TOOL - Help Needed

Hey, I'm looking to get into Tool. Can anyone recommend any individual tracks or albums that would be a good starting point?
Cheers, Jack.
Cheers, Jack.
2006 - Astoria, Dublin, Leeds
2007 - London
2009 - London, Manchester, London
2010 - Dublin, Belfast, London
2011 - Alpine Valley x2
2012 - Isle of Wight, Manchester x2
2007 - London
2009 - London, Manchester, London
2010 - Dublin, Belfast, London
2011 - Alpine Valley x2
2012 - Isle of Wight, Manchester x2
Post edited by Unknown User on
part of me
prison sex
sober (radio hit for some reason)
the patient
the grudge
ticks & leeches
run for your life
that should go without saying. perfect starting point.
Berlin 23-09-06
Copenhagen 26-06-07
"This is not wine that I'm drinking tonight. This is Gatorade!" EV-Copenhagen 26-06-07
Sober- Undertow
The guitar on this track sounds amazing. Pretty mournfull song really but has lots of passion.
Stinkfist- Aenima
You probably would have heard it before. Cool little guitar riff and the song just explodes in the chorus. Not one of my favourite tool songs now, but as someone else said its pretty accessable.
Lateralus- Lateralus
This goes for over nine minutes but you'll want to listen to it over and over. Its got this great intro that builds up and then the main riff just kicks in. Its a magical moment. The lyrics are really uplifting and there are heaps of cool tempo changes.
These are all good starting points. Not nessesarily the best songs, but these will be stepping stones to others. Getting into Tool can be a bit of an effort, but its well worth the reward. Also check out the song Opiate, off the EP of the same name, and the live version of Pushit, off Salival.
Hooker with a Penis
Ticks and Leeches
But you're better off buying Aenima and Lateralus.
Stinkfist-a rocker, really accessible yet still Tooly
Eulogy- badass song, long, but only b/c the 2 minute build. If its annoying at first fastforward to about the 145 mark
H-just a good tune
46 & 2-you get an idea of what they drummer is about
Hooker With a Penis-a big fuck you to people that talk about sellin out all the time
Aenima- I like this song, but what comes after it is the reward, 3rd Eye
Pushit- a 10 minute song kinda like black lyrically, starts pretty mellow but just build and builds. Its downright amazing.
Remove Aenima and replace with Lateralus and just let it play. Highlights
The Grudge, Eon Blue Apocalypse, The Patient, Schism, Parabol/a, Ticks and Leeches, Lateralus.
I know I am forgetting something. Ah well. Just go buy their 4 albums and listen to them until their new album comes out. I had a Tool cd for over a year before I even listened b/c I used to be a bit close minded about them.
Glad I discovered them.
They have been surprisingly influential on me, as a musician.
I'd agree to do what he says. I was the same way, I bought undertow, listened to it once, didn't like it, was in my cd rack for years and I didn't listen to it. After listening to Aenima and Lateralus, i went back to it and I love it. Since there hasn't been much talk of Untertow, here are the highlights in my opinion
Sober (obviously, it is their most well known track)
Flood (fast forward to about 4 1/2 minutes in)
Prison Sex (kick ass song)
Crawl Away
the whole cd is awesome, but those are the ones to pay attention to first if you are just starting off on tool.
Dont forget Bottom. Just hearin Henry Rollins say "naked and fearless" is worth the price of admission
Pushit [Live] - Salival
Yes! that is great
so is the cover of No Quarter (may have already been mentioned)
Fuckin' right!!!!
Lateralus - Parabol/Parabola, tracks 6 & 7. Turn it up loud, enjoy.
the bad idea or me befallen by it?
I agree.
Start at the beginning.
Listen to each album lots.
You can see the genius early but with every album they become just a
bit more polished, just a bit more creative. And every album is more in
depth into a certain area they are interested in. But you see Maynards
and the bands growth not only in music and art but also thier growth in
thier religion.
And then start buying some A Perfect Circle.
I for one would not flame you. That album is flat out amazing.
"Sitting on a cornflake, waiting for the van to come...."
I'd agree to this. Except I thought Lateralus was their least good to this point, I'm hoping for something more with 10, 000 days! But their first three are some of the best albums I've ever heard, especially Undertow and Aenima.
i liked the fibonacci pattern he used in the vocals
Black | 1
Then | 1
White are | 2
All I See | 3
In my in*fan*cy | 5
Red and yell*ow then came to be | 8
reach*ing out to me | 5
Lets me see | 3
There is |2
So | 1
Much | 1
More and | 2
Beck*ons me | 3
To look through to these | 5
In*fin*ite poss*ib*il*it*ies | 8
As bel*ow, so ab*ove and bey*ond, I im*ag*ine | 13
Drawn out*side the lines of rea*son | 8
Push the En*vel*ope | 5
watch it bend | 3
you lied off of salvia is pretty good, too
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
i didn't...but i still think it's cool
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
Agreed! I've been a fan of tool for almost as long as PJ.(92ish). Laterulus is my least favorite. though still good. just doesnt have the kick the albums prior have.
Aenima seems to have flushed their "edginess" right out of them
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
I love them all though but therer growth has been amazing.
Is the single floating around yet for Vicarious?