Modest Mouse - We Were Dead Before The Ship Even Sank

album of the year so far. goddamn, this is FANTASTIC.
Cheat the odds that made you
Brave to try to gamble at times
Brave to try to gamble at times
Post edited by Unknown User on
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
Brave to try to gamble at times
Just checked out the site, and while I have heard of it, I've never been invited to join.
...signed...the token black Pearl Jam fan.
the link i used is now dead, but its out there...
Brave to try to gamble at times
the bad idea or me befallen by it?
the stickman's ghost:
Johny Marr to the rescue.
When you see me on the street, yell out "FAVO!!!"
I've been to alot of Pearl Jam shows;So fucking what.
~it is shining it is shining~
LCW was one of my favorite albums of all time.
Ever listen to "This is a Long Drive for Someone With Nothing to Think About"?
When you see me on the street, yell out "FAVO!!!"
I've been to alot of Pearl Jam shows;So fucking what.
oh yeah! great one ;]
~it is shining it is shining~
wasnt moon or antartica one of their last 2 albums?
I wasn't gonna quibble but, yeah.
When you see me on the street, yell out "FAVO!!!"
I've been to alot of Pearl Jam shows;So fucking what.
~it is shining it is shining~
I knew what you meant bro. Also,I think they may have put out a compilation in between the last two proper albums.
When you see me on the street, yell out "FAVO!!!"
I've been to alot of Pearl Jam shows;So fucking what.
im intrigued by this new one though.
im always interested to seewhen people actually started to listen to MM, i got into them when m& A came out and there were not many people hearing them at all, they seem to have a lot of retroactive fans.. i think its easyier to be critical of a band when you might have ingested there whole catalogue in a week (with the aid of d/loads etc) than the span of their actual career...
it seems like a lot of people bout good news and to a lesser extent moon and worked back from there..
no problem with it, i just remeber talking mmodest mouse on here about 4 years ago, and know one really having any idea who they were...
~it is shining it is shining~
I discovered them from a C.M.J (college music journal) writeup of "Lonesome Crowded West" back in 97. They compared them to The Pixies, so I checked them out. I loved it and within a month I bought the rest of their K and Up records releases. I saw them for the first time in may of 97 and became a huge supporter. If you check their setlist website(the fan page, no longer updated) and look under 5/20/00 you will see Blister in the sun(sang by an audience member) That was me, drunk off of my ass.
When you see me on the street, yell out "FAVO!!!"
I've been to alot of Pearl Jam shows;So fucking what.
wow, how hip of you.
i think i bought antartica and good news at the same time, on a friend's recommendation, then worked back. never much took to long drive, but lonesome crowded west is their best. so where does that leave me?
fans that think anything produced during a band's "popular" era is automatically weaker than the stuff they did before/after such popularity are so annoying. it's like the pearl jam fans who swear riot act is better than ten or vs. or the modest mouse fans who say good news sucks becos a lot of people liked it and the fruit that ate itself will always be their best.
I like riot act better than ten but that's because i think ten is overplayed and teh production blows, anyways reason I came on here was to thank the original poster for the heads up
Chris Cornell
hehe, i was misleading there... cos riot act is the only album i like less than ten, solely becos of the production
I started listening to Modest Mouse about two or three months before Good News came out and I had heard all the previous albums before Good News. Good News is one hell of an album but I prefer their older stuff. But Good News came out at one of the best parts of my life and I listened to it every chance I had during that time. So it will always have a place in my heart and remind me of great times.
San Diego 2003
Grand Rapids 2004
Grand Rapids 2006
Detroit 2006
Columbus 2010
"With my own two hands I can change the world."
totally different, but still fucking awesome. prepare to be taken aback by this album...really really interesting stuff on here. I love it...can't wait for more tour dates to be announced!
"Japan is awesome; the fans there knew all the words to all the least phonetically." - Stone
"I know this song so well, I can smoke a cigarette, have a drink, brush my teeth, take a shit, and mow the lawn while singing it. But I'll only be doing a couple of those things during this version." - EV