didn't a week of unencumbered hedonism shake loose even a little poem from you?
no i need 7 straight weeks of sin to write one good poem...and i haven't been at work for a while so i haven't been here in the poetry hut...there's been more notebook writing lately...so i'll try
i think i can
i think i can
Originally posted by Goulet how come you and your alter-ego aren't happy and bright??
this morning we woke up at 2 am to what sounded like the end of the world
and we woke up cuddling each other and our pillows and snuggling under the blankets
and wishing not to be so afraid
but the wind was howling and the flowerpots were smashing and it was so very dark
and it was still very dark when we had to crawl out from underneath our blankets and make our way to the cubicle
but on the way, while we were winding and turning and following the river
the rain turned to snow and it swirled and danced and our happy hearts laughed
it wasn't just any kind of snow, it was like starlight
it was like diamonds glimmering and shimmering down from the heavens
and we've been imagining how beautiful the day might look when we are finally free
and we've been making angels and sliding in sleds and making snowmen and ladies and babies and all and are noses are rosey and our cheeks are rosey and our souls are rosey right down through our toes
but its when we imagined the snowballs that we realized,
we're lonely
and that snowballs aren't as much fun without someone else to share them with
it seems such a shame to waste all the useless beauty of the day so we'll just wait patiently and hope we might convince the snowman or lady or babies to play
this is another reason why i need to step aside for a few days or weeks or months, so that coleen can take over the poetry hut with Gita and Being and all will be good and all us men or boys can bow down and kiss your toes....
thank you for taking the time to read it.
no i need 7 straight weeks of sin to write one good poem...and i haven't been at work for a while so i haven't been here in the poetry hut...there's been more notebook writing lately...so i'll try
i think i can
i think i can
happiness is a warm gun
happiness is a phantom
happiness is a poem
happiness is a poem by the phantom
where are all of them?
how come you and your alter-ego aren't happy and bright??
t. amos
you're pretty
I know.
i never really believed it until yOU told mE.
this morning we woke up at 2 am to what sounded like the end of the world
and we woke up cuddling each other and our pillows and snuggling under the blankets
and wishing not to be so afraid
but the wind was howling and the flowerpots were smashing and it was so very dark
and it was still very dark when we had to crawl out from underneath our blankets and make our way to the cubicle
but on the way, while we were winding and turning and following the river
the rain turned to snow and it swirled and danced and our happy hearts laughed
it wasn't just any kind of snow, it was like starlight
it was like diamonds glimmering and shimmering down from the heavens
and we've been imagining how beautiful the day might look when we are finally free
and we've been making angels and sliding in sleds and making snowmen and ladies and babies and all and are noses are rosey and our cheeks are rosey and our souls are rosey right down through our toes
but its when we imagined the snowballs that we realized,
we're lonely
and that snowballs aren't as much fun without someone else to share them with
it seems such a shame to waste all the useless beauty of the day so we'll just wait patiently and hope we might convince the snowman or lady or babies to play
and i hope you'll forgive me if i can't help but miss you while you're gone or if i choose to pretend that you're aren't.
gita you are a goddess.
i have had cuts on my knees and have laughed as violins fill with water screams from the bluebells,
but you have helped me through oh so many days. thanks you phantom you.
if i have helped you in any way, i was simply returning the favor.
on so many days when i thought i'd lost my smile, i found it here in the "poetry hut" and more times that a few it was waiting for me with you.
i have a copyright on the phrase "poetry hut" so anyone who uses it owes me a poem, a back rub and a kiss on the neck
as you wish
i adore trading poems with you.