if you don't think they're the best band in the world, your ears are pretty much completey fucked up!!!
There is no other band, metal or no metal that even comes close to what opeth does, sorry that you can't find the greatness in them, but it is there and it's the greatest greatness ever (duh)
And it hurts to say this, but opeth kicks pearl jam's ass BIG TIME, they are 1000000000 times better than anything pearl jam has done.
but still pearl jam is my favorite band for the emotional link i have with them
opeth comes 2nd
What i am trying to say here... guys, give it a good listen, be patient and it'll pay off...
if you still don't get it.. well.. your loss, hahaha
You know, based on the number of votes they were receiving on the poll, I gave them a listen. And. . .I don't get it. . .
i'll be completely honest to you boroff, i bought their record "my arms, your hearse" when it came out, almost 10 years ago, i listened to the first track, almost threw up and put it on a shelf for 5 years or so. The growling ... it was just too much for me to handle and i thought the songs were extremely long.
then i heard their song "the drappery falls" off the "blackwater park" album, and i was BLOWN away, i couldn't believe what i just heard... iwent back to "my arms, your hearse" and listened all the way through... damn, was i stupid!!!! it was the best thing i've ever heard, now i wished the songs were even longer, it just doesn't get boring, soon i bought their other records... now i have the 8 of them and all of them are great, maybe except the first two, in which the production lacks a little.
so, ifyou are really interested.. you have to give it time and soon you'll know what i'm talking about and you'll agree with me.
"It's the American Dream I am disbelieving... When the gas in my tank feels like money in the bank... I’m gonna blow it all this time, take me one last ride..." - Gone (vedder)
Right now they are the best band in the world...simply because no other band has made 7 albums that are so consistently good in the past 10 years. Their first album Orchid is good but since then they have gone to another level...and they fucking shred it live...one of the best concerts I've seen. I'll admit they are hard to get into at first especially if you're not a metal fan but give it some time and I'm sure you will see why they are so revered.
"Reality continues to ruin my life." - Calvin & Hobbes.
Definately one of my favorite bands to listen to lately -- I saw them in Detroit back in October...yes, they put on an incredible performance. Ghost Reveries is unbelievable...one of my favorites of the year -- and that's saying a lot because '05 has been such a good year for music.
Definately one of my favorite bands to listen to lately -- I saw them in Detroit back in October...yes, they put on an incredible performance. Ghost Reveries is unbelievable...one of my favorites of the year -- and that's saying a lot because '05 has been such a good year for music.
I'm still waiting for them to come to méxico (again) so i can finally get to see them live, i jsut have the "lamentations" DVD; needless to say it's the best DVD i've seen.
If you don't own this DVD then go out and get it, it's a MUST!!!
at least just so you can watch Martin Mendez headbanging, that guy is nuts, hehehe
I'm still waiting for them to come to méxico (again) so i can finally get to see them live, i jsut have the "lamentations" DVD; needless to say it's the best DVD i've seen.
If you don't own this DVD then go out and get it, it's a MUST!!!
at least just so you can watch Martin Mendez headbanging, that guy is nuts, hehehe
anyway, peace
My favorite part of the dvd is the documentary segment where Martin Lopez is laying down his drum part for the Deliverance song. Those guys operate on telepathy for sure. Yeah, I have all there CDs (and the Lamentations DVD) -- now I'm just hunting down evreything of theirs on vinyl. Uber nerd.
I hope Lopez joins the guys on your leg of the tour -- he was absent for the show I saw last month -- recovering from some sort of illness I guess.
My favorite part of the dvd is the documentary segment where Martin Lopez is laying down his drum part for the Deliverance song. Those guys operate on telepathy for sure. Yeah, I have all there CDs (and the Lamentations DVD) -- now I'm just hunting down evreything of theirs on vinyl. Uber nerd.
I hope Lopez joins the guys on your leg of the tour -- he was absent for the show I saw last month -- recovering from some sort of illness I guess.
Yeah, i know, im a little concerned about lopez's health, i hope he gets back soon.
i think axenrot is doing a fine job, but he doesn't come even close to what lopez can do... the guy in my book is on top with Danny Carey.
What about the last riff of "deliverance" isn't it amazing how he plays those drums?! it's just incredibly well done, it almost sounds as if he's playing guitar with the drums (sounds silly, but its true)
And then i love the concert, when they are playing " a fair judgement " and mike starts the kick ass solo and then it Peter picks up exactly from where mike left... just.. WOW!!!
Yeah, i know, im a little concerned about lopez's health, i hope he gets back soon.
i think axenrot is doing a fine job, but he doesn't come even close to what lopez can do... the guy in my book is on top with Danny Carey.
What about the last riff of "deliverance" isn't it amazing how he plays those drums?! it's just incredibly well done, it almost sounds as if he's playing guitar with the drums (sounds silly, but its true)
And then i love the concert, when they are playing " a fair judgement " and mike starts the kick ass solo and then it Peter picks up exactly from where mike left... just.. WOW!!!
i must be living under a rock. i have not even ever heard of this band that you claim to be the best in the world. yikes. eh well.....there is sooooo much music out there in any case, easy enough to miss out on a lot.....and *best* is so highly subjective in any case. besides the glaringly obvious fact...this is a pj bbs...so doubt you'd get much agreement.
me, i am not one for *bests* in any case..i enjoy too much to narrow anything down to merely one best.
In any case, right now I think I enjoy Opeth more than Pearl Jam.
you sir, stole those words right out of my mouth. I don't know... i love pearljam but right now opeth is just making me more excited.
Ok, maybe they're not the best band in the world, pretty obvious they're not, it's all subjective, BUT.... it's the band that i certainly enjoy the most right now, and this is not subjecitve: MIkael Akerfeldt is a musical genius.
If you are new to opeth, you should start with either Damnation or BLackwater Park, i'd recommend BP since it shows both sides of opeth more than damnation which is just prog stuff.
"the suns sets forever over Blackwater Park" <--- i go nuts
Dont be silly, pearl jam are better than opeth - at any time
opeth are ok
i love pearl jam more than anything else in the world... but being honest... they don't come even close to what opeth can do... music, vocals, everything is better done by opeth, pearl jam has better lyrics, i must admit.
Man I don't know the name of anyone in Opeth but they are phenoms at what they do. Some of the acoustic guitar work they have is flat out amazing.
and talking about the acoustic guitar work... listen to "benighted" ... DAMN!! if you pay attention to what they are playing you will be amazed at how good they are
i know it's not "acoustic" , but listen to Windowpane and tell me it's not one of the best songs ever written!!!
They've sounded like they have moved away from the MDM sound that they used to be known for. Ghost Reveries is a pretty progressive piece of work at parts. I can't name specific songs, but it definately does not sound like Death Metal to me.
They've sounded like they have moved away from the MDM sound that they used to be known for. Ghost Reveries is a pretty progressive piece of work at parts. I can't name specific songs, but it definately does not sound like Death Metal to me.
calling opeth death metal is just as wrrong as calling pearl jam grunge. it's just stupid!
but again... i don't know what kind of music they play... i guess it's a genre all of their own... maybe progressive melodic metallic stoner rock? or something like that, hahaha
i'm a fan of some metal, death metal, black metal and stuff... but opeth is not a part of those bands, besides they don't use stupid lyrics like: i will suck your eyeballs out and swallow your blood through the wounds, all in the name of my darkest master satan... or shit like that.
Lyrics do not define a death metal band in the least. It is just plain ignorant to think they do. It may be popular opinion, and there are crtainly bands that tend toward gory lyrical themes, but you are just plain pigeonholing Death Metal bands
I've heard Opeth called progressive death metal, and that is as good of a moniker as any for me. They definately show some melodic influences, from bands like At The Gates
Lyrics do not define a death metal band in the least. It is just plain ignorant to think they do. It may be popular opinion, and there are crtainly bands that tend toward gory lyrical themes, but you are just plain pigeonholing Death Metal bands
I've heard Opeth called progressive death metal, and that is as good of a moniker as any for me. They definately show some melodic influences, from bands like At The Gates
I agree, i'm sure i was stretching it too much, but you get what i'm trying to say. And yeah, i think At The Gates pretty much defined the style of music that all these Swedish bands are playing. (especially Soilwork, IMO)
That is all.
There is no other band, metal or no metal that even comes close to what opeth does, sorry that you can't find the greatness in them, but it is there and it's the greatest greatness ever (duh)
And it hurts to say this, but opeth kicks pearl jam's ass BIG TIME, they are 1000000000 times better than anything pearl jam has done.
but still pearl jam is my favorite band for the emotional link i have with them
opeth comes 2nd
What i am trying to say here... guys, give it a good listen, be patient and it'll pay off...
if you still don't get it.. well.. your loss, hahaha
"pull me down again and guide me into pain"
i'll be completely honest to you boroff, i bought their record "my arms, your hearse" when it came out, almost 10 years ago, i listened to the first track, almost threw up and put it on a shelf for 5 years or so. The growling ... it was just too much for me to handle and i thought the songs were extremely long.
then i heard their song "the drappery falls" off the "blackwater park" album, and i was BLOWN away, i couldn't believe what i just heard... iwent back to "my arms, your hearse" and listened all the way through... damn, was i stupid!!!! it was the best thing i've ever heard, now i wished the songs were even longer, it just doesn't get boring, soon i bought their other records... now i have the 8 of them and all of them are great, maybe except the first two, in which the production lacks a little.
so, ifyou are really interested.. you have to give it time and soon you'll know what i'm talking about and you'll agree with me.
no. wrong. move along.
www.stopglobalaids.com www.indymedia.org www.ecologyfund.com www.thehungersite.com www.amnesty.org www.pratham.org www.icbl.org www.care2.com/click2donate
I'm still waiting for them to come to méxico (again) so i can finally get to see them live, i jsut have the "lamentations" DVD; needless to say it's the best DVD i've seen.
If you don't own this DVD then go out and get it, it's a MUST!!!
at least just so you can watch Martin Mendez headbanging, that guy is nuts, hehehe
anyway, peace
My favorite part of the dvd is the documentary segment where Martin Lopez is laying down his drum part for the Deliverance song. Those guys operate on telepathy for sure. Yeah, I have all there CDs (and the Lamentations DVD) -- now I'm just hunting down evreything of theirs on vinyl. Uber nerd.
I hope Lopez joins the guys on your leg of the tour -- he was absent for the show I saw last month -- recovering from some sort of illness I guess.
Yeah, i know, im a little concerned about lopez's health, i hope he gets back soon.
i think axenrot is doing a fine job, but he doesn't come even close to what lopez can do... the guy in my book is on top with Danny Carey.
What about the last riff of "deliverance" isn't it amazing how he plays those drums?! it's just incredibly well done, it almost sounds as if he's playing guitar with the drums (sounds silly, but its true)
And then i love the concert, when they are playing " a fair judgement " and mike starts the kick ass solo and then it Peter picks up exactly from where mike left... just.. WOW!!!
www.stopglobalaids.com www.indymedia.org www.ecologyfund.com www.thehungersite.com www.amnesty.org www.pratham.org www.icbl.org www.care2.com/click2donate
yes, sí, oui
you NEED this, i know how much you love opeth, this is a must have!!!
it's the most flawless concert i've seen (with the exception of The Drapery FAlls, where mike fucks up a note, hehe) unfuckingbelievable!!!
I don't think they are the best, or even the best metal, but they are something else
me, i am not one for *bests* in any case..i enjoy too much to narrow anything down to merely one best.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
you sir, stole those words right out of my mouth. I don't know... i love pearljam but right now opeth is just making me more excited.
Ok, maybe they're not the best band in the world, pretty obvious they're not, it's all subjective, BUT.... it's the band that i certainly enjoy the most right now, and this is not subjecitve: MIkael Akerfeldt is a musical genius.
If you are new to opeth, you should start with either Damnation or BLackwater Park, i'd recommend BP since it shows both sides of opeth more than damnation which is just prog stuff.
"the suns sets forever over Blackwater Park" <--- i go nuts
well to each his own
opeth are ok
i love pearl jam more than anything else in the world... but being honest... they don't come even close to what opeth can do... music, vocals, everything is better done by opeth, pearl jam has better lyrics, i must admit.
Mikael Akerfeldt- vocals, guitar
Peter Lindgren- guitar
Martin Mendez- bass
Martin Lopez- drums
Per Wiberg- keyboards (new addition)
i found it funny that by the time boom joined pearl jam, per joined opeth... something weird going on between my two favorite bands, hehe
and talking about the acoustic guitar work... listen to "benighted" ... DAMN!! if you pay attention to what they are playing you will be amazed at how good they are
i know it's not "acoustic" , but listen to Windowpane and tell me it's not one of the best songs ever written!!!
calling opeth death metal is just as wrrong as calling pearl jam grunge. it's just stupid!
but again... i don't know what kind of music they play... i guess it's a genre all of their own... maybe progressive melodic metallic stoner rock? or something like that, hahaha
i'm a fan of some metal, death metal, black metal and stuff... but opeth is not a part of those bands, besides they don't use stupid lyrics like: i will suck your eyeballs out and swallow your blood through the wounds, all in the name of my darkest master satan... or shit like that.
I've heard Opeth called progressive death metal, and that is as good of a moniker as any for me. They definately show some melodic influences, from bands like At The Gates
I agree, i'm sure i was stretching it too much, but you get what i'm trying to say. And yeah, i think At The Gates pretty much defined the style of music that all these Swedish bands are playing. (especially Soilwork, IMO)