sleater-kinney modern girl



  • ii44ii44 Posts: 430
    digster wrote:
    Funny, I've listened to The Woods many times, I don't hear it being a casualty of the Loudness Wars, as you put it. There's distortion, but it's natural distortion; I believe the entire album was made using analog equipment. I hear overdriven amps, not digital distortion. When I think of the loudness wars, I think of clipping and no differentiation between instruments; I hear none of that in The Woods; it's a loud and very abrasive rock record, but it doesn't grate on me in the sense that Magic, Avocado, and Accelerate by R.E.M. Those are just digitally mastered to compete with rock radio. I don't hear that in The Woods.

    Badmotorfinger is a loud abrasive rock record, and it's one of the quietest I own. I'd argue that it was first distorted for artistic reasons, and then loudened afterwards. Not that I'm an expert, I'd love to know why it actually sounds this way.
  • Puck78Puck78 Posts: 737
    The Woods is the best and freshest album of the last years...
    ...and live was even louder...
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