i've read this thread with interest, and have to admit... that reading the comments over the last couple of weeks on this site has bummed me out. i would be willing to sell the handwritten setlist from the IMPACT Awards show if someone threw an obscene amount of money at me, so does that mean i'm not a true fan? bullshit. i had an idealized view of PJ's fanbase, but on this official site that the band sees fit to provide for all our benefit, i've seen fans slagging other fans, slagging the 10c, slagging the band, and it's just a drag. a bunch of fucking yuppies complaining that this group of musicians, who have made so many incredible philanthropic efforts, done so much to provide access to their music for all of us, who have been selfless innovators in getting the best seats into true fans' hands at face value, isn't running a good enough website or doing enough to get you those seats to Ed's mini tour, which aren't even PJ shows! what a bunch of petulant, self-absorbed assholes. then i had the displeasure of reading comments disrespecting Nirvana and Kurt Cobain, which would truly disgust the band.
this definitely seems to be a minority of fans, but there's quite a few. quit bitching and enjoy the music.
Thank God Someone is Rational. The squeaky wheel gets the grease, Right? The only people bitching about cost are people who call themselves "REAL FANS", yet aren't willing to spend some extra money to get what they feel they are due? SHUT UP! Get a Job! It is Capitalism at its finest. Does anyone understand that the almighty dollar is used to obtain shit we need, and shit we want. Fuck!
Prices lowered.
I'll never understand this. You live in a capitalist system, yeah?
Thank God Someone is Rational. The squeaky wheel gets the grease, Right? The only people bitching about cost are people who call themselves "REAL FANS", yet aren't willing to spend some extra money to get what they feel they are due? SHUT UP! Get a Job! It is Capitalism at its finest. Does anyone understand that the almighty dollar is used to obtain shit we need, and shit we want. Fuck!
Holding off from the bay till the end of the week.
Going up on the bay this evening. Get 'em while you can.