Carry On

Hey, is anyone else excited about Cornell's new cd Carry On coming out June 5th? The new stuff sounds pretty sick so far.
I am right by your side
7/18/06 SF
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7/18/06 SF
Bridge School night 2 2006
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I'll be president someday
I have been to, and have the following posters framed:
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Boston 98, 2000, 2003, 2004, 2006
the general opinion was that it's not very good.
It's very pop, not Rock.
and yes, its not very all.
Brave to try to gamble at times
I think that consensus comes from comparing it to his previous work. It pains me to say it, but a fair few of the songs are totally unremarkable. Wow I never thought I would be making negative remarks about Cornell's music.....I do agree there are SOME good songs on it, but it's nowhere near as consistent as Euphoria Morning, in my opinion.
That aside, I do really like this album. It's not Soundgarden, but it's not Audioslave either. So, y'know, good with the bad and all that noise.
safe and sound is my fave so far.
cornell always does something new, a year ago i wouldnt have expected to hear half of those songs. Voice is in fine form.
ONly tracks im not massively keen on are poison eye and billie jean, coz i prefer the unplugged version.
If so i'm buying it
Charlotte 03
Asheville 04
Atlanta 12
Greenville 16, Columbia 16
Seattle 18
Nashville 22
Ohana Festival 24 x2
Great minds think alike Claire.....I'm not keen on Poison Eye either, and I think the Stockholm Billie Jean (or almost any of the live versions, especially the Astoria) is better than the studio one. But I can't stop listening to this album, it's really getting under my skin in a major way. More so then Revelations did - that had a big impact on me initially but tailed off, and these days I don't listen to it much.
Katowice 2007
London 2007
that may be all i need to know in order to not buy this album.
I think it can be a little lame for bands to put covers on their albums. Unless it is a particularly obscure cover or it is on a live album.
this seems like a way to have a sure fire radio hit.
Charlotte 03
Asheville 04
Atlanta 12
Greenville 16, Columbia 16
Seattle 18
Nashville 22
Ohana Festival 24 x2
but I think that overall Cornell has stretched a little (I like that he doesn't keep revisiting Soundgarden, EM, or Audioslave) I love the bluesy factor that he has added to his songs and even if they sound a bit more pop than I was expecting they arent so bad as to deserve a Clarkson comparison.
even tho I already have this album, I will purchase it once it comes out...I don't really like cheating. :rolleyes:
See I think totally the opposite, its various genres are all over the place. To me the varied styles on Euphoria Morning worked really well, they sounded like they all belonged on the same record. I don't know, just seems like his primary target with this album was to get a lot of exposure as a solo artist rather than turning in a truely jaw-dropping record - which he is so capable of. Thus it feels like he didn't know what sort of album he wanted to make (soul, country, hard rock, 70's style pop?). And I don't care what anyone says, the inclusion of You Know My Name was a blatant attempt to gather interest in the record. It doesn't particularly fit, and to my mind has been tacked onto the end purely for exposure. In my opinion it would have made much more sense to just include it as a bonus track and put Today as an album track - since it is one of the better ones.
Were this any other artist I would probably view the album completely differently, it's by no means awful and is totally listenable, but the lack of cohesive identity, in my opinion, stops it from being a classic. Right now I can only see me remembering this as the album where he threw everything including the kitchen sink in.
I don't know Chris Cornell's music very much, but it seems like he has a lot of fans.
The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
i think the point of carry on is to showcase his voice and maybe capitalise on a wider audience or dare i say it- a different audience to what he is used to, get radio play..etc
One of the reasons i think audioslave broke up was because they stifled Cornell's singing and songwriting, this album has let him do exactly what he wants to do. Compared to artists who rehash the same thing over and over again, cornell and carry on are refreshing departures. Its a compliment to the guy that he can sing all those different types of song. he couldve made a soundgarden/em part two, but hasnt, and i think thats to his credit.
both sg and em are unique in that they werent later diminished by cornell attempting to form a tribute act to his old songs.EM is the most beautiful record, along with grace, to come out of the 90s, imo, and to try and recreate it would be a betrayal to its importance.
cc still acknowledges the role those records played in his life by playing them live, which is more than most ppl would do for their fans.
the bad idea or me befallen by it?
Katowice 2007
London 2007
You make some really good points, and I agree to some extent, it's more the standard of songwriting that bugs me. Arms around your love isn't a bad song by most people's standards, but it's totally lacking in the sophistication he usually uses.
I have no issue with him trying out different styles, but the album seems to reach for so many different styles that it just lacks identity. About half the album in my mind, is very good, but songs like No Such Thing, Arms Around Your Love, Your Soul Today are the epitome of average - the kind of songs he could write in his sleep. Not awful songs, but somewhat unremarkable when compared with ANY of his previous material.
Although I'm sure nobody is interested in what I think, what I would love to hear from him is a Nebraska type stripped down album, or a soul album, not just a bunch of songs thrown together. Like what is No Such Thing even doing on the album? Is it there to draw in the Audioslave fans, despite the fact nothing else on the album sounds anything like it?
I wasn't really saying that it's as bad as a Clarkson song. It just actually reminds me of a Clarkson song - y'know, the actual music of it. I think it's Since you Been Gone, or whatever that song was.
Totally, but I think their guidance and unique style helped give the album its identity.
Cornell's lost a lot.. he seems to be writing very un-challenging pop rock nowadays.
I'll still go see him when he tours Carry On because the man's voice is unbelievable.
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
Here's my review....
I do have some sympathy with whoever said they wanted a "Nebraska" from him though. I'd love that too. Maybe one day. He's certainly in a prolific phase right now. In the meantime, there's the Stockholm solo live set....
Chances are we would've been expecting way too much from him for an album that resembled/equaled Euphora Morning...different time, different moment, different man. Carry On is good....just not quite great.
With every listen I'm completely won over by Safe and Sound which sounded like a really good love sond when I heard it live but now that I can hear the lyrics I know that it's a lot more than that and that song's impressed the hell out of me.
Poison Eye...not so much. One song I find myself strangely attracted to is Killing Birds...and I say strangely attracted to because of the rhythm and the singing style. But that's what drew me in on Euphoria Morning; the unusual-ness of the songs. This album is softer, less a guy musically at ease, unlike EM which sounded like a guy musically searching to express and expand.
It's not a bad record and I'm enjoying the songs...but surely he could've done, by my subjective ears, better.
But that's just me.
...signed...the token black Pearl Jam fan.
except that song is "carry on wayward son"
Brave to try to gamble at times
all points taken , will type more tomorrow when im not half asleep
You worded it well for me.
...signed...the token black Pearl Jam fan.
Yeah it's weird cause I do like the song, and when I saw him do it live last week his singing was awesome on it, but it is still just meat and potatoes rock.
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"