Blind Melon - New Track up on Blind Melon's Myspace!



  • Okay, I just listened...I want to punch him in the face when he's laughing at the end. See, I gave it a chance. :D
    "Oh, a flower you are to my land..."
  • facepollutionfacepollution Posts: 6,834
    My point was that they are older now, & obviously trying to recreate what they had with a younger singer..

    That is not 'obvious' - it's just the way you are chosing to interpret it, which says quite a lot about your respect for the rest of the band members and their decision making......
    I haven't heard the new song, I'm deciding whether I can stomach it...I just about puked when I decided to watch the "Harmful Belly" video & heard that singer singing "laughing from the inside out" as he left the room.

    Would you listen to yourself?! It's music, as much importance as we all put on it, it's still at the end of the day, just music. Listen to the song, it's good, in fact it's great, nothing to not like. It sounds like your whole aversion to the new Blind Melon is solely based on emotion and not logic. I can totally understand an emotional tie to a particular singer or artist, but if the band themselves can get over it, does that not tell you that maybe you need to be a little less sensitive?
  • Brisk.Brisk. Posts: 11,557
    I'm not saying a 25 year old isn't deep...Hell, Shannon had just turned 28 when he died. My point was that they are older now, & obviously trying to recreate what they had with a younger singer.

    yes its so obvious..............

    they just want to play together.. maybe an old guy with a voice cant sing that high or even just the fact that its a coinsedence that the guy is 25
  • facepollutionfacepollution Posts: 6,834
    Okay, I just listened...I want to punch him in the face when he's laughing at the end. See, I gave it a chance. :D

    How do you even know it's him laughing? Could be any band member.
  • bobasfeetbobasfeet Posts: 1,113
    Hey while we argue about it, does anyone know how to rip streaming music off myspace and get the new track?? Someone did it when they posted the 2 other tracks.That would be awesome. I need to give it the driving test.
  • That is not 'obvious' - it's just the way you are chosing to interpret it, which says quite a lot about your respect for the rest of the band members and their decision making......

    Would you listen to yourself?! It's music, as much importance as we all put on it, it's still at the end of the day, just music. Listen to the song, it's good, in fact it's great, nothing to not like. It sounds like your whole aversion to the new Blind Melon is solely based on emotion and not logic. I can totally understand an emotional tie to a particular singer or artist, but if the band themselves can get over it, does that not tell you that maybe you need to be a little less sensitive?

    First off, I didn't say the song itself was bad. It's alright, far from "great", but a decent rock song for nowadays anyway. Him trying to sound like Shannon is what's annoying about it. A far cry from the originality that stemmed from songs like "Soup," "Sleepyhouse", "Toes Across the Floor..." well, you get the point. They just lack that creativeness that BLIND MELON had, & gee, I Wonder why?

    & I will not "get over it" I don't care if the band members or whoever else thinks enough time has passed & they wanna "move on." I'm sorry they're choosing this route, but regardless, I will continue to be forever grateful to Shannon, Glen, Rogers, Chris & Brad for the amazing, timeless music I was left with...that is who & what BLIND MELON will always be to me. :)
    "Oh, a flower you are to my land..."
  • facepollutionfacepollution Posts: 6,834
    Him trying to sound like Shannon is what's annoying about it.

    Check out his old band, he sounded exactly the same in that band - that is how he sings. There are a lot of singers with that higher kind of voice, Perry Farrell, Jeremy Enigk (Sunny Day Real Estate), the singer from Elliott - my point being that they most likely chose someone whose voice would be familiar and fitted the earlier stuff - it would hardly sound like Blind Melon if they had an Eddie Vedder type vocalist.
    & I will not "get over it" I don't care if the band members or whoever else thinks enough time has passed & they wanna "move on." I'm sorry they're choosing this route, but regardless, I will continue to be forever grateful to Shannon, Glen, Rogers, Chris & Brad for the amazing, timeless music I was left with...that is who & what BLIND MELON will always be to me. :)

    You just sound like a martyr to the cause, like Shannon would be proud of you for standing up for him or wouldn't like the new stuff regardless, even if they had an even better singer/songwriter than Shannon. Sad.
  • You just sound like a martyr to the cause, like Shannon would be proud of you for standing up for him or wouldn't like the new stuff regardless, even if they had an even better singer/songwriter than Shannon. Sad.

    You are a quick one. No, I wouldn't like the new stuff regardless...cuz it's NOT fucking Blind Melon & never will be. & They couldn't have a better singer song writer than Shannon, cuz he was the best there will ever be. :D As far as "standing up for Shannon", any of us who can truly appreciate what he gave as a musician know you just can't replace that. It's not "sticking up for him"...It's a fact.
    "Oh, a flower you are to my land..."
  • facepollutionfacepollution Posts: 6,834
    You are a quick one. No, I wouldn't like the new stuff regardless...cuz it's NOT fucking Blind Melon & never will be. & They couldn't have a better singer song writer than Shannon, cuz he was the best there will ever be. :D As far as "standing up for Shannon", any of us who can truly appreciate what he gave as a musician know you just can't replace that. It's not "sticking up for him"...It's a fact.

    martyr. I like the way you conveniently miss out a load of the points I made. I don't know why you even refer to it as Blind Melon, cause clearly you saw it as the Shannon Hoon band, obviously the other guys weren't as important in your view. Oh well, your loss.
  • sorry it's simply impossible to replace someone so special. sadly i think they will never make it because they chose to use the old name. but it will be better that way. i don't agree with any band losing as important a member as the lead singer to death, carrying on and using the same name. it's just not right and doesn't show much respect for hoon. bottom line is the name means instant recognition for instant dollar making. what are the remaining members afraid of? good music will be good no matter what the band is some fucking respect and let the blind melon name rest with shannon and use a new name...pearl jam did it and look at them now.
    Oh dear dad
    Can you see me now
    I am myself
    Like you somehow
    I'll ride the wave
    Where it takes me
    I'll hold the pain
    Release me
  • sorry it's simply impossible to replace someone so special. sadly i think they will never make it because they chose to use the old name. but it will be better that way. i don't agree with any band losing as important a member as the lead singer to death, carrying on and using the same name. it's just not right and doesn't show much respect for hoon. bottom line is the name means instant recognition for instant dollar making. what are the remaining members afraid of? good music will be good no matter what the band is some fucking respect and let the blind melon name rest with shannon and use a new name...pearl jam did it and look at them now.

    What Pearl Jam did was different because they didn't go out and play MLB songs. The Blind Melon guys have said that they will play some of their old songs and that they felt like they were in a catch-22 situation or whatever because it would feel strange to them either way to play their old songs under a new name or to not acknowledge the past by not playing old songs at all. I know somebody who has been working with them and have heard the whole story about how they got back is a very strange story. I also heard a bunch more of the songs and they are all really good. it made more sense to me after I heard it.
  • PissBottleManPissBottleMan Posts: 4,154
    it's just not right and doesn't show much respect for hoon.

    Seriously, why does Shannon get a free pass. He died of an overdose. How much more disrespectful can you get? Chris, Glen, Rogers and Brad had to pick up the pieces after his death. They tried other projects and waited 12 years to resurrect the name.

    I don't get it.

    "We paced ourselves and we didn't rush through it and we tried to be as creative as our collective minds would let us be over some course of time instead of just trying to rush through a record"

    Wishlist Foundation:
  • facepollutionfacepollution Posts: 6,834
    Seriously, why does Shannon get a free pass. He died of an overdose. How much more disrespectful can you get? Chris, Glen, Rogers and Brad had to pick up the pieces after his death. They tried other projects and waited 12 years to resurrect the name.

    I don't get it.


    Exactly, it's like saying someone shouldn't get married again after their spouse dies. At the end of the day they all played a part in writing those songs, so they still have the right to play them.
  • martyr. I like the way you conveniently miss out a load of the points I made. I don't know why you even refer to it as Blind Melon, cause clearly you saw it as the Shannon Hoon band, obviously the other guys weren't as important in your view. Oh well, your loss.

    Hmm, I can't imagine why I "conveniently missed your points", probably because there weren't any.

    I call them Blind Melon because that's who they were, together. There's no denying that Shannon was the driving force behind that band though...Anyone who says otherwise is just trying to be politically correct about it. No matter who says it, there's no such thing as Blind Melon with Shannon...They can use the name & cash in for a while, but they will end up failing miserably...Why? Because "Blind Melon" without Shannon simply doesn't exist.
    "Oh, a flower you are to my land..."
  • facepollutionfacepollution Posts: 6,834
    Hmm, I can't imagine why I "conveniently missed your points", probably because there weren't any.

    ok what about the point I made that the new singer has ALWAYS sounded like that (i.e. in his old band), and wasn't 'obviously' trying to sound like Shannon. Or what about if another member had died instead of Shannon and they had carried on then, would they still be Blind Melon in your eyes? Fucking hell, read before you make such a dumb comment.

    I'm not sure I can be bothered with much more of this, clearly you don't respond to LOGIC, you're ruled by emotion on this subject and can't even possibly consider looking at the bigger picture. That's a shame, I can only hope you don't apply this template when assesing other things in life.

    Hypothetically speaking, a band CAN go on and become successful with a new singer. Like someone else pointed out, AC/DC did incredibly well with a new singer. And a new singer and some popular new songs may cause a whole new generation of fans to go check out the earlier stuff, and rescue Blind Melon from becoming a footnote in the early 90's alternative scene, and putting them in the rightful place they deserve as a classic band.
  • ok what about the point I made that the new singer has ALWAYS sounded like that (i.e. in his old band), and wasn't 'obviously' trying to sound like Shannon. Or what about if another member had died instead of Shannon and they had carried on then, would they still be Blind Melon in your eyes? Fucking hell, read before you make such a dumb comment.

    I'm not sure I can be bothered with much more of this, clearly you don't respond to LOGIC, you're ruled by emotion on this subject and can't even possibly consider looking at the bigger picture. That's a shame, I can only hope you don't apply this template when assesing other things in life.

    Hypothetically speaking, a band CAN go on and become successful with a new singer. Like someone else pointed out, AC/DC did incredibly well with a new singer. And a new singer and some popular new songs may cause a whole new generation of fans to go check out the earlier stuff, and rescue Blind Melon from becoming a footnote in the early 90's alternative scene, and putting them in the rightful place they deserve as a classic band.

    LOL, okay, apparently he sounded like Shannon in his old band..big whoop. He was quite possibly a rip off then, or influenced by the man, I don't give a rats ass. The fact is they weren't calling themselves "Blind Melon" so he can be whatever wannabe he wanted. Like I said they can call themseleves "Blind Melon" & get some little 25 year old poor man's Shannon, but it doesn't make it Melon. & Selfishly, if one of the other guys died, I'm not gonna lie & say I wouldn't have wanted them to go on...Again, Shannon was the charasmatic driving force behind that band. I'm not gonna pretend otherwise. Then again, I'm sure from what I've heard in interviews from Shannon he wouldn't have let anyone in the band be replaced. 12 years later or not, I highly doubt he'd be trying to cash in on it. He was strong enough to stand on his own & go on to do new things & would have been beyond succesful doing so...It's too bad the other guys in the band haven't been succsessful enough in their previous projects & feel the need to do this now. Pathetic really.

    On that note, I'm done arguing with you on the topic...I am right, you are wrong, sweetie. End of discussion. ;)
    "Oh, a flower you are to my land..."
  • facepollutionfacepollution Posts: 6,834
    LOL, okay, apparently he sounded like Shannon in his old band..big whoop. He was quite possibly a rip off then, or influenced by the man, I don't give a rats ass. The fact is they weren't calling themselves "Blind Melon" so he can be whatever wannabe he wanted. Like I said they can call themseleves "Blind Melon" & get some little 25 year old poor man's Shannon, but it doesn't make it Melon. & Selfishly, if one of the other guys died, I'm not gonna lie & say I wouldn't have wanted them to go on...Again, Shannon was the charasmatic driving force behind that band. I'm not gonna pretend otherwise. Then again, I'm sure from what I've heard in interviews from Shannon he wouldn't have let anyone in the band be replaced. 12 years later or not, I highly doubt he'd be trying to cash in on it. He was strong enough to stand on his own & go on to do new things & would have been beyond succesful doing so...It's too bad the other guys in the band haven't been succsessful enough in their previous projects & feel the need to do this now. Pathetic really.

    On that note, I'm done arguing with you on the topic...I am right, you are wrong, sweetie. End of discussion. ;)

    Enjoy your little world, I'll enjoy looking at the bigger picture. It's much brighter.

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