Hottest Men of Rock

Sorry...Eddie didnt make the list
Post edited by Unknown User on
"I would rather die on my feet than to live on my knees."
Emiliano Zapata
EDIT: BS! John Mayer looks like a monkey boy! And the last guy isn't a man ... nice eye shadow.
3 Decibels Doubles the Volume
David Bowie, Gene Simmons, Keith Urban, Kris Kristofferson, John Mayer and Pete Wentz?! :eek: :eek:
The last 2 wasn't men... are boys! And ugly boys!!
Bowie is a "thing", Simmons is patetic... I can't believe it! Terrible list!
PJ Come Back to BRASIL!
"I will feel alive as long as I am free"
While allowing yourself to be their Option.
Please visit daily:
that's the most absurd list I have ever seen.
I wouldn't go within 10 feet of at least 7 of them
hottest man and bullshit....
it's all about music f****ers..i'm glad eddie didn't make it..
and always remember ''it's no crime to escape!!!"
It's pretty bad when Eddie Vedder gets beaten out by a guy who's been dead over 35 years.
i can imagine no other explanation for this list other than it being a joke. gene simmons? david bowie? really???
p.s. i'm a girl so i don't need to explain being straight to find him dreamy
PJ Come Back to BRASIL!
"I will feel alive as long as I am free"
Although Bruce is cool.
Pete Wentz? Come on. That isn't rock.
his name is Pete Wentz, how rockin' is that?
Kristofferson? Aaaaaack. He's a freaking CADAVAR! Yeah, he's hot if you're a necrophiliac freak.
Morrison is the only one that belongs on there. Bruce is cool, never thought of him as "hot" though.
you know damn well that SPEEDY is the hottest man in rock!!!!!
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
Now he's ugly, but in 90-95, before the plastics, he was very beutiful and sexy.
PJ Come Back to BRASIL!
"I will feel alive as long as I am free"
But Jim Morrisson is the only good thing on this list!
Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Oh, the huge manatee.
If they're going to call one of these oldsters hot, they should provide the era in which the hotness occurred.
Anthony Keidis, circa 1992
Eddie Vedder, yesterday, today and always.
Very true.
But it should be Eddie Vedder on the list instead.
It's not fair to compare how a guy looked 35 years ago.
Jim can't be looking very good these days.
and im a hetro lady gal....
bowie is the coolest person on there for me, but i dunno if he's necessarily *hot* to me
*insert old lady voice here* "Oh, is HE dead, dear?"
Someone just pulled these names out of their ass.
i thought it was hottest *men*. he's more like a prepubescent girl
Holy shit! This made me die out laughing right here in my cube! Of all the 'lists' on everything under the sun that is the worst and funniest list I have ever seen...Axle Rose? What a fucking joke!