This guy is nothing special. People on here are far too quick, to give this guy credit. He isnt the worst singer out there. Nothing that impresses me. Facepollution is always right people. He knows more about talent then anyone.
This guy is nothing special. People on here are far too quick, to give this guy credit. He isnt the worst singer out there. Nothing that impresses me. Facepollution is always right people. He knows more about talent then anyone.
Somebody with a 4 octave vocal range who can hold notes for over 30 seconds IS a good singer - that isn't really up for discussion. To sing like that takes a lot of skill - something which the vast majority of singers don't have - hence what makes him special (at least in my view). Whether you happen to like his voice, lyrics etc is PURELY SUBJECTIVE. There is a big difference between judging someone as a singer and judging someone as a vocalist. In my opinion, Greg Dulli is a great vocalist, despite the fact he often goes out of tune, his passion and energy make him a great vocalist in my view.
You may not be impressed by Kennedy as a vocalist, which is fine but don't start getting pissy with me just because I've grasped the fact that holding long high notes is much harder than singing shorter lower notes - here's a clue, it's the reason why most vocalists don't do it, hell, try it yourself.
Damn, I didn't see that coming. I secretly liked the first Alter Bridge record (the second being too much of unnecessary power-chords from the Creed guy).
One of the things I liked was the singer's voice - he could really rip it. Thanks to you guys I will definitely check out Mayfield Four.
But as for him, touring and recording some stuff with 1/2 of the good old Zep, I would still prefer Cornell, mainly because he needs to rise from ashes of his crappy colloboration with "what-ya-call-him" and the fact that I like Chris' voice more than Plant's who sometimes sounds like some girl.
Somebody with a 4 octave vocal range who can hold notes for over 30 seconds IS a good singer - that isn't really up for discussion. To sing like that takes a lot of skill - something which the vast majority of singers don't have - hence what makes him special (at least in my view). Whether you happen to like his voice, lyrics etc is PURELY SUBJECTIVE. There is a big difference between judging someone as a singer and judging someone as a vocalist. In my opinion, Greg Dulli is a great vocalist, despite the fact he often goes out of tune, his passion and energy make him a great vocalist in my view.
Not talking about myles kennedy here, who I haven't hear yet. But arguing someone with insane vocal skills is a good singer is like arguing someone with insane guitar skills is a good guitarist. It's just not true. Being skilled is one thing, being talented is another.
Not talking about myles kennedy here, who I haven't hear yet. But arguing someone with insane vocal skills is a good singer is like arguing someone with insane guitar skills is a good guitarist. It's just not true. Being skilled is one thing, being talented is another.
I think you're missing my point. Talent as you are interpreting its definition, can be whatever you want it to be as long as it impresses YOU. An impressive skill is something that goes above or beyond what others can do. For example, a marathon runner who can run that bit faster or further than their competitors, is a better runner.
I guess what you're trying to point out, is essentially what Jeremy1012 said on the first page, that whilst he might be a great technical singer, he might for example lack originality in his style or whatever. I can't argue with that - whether you get anything from his singing is a personal thing. Anyway I think I argued my case when I made the distinction between the terms 'singer' (i.e. the art of singing, in the clasical sense of ther word) and 'vocalist' (which is ultimately just subjective). To say Myles Kennedy isn't a 'good' singer, would be like saying Whitney, Mariah or Aretha weren't 'good' singers.
Somebody with a 4 octave vocal range who can hold notes for over 30 seconds IS a good singer - that isn't really up for discussion. To sing like that takes a lot of skill - something which the vast majority of singers don't have - hence what makes him special (at least in my view). Whether you happen to like his voice, lyrics etc is PURELY SUBJECTIVE. There is a big difference between judging someone as a singer and judging someone as a vocalist. In my opinion, Greg Dulli is a great vocalist, despite the fact he often goes out of tune, his passion and energy make him a great vocalist in my view.
You may not be impressed by Kennedy as a vocalist, which is fine but don't start getting pissy with me just because I've grasped the fact that holding long high notes is much harder than singing shorter lower notes - here's a clue, it's the reason why most vocalists don't do it, hell, try it yourself.
One of the things I liked was the singer's voice - he could really rip it. Thanks to you guys I will definitely check out Mayfield Four.
But as for him, touring and recording some stuff with 1/2 of the good old Zep, I would still prefer Cornell, mainly because he needs to rise from ashes of his crappy colloboration with "what-ya-call-him" and the fact that I like Chris' voice more than Plant's who sometimes sounds like some girl.
Not talking about myles kennedy here, who I haven't hear yet. But arguing someone with insane vocal skills is a good singer is like arguing someone with insane guitar skills is a good guitarist. It's just not true. Being skilled is one thing, being talented is another.
I think you're missing my point. Talent as you are interpreting its definition, can be whatever you want it to be as long as it impresses YOU. An impressive skill is something that goes above or beyond what others can do. For example, a marathon runner who can run that bit faster or further than their competitors, is a better runner.
I guess what you're trying to point out, is essentially what Jeremy1012 said on the first page, that whilst he might be a great technical singer, he might for example lack originality in his style or whatever. I can't argue with that - whether you get anything from his singing is a personal thing. Anyway I think I argued my case when I made the distinction between the terms 'singer' (i.e. the art of singing, in the clasical sense of ther word) and 'vocalist' (which is ultimately just subjective). To say Myles Kennedy isn't a 'good' singer, would be like saying Whitney, Mariah or Aretha weren't 'good' singers.