New Blind Melon Tunes



  • 7 Kettles wrote:
    it's like sticking a fork into the legacy of the band, and especially shannon hoon.

    Just to clarify and so I understand: Creating new music and revisiting some great music is like sticking a fork in their legacy.

    Overdosing on cocaine has no effect on their legacy?

    Instead of praising and supporting the remaining members who are, respectfully, carrying on, we should instead defend the honor of someone who didn't prioritize his family or career over his addiction?

    I love Blind Melon...and ideally, I wish Shannon was still here today to sing with the group. But, he made his that isn't scrutinized nearly as much as the hoopla over the band name.


    "We paced ourselves and we didn't rush through it and we tried to be as creative as our collective minds would let us be over some course of time instead of just trying to rush through a record"

    Wishlist Foundation:
  • Just to clarify and so I understand: Creating new music and revisiting some great music is like sticking a fork in their legacy.

    Overdosing on cocaine has no effect on their legacy?

    Instead of praising and supporting the remaining members who are, respectfully, carrying on, we should instead defend the honor of someone who didn't prioritize his family or career over his addiction?

    I love Blind Melon...and ideally, I wish Shannon was still here today to sing with the group. But, he made his that isn't scrutinized nearly as much as the hoopla over the band name.


    Well said, my brother. I loved Shannon but, unfortunately, he made some very bad decisions. As I said before, I am pumped for the New Melon.
  • Just to clarify and so I understand: Creating new music and revisiting some great music is like sticking a fork in their legacy.

    Overdosing on cocaine has no effect on their legacy?

    Instead of praising and supporting the remaining members who are, respectfully, carrying on, we should instead defend the honor of someone who didn't prioritize his family or career over his addiction?

    I love Blind Melon...and ideally, I wish Shannon was still here today to sing with the group. But, he made his that isn't scrutinized nearly as much as the hoopla over the band name.



    They all did drugs, not just Shannon. Unfortunately he's the one who lost the battle & I will never scrutinize him for that.

    It's more than a fuckin band name. Blind Melon as a band was perfection, and now they are adding another element to it, that should not be associated with what they were collectively. Having some random guy singing songs on a stage in front of a crowd, songs that Shannon poured his heart & soul into is just beyond wrong. You can't recreate the passion that man had, and it's an insult to try it.

    Like I've said a million times, no the guys shouldn't have to stop playing music because Shannon left this world...but have enough fucking respect to leave the Melon songs alone & go on with another name. Yeah yeah, I know..."they were Blind Melon too" well you know what?...If Shannon wasn't the main driving force behind their success, then they shouldn't fucking need the tag. If this new groups songs are so fucking amazing, sing them & have a blast with their success. I've heard a couple of the songs, they sound like decent mediocre rock for today...but can they hold a candle to any of the stuff that Hoon wrote? YEAH FUCKING RIGHT. There is no originality, passion, or creative force now & to lump that in with the Melon catalog is insulting.
    "Oh, a flower you are to my land..."
  • They, collectively, built up the Blind Melon name...not just Shannon. Why should they have to throw away all the time they invested in marketing and promoting that name?

    Shannon was the face of the group...the lead singer...unless you're a big fan of Blind Melon's music, you may not recognize the remaining members in a new band (which could have been one of the contributing factors to the downfall of Unified Theory)...thus, they're trying to capitalize on something they created.

    Obviously, Chris, Rogers, Brad and Glen feel comfortable with Travis and have a good report with him. After 12 years, they found someone they feel secure enough with to perform their songs...I can't fault them for that.

    You're putting Shannon way too far up on a pedestal. He's just an ordinary man with a talent of writing great music. And, as an ordinary man, he had his of which lead to his demise.

    "We paced ourselves and we didn't rush through it and we tried to be as creative as our collective minds would let us be over some course of time instead of just trying to rush through a record"

    Wishlist Foundation:
  • They, collectively, built up the Blind Melon name...not just Shannon. Why should they have to throw away all the time they invested in marketing and promoting that name?

    Shannon was the face of the group...the lead singer...unless you're a big fan of Blind Melon's music, you may not recognize the remaining members in a new band (which could have been one of the contributing factors to the downfall of Unified Theory)...thus, they're trying to capitalize on something they created.

    Obviously, Chris, Rogers, Brad and Glen feel comfortable with Travis and have a good report with him. After 12 years, they found someone they feel secure enough with to perform their songs...I can't fault them for that.

    You're putting Shannon way too far up on a pedestal. He's just an ordinary man with a talent of writing great music. And, as an ordinary man, he had his of which lead to his demise.


    I'm not saying he wasn't an ordinary man. But musically, & lyrically he was a genius. Any pedastal I'm putting Shannon on, is where he deserves to be as a musician. As I said, yes, they were all Blind Melon...But Shannon was the driving force that got them to where they were. They've proven with their other projects that maybe they just don't have that special talent/charisma (gee, wonder what's missing) to make it on their own. I'm glad they feel comfortable enough now to use the Melon name & to have someone perform their songs long enough to cash in on it. We're going in circles here, but the quality of this "Blind Melon" compared to the real Blind Melon is obviously lacking. I just hope they can sleep at night after tarnishing the reputation & flawless catalog that the band had when all is said & done & this project fails...& it will.
    "Oh, a flower you are to my land..."
  • I'm glad they feel comfortable enough now to use the Melon name & to have someone perform their songs long enough to cash in on it. We're going in circles here, but the quality of this "Blind Melon" compared to the real Blind Melon is obviously lacking. I just hope they can sleep at night after tarnishing the reputation & flawless catalog that the band had when all is said & done & this project fails...& it will.

    They could exploit this resurgence to the nth degree but, from what I can tell, they are doing everything with class.

    Listen to Sometimes...that's a pretty great track. It reminds me of that classic Melon sound (and quite reminiscent of American Minor's recent effort).

    I'm really quite amazed at the resentment and anger you have at the surviving members of the band. They really have done nothing wrong. They want to carry on with their signature sound, play some classics and, hopefully, welcome in some new (and old) fans.

    Honestly, you should be more upset that Shannon isn't here to contribute. I'll concede that the man could write great's too bad we were only left with 3 albums worth. That, to me, is where your anger should be directed.


    "We paced ourselves and we didn't rush through it and we tried to be as creative as our collective minds would let us be over some course of time instead of just trying to rush through a record"

    Wishlist Foundation:
  • I'm not saying he wasn't an ordinary man. But musically, & lyrically he was a genius. Any pedastal I'm putting Shannon on, is where he deserves to be as a musician. As I said, yes, they were all Blind Melon...But Shannon was the driving force that got them to where they were. They've proven with their other projects that maybe they just don't have that special talent/charisma (gee, wonder what's missing) to make it on their own. I'm glad they feel comfortable enough now to use the Melon name & to have someone perform their songs long enough to cash in on it. We're going in circles here, but the quality of this "Blind Melon" compared to the real Blind Melon is obviously lacking. I just hope they can sleep at night after tarnishing the reputation & flawless catalog that the band had when all is said & done & this project fails...& it will.

    you could also argue that nobody would know shannon if the bass player didn't write the one hit that they had. In fact this conversation would probably not be happening if the bass player didn't write the hit song. So maybe the bass player was the driving force for a lot of people. From what I've read, all the bandmembers wrote songs, and from what I've heard of the new songs it sounds like they still can. Shannon Hoon was an icon and a great lead singer, but he needed a great band as much as they needed him. All the things you say seem to categorize Shannon as a superior person to the rest of them, and that seems weird to me. Would you listen to the new music if they had a different name? Is that what all your hard feelings are about?
  • reggie500 wrote:
    you could also argue that nobody would know shannon if the bass player didn't write the one hit that they had. In fact this conversation would probably not be happening if the bass player didn't write the hit song. So maybe the bass player was the driving force for a lot of people. From what I've read, all the bandmembers wrote songs, and from what I've heard of the new songs it sounds like they still can. Shannon Hoon was an icon and a great lead singer, but he needed a great band as much as they needed him. All the things you say seem to categorize Shannon as a superior person to the rest of them, and that seems weird to me. Would you listen to the new music if they had a different name? Is that what all your hard feelings are about?

    You make a good point about Brad writing "No Rain." BUT I honestly think that Shannon dancing around in that field & the whole bee girl video itself had more to do with its success than the song itself. (Probably their worst song.) Do you really think if that was Brad singing & dancing around it would have gotten that much attention?

    I would listen to their new music if they had a new name, and let the old Melon tunes rest...Absolutely. I'm sure they will make some good rock tunes. It's the way they have chosen to go about this that is both upsetting and not only Shannon's memory, but to their hardcore fans. I spoke with Rogers on a Melon message board a while back, he pretty much came off as a jerk & had the "if you don't like it tough shit" attitude. He made it clear that he ok'ed it with the "people who mattered" & if the fans don't like it that "we don't have to listen." I would have expected him to be more understanding & less of a prick about it...So also knowing what a jerk he actually is, doesn't help soften the blow. (& No, I wasn't saying rude disrespectful stuff to get that reaction from him, just voicing my opinion at that time.)
    "Oh, a flower you are to my land..."
  • if you think about it. in a way them keeping the name is also going help to keep the memory of hoon alive for future generations to discover what he did. let's face it they only made 3 full albums before his death and they weren't on top of the world of music by any means. they were one of my favorite bands when he died and i remember the day it happened i was so pissed off. so much potential wasted and gone. reminded me of the day when john lennon got shot. but at least lennon had already made enough music that nobody would ever forget about him. alot of my friends know tons about music but only few of them know anything about blind melon. most only know no rain and to the casual music fan zero! so if they make some good new music and younger people like it and listen to it, then hoon will be discovered again and not totally unknown or forgotten.
    Oh dear dad
    Can you see me now
    I am myself
    Like you somehow
    I'll ride the wave
    Where it takes me
    I'll hold the pain
    Release me
  • I would listen to their new music if they had a new name, and let the old Melon tunes rest...Absolutely. I'm sure they will make some good rock tunes. It's the way they have chosen to go about this that is both upsetting and not only Shannon's memory, but to their hardcore fans.

    What way have they chosen to go that's upsetting? They found someone they enjoy playing music with, they've released some great tracks on a website and they're playing a few small club gigs.
    I spoke with Rogers on a Melon message board a while back, he pretty much came off as a jerk & had the "if you don't like it tough shit" attitude. He made it clear that he ok'ed it with the "people who mattered" & if the fans don't like it that "we don't have to listen." I would have expected him to be more understanding & less of a prick about it...So also knowing what a jerk he actually is, doesn't help soften the blow. (& No, I wasn't saying rude disrespectful stuff to get that reaction from him, just voicing my opinion at that time.)

    For once, I agree with you. Rogers is in a position of being as diplomatic as possible with this sensitive subject. However, in his defense, I imagine he's tired of answering the same questions and arguing with fans that feel Shannon's legacy is being tarnished. I would find that insulting as well...especially since Blind Melon consists of 5 members, not one.
    If you think about it. in a way them keeping the name is also going help to keep the memory of hoon alive for future generations to discover what he did.

    I agree with you 100% on this. New music brings Blind Melon back into the limelight again. There is the potential for new fans to discover the earlier work and enjoy the next incarnation of the group.

    "We paced ourselves and we didn't rush through it and we tried to be as creative as our collective minds would let us be over some course of time instead of just trying to rush through a record"

    Wishlist Foundation:
  • lol.

    I'm just gonna agree to disagree at this point, PBM. ;)
    "Oh, a flower you are to my land..."
  • I'm just gonna agree to disagree at this point, PBM. ;)

    I think that's we always's just a reasoned debate amongst us.

    Also, two new tracks are up at their MySpace account.

    "We paced ourselves and we didn't rush through it and we tried to be as creative as our collective minds would let us be over some course of time instead of just trying to rush through a record"

    Wishlist Foundation:
  • Having some random guy singing songs on a stage in front of a crowd, songs that Shannon poured his heart & soul into is just beyond wrong. You can't recreate the passion that man had, and it's an insult to try it.

    Do you know the song Down In A Hole by Alice In Chains? If you hear that song, do you question the passion in Layne's voice? Is he not feeling that song? Yet he didn't write it. It's entirely possible for someone to take on the emotions of another person's words, it's called empathy.
  • i love almost all these songs..shit sometimes is gone. anyone know how to snag these?
    Oh dear dad
    Can you see me now
    I am myself
    Like you somehow
    I'll ride the wave
    Where it takes me
    I'll hold the pain
    Release me
  • i love almost all these songs..shit sometimes is gone. anyone know how to snag these?

    There is a program called Audio Hijack...I use it on my G5. You might want to look into that.

    Sometimes is a great track.

    "We paced ourselves and we didn't rush through it and we tried to be as creative as our collective minds would let us be over some course of time instead of just trying to rush through a record"

    Wishlist Foundation:
  • There is a program called Audio Hijack...I use it on my G5. You might want to look into that.

    Sometimes is a great track.

    cool i'll try it, thanks.
    Oh dear dad
    Can you see me now
    I am myself
    Like you somehow
    I'll ride the wave
    Where it takes me
    I'll hold the pain
    Release me
  • Anyone have any links to MP3's of any of the new songs???

  • bobasfeetbobasfeet Posts: 1,113
    New songs up today! Anyone getting these?
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