dead on arrival. nobody gives a shit about Oasis these days. the only people who go to their shows are guy's who want to get laid by their girlfriends after they hear Wonderwall. the last inspired thing they did was "Be Here Now" back in 1997 and the best thing they ever did was "Definitely Maybe" back in 1994. these last x3 albums are just to keep the record label happy and give them an excuse to tour and play the same setlist as the past x10 years.
I definately dont think you quite grasp reality...if you think this album and DBTT sucked then you have no taste in music...Heathen Chemistry wasnt a great album I'll agree but 1 bad album in 7 is better than most bands can muster. And your whole statement about guys who go to Oasis concerts is absurd.
I took the ride to the record store yesterday to pick it up (all I got in my town is WalMart) and it passed my driving test big time. I'm always hesitant to proclaim the greatness of an album after one proper listen, but this is good shit....possibly their best yet. Oasis isn't going to reinvent the wheel or do anything drastically different than what you've heard from them before and frankly I don't want them to. It's a damn good rock n roll album and that's what I wanted to hear. In my opinion, they do the Beatles better than the Beatles ever did.
Also, I picked up the cd/dvd edition, which includes an interesting 30-minute documentary on making the album as well as a making-of-the-video for Shock of the Lightning and the video.
Still one of the best bands in the world for my money.
All I have to do is revel in the everyday....then do it again tomorrow
They say every sin is deadly but I believe they may be wrong...I'm guilty of all seven and I don't feel too bad at all
I took the ride to the record store yesterday to pick it up (all I got in my town is WalMart) and it passed my driving test big time. I'm always hesitant to proclaim the greatness of an album after one proper listen, but this is good shit....possibly their best yet. Oasis isn't going to reinvent the wheel or do anything drastically different than what you've heard from them before and frankly I don't want them to. It's a damn good rock n roll album and that's what I wanted to hear. In my opinion, they do the Beatles better than the Beatles ever did.
Also, I picked up the cd/dvd edition, which includes an interesting 30-minute documentary on making the album as well as a making-of-the-video for Shock of the Lightning and the video.
Still one of the best bands in the world for my money.
i was in a rush and i couldn't find the deluxe version when i bought mine. i want that documentary. oh well.
It would be worth buying another if you are a big fan. It kind of takes you through every song and gives little tidbits about them. For instance, the crazy noise at the beginning of Fallling Down is the sounds of the gulls (or whatever bird) at the end of Get Off Your High Horse played backwards
Find a friend who wants it and doesn't care much about the dvd, sell your copy to them and go buy the deluxe!
All I have to do is revel in the everyday....then do it again tomorrow
They say every sin is deadly but I believe they may be wrong...I'm guilty of all seven and I don't feel too bad at all
dead on arrival. nobody gives a shit about Oasis these days. the only people who go to their shows are guy's who want to get laid by their girlfriends after they hear Wonderwall. the last inspired thing they did was "Be Here Now" back in 1997 and the best thing they ever did was "Definitely Maybe" back in 1994. these last x3 albums are just to keep the record label happy and give them an excuse to tour and play the same setlist as the past x10 years.
may I kindly say fuck off buddy? how do you come up with this stuff anyway, maybe its only you who wanna screw his girlfriend with an excuse made up from wonderwall eh?
really enjoying this album... i love how it all merges together.. it's like something from the great late 60s period of british/us music... i really love the different drum sounds & beats, the swirling circular guitars, the vocals are great.. noels being transformed in one song to sound distorted.
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
i think it's one of their strongest efforts to date. i own their entire catalog of albums, complete b-sides and several rarities and as much as i love most of that stuff, this album is blowing me away. i've always found myself skipping through their albums, but not on this one. really a great record!
dead on arrival. nobody gives a shit about Oasis these days. the only people who go to their shows are guy's who want to get laid by their girlfriends after they hear Wonderwall. the last inspired thing they did was "Be Here Now" back in 1997 and the best thing they ever did was "Definitely Maybe" back in 1994. these last x3 albums are just to keep the record label happy and give them an excuse to tour and play the same setlist as the past x10 years.
haha, i have to agree that their last 3 albums weren't that great, but i bet you haven't even heard the new one, so who are you to give an opinion?.....anyway i just had to respond after your comment about keeping the record label happy. that was funny because the record company is owned by noel. oasis is technically an indie band these days believe it or not.
this is the best oasis album since be here now by the way. cheers.
Wow! I'm on my third listen and I'm really impressed. It's been a really long time since I've bought a CD and liked every single song on it. This is one great album!
Pitt 98, Pitt 00, Cleveland 03, Pitt 03, State College 03, Toledo 04, Toronto 05, Pitt 05, Cleveland 06, Pitt 06 & Chicago 07, Chicago 1&2 09, Philly 2,3,4 09, Cleveland 10, Columbus 10, Alpine Valley 1& 2 11
haha, i have to agree that their last 3 albums weren't that great, but i bet you haven't even heard the new one, so who are you to give an opinion?.....anyway i just had to respond after your comment about keeping the record label happy. that was funny because the record company is owned by noel. oasis is technically an indie band these days believe it or not.
this is the best oasis album since be here now by the way. cheers.
agree that its their best record since bhn. great stuff.
So does anybody else think that this is the worst Oasis record? I would rather listen to it right now than DBTT because I just got it days ago but I am not too impressed. The album is lacking good hooks, lyrics, and it really isnt as experimental/psychedelic as Noel said it was going to be.
Alpine Valley 2000
Summerfest 2006
"Why would they come to our concert just to boo us?" -Lisa Simpson
So does anybody else think that this is the worst Oasis record? I would rather listen to it right now than DBTT because I just got it days ago but I am not too impressed. The album is lacking good hooks, lyrics, and it really isnt as experimental/psychedelic as Noel said it was going to be.
Eh, me thinks he is suffering from the elavated hopes which no album can stand up. I'm still loving the hell out of it myself. It hasn't left the cd player in my truck
All I have to do is revel in the everyday....then do it again tomorrow
They say every sin is deadly but I believe they may be wrong...I'm guilty of all seven and I don't feel too bad at all
if any of you have heard the bonus disc available with the boxset only, I love how the verses in the Shock of the Lightning remix are right on top of each other. Liam finishes one and goes right into the next. I wish they had mixed teh album version that way. Great song!
"In your case, I'll check my brain at the door and we'll start even, okay?"
Four debuts, and maybe five, are headed for next week’s leader board, led by Rise Against (Geffen/Interscope) with a projected 70-75k cd sales. That total appears to be enough for a #2 finish behind reigning champ TI (Grand Hustle/Atlantic), who has enough momentum to wind up with another 175-200k in week two. Then we’ve got #3 Jennifer Hudson (Arista/RMG) with 65-70k, #4 Metallica (Warner Bros.) with 60-65k, Oasis’ first for (Warner Bros.) bowing at #5 with 55-60k and #6 Ne-Yo (Def Jam/IDJ) with 50-55k.
I think the album is alright, but the lyrics are very uninspiring if you know what I mean
Most of the songs are uninspiring. Definitely my least favorite of their records, half of the songs seem like filler to me and although I like a few others, nothing really blows me away. I am already kinda sick of it, it might be alright as background music.
Alpine Valley 2000
Summerfest 2006
"Why would they come to our concert just to boo us?" -Lisa Simpson
Wow... I don't even like Oasis... but I have to say this album is very very very good.
Which individual human beings who are victims of military mind control
research do we already know? Harold Blauer, the tennis pro who was
killed. Frank Olson who was killed because he jumped through a window
because he took LSD mixed with Cointro by Sidney Gottlieb,
administrative Head of MKULTRA who I talked to on the telephone. When
was the Olson family compensated? He died in 1955 or something. They
were compensated by the President in 1977 I think it was. The reason the
wife and surviving children figured that in fact this was not a simple
suicide was they read the Rockefeller Report on CIA activities published
in 1975 in which the case was described without him being named. So,
they are reading the Rockefeller Report, and they realize their
husband/father was actually killed by experimental LSD and they are
compensated for 3/4 of a million dollars. One of the people who
testified at the Committee hearings at the S enate in 1975 was a
technician for Amadeo Morazzi who was the guy who w as the Head of
Edgeware Arsenal where Paul Hawk got his LSD and mescaline from who was
funded by the Air Force while he was at the University of Minnesota.
His research assistant whose name is Mary Ray(sp) was given a dose of
experimental LSD which resulted in an acute psychotic state for which
she was admitted to hospital for which I have her medical records, and I
am in contact with her lawyer and I am going to go up and get her story
in more detail. She talks about a room that was involved in the LSD
research called "The Leaf Room" so when you were on your LSD trip that
was administered by Amadeo Morazzi you were taken into the Leaf Room
which was a room where all surfaces of the room were totally covered
with leaves. This is weird stuff. She also was connected into a bunch
of other stuff. I am not going to go into all of it, because it is a
little weird, but it is two hops from Mary Ray to Iran Contra. So she is
a real person who exists. I know her lawyer. I talked to her lawyer on
the phone. I am going to fly up there. I am going to interview her. I
have her medical records. And the way this works is the stuff that is
happening now is not going to be declassified for 20 or 30 years.
Eventually we will have the names of people who were victims of
experiments in the 70's and 80's and 90's. We already have the names for
the 50's and 60's, not really into the 70's. We have the names of
specific people who were victims of the Tuscagee Syphilis Study and the
radiation experiments into the 70's. That's the way it goes. You are
just pushing back that curtain and there's always this lag time because
you are relying on the views of the Intelligence Community or public
apathy ... "it was back in the Cold War" "it's different now" "we joined
the boy scouts and we don't do that anymore". So there is always a
disinformation strategy for wh y it happened a long time ago and we
don't do it now and we are very regretful and we are so regretful that
we in fact agree to compensate these victims. In Oregon there was a
prison where men were paid to be subjects to participate in radiation
experiments. Their testicles had been irradiated so they would get paid
a certain fee to participate in the radiation of their testicles.
Special arrangements were made so Catholics couldn't participate in the
study because they couldn't use birth control so they might give birth
to genetically mutated children ... so it had to be only non-Catholic
participants. There was an extra fee, it was a little bit fatter, if you
would agree to testicle biopsy to see if the radiation was dropping the
sperm count. When 9 of these people pressed their case to the State
Legislature in Oregon in either the late 70's or early 80's, in its
magnanimity, the Legislature agreed to compensate them for a total of
$3000 for all nine subjects. So this is the way it goes in trying to
document this stuff and trying to make it public and identify the
specific individuals. IT'S A BIG SLOW JOB. And when you make Freedom of
Information requests it's like interacting with any Federal Bureaucracy.
To all my frieds from know what to do after reading this:
Oasis, "Dig Out Your Soul" (Reprise) 1 and 1/2 Stars
Q. What's the difference between Oasis and Lenny Kravitz?
A. A Mancunian accent.
Wait, that's a bit unfair: America's hippie-dippy retro-rocker never wrote a classic-rock rip-off/homage as powerful as those on "(What's the Story) Morning Glory?," the 1995 album that, it has long since become clear, is the best main man Noel Gallagher will ever give us. But neither Noel nor Lenny is the least bit concerned with stretching his artistic horizons.
"It's a working-class thing ... I'm not an experimenter," Noel said in one recent Gallagherism, while in another, he noted, "I'm trying salmon, that's as far as my interest in new things goes."
Fair enough, mate. But if that's the case, why the heck should we bother to buy your seventh album of alleged new material?
Blatantly unoriginal or not, if Noel could continue to deliver singles as mindlessly catchy as "Wonderwall" and "Champagne Supernova," Oasis would still be a guilty but genuine pleasure 17 years after it emerged during the heyday of Britpop and alternative rock. But "Dig Out Your Soul" is a plodding and lazy disc, with the rhythms too enervated to rise above the bombast of the wall of guitars, the melodic drones not nearly melodic enough and Noel contributing a mere six of the 11 tunes. (Brother Liam's three are, as has often been the case, eminently dismissible; the same is true of Gem Archer's sitar-decorated "To Be Where There's Life" and, sadly, "The Nature of Reality" by bassist Andy Bell, who proved as guitarist and co-leader of the late, great Ride that he was capable of infinitely better than this tossed-off blues stomper.)
What does that leave us? Well, we can assert that "Dig Out Your Soul" is a (slightly) better disc than the other three Oasis has given us in the new millennium, but that certainly is damning with faint praise. We can play the laughable lyrics game. ("Love is a litany, a magical mystery"; "Gotta get me a doctor with a remedy / I'm gonna take a walk with the Monkey Man!"; "I hear your soul song singing from a fire in the sky.") Or we can count the references to the boys' heroes. (The riff from the Doors' "Five to One" pilfered for "Waiting for the Rapture"; the John Lennon sample in "I'm Outta Time"; the "White Album" vibe of "(Get Off Your) High Horse Lady"; the "Dear Prudence" coda in "The Turning.")
Im Outta Time - Oasis
Then again, we could just admit it isn't worth the effort, since Oasis itself clearly can't be bothered to break a sweat on our behalf.
very much diggin this album....standouts are 'waiting for the rapture,' '(get off your) high horse lady,' 'to be where there's life,' 'i'm outta time,' and 'the nature of reality.' to be where there's life has an awesome, awesome bassline. haven't listened to much oasis outside of wtsmg, but this one's definitely one of their strongest works......
2003 Mansfield III 2004 Boston I 2006 Boston I 2008 Bonnaroo, Hartford, Mansfield I 2010 Hartford 2013 Worcester I, Worcester II, Hartford 2016 Bonnaroo, Fenway I, Fenway II 2018 Fenway I, Fenway II 2021 Sea.Hear.Now 2022 Camden 2024 MSG I, Fenway I, Fenway II
Just picked up the record a few days ago. I've listened to it once, and besides "I'm Outta Time," it didn't really thrill me.
BUT some of my favorite albums weren't mindblowing the first time through, so I'll definitely give it a few more listens before coming to a final opinion.
Any songs in particular I should be paying attention to?
Everything has chains...Absolutely nothing's changed. - PJ
“The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.” - Albert Camus
To all my frieds from know what to do after reading this:
Oasis, "Dig Out Your Soul" (Reprise) 1 and 1/2 Stars
Q. What's the difference between Oasis and Lenny Kravitz?
A. A Mancunian accent.
Wait, that's a bit unfair: America's hippie-dippy retro-rocker never wrote a classic-rock rip-off/homage as powerful as those on "(What's the Story) Morning Glory?," the 1995 album that, it has long since become clear, is the best main man Noel Gallagher will ever give us. But neither Noel nor Lenny is the least bit concerned with stretching his artistic horizons.
"It's a working-class thing ... I'm not an experimenter," Noel said in one recent Gallagherism, while in another, he noted, "I'm trying salmon, that's as far as my interest in new things goes."
Fair enough, mate. But if that's the case, why the heck should we bother to buy your seventh album of alleged new material?
Blatantly unoriginal or not, if Noel could continue to deliver singles as mindlessly catchy as "Wonderwall" and "Champagne Supernova," Oasis would still be a guilty but genuine pleasure 17 years after it emerged during the heyday of Britpop and alternative rock. But "Dig Out Your Soul" is a plodding and lazy disc, with the rhythms too enervated to rise above the bombast of the wall of guitars, the melodic drones not nearly melodic enough and Noel contributing a mere six of the 11 tunes. (Brother Liam's three are, as has often been the case, eminently dismissible; the same is true of Gem Archer's sitar-decorated "To Be Where There's Life" and, sadly, "The Nature of Reality" by bassist Andy Bell, who proved as guitarist and co-leader of the late, great Ride that he was capable of infinitely better than this tossed-off blues stomper.)
What does that leave us? Well, we can assert that "Dig Out Your Soul" is a (slightly) better disc than the other three Oasis has given us in the new millennium, but that certainly is damning with faint praise. We can play the laughable lyrics game. ("Love is a litany, a magical mystery"; "Gotta get me a doctor with a remedy / I'm gonna take a walk with the Monkey Man!"; "I hear your soul song singing from a fire in the sky.") Or we can count the references to the boys' heroes. (The riff from the Doors' "Five to One" pilfered for "Waiting for the Rapture"; the John Lennon sample in "I'm Outta Time"; the "White Album" vibe of "(Get Off Your) High Horse Lady"; the "Dear Prudence" coda in "The Turning.")
Im Outta Time - Oasis
Then again, we could just admit it isn't worth the effort, since Oasis itself clearly can't be bothered to break a sweat on our behalf.
Jim DeRogatis
I pretty much agree with this review except that I think this is their worst album and that for the most part, the other albums of this millenium were still pretty good, at least SOTSOG and HC were.
Alpine Valley 2000
Summerfest 2006
"Why would they come to our concert just to boo us?" -Lisa Simpson
I'm a big Oasis fan, I can be honest enough to say this is no masterpiece but its still good.
Oasis are unfortunate to have set themselves an extremely high bar, their two first records are deemed classics....How many bands can say they have done that in modern times?
anyway this record hits a lot then misses a lot, but one thing is for sure, falling down is Noels best effort this century
Just picked up the record a few days ago. I've listened to it once, and besides "I'm Outta Time," it didn't really thrill me.
BUT some of my favorite albums weren't mindblowing the first time through, so I'll definitely give it a few more listens before coming to a final opinion.
Any songs in particular I should be paying attention to?
I definately dont think you quite grasp reality...if you think this album and DBTT sucked then you have no taste in music...Heathen Chemistry wasnt a great album I'll agree but 1 bad album in 7 is better than most bands can muster. And your whole statement about guys who go to Oasis concerts is absurd.
9/24/96 MD. 9/28/96 Randalls. 8/28-29/98 Camden. 9/8/98 NJ. 9/18/98 MD. 9/1-2/00 Camden. 9/4/00 MD. 4/28/03 Philly. 7/5-6/03 Camden. 9/30/05 AC.
10/3/05 Philly. 5/27-28/06 Camden. 6/23/06 Pitt. 6/19-20/08 Camden. 6/24/08 MSG. 8/7/08 EV Newark, NJ. 6/11-12/09 EV Philly, PA. 10/27-28-30-31/09 Philly, PA., 5/15/10 Hartford,5/17/10 Boston, 5/18/10 Newark, 5/20-21/10 MSG
Also, I picked up the cd/dvd edition, which includes an interesting 30-minute documentary on making the album as well as a making-of-the-video for Shock of the Lightning and the video.
Still one of the best bands in the world for my money.
They say every sin is deadly but I believe they may be wrong...I'm guilty of all seven and I don't feel too bad at all
perfectly said my friend..perfectly said
9/24/96 MD. 9/28/96 Randalls. 8/28-29/98 Camden. 9/8/98 NJ. 9/18/98 MD. 9/1-2/00 Camden. 9/4/00 MD. 4/28/03 Philly. 7/5-6/03 Camden. 9/30/05 AC.
10/3/05 Philly. 5/27-28/06 Camden. 6/23/06 Pitt. 6/19-20/08 Camden. 6/24/08 MSG. 8/7/08 EV Newark, NJ. 6/11-12/09 EV Philly, PA. 10/27-28-30-31/09 Philly, PA., 5/15/10 Hartford,5/17/10 Boston, 5/18/10 Newark, 5/20-21/10 MSG
Find a friend who wants it and doesn't care much about the dvd, sell your copy to them and go buy the deluxe!
They say every sin is deadly but I believe they may be wrong...I'm guilty of all seven and I don't feel too bad at all
may I kindly say fuck off buddy? how do you come up with this stuff anyway, maybe its only you who wanna screw his girlfriend with an excuse made up from wonderwall eh?
(Shawn Smith's official website, but not Thee Shawn Smith)
haha, i have to agree that their last 3 albums weren't that great, but i bet you haven't even heard the new one, so who are you to give an opinion?.....anyway i just had to respond after your comment about keeping the record label happy. that was funny because the record company is owned by noel. oasis is technically an indie band these days believe it or not.
this is the best oasis album since be here now by the way. cheers.
The Turning
Shock of the Lightning
To Be Where There's Life
"In your case, I'll check my brain at the door and we'll start even, okay?"
Have you thanked a taper today?
agree that its their best record since bhn. great stuff.
I agree with you!
9/24/96 MD. 9/28/96 Randalls. 8/28-29/98 Camden. 9/8/98 NJ. 9/18/98 MD. 9/1-2/00 Camden. 9/4/00 MD. 4/28/03 Philly. 7/5-6/03 Camden. 9/30/05 AC.
10/3/05 Philly. 5/27-28/06 Camden. 6/23/06 Pitt. 6/19-20/08 Camden. 6/24/08 MSG. 8/7/08 EV Newark, NJ. 6/11-12/09 EV Philly, PA. 10/27-28-30-31/09 Philly, PA., 5/15/10 Hartford,5/17/10 Boston, 5/18/10 Newark, 5/20-21/10 MSG
Summerfest 2006
"Why would they come to our concert just to boo us?" -Lisa Simpson
WHAT! I hope you're joking!
9/24/96 MD. 9/28/96 Randalls. 8/28-29/98 Camden. 9/8/98 NJ. 9/18/98 MD. 9/1-2/00 Camden. 9/4/00 MD. 4/28/03 Philly. 7/5-6/03 Camden. 9/30/05 AC.
10/3/05 Philly. 5/27-28/06 Camden. 6/23/06 Pitt. 6/19-20/08 Camden. 6/24/08 MSG. 8/7/08 EV Newark, NJ. 6/11-12/09 EV Philly, PA. 10/27-28-30-31/09 Philly, PA., 5/15/10 Hartford,5/17/10 Boston, 5/18/10 Newark, 5/20-21/10 MSG
They say every sin is deadly but I believe they may be wrong...I'm guilty of all seven and I don't feel too bad at all
"In your case, I'll check my brain at the door and we'll start even, okay?"
Have you thanked a taper today?
Next Week's US Album Chart Projections:
Four debuts, and maybe five, are headed for next week’s leader board, led by Rise Against (Geffen/Interscope) with a projected 70-75k cd sales. That total appears to be enough for a #2 finish behind reigning champ TI (Grand Hustle/Atlantic), who has enough momentum to wind up with another 175-200k in week two. Then we’ve got #3 Jennifer Hudson (Arista/RMG) with 65-70k, #4 Metallica (Warner Bros.) with 60-65k, Oasis’ first for (Warner Bros.) bowing at #5 with 55-60k and #6 Ne-Yo (Def Jam/IDJ) with 50-55k.
9/24/96 MD. 9/28/96 Randalls. 8/28-29/98 Camden. 9/8/98 NJ. 9/18/98 MD. 9/1-2/00 Camden. 9/4/00 MD. 4/28/03 Philly. 7/5-6/03 Camden. 9/30/05 AC.
10/3/05 Philly. 5/27-28/06 Camden. 6/23/06 Pitt. 6/19-20/08 Camden. 6/24/08 MSG. 8/7/08 EV Newark, NJ. 6/11-12/09 EV Philly, PA. 10/27-28-30-31/09 Philly, PA., 5/15/10 Hartford,5/17/10 Boston, 5/18/10 Newark, 5/20-21/10 MSG
Most of the songs are uninspiring. Definitely my least favorite of their records, half of the songs seem like filler to me and although I like a few others, nothing really blows me away. I am already kinda sick of it, it might be alright as background music.
Summerfest 2006
"Why would they come to our concert just to boo us?" -Lisa Simpson
research do we already know? Harold Blauer, the tennis pro who was
killed. Frank Olson who was killed because he jumped through a window
because he took LSD mixed with Cointro by Sidney Gottlieb,
administrative Head of MKULTRA who I talked to on the telephone. When
was the Olson family compensated? He died in 1955 or something. They
were compensated by the President in 1977 I think it was. The reason the
wife and surviving children figured that in fact this was not a simple
suicide was they read the Rockefeller Report on CIA activities published
in 1975 in which the case was described without him being named. So,
they are reading the Rockefeller Report, and they realize their
husband/father was actually killed by experimental LSD and they are
compensated for 3/4 of a million dollars. One of the people who
testified at the Committee hearings at the S enate in 1975 was a
technician for Amadeo Morazzi who was the guy who w as the Head of
Edgeware Arsenal where Paul Hawk got his LSD and mescaline from who was
funded by the Air Force while he was at the University of Minnesota.
His research assistant whose name is Mary Ray(sp) was given a dose of
experimental LSD which resulted in an acute psychotic state for which
she was admitted to hospital for which I have her medical records, and I
am in contact with her lawyer and I am going to go up and get her story
in more detail. She talks about a room that was involved in the LSD
research called "The Leaf Room" so when you were on your LSD trip that
was administered by Amadeo Morazzi you were taken into the Leaf Room
which was a room where all surfaces of the room were totally covered
with leaves. This is weird stuff. She also was connected into a bunch
of other stuff. I am not going to go into all of it, because it is a
little weird, but it is two hops from Mary Ray to Iran Contra. So she is
a real person who exists. I know her lawyer. I talked to her lawyer on
the phone. I am going to fly up there. I am going to interview her. I
have her medical records. And the way this works is the stuff that is
happening now is not going to be declassified for 20 or 30 years.
Eventually we will have the names of people who were victims of
experiments in the 70's and 80's and 90's. We already have the names for
the 50's and 60's, not really into the 70's. We have the names of
specific people who were victims of the Tuscagee Syphilis Study and the
radiation experiments into the 70's. That's the way it goes. You are
just pushing back that curtain and there's always this lag time because
you are relying on the views of the Intelligence Community or public
apathy ... "it was back in the Cold War" "it's different now" "we joined
the boy scouts and we don't do that anymore". So there is always a
disinformation strategy for wh y it happened a long time ago and we
don't do it now and we are very regretful and we are so regretful that
we in fact agree to compensate these victims. In Oregon there was a
prison where men were paid to be subjects to participate in radiation
experiments. Their testicles had been irradiated so they would get paid
a certain fee to participate in the radiation of their testicles.
Special arrangements were made so Catholics couldn't participate in the
study because they couldn't use birth control so they might give birth
to genetically mutated children ... so it had to be only non-Catholic
participants. There was an extra fee, it was a little bit fatter, if you
would agree to testicle biopsy to see if the radiation was dropping the
sperm count. When 9 of these people pressed their case to the State
Legislature in Oregon in either the late 70's or early 80's, in its
magnanimity, the Legislature agreed to compensate them for a total of
$3000 for all nine subjects. So this is the way it goes in trying to
document this stuff and trying to make it public and identify the
specific individuals. IT'S A BIG SLOW JOB. And when you make Freedom of
Information requests it's like interacting with any Federal Bureaucracy.
<... cont'd>
Oasis, "Dig Out Your Soul" (Reprise) 1 and 1/2 Stars
Q. What's the difference between Oasis and Lenny Kravitz?
A. A Mancunian accent.
Wait, that's a bit unfair: America's hippie-dippy retro-rocker never wrote a classic-rock rip-off/homage as powerful as those on "(What's the Story) Morning Glory?," the 1995 album that, it has long since become clear, is the best main man Noel Gallagher will ever give us. But neither Noel nor Lenny is the least bit concerned with stretching his artistic horizons.
"It's a working-class thing ... I'm not an experimenter," Noel said in one recent Gallagherism, while in another, he noted, "I'm trying salmon, that's as far as my interest in new things goes."
Fair enough, mate. But if that's the case, why the heck should we bother to buy your seventh album of alleged new material?
Blatantly unoriginal or not, if Noel could continue to deliver singles as mindlessly catchy as "Wonderwall" and "Champagne Supernova," Oasis would still be a guilty but genuine pleasure 17 years after it emerged during the heyday of Britpop and alternative rock. But "Dig Out Your Soul" is a plodding and lazy disc, with the rhythms too enervated to rise above the bombast of the wall of guitars, the melodic drones not nearly melodic enough and Noel contributing a mere six of the 11 tunes. (Brother Liam's three are, as has often been the case, eminently dismissible; the same is true of Gem Archer's sitar-decorated "To Be Where There's Life" and, sadly, "The Nature of Reality" by bassist Andy Bell, who proved as guitarist and co-leader of the late, great Ride that he was capable of infinitely better than this tossed-off blues stomper.)
What does that leave us? Well, we can assert that "Dig Out Your Soul" is a (slightly) better disc than the other three Oasis has given us in the new millennium, but that certainly is damning with faint praise. We can play the laughable lyrics game. ("Love is a litany, a magical mystery"; "Gotta get me a doctor with a remedy / I'm gonna take a walk with the Monkey Man!"; "I hear your soul song singing from a fire in the sky.") Or we can count the references to the boys' heroes. (The riff from the Doors' "Five to One" pilfered for "Waiting for the Rapture"; the John Lennon sample in "I'm Outta Time"; the "White Album" vibe of "(Get Off Your) High Horse Lady"; the "Dear Prudence" coda in "The Turning.")
Im Outta Time - Oasis
Then again, we could just admit it isn't worth the effort, since Oasis itself clearly can't be bothered to break a sweat on our behalf.
Jim DeRogatis
9/24/96 MD. 9/28/96 Randalls. 8/28-29/98 Camden. 9/8/98 NJ. 9/18/98 MD. 9/1-2/00 Camden. 9/4/00 MD. 4/28/03 Philly. 7/5-6/03 Camden. 9/30/05 AC.
10/3/05 Philly. 5/27-28/06 Camden. 6/23/06 Pitt. 6/19-20/08 Camden. 6/24/08 MSG. 8/7/08 EV Newark, NJ. 6/11-12/09 EV Philly, PA. 10/27-28-30-31/09 Philly, PA., 5/15/10 Hartford,5/17/10 Boston, 5/18/10 Newark, 5/20-21/10 MSG
I didnt even bother to finish reading that. fuck critics. why would I care what someone else thinks of a movie or album?
"In your case, I'll check my brain at the door and we'll start even, okay?"
Have you thanked a taper today?
2004 Boston I
2006 Boston I
2008 Bonnaroo, Hartford, Mansfield I
2010 Hartford
2013 Worcester I, Worcester II, Hartford
2016 Bonnaroo, Fenway I, Fenway II
2018 Fenway I, Fenway II
2021 Sea.Hear.Now
2022 Camden
2024 MSG I, Fenway I, Fenway II
BUT some of my favorite albums weren't mindblowing the first time through, so I'll definitely give it a few more listens before coming to a final opinion.
Any songs in particular I should be paying attention to?
“The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.” - Albert Camus
I pretty much agree with this review except that I think this is their worst album and that for the most part, the other albums of this millenium were still pretty good, at least SOTSOG and HC were.
Summerfest 2006
"Why would they come to our concert just to boo us?" -Lisa Simpson
Oasis are unfortunate to have set themselves an extremely high bar, their two first records are deemed classics....How many bands can say they have done that in modern times?
anyway this record hits a lot then misses a lot, but one thing is for sure, falling down is Noels best effort this century
The song
9/24/96 MD. 9/28/96 Randalls. 8/28-29/98 Camden. 9/8/98 NJ. 9/18/98 MD. 9/1-2/00 Camden. 9/4/00 MD. 4/28/03 Philly. 7/5-6/03 Camden. 9/30/05 AC.
10/3/05 Philly. 5/27-28/06 Camden. 6/23/06 Pitt. 6/19-20/08 Camden. 6/24/08 MSG. 8/7/08 EV Newark, NJ. 6/11-12/09 EV Philly, PA. 10/27-28-30-31/09 Philly, PA., 5/15/10 Hartford,5/17/10 Boston, 5/18/10 Newark, 5/20-21/10 MSG
I REALLY hope they turn this into a DVD.
did any of the American fans here buy the deluxe box set?
"In your case, I'll check my brain at the door and we'll start even, okay?"
Have you thanked a taper today?