Missing band member in Fairhaven, MA

This probably isn't the best place for this, but at this point, the more eyes it hits, the better. My friends are in a band called Ra Ra Riot from Syracuse, NY. They are awesome. But last night they put the word out that their drummer, John Pike went missing in Fairhaven, Massachusetts at 3am on Friday night. Nobody has seen him in 36 hours now and it's gotten to the point where everyone in the band is pretty scared. If anyone from the Fairhaven can keep an eye open for him, it would be appreciated. Here's their myspace page, etc:
Take a look, see if you recognize him. Thank you.
Take a look, see if you recognize him. Thank you.
Maybe all I need is a shot in the arm....
Maybe all I need is a shot in the arm....
Post edited by Unknown User on
fingers crossed he's fine! i'm sure he is
bet you feel really big now alex_coe
EV Solo: 7/11/11 11/12/12 11/13/12
naw man. i hope you find him. maby hes really stoned and freaked out sleeping on someone couch
He's dead. They found his body in a lake a few hours ago.
There sure are some serious douchebags around here, by the way...
I'm sorry. You're right. I feel really horrible now that some pizza-faced 19-year-old English wannabe thinks I'm a cunt.
(Come one. Your friend is probably fine.) I wouldn't worry until he's been gone 72+ hours. Sometimes people jsut need to get away. One time my cousin went to Oregon and partied for five days without telling anybody. When he got back he was all relaxed up despite the fact that my uncle (his father) was pretty mad. Sometimes folks take an unexpcted hiatus.
He's dead, stupid.
R.i.p. My Dad - May 28, 2007
R.i.p. Black Tail (cat) - Sept. 20, 2008
My thoughts are with his friends and family.
Be safe everyone.
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
You think every person who goes missing for 36 hours is dead? Not likely. You can't make me feel guilty for having a positive attitude. You know what, fuck you for that. I try to lighten things up and you shit all over it. hooray for JWB.
By the way, you used "you" incorrectly. What the hell. You insulted my intelligence and misused a very common word in the same sentence.
Agreed on both accounts.
and yes, I realised he's dead. But you don't have to shove it in his face.
Is there something deeply, deeply wrong with you?
If I felt sorry for every single person that died in the world, I'd have no time to live me own life. So let's say to this guy: "I'm sorry about your friend but he doesn't concern me". Because if you pay a tribute (even a small tribute) to one dead man, you have to shed a tear for every other person that dies too. It's only fair. Just because you don't hear a news story about a guy who died in whateverland, doesn't mean he didn't die. Unless you believe in "see no evil, hear no evil." In that case, the only deaths that matter are the ones you hear about.
It's one thing not to shed a tear, but to carry on making twisted comments like you did, before and after it was posted that he was dead is plain wrong.
Of course, my condolences to all who knew him. (Is it that hard to just say THAT, Alex?)
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
Thanks for that, TC.
Since this morning at 12 AM, try and guess how many people died in the world. assuming a MINIMUM of 1 person dying per second (I believe the average is 3), that's 21 hours times 60 mins times 60 seconds: that equals 75,600 people, or 70,000 minumum. Since you are so sensitive to people's feelings (not an insult) you'll have to feel bad for each and every one of those 70,000 people. And then tomorrow, you can wiat as another 80,000 people die on six different continents, of all ages.
If 80,000 people die every day, then what's one more person. Yes, to him personally it's unfortunate. But there's way bigger things going on than one guy dying. Some people die and get lots of attention, particularly people like Jean Bennet Ramsey (or however you spell her name), and then the other 90% get nothing at all.
Maybe all I need is a shot in the arm....
Wow. You're a fucking prick. Just don't post anything instead of posting something totally insensitive. If your friend/brother/mom died, and someone said, "Well, that's just 1 of hundreds of people that died recently," you'd be pissed. You don't even know this person or anything about it, so why the hell would you even make a comment? Is it really that difficult for you to a) ignore the post or b) simply say, "Wow, that's terrible. I hope they find him" or "I'm so sorry for your loss"? Really? That tough?
God I hate some of the people on this board sometimes.
Edit: I AM very sorry for your loss. A young man with obvious potential dying at such a young age is a tragedy no matter what.
Hell no I wouldn't be pissed. Because it's true. IF you said that, it would be 100% true and I would have to deal. That's what I believe.
Hmm... so you knew him personally? As did everyone else in this thread. Oh, I got it.
The ONLY insensitive remark I made was the very first, which is Mr. Bucket. And that was before we all knew he was dead. Secondly, he's just gone on a trip is a euphamism. So eat me. If you flame me I'll flame you back.