my mistake,
on another note i was also thinking maybe becasue not a lot of set variation
that taping would have been not as welcome,
you know that's a good point, I never even thought of that
he probably figures he's going to put something out there eventually, so he didn't want all these other amateur files going out considering there won't be much difference on his - other than mastering it in a studio and cutting out all the obnoxious fans
these people do think they have a right to EVERYTHING
As far as I’m concerned
Ed can make as much money as he wants and he can do with it what he wants, as long as he doesn’t hurt anyone in the process
If Ed asks you not to record a show, don’t do it
If he chooses to release something from these solo shows and actually charges money for them – OH MY GOD what a money hungry dick
Please, he’s not in the business to solely satisfy every single need of yours. He has bills to pay too and he has a right to be compensated for his work
OMG, I found someone who shares my view I posted something else similar to this and was accused of soapboxing...ahhh well; I've been a fan since 92 but just recently joined the pit (as you can see!) Thanks for the common ground; appreciated!
you know that's a good point, I never even thought of that
he probably figures he's going to put something out there eventually, so he didn't want all these other amateur files going out considering there won't be much difference on his - other than mastering it in a studio and cutting out all the obnoxious fans
OMG, I found someone who shares my view