REM vs U2



  • R.E.M. No contest.
    "What happens when so many people agree on something? Can we take this beyond the parking lot when we leave tonight?" -EV, Iconoclasts
  • kdpjamkdpjam Posts: 2,303
    i love both bands, but i have to go with r.e.m. here...
    lay down all thoughts; surrender to the void
    ~it is shining it is shining~
  • REM. easily

    U2 pretty much sucks
  • r.e.m. for me... and personally i thought around the sun was really great....
  • I don't get the argument. I would find it hard to believe that anyone would like one of these amazing bands less than the other. The reason U2 is my favorite and because R.E.M. is because you can't have 2 favorite bands.

    For the record.....Pearl Jam comes in 3rd.

    It's like saying which do you like better......Pizza or BBQ.
  • dharma69dharma69 Posts: 1,275
    Soupy wrote:
    Yeah everyone hates vs threads but badluck.

    I give this it to REM.

    I struggle with U2 albums, the Best of's are great but the albums are full of fillers IMO. REM have a few dud albums like that (Around the Sun, Up, Green, Recoming) too, but overall I prefer them.
    U2 easily.

    Vocally, lyrically, showmanship, etc. U2 as a band (not lead singer vs lead singer) stands higher to me. Surely they've done less than their best on occasions (I look at Rattle & Hum and get annoyed; I look at POP and see what could've been), but even some of their worst is far superior to other bands' best.

    They have four pieces that fit together perfectly and have done so for over 20 years.
    "I'm here to see Pearl Jam."- Bono

    ...signed...the token black Pearl Jam fan.

  • at this point in my life i don't like either of them ,plus i was into U2 & REM WAY BACK IN THE 80s but i will take the replacements before any of these 2.
    jesus greets me looks just like me ....
  • at this point in my life i don't like either of them ,plus i was into U2 & REM WAY BACK IN THE 80s but i will take the replacements before any of these 2.

    Agree's, Let It Be rips the shreads out of anything REM or U2.
    Can not be arsed with life no more.
  • Agree's, Let It Be rips the shreads out of anything REM or U2.
    yeah man !!!!
    jesus greets me looks just like me ....
  • REM's early stuff blows away anything U2 ever did.

    that being said, both bands recent output has sucked beyond reason.

    but, I'd take a song like "leaving new york" over "vertigo" any day.

    and "Imitation of Life" is a brilliant far as recent REM goes.
    "What’s Orphans? I don’t know. Orphans is a dead end kid driving a coffin with big tires across the Ohio River wearing welding goggles and a wife beater with a lit firecracker in his ear." - Tom Waits
  • PaulJamPaulJam Posts: 163
    I dislike what U2 have become as much as the next person but I urge everyone to listen to The Joshua Tree. At least download songs you may not be familiar with from the album, such as Bullet the Blue Sky, In God's Country and Running to Stand Still.

    If you don't like that album there's something wrong with you. Sorry. It's sheer genius.
  • R.E.M.
    I like both but, R.E.M. is my favorite!!
    Pearl Jam Mexico 2005, The greatest year ever!
    December 9, 10 - ESTA BIEN, ESTA BIEEEEEN!
  • The battle of two bands who have the reputation that all of their songs sound the same.

    I'll vote U2. All That You Can't Leave Behind is one of their best albums, and that was made about 25 years into their career. To stay relevant that long deserves a lot of credit. They are just about the only band that has been able to have both album success and tour success so late into their careers. They also got as experimental as you can get with the Auchtung Baby-Zooropa-Pop phase.
  • definitely REM

    and i really liked Around the Sun. except for a couple songs (lotus, sad professer) i dont think up is very good. however, i think Reveal is excellent.

    and all their albums before UP were really good too. except for maybe monster and green.
    saw things so much clearer
  • I'd vote U2. R.E.M.'s legacy is secure, but they have now comfortably moved into middle age, and are now a greatest hits act, whereas U2 is still at least trying to be vital. Whether they are successful or not in their attempt is, of course, up to the listener.

    As a side note, I'm kind of surprised that so many people here hate Bono, because in my view, pre-Achtung Baby Bono (before he discovered irony) is very, very similar to the Eddie Vedder we know and love.
  • ZosoZoso Posts: 6,425
    I'd vote U2. R.E.M.'s legacy is secure, but they have now comfortably moved into middle age, and are now a greatest hits act, whereas U2 is still at least trying to be vital. Whether they are successful or not in their attempt is, of course, up to the listener.

    As a side note, I'm kind of surprised that so many people here hate Bono, because in my view, pre-Achtung Baby Bono (before he discovered irony) is very, very similar to the Eddie Vedder we know and love.

    U2 arent a greatest hits act I thought they defined this? never seen REM as a greates hits act.. if REM are than so are Pearl Jam.
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  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    Zoso wrote:
    U2 arent a greatest hits act I thought they defined this? never seen REM as a greates hits act.. if REM are than so are Pearl Jam.

    bullshit. if u2 were a greatest hits act they'd just be touring on old material. they release new albums and those albums get a LOT of play on their tours, just like pearl jam. in addition, people actually listen to U2's new albums. i cant even name the last rem album, or probably 2-3 before that.
  • I absolutely love R.E.M. and I will defend them to no end. Except in this argument. As much as I love R.E.M. and have devoted so much of my time to their music, they don't hold a candle to U2. I think every U2 album is a masterpiece from start to finish (except for October, which I feel aged poorly). But for all the great songs R.E.M. has done, they have quite a few bad ones (most of Monster and Up, for example).

    Both are great and have professed so much respect for each other, but I don't see a contest. U2 all the way!
    I love my female wife...
    we sit around and wonder exactly why our marriage should feel threatened by gay marriage
  • And by the way, Its kind of hard to call a band a "Greatest Hits Act" when their last album sold 800,000 its first week and the last 3 albums have all produced top 40 hits.

    U2 are still good AND still culturally relevant.
    I love my female wife...
    we sit around and wonder exactly why our marriage should feel threatened by gay marriage
  • Sorry---double post
    I love my female wife...
    we sit around and wonder exactly why our marriage should feel threatened by gay marriage
  • SoupySoupy Posts: 171
    Todd76 wrote:
    REM is by far the better band for my money......

    I'm in shock that you could list GREEN as a dud album - its one of my favourites, You Are The Everything is easily one of my top 5 favourite songs by any band - and if "Recoming" is supposed to be Reckoning then that is another album that is definitely not a dud by any stretch!!!!!

    Thankyou so much I was having the king of all mental blocks trying to spell 'Reckoning'. I only really like a handful of songs from 'Green'.

    As for people who are saying U2 are more vital and REM have settled into middle age comfort, i'd disagree. I think U2 tried a new direction with 'POP' it flopped and their last 2 albums have been middle of the road radio friendly blandness, way to safe relying on 'big' production to make the painfully average songs sound alot better than they really are.
    REM are still willing to try new things both 'Up' and 'Around the Sun' are pretty experimental for REM (and unfortunantly neither are that successful) and sales have fallen of because they aren't doing another 'Automatic for the People'.

    I think the problem with U2 is Bono knows the band has to remain 'The biggest band on the Planet' if anyone is going to listen to his preaching. Which means the albums have to sell were they can't afford another 'Pop' now so I think they'll just play it safe from now on.
  • Soupy wrote:
    Thankyou so much I was having the king of all mental blocks trying to spell 'Reckoning'. I only really like a handful of songs from 'Green'.

    As for people who are saying U2 are more vital and REM have settled into middle age comfort, i'd disagree. I think U2 tried a new direction with 'POP' it flopped and their last 2 albums have been middle of the road radio friendly blandness, way to safe relying on 'big' production to make the painfully average songs sound alot better than they really are.
    REM are still willing to try new things both 'Up' and 'Around the Sun' are pretty experimental for REM (and unfortunantly neither are that successful) and sales have fallen of because they aren't doing another 'Automatic for the People'.

    I think the problem with U2 is Bono knows the band has to remain 'The biggest band on the Planet' if anyone is going to listen to his preaching. Which means the albums have to sell were they can't afford another 'Pop' now so I think they'll just play it safe from now on.

    I don't know if I'd agree with that. Actually, this argument may be against U2 a little, but 'Pop' wasn't as experimental as people would like to think. After the first 3 songs it was a very straightforward rock record. I liked it, but it wasn't the strange new direction people say it was.

    The problem with being in a band like U2, no matter what they do someone is going to call them a sellout. 'Zooropa' was a bold new direction, all of a sudden they're sellouts. Then, 'All That You Can't Leave Behind' was a return to their roots---oh, they sold out!

    If 'How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb' was safe, well, ok. It was safe and fantastic. There is more to good music than just direction. There is nothing brand new on 'Dismantle,' its just a straightforward good rock record.

    As far as R.E.M., I really don't hear much difference in their last couple albums. People want to make 'Reveal' and 'Around the Sun' out to be the next 'Sgt. Pepper.' To be honest they really sound very similar. I'm not knocking them, I enjoy them both (actually, I listen to 'Reveal' all the time, I love very song on it.) You could throw R.E.M.'s post 1989 cd's up in the air and play them in the order they land in and not really see any progression.

    To make a very long story short, I find this whole argument funny. Neither one of them has reinvented the wheel lately. I love both and would shell out big bucks to see either, but don't overstate your position.
    I love my female wife...
    we sit around and wonder exactly why our marriage should feel threatened by gay marriage
  • I do want to add this.... it is great to see so many people defending R.E.M.'s newest music. Some of it is very good
    I love my female wife...
    we sit around and wonder exactly why our marriage should feel threatened by gay marriage
  • I'd vote U2. R.E.M.'s legacy is secure, but they have now comfortably moved into middle age, and are now a greatest hits act, whereas U2 is still at least trying to be vital. Whether they are successful or not in their attempt is, of course, up to the listener.

    As a side note, I'm kind of surprised that so many people here hate Bono, because in my view, pre-Achtung Baby Bono (before he discovered irony) is very, very similar to the Eddie Vedder we know and love.

    Well I'm glad someone had the nerve to say that. Way back when, before Joshua Tree, Bono was all mr earnest. I remember reading Pete Townsend saying that. Joshua Tree kind of legitamized U2.

    Both bands are great. But I still think U2 takes risks and REM is just there. And I used to be a HUGE REM fan guys. I've been listening a lot to Lifes Rich Pageant and it is way better than I thought it was in 86 when I sincerely loved it. It has aged remarkably well, which is the mark of a great piece of art. That's pure REM there--the soaring choruses (especially in Fall on Me), the murky lyrics. Great stuff. I think REM is so suited to vinyl.
  • kenny olavkenny olav Posts: 3,319
  • parel jamparel jam Posts: 7,223
    Soupy wrote:
    Yeah everyone hates vs threads but badluck.

    I give this it to REM.

    I struggle with U2 albums, the Best of's are great but the albums are full of fillers IMO. REM have a few dud albums like that (Around the Sun, Up, Green, Recoming) too, but overall I prefer them.

    I've seen them both live - I would say I prefer U2...

  • REM easily, I can't stand U2

    hahahahahaaa! YUP!
  • I want to add some things about the people who say U2 have become "irrelevant" or a "greatest hits act."

    Any argument about U2's relevance in music today was settled in 2001 after September 11. U2's "All That You Can't Leave Behind" album had been out almost a year and had pretty much sold all it was going to sell. It had fallen to around 100 or so on the charts. The weeks after the attack, it had skyrocketed back into the top 20 despite no extra promotion of any kind. People turned to U2 to make them feel better. R.E.M.'s "Reveal" record was actually newer at that point, but it was U2 people flocked to.

    And, who was asked to play the Super Bowl that season?

    And, who was asked to play (along with Green Day) at the first NFL game played in New Orleans after the city was destroyed by a hurricane?

    The Super Dome went nuts on Monday when Bono took the stage.

    how anyone can call them a greatest hits act is beyond me
    I love my female wife...
    we sit around and wonder exactly why our marriage should feel threatened by gay marriage
  • Saw both bends live, but at this point I would have to go with R.E.M.
    NEW that one!
  • ZosoZoso Posts: 6,425
    REM by far have u heard their lastest hits album!! amazing listen.
    I'm just flying around the other side of the world to say I love you

    Sha la la la i'm in love with a jersey girl

    I love you forever and forever :)

    Adel 03 Melb 1 03 LA 2 06 Santa Barbara 06 Gorge 1 06 Gorge 2 06 Adel 1 06 Adel 2 06 Camden 1 08 Camden 2 08 Washington DC 08 Hartford 08
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