yeah, i cant believe i forgot them. they havent released a decent song since ok computer. key word being SONG. sure they've released some pleasant sounding ambient noise... but a tune, or melody, or anything would be nice.
also, i dig coldplay but i cant see how people would say they're over-rated. they get billed as rock's saviors or something. but they're really more like a good u2 tribute band
-Coldplay does have potential to be a good band. They're talented musicians, but the vocals in my eyes are a bit too whiny.
-Fall Out Boy is just another pop punk band that needs to fade away quicker than they appeared.
-The Mars Volta are also talented musicians but the vocals are horrendous. The vocalist sounds like he's crying during every song on Frances The Mute.
-Jack Johnson is an ok musician, his music just tends to sound the same. Personally I think Ben Harper deserves a lot more radio play and credit than Johnson does. Harper's lyrics and songs are much more complicated and beautiful.
"Tonight we're just gonna play you some good old American Rock and Roll." tom petty-7-15-05
for pure argument sake, i would like to know EXACTLY why you think the beatles are overrated. your argument cannot include "i don't like them" as one of your reasons.
half the bands listed so far (if not more) i either don't like or have never heard a song by them, but i wouldn't go and say they are overrated.
all overrated means to me is that someone (your friend, a person on a message board, a magazine, etc) LOVES them and then when you heard them you think they suck.
i personally think overrated is a meaningless word.
I agree one hundred percent.
The Beatles are a great band and have influenced music as much or more than anyone. yet they have become the default answer for the question..."who is the greatest band of all time". I strongly suspect the vast majority of people who answer that question with the Beatles as doing so simply because that is the accepted answer. I don't think they are worthy of the worship they receive because I don't believe it to be authentic in most cases.
Mars volta, Radiohead? Did you listen to them first?
AHHH one can't argu about taste, I know, but you should really reconsider.
Go see them LIVE they kick ass.
Both off them.
ive seen mars volta 2x and radiohead 1x. saw mars 3 years ago open for chili peppers thought they were alright, saw them last summer open for system of a down and thought they were horrible. somebody on here said something about the vocals and i gotta agree. . . saw radiohead at field day festival 3 years ago, i dont know thought they were kinda dull. didnt do anything for me
i have wished for so long, how i wish for you today
I can not agree with the White Stripes...I was told about them a couple of years ago, I heard 1 song and I was hooked. But that is just me.
Jack Johnson, well since I have 2 little boys who loved Curious George, they also liked the music that went along with it. The album is pretty good. I find myself singing along all the time. I like Jack Johnson even if he is main stream.
My list is as follows
Snow Patrol-Kinda lame for the hype.
Velvet Revolver-Scott needs to do full time with STP
AudioSlave-I was excited to hear about the 2 parties hooking up but in reality they should stay as Rage against the Machine and Soundgarden.
Death Cab for Cutie-I ahd heard great things about them, but I thought they sucked when they opened for the VFC tour
Green Day- I think Dookie is the best 35 minute album out there to this day. I loved them and I have had my fun with them. The song September something just plain sucks!
yeah, i cant believe i forgot them. they havent released a decent song since ok computer. key word being SONG. sure they've released some pleasant sounding ambient noise... but a tune, or melody, or anything would be nice.
Spinning Plates?
Morning Bell?
Those are just the first ones that come to my head
Yes, yes they are. Heard "Plans" twice to give the album a fair chance, nearly put me to sleep both times. It should come with a "Do not operate heavey machinery while listening to this album" disclaimer.
Which came first,
the bad idea or me befallen by it?
Yes, yes they are. Heard "Plans" twice to give the album a fair chance, nearly put me to sleep both times. It should come with a "Do not operate heavey machinery while listening to this album" disclaimer.
Nickelback- most cheesiest Rock ballad band ever. horrible.
White Stripes
Cold Play -sucks horribly.. I would fall asleep at a concert
Velvet Revolver
Simple Plan
Pretty much every band that has come around in the last few years. The music industry just sucks.
Oh yeah plus the White Stripes suck. Even if Jack White is a talented guitarist, his drummer is sooo untalented it's annoying. And he has no bassist to give the band any depth. Just not my cup of tea.
Cannot stop the thought, running in the dark, coming up a which way sign, all good truants must decide.
those are the only three i can think of right now, but they are all way overrated in my opinions, as is fiona apple's new album but i don't think she is overrated.
And Audioslave, if you've seen them live, you won't think they're overrated, but that's just my opinion.
Green Day, Modest Mouse, Jack Johnson, Fall out Boy, alot of the I haven't seen, U2
Yes DMB's vocal pitch has gotten on my nerves, it's clown shoes.
System of A Down I don't agree with, but the 2nd part of the recent duo (Hypnotize) is a letdown from Mesmerize, they're just too inconsistent for me. There's always a "Boom" or "BYOB" and then the rest of the album is clown rock. Too bad...
I'm sure Audioslave is good live only because they have a near legendary vocalist and a tight backing band. The material is what IS lukewarm piss. THey should be held to a higher standard, or step aside, it's that simple.
"The one's who love us best, are the one's we'll lay to rest. Visit their graves on holidays, at best. The one's who love us least, are the one's we'll die to please..." The Replacements
Arctic Monkeys
Fall Out Boy
Franz Ferdinand
Death Cab for Cutie
Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson!!---wow, my jaw dropped on that one. It really hurts to look at it still.....must go now....blink, blink...yep still there--ouch--its just so harsh, so cold. where has all the love gone?
Coldplay, again. There was that first single that sounded like a pretty average Jeff Buckley B-side, then that bloody "Yellow" song, then it just kept getting worse.
The Arctic Monkeys shocked everyone by selling all those albums but I don't know that they're necessarily overrated. I personally would never buy their album but I haven't heard anyone say anything other than that it was a surprise. They're not saying that it was expected because they're so great or anything. Or even that they deserve it, just that it's a shock.
System of a down ( there just fucking horrible)
John Lennon- 1 good fucking solo album
and last but not least....
yeah, i cant believe i forgot them. they havent released a decent song since ok computer. key word being SONG. sure they've released some pleasant sounding ambient noise... but a tune, or melody, or anything would be nice.
also, i dig coldplay but i cant see how people would say they're over-rated. they get billed as rock's saviors or something. but they're really more like a good u2 tribute band
-Fall Out Boy is just another pop punk band that needs to fade away quicker than they appeared.
-The Mars Volta are also talented musicians but the vocals are horrendous. The vocalist sounds like he's crying during every song on Frances The Mute.
-Jack Johnson is an ok musician, his music just tends to sound the same. Personally I think Ben Harper deserves a lot more radio play and credit than Johnson does. Harper's lyrics and songs are much more complicated and beautiful.
I agree one hundred percent.
The Beatles are a great band and have influenced music as much or more than anyone. yet they have become the default answer for the question..."who is the greatest band of all time". I strongly suspect the vast majority of people who answer that question with the Beatles as doing so simply because that is the accepted answer. I don't think they are worthy of the worship they receive because I don't believe it to be authentic in most cases.
9.10.98 NYC / 8.23.00 JONES BEACH /4.30.03 UNIONDALE / 7.9.03 NYC /5.12.06 ALBANY/ 6.1.06 E.RUTHEFORD/ 6.3.06 E. RUTHEFORD/ CAMDEN 6.19.08/ NYC 6.24.08/ NYC 6.25.08/ HARTFORD 6.27.08/ CHICAGO 8.24.09/ PHILLY 10.31.09/ HARTFORD 5.15.10/ NEWARK 5.18.10/ NYC 5.20.10/ CHICAGO 7.19.13/ BROOKLYN 10.18.13/ BROOKLYN 10.19.13/ HARTFORD 10.25.13/ NYC 9.26.15/ 4.8.16 FT. LAUDERDALE/ 4.9.16 MIAMI / 5.1.16 NYC/ 5.2.16 NYC / 8.5.16 BOSTON / 8.7.16 BOSTON/ 8.20.18 CHICAGO/ 9.2.18 BOSTON/ 9.4.18 BOSTON/ 9.18.21 ASBURY PARK
Matchbook Romance
Hawthorne Heights
Fallout boy - They should Dance, Dance off a fucking cliff.
I thought you liked them?
In any case, great call
Jack Johnson, well since I have 2 little boys who loved Curious George, they also liked the music that went along with it. The album is pretty good. I find myself singing along all the time. I like Jack Johnson even if he is main stream.
My list is as follows
Snow Patrol-Kinda lame for the hype.
Velvet Revolver-Scott needs to do full time with STP
AudioSlave-I was excited to hear about the 2 parties hooking up but in reality they should stay as Rage against the Machine and Soundgarden.
Death Cab for Cutie-I ahd heard great things about them, but I thought they sucked when they opened for the VFC tour
Green Day- I think Dookie is the best 35 minute album out there to this day. I loved them and I have had my fun with them. The song September something just plain sucks!
Yes, yes they are. Heard "Plans" twice to give the album a fair chance, nearly put me to sleep both times. It should come with a "Do not operate heavey machinery while listening to this album" disclaimer.
the bad idea or me befallen by it?
System of a Down? Are you kidding me?
And Audioslave, if you've seen them live, you won't think they're overrated, but that's just my opinion.
Green Day, Modest Mouse, Jack Johnson, Fall out Boy, alot of the I haven't seen, U2
Kaiser Chiefs
Franz Ferdinand
Lenny Kravitz
Matchbox 20
Papa Roach
Robbie Williams (isn't maybe a real band)
Simple Plan
try one of their good albums
Most overrated band ever.
Their songs are all the same. Purely commercial crap.
The Killers/The Strokes/The White's all the same to me. Listen to one or two songs and you're done.
I've seen System Of A Down mentioned...they're good.
White Stripes
Cold Play -sucks horribly.. I would fall asleep at a concert
Velvet Revolver
Simple Plan
Fall Out Boy
DMB (suck it Brian)
Agreed! Couldn't have said it better.
the bad idea or me befallen by it?
And although I like them a lot, Nirvana is probably ove . At least compared to other Seattle "grunge" bands.
All Fall out boy, my chemical romance, hawthorne heights, etc bands.
and i agree with Green day, DMB, Coldplay..
Oh yeah plus the White Stripes suck. Even if Jack White is a talented guitarist, his drummer is sooo untalented it's annoying. And he has no bassist to give the band any depth. Just not my cup of tea.
death cab for cutie
those are the only three i can think of right now, but they are all way overrated in my opinions, as is fiona apple's new album but i don't think she is overrated.
Yes DMB's vocal pitch has gotten on my nerves, it's clown shoes.
System of A Down I don't agree with, but the 2nd part of the recent duo (Hypnotize) is a letdown from Mesmerize, they're just too inconsistent for me. There's always a "Boom" or "BYOB" and then the rest of the album is clown rock. Too bad...
I'm sure Audioslave is good live only because they have a near legendary vocalist and a tight backing band. The material is what IS lukewarm piss. THey should be held to a higher standard, or step aside, it's that simple.
The Strokes
The Streets
Paul McCartney
Jack Johnson!!---wow, my jaw dropped on that one. It really hurts to look at it still.....must go now....blink, blink...yep still there--ouch--its just so harsh, so cold. where has all the love gone?
I love ya Jack!!!
The Arctic Monkeys shocked everyone by selling all those albums but I don't know that they're necessarily overrated. I personally would never buy their album but I haven't heard anyone say anything other than that it was a surprise. They're not saying that it was expected because they're so great or anything. Or even that they deserve it, just that it's a shock.
Best response yet.
it's Hebrew Rap/Reggae! how can you not?
I actually think it's really cool
I don't get sufjan stevens
Yellowcard - just plain crap
The Mars Volta - they are good but WILL never as good as At the Drive-In