missing MY point.
Aside from a select few extremely radial groups, most religions promote living a good honest life which includes being nice to your neighbors, etc. and in the long term you will be rewarded in some way.
"Who cares about anything else" Well, I do and that is why this thread exists. I think that having faith is a wonderful thing, but some institutions beliefs and how they came to be I happen to find a little strange.
For example...the whole Joseph Smith nonsense, the cult-like following of Witnesses, etc. Yeah, both religions have some wonderful people in them and once again...THAT IS NOT THE POINT OF THIS THREAD. It is some of the crazy stories and beliefs they have.
gotcha... but keep in mind.. everyone thought the philosophe's were crazy...
I believe in hope and faith... as human traits. Hope and faith are not the products of religion... that is, religion does not give us hope and faith... God did that.
Hail, Hail!!!
i think that was their answer to 'well who gives you hate?'