Pics Where Eddie Looks Hot - Part 2



  • Nice, ocean, thank you very much! Some are very frame worthy! :D
    "A beacon on dry land"
  • MiiikeMiiike Posts: 436
    edited April 2020
    Post edited by Miiike on
  • MiiikeMiiike Posts: 436
    edited April 2020
    Post edited by Miiike on
  • MiiikeMiiike Posts: 436
    Nice, ocean, thank you very much! Some are very frame worthy! :D

    AGREED. These are awesome Ocean! His eyes in the first one. Wow. Ok in the words of Bridget Jones I'm off to Bedfordshire. Lots of love to all. :D
  • lpeddlelpeddle Posts: 293
    Elmo wrote:
    lpeddle wrote:
    Hi my friends. I am still blown away by the experience of Brooklyn 2 and both Philly shows. I'm having a hard time processing the awesomeness that I experienced. I really can't put into words how amazing it was to hear my favorite band rock out with such an amazing crowd experience. So many song highlights in those mind blowing sets. On top of that I had the pleasure of spending time with 2 new friends..PJForceofNature and lpeddle. Happy birthday lpeddle! See you tomorrow PJForceofNature...we get to do it all AGAIN!! :crazy: hope all of you with upcoming shows enjoy them as much as I did

    :corn: waiting for Fallon


    Thanks Jen! It was great meeting you and PJForceofNature!! I hope you enjoyed yourselves last night :D

    Ow wow ladies you met each other! COOOOOOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!! Did you take a pic???
    Hi Elmo!! Yes I got to meet shetellsherself and PJForceofNature. Awesome ladies! I did take some pics :).
  • lpeddlelpeddle Posts: 293
    Elmo wrote:
    -Emma- wrote:
    Elmo wrote:

    Hello possum!!!!! I'm going well!!!!!!!!! I'm HUGE. Like this baby is bigger than average (and I'm probably smaller, AWESOME. CAN'T WAIT TO GIVE BIRTH. IT'S GONNA BE SO FUN ;);) ) but I'm feeling great today.

    How are you?? I hope you didn't know anyone affected by the fires?

    And PS what do you think of Lightning Bolt??

    Good to hear that your baby is growing well :), I hope your labor goes smoothly. One piece of advice would be don't watch the UK version of "One Born Every Minute", I watched an episode the other day, and boy did I regret it!

    I only downloaded Lightning Bolt (from the 10C) yesterday, and listened to it last night then twice more in the car today. Your post prompted me to buy it, I don't know why I didn't before. Ironically on my way to work, there was torrential rain and lightning as I'm driving along listening to Lightning Bolt.

    There are some good songs on there, it is a bit overproduced, but I think most of the album would be more suited to playing live. There are quite a few songs on there that I'm not a fan of (My Father's Son, Sirens, Swallowed Whole (is a bit meh), Sleeping By Myself (I love Ed's solo uke version), & Future Days), but I like the other songs on the album :) . I think I'd enjoy bootleg versions of those songs, over the album versions.

    Do you like the album, Elmo?

    Haha. Okay, no 'One every minute' then Emma . . . no worries about that! Birth freaks me out, I think I must have died from childbirth in a past life or something coz I'm kind of disgusted by it. Yep what a true earth mother I'm gonna be. :lol:

    And yep I'm loving Lightning Bolt! Defs! Obviously it's hard to be objective because they're like my older brothers or something, you're way too close. You can't listen to it objectively, because you WANT to love it so badly. But I'll give it one thing, it's not boring or predictable!

    I just love how unruly Pearl Jam are . . . how all-over-the-shop and loveable they are. They don't just have a leg straddling each side of the river, they're like an 8 legged beast with legs all over the place in all sort of different currents and streams. Like the way you have My Father's Son, this fricking cool edgy angry song (I know you're not a fan Emma but I love it!) juxtaposed with the schmaltzy arrangement of Sirens. Which I do actually think is a remarkable song. Seriously moving. Gets stuck in your head, makes you want to cry, and is the kind of song you just want to belt your little heart out to. It's a pretty special song, but wow the arrangement is full-on commercial. And purely because I can't say a bad word about Mikey (or hear anyone else say a bad word about Mikey) I'm gonna blame poor old Brendan O'Brien, who gets lumped with all the criticism coz he's an easy target! And not actually in the band! Haha. Like including SBM? Something I adored on uke songs, but on here kinda sounds like it could be on the soundtrack of 'Love Actually'? I blame BO'B. :lol:

    But yep, apart from the overproduced elements (that I'm not a huge fan of same as you Emma) I think there are some awesome songs on this album. Lots of them! And even when I don't love a particular verse or a chorus, the song will turn around and get me somewhere else. Nothing is totally fricking shite. There's no song that's total arse on this album, imo anyway. Although not sure I should send that in a letter to the band, it's probably not the biggest compliment! 'Dear boys, I love you. None of your new songs are total arse' ;)

    Aaaah Pearl Jam. They're so loveable purely because they are so unruly and unpredictable. They're so THEM. So unique. They're like a shaggy dog. They're not some sleek cooler-than-cool outfit that gets everything right every time. Okay, so maybe Yield is a pretty cohesive album that makes almost perfect sense, but it's not like Vs doesn't have some commercial stuff! How about Daughter and Small town? Those songs, as adored as they are, are pretty darn easy on the ear. And what about Vitalogy? All the weird shit on that? And it's probably my all-time favourite . . .

    Their flaws are what make them perfect imo. (In addition to their moments of genius). They're just the BOMB. Such an awesome loveable band. I'm v. happy with LB, I think there's a lot of cool stuff on here and it's a step in the right direction . . .

    What do the rest of you chicas think??

    Okay shit, thread integrity. Here's an oldie to keep you warm at night ladies! ;)


    I love your long album review Elmo :). I don't have as many lovely insightful things to say as you did but I will say that I FUCKING LOVE THIS ALBUM!!! Can't get enough of it. And I think the shows have been getting better as people have gotten to know the songs better. There was a noticeable difference in the crowd energy during the new songs between Buffalo and Philly! After many many listens my favs are Getaway, Lightning bolt, Pendulum, Future Days, Infallible, and Sirens. Pendulum REALLY grew on me. I liked it at first but now I LOVE it!!!!
  • Thanks, ladies! :D
    And the sun it may be shining . . . but there's an ocean in my eyes
  • MiiikeMiiike Posts: 436
    edited April 2020
    lpeddle wrote:
    I love your long album review Elmo . I don't have as many lovely insightful things to say as you did but I will say that I FUCKING LOVE THIS ALBUM!!! Can't get enough of it. And I think the shows have been getting better as people have gotten to know the songs better. There was a noticeable difference in the crowd energy during the new songs between Buffalo and Philly! After many many listens my favs are Getaway, Lightning bolt, Pendulum, Future Days, Infallible, and Sirens. Pendulum REALLY grew on me. I liked it at first but now I LOVE it!!!!
    Post edited by Miiike on
  • MiiikeMiiike Posts: 436
    edited April 2020
    Post edited by Miiike on
  • tumblr_mv7o3zdULy1s0v7vno1_500.pngtumblr_mv7o3zdULy1s0v7vno4_500.pngtumblr_mvhvqrsTCQ1qhu4koo1_250.jpgtumblr_mvaby7EVPe1r92dtpo1_400.pngtumblr_mvhmzoLxIY1qhu4koo1_500.jpgtumblr_mviafrKRvH1rjg9oko1_500.jpg
    And the sun it may be shining . . . but there's an ocean in my eyes
  • -Emma--Emma- Posts: 2,864
    PJ: Sydney, 11th February 2003 ♥ Sydney, 26th January 2014 ♥ EV: Sydney, 20th March 2011 ♥ EV: Perth, 7th February 2014 ♥ EV: Perth, 8th February 2014 ♥ EV: Sydney, 11th February 2014 ♥ EV: Sydney, 12th February 2014 ♥ EV: Sydney, 13th February 2014 ♥ EV: Brisbane, 22nd February 2014 ♥ EV: Brisbane, 23rd February 2014 ♥ EV: Brisbane, 25th February 2014 ♥

    Eddie Vedder Tribute Videos - Playlist
    The EDvolution of Dance:
  • -Emma--Emma- Posts: 2,864


    PJ: Sydney, 11th February 2003 ♥ Sydney, 26th January 2014 ♥ EV: Sydney, 20th March 2011 ♥ EV: Perth, 7th February 2014 ♥ EV: Perth, 8th February 2014 ♥ EV: Sydney, 11th February 2014 ♥ EV: Sydney, 12th February 2014 ♥ EV: Sydney, 13th February 2014 ♥ EV: Brisbane, 22nd February 2014 ♥ EV: Brisbane, 23rd February 2014 ♥ EV: Brisbane, 25th February 2014 ♥

    Eddie Vedder Tribute Videos - Playlist
    The EDvolution of Dance:
  • -Emma--Emma- Posts: 2,864
    PJ: Sydney, 11th February 2003 ♥ Sydney, 26th January 2014 ♥ EV: Sydney, 20th March 2011 ♥ EV: Perth, 7th February 2014 ♥ EV: Perth, 8th February 2014 ♥ EV: Sydney, 11th February 2014 ♥ EV: Sydney, 12th February 2014 ♥ EV: Sydney, 13th February 2014 ♥ EV: Brisbane, 22nd February 2014 ♥ EV: Brisbane, 23rd February 2014 ♥ EV: Brisbane, 25th February 2014 ♥

    Eddie Vedder Tribute Videos - Playlist
    The EDvolution of Dance:
  • tumblr_mvoxi5MLQ51qfbaupo3_250.giftumblr_mvoxi5MLQ51qfbaupo1_250.giftumblr_mvoxi5MLQ51qfbaupo2_250.giftumblr_mvoxi5MLQ51qfbaupo7_250.giftumblr_mvoxi5MLQ51qfbaupo6_250.giftumblr_mvoxi5MLQ51qfbaupo5_250.gif
    :wtf: :shock: :mrgreen::clap::clap:
    And the sun it may be shining . . . but there's an ocean in my eyes
  • tumblr_mvp84hKxsY1qbz5f0o1_500.jpgtumblr_mvo59yPTcZ1sinfdvo1_400.jpg
    And the sun it may be shining . . . but there's an ocean in my eyes
  • -Emma- wrote:

    This was priceless-thanks for sharing!! :D
    "A beacon on dry land"
  • tumblr_mvq93hNBmy1qbz5f0o1_400.jpgtumblr_mvo61bvaEW1qhkku8o1_250.jpg
    And the sun it may be shining . . . but there's an ocean in my eyes
  • whispering handswhispering hands Under your skin Posts: 13,527
    Oh!! That first pic is just STUNNING!! Perfect pic of both of them!!
  • tumblr_mvoxi5MLQ51qfbaupo3_250.giftumblr_mvoxi5MLQ51qfbaupo1_250.giftumblr_mvoxi5MLQ51qfbaupo2_250.giftumblr_mvoxi5MLQ51qfbaupo7_250.giftumblr_mvoxi5MLQ51qfbaupo6_250.giftumblr_mvoxi5MLQ51qfbaupo5_250.gif
    :wtf: :shock: :mrgreen::clap::clap:

    :wtf: :shock: :-D
  • MiiikeMiiike Posts: 436
    edited April 2020
    :wtf: :shock: mrgreenclapclap

    :wtf: :shock: :-D
    Post edited by Miiike on
  • that third is not nice to tease. OMG OK, I need to get to photobucket so I can add some pics.
  • MiiikeMiiike Posts: 436
    edited April 2020
    Post edited by Miiike on
  • these are from Baltimore



  • whispering handswhispering hands Under your skin Posts: 13,527
    these are from Baltimore



    Gorgeous!!!!!' Thanks for sharing... That second one... :shock:
  • after I finish up the rest of my shows and pick a few pic to enlarge....I do believe that one will be #1 LOL

    Are there any other sites to use besides photobucket?? It is really giving me problems uploading lately.
  • whispering handswhispering hands Under your skin Posts: 13,527
    after I finish up the rest of my shows and pick a few pic to enlarge....I do believe that one will be #1 LOL

    Are there any other sites to use besides photobucket?? It is really giving me problems uploading lately.
    Umm yeah.. Photobucket has been sucking a lot lately..
  • Gorgeous!!!!!' Thanks for sharing... That second one... :shock:
    Agreed! That second one!
    And the sun it may be shining . . . but there's an ocean in my eyes
  • Gorgeous!!!!!' Thanks for sharing... That second one... :shock:
    Agreed! That second one!

    The second one is beautiful, but my favorite is the third one! :D
    "A beacon on dry land"
  • shetellsherselfshetellsherself New Jersey Posts: 8,835
    Gorgeous!!!!!' Thanks for sharing... That second one... :shock:
    Agreed! That second one!

    The second one is beautiful, but my favorite is the third one! :D
    Come on look at the first... The little eyebrow raise... :shock: it's the little things.
    5/3/92 Omaha, NE
    6/19/95 Red Rocks
    9/11/98 MSG
    11/19/12 EV solo Tulsa
    7/19/13 Wrigley 10/19/13 Brooklyn 2 10/21/13 Philly 1 10/22/13 Philly 2 10/25/13 Hartford
    10/08/14 Tulsa 10/09/14 Lincoln
    9/26/15 NYC Global Citizen
    4/16/16 Greenville 4/28/16 Philly 1 4/29/16 Philly 2 5/1/16 MSG 1 5/2/16 MSG 2 8/7/16 Fenway 2 8/20/16 Wrigley 1
    4/7/17 RRHOF New York City
    9/2/18 Fenway 1 9/4/2018 Fenway 2
    9/18/21 Asbury Park
    2/4/22 EV Earthlings NYC 2/6/22 EV Earthlings Newark 9/11/22 MSG 9/14/22 Camden
    9/3/24 MSG 1 9/4/24 MSG 2 9/7/24 Philly 1 9/9/24 Philly 2
  • -Emma--Emma- Posts: 2,864
    PJ: Sydney, 11th February 2003 ♥ Sydney, 26th January 2014 ♥ EV: Sydney, 20th March 2011 ♥ EV: Perth, 7th February 2014 ♥ EV: Perth, 8th February 2014 ♥ EV: Sydney, 11th February 2014 ♥ EV: Sydney, 12th February 2014 ♥ EV: Sydney, 13th February 2014 ♥ EV: Brisbane, 22nd February 2014 ♥ EV: Brisbane, 23rd February 2014 ♥ EV: Brisbane, 25th February 2014 ♥

    Eddie Vedder Tribute Videos - Playlist
    The EDvolution of Dance:
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