yeah, i haven't missed a moe.down yet. it's the only time during the summer that i know exactly where i'll be and for how long. i took my oldest son with me the last 2 years. he's got one more year of being under the age for needing a ticket.
and yeah, i'm surprised they have dates scheduled already, too. i figured they wouldn't start touring again until around late spring/early summer of '09. but it does say on their home page that those 5 dates that are listed will be the only dates for the winter tour. i'm really hoping for a full on spring tour, going into a summer tour, with plenty of northeast dates.
next saturday (11/15) i'm going to the lost horizon in syracuse to see al and the transamericans. should be fun. gotta get some kind of moe. fix until the touring really amps up again.
last year was my 5th, i took a couple off because of weather or people backing out. Have fun at Al, i'm pissed I have to miss the HaHa show out in boston because of work.
last year was my 5th, i took a couple off because of weather or people backing out. Have fun at Al, i'm pissed I have to miss the HaHa show out in boston because of work.