Stone Temple Pilots

Whats everyones opinion of STP? I know when they first came out they were labeled as a PJ rip off and everything. I really don't see the comparison though? Anyways, they're one of my top 3 favourite bands of all time. They're so damn good. Scott Weiland is just amazing.
I think their best cd is Purple. But Core is awesome too.
I think their best cd is Purple. But Core is awesome too.
Post edited by Unknown User on
yeh man me too, i think they are in my top 5 bands.
-The crazy guy with the Ramones t-shirt.
Mexico C. 12/10/05.
"There is a rose that I want to live for
although, God knows, I may not have met her"
-J. Strummer
"And you'll never know just how dark this screen could be"
They were hardly a singles band - a few of their singles were the worst tracks on the albums (I'm looking at you Sour Girl and Days of the Week).
I've never see anyone own a live show the way Scott Weiland does. He's an animal on stage.
I love both STP and Pearl Jam very much...I know there are others on here who feel the same way.
Agreed. I saw them in Grand Rapids back in '96; the arena was 3/4 full and they still brought all their energy. Weiland is one hell of a frontman. I dig Velvet Revolver solely because of him.
I really liked their last album as well. Their was one song that I didn't like, but I think it grew on me. Anyway, good stuff all around.
have you heard Bi-Polar Bear from that one?
Anybody remember a concert that was broadcast on VH1 around the time of "No. 4"??? Very good show.
Yeah, its alright. I prefer Wonderful on that album though. There are some songs that are listenable, but as an album, at least comparing it to other STP albums, it is very very lacking.
Scott said he loved Pearl Jam and wanted to mimick Eddies voice.
I think thats why people compare the two. Same thing with Creed.
I agree that I enjoyed thier songs one by one but never adored a whole album.
A good band if they could keep thier shit together,
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
I also got his solo album, different but i love it
Velvet Revolver kicks ass too!
-Eddie Vedder
6/24/06 Cincinatti, Ohio
6/14/08 Manchester, Tennessee
NJ 8/28 & 8/29/98
NJ 9/1 & 9/2/00
PA 4/28/03
NJ 7/5 & 7/6/03
NY 7/8/03
PA 7/12/03
PA 10/1/04
DC 10/11/04
NJ 9/30 & 10/1/05
PA 10/3/05
NJ 5/27 & 5/28/06
DC 5/30/06
NJ 6/1 & 6/3/06
WA 7/22 & 7/23/06
IL 8/5/07
NJ 6/19 & 6/20/08
DC 6/22/08
NY 6/24 & 6/25/08
NY 7/1/08
PA 10/27, 10/28, 10/30 & 10/31/09
I bought Purple way back and that was it. I listened to that album till I couldnt take it anymore. Fantastic stuff.
Then I got core a few years ago. Core is the most intense thing I had ever listened to.
I am smellin' like the rose
that somebody gave me on
my birthday deathbed
I am smellin' like the rose
that somebody gave me
'cause I'm dead & bloated
When I first heard this I nearly cried. I never listened to STP, PJ or anything from this era/genre when it came out. I didnt start listening to this till around 98/99 (except Purple which I bought in 96 or so). I missed out when it happened and it made me sad.
I thought tiny music was the weakest. No. 4 had the rockinest opener ever. Shangrila was unmemorable but not bad. Core fuckin rocked ass .... hard. Purple was just unfuckingbelievable, not a bad song on the whole cd. Sigh. Why do drugs have to fuck frontmen up so bad.
Well, they haven't technically broken up, they're just on break bc Scott's working with Velvet Revolver.
-Eddie Vedder
6/24/06 Cincinatti, Ohio
6/14/08 Manchester, Tennessee
Some die just to live.
it was only around 1998 that pj edged out stp as my favorite band. i really never got the comparison between them being grunge rip offs, because i always thought they had their own musical style, i was highly upset when they broke up, hopefull a reunion is not that far away
" I Will Feel Alive as Long as I am Free"
"Are We Getting SomeThing Out Of this All Encompassing Trip? Makes Much More Sense To Live In The Present Tense"
I also like Velvet Revolver. I've seen both bands and both shows were fantastic.
I hope that one day Stone Temple Pilots reunites!
"You need the patience of like a National Geographic photographer sitting underneath the bush in a tent, trying to get a picture of zebras fucking or something for the first time." -Eddie Vedder
I'v seen VR a couple times now. They put on a good show with alot of energy, but I wish they'd have a more clearer sound live. Some of the songs don't sound that good live. I can't seem to put my finger on it about why they sound bad sometimes. I'm not sure if its the vocals are to quiet? Or if theres just to much distortion with the guitars or what?
Like I remember the second time I saw them they played a fast version of Use To Love Her. I didn't know what song it was until the course.
It just sucks on their next tour they probably won't play any STP or GnR anymore. Those were always the best songs to hear live. Espically Mr. Brownstone. Thats such a bad ass song.
I saw VR once and I partially agree with you on the sound. I noticed the first 5 or so songs were definately 'warm up' songs...Weiland was a bit sloppy and the overall sound was a bit off. However, as the night went on it just got better and better, especially when Scott and Slash did a moving rendition of Floyd's "Wish You Were Here" and the band rocked out "Sex Type Thing" and some GnR tunes towards the end. I think they'll still cover like that next's not like they'll need the filler anymore, but I think they know the fans like hearing those in addition to the VR tunes. I'd expect them to drop Contraband tracks(I believe they played 11/13 of em when I saw em) before they completely drop the covers.
Some die just to live.