New Strokes

Anyone else think they borrowed Barry's 'Mandy' hook on 'Razorblade?' LOL.
...Just on first listen, sounds good...but I'll give my conclusion after a few more listens. (Cuz I know you all care.) haha.
...Just on first listen, sounds good...but I'll give my conclusion after a few more listens. (Cuz I know you all care.) haha.
"Oh, a flower you are to my land..."
Post edited by Unknown User on
A "masterpiece" is an exaggeration if ever there was one...Although, you're entitled to your opinion. It definitely loses its kick after 'Razorblade' for me. I heard such great things about this album, I was definitely expecting better...Especially after 'Juicebox' & 2 really good albums...After 2 good listens, it pains me to say that I'm starting to think they shoulda taken their "We could drag it out but that's for other bands to do" advice.
I think borrowed from EVERYTHING on this album. From the songs, the lyrics, and the artwork. Hell even Julian sings about stealing chords and words.
...Yeah, "Vision of Division" reminds me of a Queens of the Stone Age song, don't ask me which one...whatever they released, I don't know their stuff...& I thought it was funny he mentioned stealing stuff too.
London 20/04/2006
Totally agree.
I absolutely hate it, and will most likely never listen to it ever again. its that bad. long drawn out slow boring songs. this is my first major disappointment of 2006.
-The crazy guy with the Ramones t-shirt.
Mexico C. 12/10/05.
"There is a rose that I want to live for
although, God knows, I may not have met her"
-J. Strummer
"And you'll never know just how dark this screen could be"
Well, heard it on the radio, they said it was the title track... I just feel good of finally liking some of what everybody else seems to enjoy so much.
-The crazy guy with the Ramones t-shirt.
Mexico C. 12/10/05.
"There is a rose that I want to live for
although, God knows, I may not have met her"
-J. Strummer
"And you'll never know just how dark this screen could be"
Well I completely disagree with you. While I still feel Is This It will be their greatest album of all time this one has sooooooo much quality to it.
Well personally I don't care about reviews but from what I've seen it's half and half. It's not all bad. The problem I think people have when listening to the Stokes is they take it way too seriously. I love the Strokes because they have a sense of humor in their music.
i'll agree with that. people need to stop anticipating this unbelievable masterpiece from the strokes. they're just a good, fun band. but that's why i get upset when all these people i know and all these people on this board say that the strokes are the second-coming of the fucking beatles or something. they aren't bad, but this certainly is not the "album of the year". it's fucking january and it got mixed reviews. let's not fill the board with hyperbole
after roughly 3 full listens to the album over the past 2 days driving to and from work, i've come to the conclusion that the album is a grower.
after the first listen there were a few songs that were good, but nothing great. felt it was just dragged out for 50+ mins when it could have been round 38-40 mins. and it also sounded like julian just woke up and stumbled into the studio to record.
after the 2nd and 3rd listen i started to find songs that i liked. the first half of the album is a lot stronger than the 2nd half.
they definately could have dropped tracks 5 and 9. those are just songs that kill the albums flow.
don't expect an album full of songs like 'juicebox' because there are none. if you like the strokes, you've probably already bought the cd or are planning on doing so. if you don't like the strokes, that's cool too - different people like different music.
and that's my $0.02.
Yeah people overrate them. It won't be album of the year at all. It's just another cool edition to their catalog with some songs that will stick around for their live shows and others that will fall by the wayside.
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√