After seeing all these stories about people living trapped in a house and being found after ten or more years, I hope someday this story ends in a good note.
AFAIK, we're still waiting to hear back about this gruesome situation... I'm not saying this is Brian. I'm not saying it isn't Brian. But, from what I hear, it's probably not.
Post edited by Lost In Ohio on
Presidential Advice from President-Elect Mike McCready: "Are you getting something out of this all encompassing trip?"
I live in cleveland and I'm going to the find brian website and share it on my facebook page, I hope one of my 900 friends has some info., I also have 300 on my business page, I will post there too, sad sad sad.......
"The Only Thing Worse Than Realizing Your Shortcomings, Is Not Realizing Your Brilliance"- iimagine (Gina) 2012
just looked at his website with his info... wow, he's got a very distinctive look....pretty sure, I'd remember it if I see him... i'll do my best to keep a look out...
Wow! Hard to believe that it's been 8 years. Kat, keep fighting the good fight. I know you are. Lost in Ohio has your back & so do the rest of us whom are sympathetic to the situation. I think of Brian often, especially so when listening to my boots of Cincy '06 & Cbus '10. Found myself back in Cincy Wednesday & hoped that maybe Ed would mention Brian & update the issue, but alas, nothing. Still wishing & hoping that he comes back safe.
Cols, OH 03-31-1992
Cuyahoga Falls, OH 08-26-1998
Cols, OH 08-21-2000
Cols, OH 06-24-2003
Cin, OH 06-24-2006
Cols, OH 05-06-2010
Pitt, PA 10-11-2013
Cin, OH 10-01-2014
Lexington, KY 04-26-2016
"It's already been sung, but it can't be said enough, 'All you need is love.'" LBC
Wow! Hard to believe that it's been 8 years. Kat, keep fighting the good fight. I know you are. Lost in Ohio has your back & so do the rest of us whom are sympathetic to the situation. I think of Brian often, especially so when listening to my boots of Cincy '06 & Cbus '10. Found myself back in Cincy Wednesday & hoped that maybe Ed would mention Brian & update the issue, but alas, nothing. Still wishing & hoping that he comes back safe.
It's a tricky situation for me. I'd LOVE to have a phone call with or meet the 10C people (and maybe some of the band) and have a chat on the situation but I'm a realist and realize that will probably never happen...and I wouldn't do it for a chance to go "all fan" on Ed, but it would be nice to talk to him.
During the 2006 tour, someone tossed a poster and one of the t-shirts (with poster printed on it) at the band at one of the shows and I think that's how he mentioned it in Cincinnati. Brian also had several freinds and family there and I have a feeling Ed knew of that. For the 2010 Columbus show, I think we had some people who contacted 10C and requested that the mention happen. In 2010, I had a very strong feeling that a mention would happen...I just didn't know when. It's a tricky thing because I know a lot of people just want to rock out and Ed has a lot of stuff to talk about between songs and I really don't want to cram the issue down people's throats.
Post edited by Lost In Ohio on
Presidential Advice from President-Elect Mike McCready: "Are you getting something out of this all encompassing trip?"
It's a tricky situation for me. I'd LOVE to have a phone call with or meet the 10C people (and maybe some of the band) and have a chat on the situation but I'm a realist and realize that will probably never happen...and I wouldn't do it for a chance to go "all fan" on Ed, but it would be nice to talk to him.
During the 2006 tour, someone tossed a poster and one of the t-shirts (with poster printed on it) at the band at one of the shows and I think that's how he mentioned it in Cincinnati. Brian also had several freinds and family there and I have a feeling Ed knew of that. For the 2010 Columbus show, I think we had some people who contacted 10C and requested that the mention happen. In 2010, I had a very strong feeling that a mention would happen...I just didn't know when. It's a tricky thing because I know a lot of people just want to rock out and Ed has a lot of stuff to talk about between songs and I really don't want to cram the issue down people's throats.
I understand. It's just good to see people like yourself trying to help. Just when the trolls get me doubting my fellow man, folks like you & Kat restore my faith. As always, sending positive vibes & hoping for some great news regarding Brian. EssBee
Cols, OH 03-31-1992
Cuyahoga Falls, OH 08-26-1998
Cols, OH 08-21-2000
Cols, OH 06-24-2003
Cin, OH 06-24-2006
Cols, OH 05-06-2010
Pitt, PA 10-11-2013
Cin, OH 10-01-2014
Lexington, KY 04-26-2016
"It's already been sung, but it can't be said enough, 'All you need is love.'" LBC
Tony Luzio, Jr. was last seen in his Honda Civic early in the morning of July 4, 2005. Authorities have recovered a vehicle being sought in connection to his disappearance. Tony Luzio Sr and Randy (Brian's dad) became connected to each other when their sons both disappeared only a few months apart.
I'm not entirely familiar with this case, but I vaguely remember hearing he left his friend's house in the overnight hours and never made it home. I just know that Tony and Randy were two local guys who became connected through the disappearances.
There's a news conference in eight minutes... will have info as it develops.
Presidential Advice from President-Elect Mike McCready: "Are you getting something out of this all encompassing trip?"
Man, I used to drive by that intersection all the time when I lived in Columbus and worked in Dublin. Who knew...
I Got Shit - A PJ Poster Trading Site
Looking for the following prints!
Ames Merriweather Post 1996 (Mermaid)
Ames San Bern 2000 (part of holy trinity set)
Ames Cincy 2003 (record player)
Ames Hershey 2003
Klausen Boston 1/2 2004 (Phoenixes)
Klaus Reading 2004 (NEOCON)
Klausen Borgata 2005
Klausen Washington DC 2006 (Reaper)
Heart Pensacola 2012 (Gator)
Tony Luzio, Jr. was last seen in his Honda Civic early in the morning of July 4, 2005. Authorities have recovered a vehicle being sought in connection to his disappearance. Tony Luzio Sr and Randy (Brian's dad) became connected to each other when their sons both disappeared only a few months apart.
I'm not entirely familiar with this case, but I vaguely remember hearing he left his friend's house in the overnight hours and never made it home. I just know that Tony and Randy were two local guys who became connected through the disappearances.
There's a news conference in eight minutes... will have info as it develops.
Seems like they got a tip to check retention ponds? Interesting
Tony Luzio, Jr. was last seen in his Honda Civic early in the morning of July 4, 2005. Authorities have recovered a vehicle being sought in connection to his disappearance. Tony Luzio Sr and Randy (Brian's dad) became connected to each other when their sons both disappeared only a few months apart.
I'm not entirely familiar with this case, but I vaguely remember hearing he left his friend's house in the overnight hours and never made it home. I just know that Tony and Randy were two local guys who became connected through the disappearances.
There's a news conference in eight minutes... will have info as it develops.
Seems like they got a tip to check retention ponds? Interesting
Yeah, I'm not entirely sure how it all went down other than they took a remote-controlled boat out on the pond and that's when they found the car.
I find it eerie how they checked the pond on the other side of the road quite a few times.
Presidential Advice from President-Elect Mike McCready: "Are you getting something out of this all encompassing trip?"
So its been a long, long, long, time. Has there ever been a breakthrough?
"How I choose to feel is how I am." ~ EV/MMc
"Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, or they become legends." ~ One Stab ~
there is a story like this in Philly going on now. 21 year old college kid went missing after leaving a bar the night before Thanksgiving and hasn't been seen since. area is surrounded by a canal and river so they seem to think he fell into the river but no one has seen him. anyway whenever i see stories like this one in Philly it always makes me think back to this thread. Hope someday there is closure.
and I think it's awesome that this is still here on the 1st page.
A couple years ago, some Columbus people that didn't go to the 20th anniversary of the first Pearl Jam show got together with some Wishlist Foundation stuff and had a mini-fundraiser for Brian.
We even had a local band do some Pearl Jam songs (and we didn't mind when they did some of their own songs.)
Here's a quick snippet, filmed by our very own DerbyDave. Notice the lead singer's hand. And then, 2:30 happened on the same night Pearl Jam was at Bridge School!
So not much of an update, but I thought I'd share:
This past Sunday, I met a guy who claims to know Ed on a somewhat-personal level. I couldn't doubt him...anyway, I asked if EV has ever mentioned Brian in their regular conversations. He said he didn't, but whatever Ed mentions during shows, he never forgets. (And we know Ed's memory is fantastic like that.)
Presidential Advice from President-Elect Mike McCready: "Are you getting something out of this all encompassing trip?"
In time, it's now eight years. What is that, an American third grader? :(
Be sure to read the last eight paragraphs too...
AFAIK, we're still waiting to hear back about this gruesome situation... I'm not saying this is Brian. I'm not saying it isn't Brian. But, from what I hear, it's probably not.
Shows: 05/30/03, 09/02/05, 09/04/05, 09/05/05, 09/24/05, 09/25/05, 07/22/06, 04/02/08 (EV solo), 08/08/09, 08/23/09, 08/24/09, 09/25/09, 09/21/11, 09/23/11, /9/30/12, 12/02/13... many more to come!
Cuyahoga Falls, OH 08-26-1998
Cols, OH 08-21-2000
Cols, OH 06-24-2003
Cin, OH 06-24-2006
Cols, OH 05-06-2010
Pitt, PA 10-11-2013
Cin, OH 10-01-2014
Lexington, KY 04-26-2016
"It's already been sung, but it can't be said enough, 'All you need is love.'" LBC
It's a tricky situation for me. I'd LOVE to have a phone call with or meet the 10C people (and maybe some of the band) and have a chat on the situation but I'm a realist and realize that will probably never happen...and I wouldn't do it for a chance to go "all fan" on Ed, but it would be nice to talk to him.
During the 2006 tour, someone tossed a poster and one of the t-shirts (with poster printed on it) at the band at one of the shows and I think that's how he mentioned it in Cincinnati. Brian also had several freinds and family there and I have a feeling Ed knew of that. For the 2010 Columbus show, I think we had some people who contacted 10C and requested that the mention happen. In 2010, I had a very strong feeling that a mention would happen...I just didn't know when. It's a tricky thing because I know a lot of people just want to rock out and Ed has a lot of stuff to talk about between songs and I really don't want to cram the issue down people's throats.
During the 2006 tour, someone tossed a poster and one of the t-shirts (with poster printed on it) at the band at one of the shows and I think that's how he mentioned it in Cincinnati. Brian also had several freinds and family there and I have a feeling Ed knew of that. For the 2010 Columbus show, I think we had some people who contacted 10C and requested that the mention happen. In 2010, I had a very strong feeling that a mention would happen...I just didn't know when. It's a tricky thing because I know a lot of people just want to rock out and Ed has a lot of stuff to talk about between songs and I really don't want to cram the issue down people's throats.
I understand. It's just good to see people like yourself trying to help. Just when the trolls get me doubting my fellow man, folks like you & Kat restore my faith. As always, sending positive vibes & hoping for some great news regarding Brian. EssBee
Cuyahoga Falls, OH 08-26-1998
Cols, OH 08-21-2000
Cols, OH 06-24-2003
Cin, OH 06-24-2006
Cols, OH 05-06-2010
Pitt, PA 10-11-2013
Cin, OH 10-01-2014
Lexington, KY 04-26-2016
"It's already been sung, but it can't be said enough, 'All you need is love.'" LBC
Completely baffling.
But here's news in a similar vein...
Tony Luzio, Jr. was last seen in his Honda Civic early in the morning of July 4, 2005. Authorities have recovered a vehicle being sought in connection to his disappearance. Tony Luzio Sr and Randy (Brian's dad) became connected to each other when their sons both disappeared only a few months apart.
I'm not entirely familiar with this case, but I vaguely remember hearing he left his friend's house in the overnight hours and never made it home. I just know that Tony and Randy were two local guys who became connected through the disappearances.
There's a news conference in eight minutes... will have info as it develops.
I find it eerie how they checked the pond on the other side of the road quite a few times.
"How I choose to feel is how I am." ~ EV/MMc
"Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, or they become legends." ~ One Stab ~
and I think it's awesome that this is still here on the 1st page.
From a few months ago, but still a good read. I'm proud to be a member of such a fine group.
We even had a local band do some Pearl Jam songs (and we didn't mind when they did some of their own songs.)
Here's a quick snippet, filmed by our very own DerbyDave. Notice the lead singer's hand. And then, 2:30 happened on the same night Pearl Jam was at Bridge School!
This past Sunday, I met a guy who claims to know Ed on a somewhat-personal level. I couldn't doubt him...anyway, I asked if EV has ever mentioned Brian in their regular conversations. He said he didn't, but whatever Ed mentions during shows, he never forgets. (And we know Ed's memory is fantastic like that.)