
  • restlesssoulrestlesssoul Posts: 6,951
    the tool album is gonna slay, plain and simple, they always do, the new single will grow on they always do....i hope he never goes back to perfect circle stuff.....


    put this shit in other music next time! the porch is just a free for all these days.

    im guilty too.
    Van '98, Sea I+II '00, Sea '01, Sea II '02, Van '03, Gorge, Van, Cal, Edm '05, Bos I+II, Phi I+II, DC, SF II+III, Port, Gorge I+II '06, DC, NY I+II '08, Sea I+II, Van, Ridge , LA III+IV' 09, Indy '10, Cal, Van '11, Lond, Van, Sea '13, Memphis '14, RRHOF '17, Sea I+II '18, Van I+II, Vegas I+II '24
  • USCJeffUSCJeff Posts: 92
    the tool album is gonna slay, plain and simple, they always do, the new single will grow on they always do....i hope he never goes back to perfect circle stuff.....


    put this shit in other music next time! the porch is just a free for all these days.

    im guilty too.

    It must be the May 2 thing...
  • the mp3 link doesnt work...anyone know where i can get a mp3?????????? i wanna hear!!!
    10/31/99, 10/27/00, 06/01/03, 10/25/03, 07/07/06, 07/09/06, 07/15/06

    Even Flow PSYCHO member #0020!!
  • Damn it, psuedo intellectual tool fans are gonna be hailing this new tool album as the greatest ever given to mankind..............

    why can't a good rock record be just a good rock record? Not some life changing calculator/fibonaci fest

    I dig the atmosphere of tool's music and can get behind the guitar playing and drumming..........too bad they think they have too force feed me some pretentous crap and "deep" message
  • MarkBMarkB Posts: 115
    cant wait to hear it, tool is awesome
  • jimmy pjimmy p Posts: 71

    There's a wav for all you junkies.

    Viva la lossless!
  • pjfan020pjfan020 Posts: 426
    Damn it, psuedo intellectual tool fans are gonna be hailing this new tool album as the greatest ever given to mankind..............

    why can't a good rock record be just a good rock record? Not some life changing calculator/fibonaci fest

    I dig the atmosphere of tool's music and can get behind the guitar playing and drumming..........too bad they think they have too force feed me some pretentous crap and "deep" message

    I'm kind of like that with tool too. They're great musicans and i listen to them for that. Tool fans do give every album holy praise but we're kind of like that with Pearl Jam. In my opinion they're a good band and I can't wait to hear this album.
    "Tonight we're just gonna play you some good old American Rock and Roll." tom petty-7-15-05
  • facepollutionfacepollution Posts: 6,834
    Damn it, psuedo intellectual tool fans are gonna be hailing this new tool album as the greatest ever given to mankind..............

    why can't a good rock record be just a good rock record? Not some life changing calculator/fibonaci fest

    I dig the atmosphere of tool's music and can get behind the guitar playing and drumming..........too bad they think they have too force feed me some pretentous crap and "deep" message

    I think you'll find the pretentious crap is spewed by certain fans, not the band. Sure they take their art seriously, but then any band worth their shit does. To say they are force feeding you pretentious crap, means you are looking for some "deep" message, and are in that way guilty of the pseudo intellectualising shit you're accusing other people of. Why can't you listen to the song and appreciate it for what it is, an accomplished song with exemplary musicianship.
  • enharmonicenharmonic Posts: 1,917
    I've been to my fair share of Tool concerts, and I never see the math-sters or braintrust that I see talking about them on the web. I only see knuckle-dragging, doorknob-humping retards.

    Then again, I always end up seeing them in Baltimore or D.C. so that explains much.
  • the unseenthe unseen Posts: 372
    its a damn good tool song, as usual it takes me a few listens to really get into tool, tho 2 things are confusing me, why are the vocals so low and what the hell has happened to his voice? its like he is wispering thru most of the song!!

    adam jones, in the current guitar world says,"this record sounds so huge.thats because the vocals arent mixed way out front.when you mix the vocals out front,it crushes the force of the band behind them."
  • I love tool and have for a very very long time, but I am quite dissapointed in this song. To me it sounds like a reworked Schism mixed with a reworked Lateralus, and honestly I think the lyrics are terrible. If this was any other band I would think it was pretty good, but for a band that has consistently been so creative, this sounds like a Tool cover band trying to write a song. The one hope that I have however, is that all of Tools singles have been like my least favorite songs on the album, so I am hoping the same will ring true with this album. Of course I will still buy it and still go see them. Who knows maybe my hopes were too high.
    I was taught a month ago to bide my time and take it slow, but then I learned just yesterday to rush and never waste a day. Now I'm convinced the whole day long that all I've learned is always wrong. Things are true that I forget, but no one taught that to me yet
  • the unseenthe unseen Posts: 372
    pjfan020 wrote:
    I'm kind of like that with tool too. They're great musicans and i listen to them for that. Tool fans do give every album holy praise but we're kind of like that with Pearl Jam. In my opinion they're a good band and I can't wait to hear this album.

    i've never heard a tool song that rips off a shania twain type sound.

    nuff said.
  • the unseen wrote:
    i've never heard a tool song that rips off a shania twain type sound.

    nuff said.

    PJ plays country?

    The First Casualties Of WorldWideSuicide.....Viva La Pearl Jam!
  • drew0drew0 Posts: 943
    Maynard's voice is low, and the kind of takes away. Actually, I kind of like the vocals my second time through. Still wish it was more powerful though, as I'm used to his powerful, dominating voice that I've grown to love and recognize with Tool. It's not horrible though. It has a really, really, really cool groove to it, that I'm in love with. More due to the drums though, Danny Carey is God. Hopefully the rest of the album will be better...
    Pittsburgh 6/23/06
    Madison Square Garden 6/25/08
  • drew0 wrote:
    Maynard's voice is low, and the kind of takes away. Actually, I kind of like the vocals my second time through. Still wish it was more powerful though, as I'm used to his powerful, dominating voice that I've grown to love and recognize with Tool. It's not horrible though. It has a really, really, really cool groove to it, that I'm in love with. More due to the drums though, Danny Carey is God. Hopefully the rest of the album will be better...

    you're the first person that agrees with me on this point. I thought what lacked with Lateralus was that Maynard always sang in his low voice, instead of higher like on Aenima and Undertow, and Opiate even. The first time I heard that low voice was when he was on the Defotnes album, "Passenger", and he's sang like that ever since. Still lovin this song though.
  • catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    the unseen wrote:
    adam jones, in the current guitar world says,"this record sounds so huge.thats because the vocals arent mixed way out front.when you mix the vocals out front,it crushes the force of the band behind them."

    well fuck! what else would you expect a guitarist to say.
    listen to me. listen to me. it's all about the music.
    hear my name
    take a good look
    this could be the day
    hold my hand
    lie beside me
    i just need to say
  • mookeywrenchmookeywrench Posts: 5,960
    take all of lateralus...put it in a blender....and out comes a vicarious frappucino blended creme.
  • catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    i don't like saying this cause i've been waiting five years, but vicarious doesn't do it for me. it's not bad. i was just expecting it to blow me away, and it doesn't.
    hear my name
    take a good look
    this could be the day
    hold my hand
    lie beside me
    i just need to say
  • rcsrcs Posts: 711
    I've only had the chance to hear it twice so far and both times I was in awe.
    E agora? Faz xixi na mão e deita fora!
  • AlessianaAlessiana Posts: 329
    You guys have been listening to this for what, a day or so? Already opinions are shifting on the vocals

    Sometimes, the best music can seem either like a) a let down if you've been pumped up waiting b) too different c) lame and derivative of the songwriter's previous material d) difficult or e) a fucking mess and inconmprehensible if you aren't familiar with the band in the first place

    before one assimilates the music and understands it, that is.

    Remember how much people hated no code? I remember. But now, not only is No Code a favorite of die hards (many of whom hated the album but wouldn't give up on the band) but the same people who dropped the band after Vitalogy are wondering just what their own fucking problem was in the first place (this is based on recent experience at work)

    Just a thought


    Tell them you love them. Never let the mundane, the unimportant, or worse, the misunderstood, be the final words of parting.

    Tell them.
  • catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    totally valid point alessiana, but i can tell you that at least with me,TOOL is one band that i get straight away. i always have.
    but then again who said vicarious is the best song on the album.
    prison sex is my fave TOOL song and people look at me like i've got two heads when i tell them that. that is if they can even get past the fact that i listen to TOOL in the first place. so you never know what someone's going to like.
    hear my name
    take a good look
    this could be the day
    hold my hand
    lie beside me
    i just need to say
  • AlessianaAlessiana Posts: 329
    totally valid point alessiana, but i can tell you that at least with me,TOOL is one band that i get straight away. i always have.
    but then again who said vicarious is the best song on the album.
    prison sex is my fave TOOL song and people look at me like i've got two heads when i tell them that. that is if they can even get past the fact that i listen to TOOL in the first place. so you never know what someone's going to like.


    i think your comment about the guitarist is fucking classic by the way.

    i snorted diet dr pepper berries and cream thank you NOT so very much. it was that damned funny.




    Tell them you love them. Never let the mundane, the unimportant, or worse, the misunderstood, be the final words of parting.

    Tell them.
  • catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    Alessiana wrote:

    i think your comment about the guitarist is fucking classic by the way.

    i snorted diet dr pepper berries and cream thank you NOT so very much. it was that damned funny.



    serves you right for drinking dr pepper in the first place. and diet at that. :D

    i do love adam jones though. i mean his playing. :)
    hear my name
    take a good look
    this could be the day
    hold my hand
    lie beside me
    i just need to say
  • AlessianaAlessiana Posts: 329
    serves you right for drinking dr pepper in the first place. and diet at that. :D

    i do love adam jones though. i mean his playing. :)

    well berries and cream diet soda isn't like diet coke.

    See, Coke is the bomb but if you've never tasted normal berries and cream soda you don't know it tastes like shit

    so a person can drink it.

    that's my story and i'm sticking to it.

    who doesn't love adam jones and his *playing*?



    Tell them you love them. Never let the mundane, the unimportant, or worse, the misunderstood, be the final words of parting.

    Tell them.
  • Obscured1Obscured1 Posts: 56
    serves you right for drinking dr pepper in the first place. and diet at that. :D

    i do love adam jones though. i mean his playing. :)

    Adam Jones, (H)- Beautiful work, one of my favourite riffs!!!
  • I think you'll find the pretentious crap is spewed by certain fans, not the band. Sure they take their art seriously, but then any band worth their shit does. To say they are force feeding you pretentious crap, means you are looking for some "deep" message, and are in that way guilty of the pseudo intellectualising shit you're accusing other people of. Why can't you listen to the song and appreciate it for what it is, an accomplished song with exemplary musicianship.

    I do apprecaite the ambiance of tool's music. Adam Jones writes some nice riffs......Danny isa great drummer. But as hard as I try i can't get past maynard and the whole "let me guide all the lost souls to an enlightened state of being blah blah blah.......I jsut can't get behind the message.

    Tool is good weight lifting music, but if i have it on while I'm in a quite place alone i jsut get annoyed with it.........
  • catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    Tool is good weight lifting music, but if i have it on while I'm in a quite place alone i jsut get annoyed with it.........

    oh no.that's a shame. i find TOOL relaxing especially if i've had a shitty day. plus i listen to lateralus every night when i go to bed. i don't always hear it the whole way through but needless to say 'the grudge' is one of, if not the, most heard song in my collection.
    this evening after we got back from the football, my son (81/2) and i laid down on my bed, sharing the headphones and listened to aenima in it's entirety. he said some bits were weird and i heard him say 'what the heck was that?' a couple of times. not to mention, 'i hear a storm' when ions started. but we listened to the whole thing. i haven't seen him that still in i don't know how long. he's not a patient boy(i think he gets that from his mother). i was thrilled of course because not long ago he expressed a wish to be pierre bouvier, the singer from a simple plan. now that's what i'd call good progress.
    hear my name
    take a good look
    this could be the day
    hold my hand
    lie beside me
    i just need to say
  • facepollutionfacepollution Posts: 6,834
    To all the people complaining about the vocals, he does let loose on the last few lines. I like how sinister he sounds through it, he sounds super pissed off and creepy, and when that chorus hits it just sounds awesome. Lyrically I think it's the intellectual flipside to songs like American Idiot, the whole idea of being desensitised to the things we watch on tv and in the media cause it's at a safe distance, it's easy to agree with war when we arenn't the ones suffering through that utter misery. Rarely have Tool sounded quite so direct, maybe that's what people don't like?
  • LaloLalo Posts: 6
    i really dont know why i didnt like it. im a huge tool fan but this song.... i dont know. for me is just average song. not huge fan of the lyrics. hope it grows on me
    "My dad says Pearl Jam fans are better than french fries". Matt´s son - Raymond Cameron

    2003 - 07 - 17 Mexico City
    2003 - 07 - 18 Mexico City
    2003 - 07 - 19 Mexico City

    2005 - 12 - 09 Mexico City
  • enharmonicenharmonic Posts: 1,917
    Honestly...where can Tool go with their sound? No one else sounds like them, and I knew within the first 15 seconds of hearing the track that it was a Tool song. There's not a whole lot of room to move around within that sound, short of changing the entire dynamic of the band.

    Adam is doing some crazy fast runs at the end of the song that I don't recall ever hearing him do before. Danny's drumming is a polyrhythm clinic, and I think the mix works on the vocal. Sounds like they didn't have to duck the band behind Maynard's vocal, and that is a much different experience.

    I say, reserve your judgement until you get this one into the headphones. That's where it's going to be different than the other Tool albums. Just my humble .02 :)
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