MLB 2k7 commercial NIRVANA



  • Speaking as someone who couldn't make it through a single game last year without it freezing, I'm pleased to report that I have had absolutely no issues so far and am totally digging the game.

    As for the song, does anyone else think that she chose something pre-Grohl just to avoid any additional royalty issues with him since they hate each other (not that he needs it or anything)? I mean I don't know the details but I would imagine that even though she has the rights to do whatever she wants with the songs, that the musicians who actually played on the song would get paid something if the song were to be licensed.

    That is an interesting point about Courtney and Dave. I could easily see her doing that.

    For the record, 2K7 on the 360 kicks ass.
  • Once again taking things way to seriously.


    i was joking around dude..........seriously.
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