brought to you by the happy phantom

this is a first for me so before i think too much about it....i'm sending it off into oblivion. 
Thinking about you all the time, missing you.
Wanting to see your smile, hear your laugh,
feel the warm softness of your skin tangled in sheets next to me.
Waking, wishing to hear the soft pulse of the ebb and flow of your breath as it rises and falls within your chest.
I find myself at various moments wondering where you are.
Hoping that you are happy and doing well.
Hoping that you aren't feeling lonely and strange.
Hoping that you are conversing, playing, spending time with friends.
Hoping that you are feeling loved and all warm-fuzzy on the inside.
Waiting patiently as I am able, devising clever ways to re-discover every inch of you.
Waiting to be near you and to spend my every moment pleasing the one I so love to please.
Waiting to spend hours preparing favorite foods for you to eat, warming your belly and making you drowsy with my love for you.
Waiting to nudge you off to a soft bed billowing with pillows to lay you down and smile while you dream.
Spending careless hours noticing the little differences in you - the places you've grown while you've been away.
Filling my head with stories, dreams, adventures you've experienced while I've been here with you curled up, sleeping in my heart.

Thinking about you all the time, missing you.
Wanting to see your smile, hear your laugh,
feel the warm softness of your skin tangled in sheets next to me.
Waking, wishing to hear the soft pulse of the ebb and flow of your breath as it rises and falls within your chest.
I find myself at various moments wondering where you are.
Hoping that you are happy and doing well.
Hoping that you aren't feeling lonely and strange.
Hoping that you are conversing, playing, spending time with friends.
Hoping that you are feeling loved and all warm-fuzzy on the inside.
Waiting patiently as I am able, devising clever ways to re-discover every inch of you.
Waiting to be near you and to spend my every moment pleasing the one I so love to please.
Waiting to spend hours preparing favorite foods for you to eat, warming your belly and making you drowsy with my love for you.
Waiting to nudge you off to a soft bed billowing with pillows to lay you down and smile while you dream.
Spending careless hours noticing the little differences in you - the places you've grown while you've been away.
Filling my head with stories, dreams, adventures you've experienced while I've been here with you curled up, sleeping in my heart.
Post edited by Unknown User on
You have no idea how much it meant to have such a compliment from you.
thanks for reading this even flow? Re-reading it after your post, i can see you're point of view.
In general terms I wrote it about two people that have periods of separation in their relationship that although not expressed specifically had more to do with their path in life as opposed to a "splitting up" kind of situation. When I was writing it, I hoped to be kind of vague about the circumstances which lead the speaker to be away from the person they are speaking of so that it wasn't so specific that it excludes what the reader might bring to it - if that makes any sense.
Thank you so much for reading it.
Thank you Being Enlightened - I am just over the moon today seeing that people actually read it AND that some of the people that I read regularly left a little note as well.
I really appreciate the time you took to read this (as well as the others that have read it) and I am very grateful for you kind words.
girl reading poem about love for second time and realizing again how incredibly peircing those words are to her soul and is thinking of how much she wants this man and she knows he will do all this his love and has tears welling up in her eyes kinda icon?
oh my..and coleen. what are you talking about. i just dont understand you people at all sometimes.
so here was the one and only time i was only half brave enough to post with the rest of you. only half brave because i was too much of a coward to post this as myself so i made up a new me.
only a woman could write that anyway huh?
If you have to write under another name, i say go for it. whatever it takes. I look forward to a stream of creative juices from you.
thanks for all your kindess and encouragement when i was my made up me and also when i'm just plain old me
post more when you feel like it,
but post more...
And here I was going to say something about you being a Tori Amos fan (that whole happy phantom gig) but now I realize that she is but a shadow of the real you.
Don't be afraid to post here. We're all family YOU know that! We love you. Bring on MORE. Consider the happy phantom thread yours to post away. I WANT. LOL.
Ps Coleen, this was a gorgeous piece that only indicates that you need to share more with us. And since I am a selfish and self-centered stuck up little prig, I demand that you at least share more with me.
Seriously, I don't know that I have seen a more direct or honest way of putting emotions as you have done. You put it on the table and it is a very open and vulnerable poem. I admire your courage and tenacity. You have done it once now, it should be easy to do it again, or at least easiER. and please do.
Come to think of it, perhaps I steep MY work in the tea-esque brine of metaphor so much because I am a coward. Do you think?
love, seta.
my cheeks are all achy from smiling so much. thank you for your kindness.
aww seta - where to begin?
i'd never believe that you are a coward - it takes a brave person to paint the worlds as vividly and intricately as you do in your posts.
i'm not as prolific a writer as most of you are. and don't have as many things to share since i've been experiencing a bit of a dry spell but i'll post again one day. and as for sharing with you...i hadn't heard from you since my note about happiness and your momentary lack thereof so i thought you might have needed a break. i warned you once before what a verbal assault may lay ahead and still you invite the onslaught.
in any case thank you for always being so kind and open with me and all of us. it means alot to be encouraged by those of you around here that make every day an adventure for me.
i can't stop wishing that i wrote this...
and i can't help pinching myself to see if this is a dream.
if you pinch me,
i'll pinch you...
i promise i won't pinch too hard, i wouldn't want to hurt you.
and what verbal assault coleen? anyone may abuse my email or PM to their hearts content. My diary is open book.
and no pinching in front of me, I may get jealous.
i pinch really hard, but its with love and a giant, foolish smile
LOL but you know best.
where is the new poem coleen? you are now exactly 2 hours overdue.
poetry can't help but lead to intimacy or so i always thought
oh it was a while ago when you were feeling sad and i sent a lengthy email to you about your lady love - happiness. and judging by your upbeat posts, i'm guessing she's finally made it home to you. glad that she did.
there's always plenty of pinching to go around, no need to be jealous.
i think i can take it and giant foolish smiles are always appreciated
Coleen, it's not happiness, it is a form of survivalist based serenity. I have an inner calm that allows me to look at all that is happening to me with some form of clarity, and right now it is all I am able to ask for.
If I am upbeat it is because I am indeed pleased to see all of you and, even better, so many of us on the forum at once.
And yes indeedy, poetry IS intimacy and hence it begets more intimacy. I need more poetry in that regards...
whether it is happiness or survivalist based serenity that brought you back here, i'm just glad to see you around again. you are an important piece of the poetry forum's puzzle and it felt weird having that place open while you were gone.
and your praise... I do not deserve it. but thank you.
i want more, please
i'm not a begger, but i like to choose to read good poems
but just for you i'll take a peak around and see what i can come up with, only i hope that i don't disappoint you.