Angrier than Rage Against the Machine?

drivingrldrivingrl Posts: 1,448
edited October 2008 in Other Music
If you had to explain to someone how angry Rage's music is by using a hypothetical angry music scale from 1 to 5 - with 1 being bubblegum pop - what would be 5?
drivingrl: "Will I ever get to meet Gwen Stefani?"
kevinbeetle: "Yes. When her career washes up and her and Gavin move to Galveston, you will meet her at Hot Topic shopping for a Japanese cheerleader outfit.

Post edited by Unknown User on


  • I don't know, I would put RATM as a 3 or a 4. They're agressively political, but not frothing at the mouth angry like slipknot's Iowa, or the lunatic rantings of Serj from Sytem of a Down, or even the restrained calculated anger of Tool.

    Those three IMO are 5's.
    Barrie '98
    Saratoga Springs, Toronto '00
    Toronto, Montreal '03
    Kitchener, London, Hamilton, Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto '05
    Toronto I & II, Albany, Hartford, Gorge I '06
    Camden I & II, Washington DC '08
    Toronto, Chicago I '09
    Columbus, Indianapolis, Buffalo '10
    Alpine Valley I & II, Toronto I & II, Hamilton '11
    London, Buffalo '13
    Detroit '14
    Quebec City, Ottawa, Toronto I & II '16
  • i just find RATM to be really complaining more than angry.

    People who are truly "angry" usually have the balls to do something about it, rather than just spend all their time making rap-rock talking about what they are going to do about it.
    You can't spell "dumb" without DMB
  • id put ratm at maybe 4, but system of downs is probably a 3 at best, they have always seemed pretty tame to me....that band is nowhere near ratm. i think a 5 would have to be a real metal band or laughable punk band. so maybe some gg alin crap might be 5, or something.

    to max out on anger you'd also have to be pretty stupid, i dont mean that in a harsh way, but like unfocused and everything. if your political rants are thought out well, youre focused by some intelligence which would keep you from maxing out the anger meter.
  • wardenwarden Posts: 99
    i just find RATM to be really complaining more than angry.

    People who are truly "angry" usually have the balls to do something about it, rather than just spend all their time making rap-rock talking about what they are going to do about it.
    Yep, Rage never does anything about it. They never protest. They never donate money. They do absolutely nothing, right?
  • warden wrote:
    Yep, Rage never does anything about it. They never protest.

    80 year old ladies protest every day. i would expect for all the calls for revolution, they would actually maybe perhaps try and lead one being young educated able-bodied human beings

    although Zach singing Bulls on Parade A capella at the RNC really seemed to change the entire tide of this year's election.
    They never donate money.

    i am sure they do. they probably leave their large mansions, drive down hollywood boulevard in their hummers, donate 2000 dollars to a soup kitchen, then go to the recording studio and write a furious anthem about how horrible the wealthy are and how we all need to rage against them.

    They do absolutely nothing, right?

    they complain alot. sure are damn good at it too.

    At Lollapalooza Zach made some comment like "if the Republicans win this next election, i know some people who are going to start some shit"

    Sure you do Zach. Sure you do. i am sure they (and you) have just been waiting around the LAST 8 YEARS planning it, right? right.

    Big talk, no action.

    They are good at 2 things

    1. Writing songs about extreme change

    2. walking in parades.
    You can't spell "dumb" without DMB
  • muppetmuppet Posts: 980
    I think Rage do a lot more than your typical "Bush sucks" bandwagon band. It's not always publicisied but they're certinally active.

    Having said that, Zack's talk of burning the Senate down is just stupid. Beware the army of suburban white kids...
  • wardenwarden Posts: 99
    80 year old ladies protest every day. i would expect for all the calls for revolution, they would actually maybe perhaps try and lead one being young educated able-bodied human beings

    although Zach singing Bulls on Parade A capella at the RNC really seemed to change the entire tide of this year's election.

    i am sure they do. they probably leave their large mansions, drive down hollywood boulevard in their hummers, donate 2000 dollars to a soup kitchen, then go to the recording studio and write a furious anthem about how horrible the wealthy are and how we all need to rage against them.

    they complain alot. sure are damn good at it too.

    At Lollapalooza Zach made some comment like "if the Republicans win this next election, i know some people who are going to start some shit"

    Sure you do Zach. Sure you do. i am sure they (and you) have just been waiting around the LAST 8 YEARS planning it, right? right.

    Big talk, no action.

    They are good at 2 things

    1. Writing songs about extreme change

    2. walking in parades.
    I've read that Zack hasn't even had a vehicle most of his life because he wants to help the environment or whatever. So you sound like a complete idiot to those people who know about this with your "I'm sure they donate money when they leave their mansions in their hummers" comment.

    Tom has peacefully protested and gotten arrested with blue collar citizens protesting with him. They show up and protest and perform for many different causes, some of them very obscure and absolutely not impacting their lives (e.g. protesting for mistreatment of hotel maids, mistreatment of tomato farm workers in Latin America, etc.).

    So I'm not sure what more they could do unless, ya know, you actually want them to assassinate somebody or something. They have beliefs and they go about expressing their beliefs THE RIGHT WAY.

    You sound whinier with your RATM angst than other Rage song "whining" about politics.
  • Jeremy1012Jeremy1012 Posts: 7,170
    Rage are like, a 2. Seriously. "Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me"... it's like a 14 year-old who won't tidy his bedroom.

    I'd put this closer to a 5 but then the band were actually teenagers, it'd sound ridiculous if they were still playing it:
    "I remember one night at Muzdalifa with nothing but the sky overhead, I lay awake amid sleeping Muslim brothers and I learned that pilgrims from every land — every colour, and class, and rank; high officials and the beggar alike — all snored in the same language"
  • kitfookitfoo Posts: 125
    Downset came out around the time of RATM. I think they're angrier more for the fact that they were all in LA street gangs before they formed the band. RATM are just a bunch of suburban kids who thought it was cool to protest.
  • warden wrote:
    I've read that Zack hasn't even had a vehicle most of his life because he wants to help the environment or whatever. So you sound like a complete idiot to those people who know about this with your "I'm sure they donate money when they leave their mansions in their hummers" comment.

    Tom has peacefully protested and gotten arrested with blue collar citizens protesting with him. They show up and protest and perform for many different causes, some of them very obscure and absolutely not impacting their lives (e.g. protesting for mistreatment of hotel maids, mistreatment of tomato farm workers in Latin America, etc.).

    So I'm not sure what more they could do unless, ya know, you actually want them to assassinate somebody or something. They have beliefs and they go about expressing their beliefs THE RIGHT WAY.

    You sound whinier with your RATM angst than other Rage song "whining" about politics.


    With no real motivation to actually change anything, or else they would have been politicians instead.

    Every band has something to say, and contributes to causes they believe in. RATM yells louder, but there's plenty of bands who make a bigger impact. As big of a douche as Bono is, at least he knows the way to make change is to work WITH politicians instead of just complaining how none of them listen.

    RATM are a bunch of immature little boys who read too many Malcom X books.

    15 years of "revolution" and all they have accomplished is putting 20 million of their albums into the hands of metal fans who won't do shit to help anyone.

    Someone should tell RATM that eventually the spoiled baby who cries all the time starts to be ignored.
    You can't spell "dumb" without DMB
  • Also, i would like to submit all those racist nazi punk bands as angriest FTW
    You can't spell "dumb" without DMB
  • I can't believe some of you... you guys don't think RATM are activists just because you don't like their music. Seriously... have you only listened to Killing in the Name and just made your judgment right there? So ignorant...

    And Joe2TheRevenge, you're retarded.
  • Jeremy1012Jeremy1012 Posts: 7,170
    I can't believe some of you... you guys don't think RATM are activists just because you don't like their music. Seriously... have you only listened to Killing in the Name and just made your judgment right there? So ignorant...

    And Joe2TheRevenge, you're retarded.
    Nah, I've heard every song on every album.

    There's these things called opinions. You're allowed one, Joe2TheRevenge is allowed one, I'm allowed one.

    Plenty of Rage's songs are political in nature but, as someone has already said, however much a tosser he is, Bono actually makes progressive attempts to change things and works in a political atmosphere, often to the detriment to his music because, for better or worse, he feels compelled to. It's VERY easy to talk the talk but it's just cheap and meaningless if you don't walk the walk. Rage playing against a backdrop of Che portraits and shouting "Impeach the president" is nothing to get excited about. Every stoner in every university in the world with an unthumbed copy of Das Kapital can do that. If Rage want to use their stage to be a political force, that's fine. I'm in favour of bands speaking their minds. They need to be a little less naive about it all though, the only people who are listening are Rage fans.
    "I remember one night at Muzdalifa with nothing but the sky overhead, I lay awake amid sleeping Muslim brothers and I learned that pilgrims from every land — every colour, and class, and rank; high officials and the beggar alike — all snored in the same language"
  • catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    Jeremy1012 wrote:
    Nah, I've heard every song on every album.

    There's these things called opinions. You're allowed one, Joe2TheRevenge is allowed one, I'm allowed one.

    Plenty of Rage's songs are political in nature but, as someone has already said, however much a tosser he is, Bono actually makes progressive attempts to change things and works in a political atmosphere, often to the detriment to his music because, for better or worse, he feels compelled to. It's VERY easy to talk the talk but it's just cheap and meaningless if you don't walk the walk. Rage playing against a backdrop of Che portraits and shouting "Impeach the president" is nothing to get excited about. Every stoner in every university in the world with an unthumbed copy of Das Kapital can do that. If Rage want to use their stage to be a political force, that's fine. I'm in favour of bands speaking their minds. They need to be a little less naive about it all though, the only people who are listening are Rage fans.

    you have got to shitting me. plenty of rage's songs are political??? ALL of RATM songs are poltical as far as i can see. the only one that might be seen as not, cause its such a personal song for zach, is born of a broken man. but then if you look at it, the song of his father's breakdown and the role zach sees the church as having in that, can be classed as political.

    this band so freaked out the establishment that the NYSE was shut down because of their presence. and as i recall though the band werent arrested that day, the director of the film clip they were making at the time, michael moore, was.
    hear my name
    take a good look
    this could be the day
    hold my hand
    lie beside me
    i just need to say
  • wardenwarden Posts: 99
    And Joe2TheRevenge, you're retarded.
  • wardenwarden Posts: 99
    Jeremy1012 wrote:
    Nah, I've heard every song on every album.

    There's these things called opinions. You're allowed one, Joe2TheRevenge is allowed one, I'm allowed one.

    Plenty of Rage's songs are political in nature but, as someone has already said, however much a tosser he is, Bono actually makes progressive attempts to change things and works in a political atmosphere, often to the detriment to his music because, for better or worse, he feels compelled to. It's VERY easy to talk the talk but it's just cheap and meaningless if you don't walk the walk. Rage playing against a backdrop of Che portraits and shouting "Impeach the president" is nothing to get excited about. Every stoner in every university in the world with an unthumbed copy of Das Kapital can do that. If Rage want to use their stage to be a political force, that's fine. I'm in favour of bands speaking their minds. They need to be a little less naive about it all though, the only people who are listening are Rage fans.
    Talk the talk but not walking the walk? What does that even mean? What do they need to do to walk the walk?

    You just sound like a tired old cliche.

    The only people listening are not Rage fans. I saw Rage at RNC and they had literally hundreds of cops in full swat gear, tons of swat vans, etc. But I'm sure they just do this for any old concert, right?
  • Eighties/early 90's Rollins is where it's at. Go listen to Lifetime, Do It, Turned On, or the End of Silence. He makes RATM sound like angry gerbils.
    My Pearl Jam shows: 1 in 1995, 2 in 1998, 20 in 2003, 13 in 2006, 3 in 2007, 8 in 2008, 5 in 2009, 4 in 2010, 5 in 2012. EV: 8 in 2011, 1 in 2012. Brad: 1 in 1998, 1 in 2002.
  • drivingrldrivingrl Posts: 1,448
    You guys are gettin' really off topic with the whether-or-not-they're-politically-active-enough talk.
    drivingrl: "Will I ever get to meet Gwen Stefani?"
    kevinbeetle: "Yes. When her career washes up and her and Gavin move to Galveston, you will meet her at Hot Topic shopping for a Japanese cheerleader outfit.

  • Jeremy1012Jeremy1012 Posts: 7,170
    warden wrote:
    Talk the talk but not walking the walk? What does that even mean? What do they need to do to walk the walk?

    You just sound like a tired old cliche.

    The only people listening are not Rage fans. I saw Rage at RNC and they had literally hundreds of cops in full swat gear, tons of swat vans, etc. But I'm sure they just do this for any old concert, right?
    Yeah, sure, I sound like the tired old cliche here.

    I'm sure they do that for every concert they suspect to be full of rowdy, angry kids who think they're revolutionaries, yes.
    "I remember one night at Muzdalifa with nothing but the sky overhead, I lay awake amid sleeping Muslim brothers and I learned that pilgrims from every land — every colour, and class, and rank; high officials and the beggar alike — all snored in the same language"
  • drivingrl wrote:
    You guys are gettin' really off topic with the whether-or-not-they're-politically-active-enough talk.
    Meh, it always happens in Rage threads; people like to complain.
  • pdalowskypdalowsky Doncaster,UK Posts: 15,097

    With no real motivation to actually change anything, or else they would have been politicians instead.

    Every band has something to say, and contributes to causes they believe in. RATM yells louder, but there's plenty of bands who make a bigger impact. As big of a douche as Bono is, at least he knows the way to make change is to work WITH politicians instead of just complaining how none of them listen.

    RATM are a bunch of immature little boys who read too many Malcom X books.

    15 years of "revolution" and all they have accomplished is putting 20 million of their albums into the hands of metal fans who won't do shit to help anyone.

    Someone should tell RATM that eventually the spoiled baby who cries all the time starts to be ignored.

    you are clearly an idiot.

    Maybe you were ignorant to the fact that Zach didnt just sit in his Mansion and actually had a few months out on the front line with the Guerillas about 5 years rather than doing a Bono and asking everyone to stop world hunger by preaching from the stage at every concert whilst enjoying his somewhat exorbitant wealth with his more than luxorious lifestyle, he actually went out there without making a big deal about it and tried to make a difference. Not sure you'd see many rock stars doing that, exhanging gunfire doesnt sound like something you would do for fun now is it?

    RATM do not always compaign for the things I believe in, the cop killer episodes for example, but they do everything they support and organise with the upmost dedication and really do try to use their voice for the better good, as at the end of the day what better tool do we have as humans? its not like anyone can make a difference on their own so rallying support is the only way.

    Bob Geldof tried to wipe out world hunger and although on the face of it he failed, none of us can claim we are not aware of it, and he did make a small difference.....Rage do similar for what they belive in
  • Hatebreed, Born From Pain... loads of hardcore bands are way angrier than Rage.
    Been to this many PJ shows: Reading 2006 London 2007 Manchester & London 2009 Dublin, Belfast, London, Nijmegen & Berlin 2010 Manchester 1 & Manchester 2 2012...

    ... and I still think Drive-By Truckers are better.
  • Jeremy1012Jeremy1012 Posts: 7,170
    Hatebreed, Born From Pain... loads of hardcore bands are way angrier than Rage.

    Also, loads of screamo/post-hardcore bands like pg.99
    "I remember one night at Muzdalifa with nothing but the sky overhead, I lay awake amid sleeping Muslim brothers and I learned that pilgrims from every land — every colour, and class, and rank; high officials and the beggar alike — all snored in the same language"
  • Jeremy1012 wrote:

    Also, loads of screamo/post-hardcore bands like pg.99

    Indeed. Hell, there's even Hip Hop angrier than Rage.
    Been to this many PJ shows: Reading 2006 London 2007 Manchester & London 2009 Dublin, Belfast, London, Nijmegen & Berlin 2010 Manchester 1 & Manchester 2 2012...

    ... and I still think Drive-By Truckers are better.
  • pdalowsky wrote:
    maybe you were ignorant to the fact that Zach didnt just sit in his Mansion and actually had a few months out on the front line with the Guerillas about 5 years rather than doing a Bono and asking everyone to stop world hunger by preaching from the stage at every concert whilst enjoying his somewhat exorbitant wealth with his more than luxorious lifestyle, he actually went out there without making a big deal about it and tried to make a difference. Not sure you'd see many rock stars doing that, exhanging gunfire doesnt sound like something you would do for fun now is it?

    RATM do not always compaign for the things I believe in, the cop killer episodes for example, but they do everything they support and organise with the upmost dedication and really do try to use their voice for the better good, as at the end of the day what better tool do we have as humans? its not like anyone can make a difference on their own so rallying support is the only way.

    Bob Geldof tried to wipe out world hunger and although on the face of it he failed, none of us can claim we are not aware of it, and he did make a small difference.....Rage do similar for what they belive in

    Exactly. RATM might do stuff on a slightly more grass-roots level, but they're still standing up for the things they believe in. I find it quite laughable that multi-millionaires like Bono see fit to try and persuade the general public to give away their hard earned cash, when he could quite easily give away the vast majority of his wealth and still live a far more luxurious lifestyle than most people.
  • Jeremy1012Jeremy1012 Posts: 7,170
    Indeed. Hell, there's even Hip Hop angrier than Rage.
    There's a TON of hip-hop that's angrier :) Immortal Technique, Jedi Mind Tricks, Onyx etc.

    Technique is so angry that it's just funny at times. Needs to chill out.
    "I remember one night at Muzdalifa with nothing but the sky overhead, I lay awake amid sleeping Muslim brothers and I learned that pilgrims from every land — every colour, and class, and rank; high officials and the beggar alike — all snored in the same language"
  • muppetmuppet Posts: 980
    Jeremy1012 wrote:
    Nah, I've heard every song on every album.

    There's these things called opinions. You're allowed one, Joe2TheRevenge is allowed one, I'm allowed one.

    Plenty of Rage's songs are political in nature but, as someone has already said, however much a tosser he is, Bono actually makes progressive attempts to change things and works in a political atmosphere, often to the detriment to his music because, for better or worse, he feels compelled to. It's VERY easy to talk the talk but it's just cheap and meaningless if you don't walk the walk. Rage playing against a backdrop of Che portraits and shouting "Impeach the president" is nothing to get excited about. Every stoner in every university in the world with an unthumbed copy of Das Kapital can do that. If Rage want to use their stage to be a political force, that's fine. I'm in favour of bands speaking their minds. They need to be a little less naive about it all though, the only people who are listening are Rage fans.

    I agree that they've got to 'walk the walk'...but that's what they do. Are you not familliar with the stuff these guys have done? They'll always be known for their music first, but Rage have definately done a lot more than your average band who has a political opinion, like Pearl Jam.

    If people are just going to identify Rage by Killing In The Name...then fine, it's a good song I suppose. But they don't just spout out angry slogans.
  • Bono never shut down Wall Street.
    Down in the hole, Jesus tries to crack a smile beneath another shovel load.
  • Brain Of E wrote:
    Bono never shut down Wall Street.

    thats cause he doesnt know how to fly a plane...
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