Can you find a Concentration Camp in your state?



  • yahamitayahamita Posts: 1,514
    dg1979us wrote:
    What are my own beliefs? Tell them to me, because I bet you dont have a goddamn clue to my beliefs. I voted for Nader in 04, when most on this board were on the Kerry bandwagon. Now, I read this board this election, cycle, and many of the Kerry supporters in 04, are were rallying for Nader. So tell me my thoughts beliefs since you obviously know so well. I was well ahead of this board, and will certainly hold the Kerry supporters in 04 more accountable than the Obama supporters now.

    In saying that, that doesnt mean I believe anything sent to Alex Jones, who believe it or not, (am Im sure you wont acknowledge this), is a for profit entertainer no different than Hannity or Limbaugh. People believe what they want to believe, and listen to what they want to hear, and you are no exception.

    I live in the south, and have been to Miss. more times than you, I promise. Because you read it on the internet doesnt make it true. Wake the fuck up. There are serious issues in the world and in this country and continent, and you dont help those issues by sitting behind your comp and eating up bullshit opinions from someone making money from you. ANd go ahead and write me off as you wish and make yourself feel better about yourself. But you know as much about this world as the Hannity keyboard commandos, which isnt shit.
    Why do you sound so angry??? Chilll!!!
    I knew all the rules, but the rules did not know me...GUARANTEED!

    Hail Hail HIPPIEMOM

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