I call bullshit on the fans. Little to no one would be caring about them if NME and other music rags were saying they were the best thing since the beatles.
as to the music? : zzzzz
i can honestly say that i heard them late at night on john kennedy's show on xfm WAY before the nme even knew they existed... i liked what i heard and checked out their demos...
i think they already had their grassroot cult following going and that's the reason why the nme decided they could cash in on their success...
just wait how they'll react when they realize that they can't milk that cow any more...
"Cause all you people are vampires
And all your stories are stale
And though you pretend that you'll stand by us
I know you're sure that we'll fail"
Some days you wake up and sit on a park bench next to an eighty year old Russian architect, and some days you don't. I think this is my new life philosophy.
I can't find one thing to like about them. They are jut a really bland version of The Libertines in my opinion, but....where's the music? Where's the melody. Ah man, they're so....nothing. I also heard that they get a lot of help with their lyrics.
Just a perfect example of good timing and marketing determining success in music. If I wanted to listen to somebody commentate in such a literal form on things that are as clear as day...then I'd buy a Streets album.
Why are people so braindead! Go and fucking listen to Stevie Wonder.
I can't find one thing to like about them. They are jut a really bland version of The Libertines in my opinion, but....where's the music? Where's the melody. Ah man, they're so....nothing. I also heard that they get a lot of help with their lyrics.
Just a perfect example of good timing and marketing determining success in music. If I wanted to listen to somebody commentate in such a literal form on things that are as clear as day...then I'd buy a Streets album.
Why are people so braindead! Go and fucking listen to Stevie Wonder.
Chill. I do listen to Stevie Wonder but music doesn't start and stop with him now does it.
I don't usually go to this much trouble to 'big up' a band ;-) but I really think you're wrong. Where's the music? Well, there's thirteen songs on the album which touch a lot of different musical genres. Funnily enough, A Certain Romance could be straight off a Fugazi album (minus the shouting). And melody? If you listen to it, the album is packed full of melodies. It is a very varied record mate. Why shouldn't Alex Turner, at 19, come up with witty and heartfelt lyrics!? To think that he couldn't is incredibly patronising. You're just perpetuating a silly myth. Hey, maybe Beethoven didn't really perform his first concert aged 8.
Why do people begrudge them their success? I don't understand it. There is a glut of awful, manufactured, formulaic music out there to rail against. Yeah they compare to The Libertines because they reflect their environment - which makes a refreshing change.
Disclaimer: Of course, I am from South Yorkshire so I may be biased.
I'm still waiting for the next REAL musical revolution.
Maybe they are not "all that" *said in a Simon Pegg voice*. However the Arctic Monkeys are very much REAL. Seriously, are you content for your life be a musical void whilst you're sat on your arse waiting for the next musical revolution to be handed to you?
Maybe they are not "all that" *said in a Simon Pegg voice*. However the Arctic Monkeys are very much REAL. Seriously, are you content for your life be a musical void whilst you're sat on your arse waiting for the next musical revolution to be handed to you?
the fundamental problem here is that there are two kinds of people...
1) those who jump on the bandwaggon and buy an album because nme says it's cool... those who hate on a band just because it is successful or hyped up by the wrong kind of media... those who start smoking because an album cover shows someone who smokes... those who want to ban these kind of images...
2) those who can decide for themselves if they like a band or not, or if they want to smoke or not...
unfortunately, the second group seems to be in the minority... everywhere...
but it pisses me off how ignorant and fucking stupid some people are... this doesn't even have anything to do with the arctic monkeys, the same could be applied to most other bands but since the discussion is very heated in here i will use this thread to vent...
don't get me wrong, for the most part, people here have different opions and discuss them in a civilized manner (it's a discussion forum after all)... in fact, i enjoy hearing different opinions to better define my own...
it's one thing to disagree and state your opinion without insulting others... and i couldn't care less what others call me for liking a certain band, especially on a message board... but what pisses me off more than anything is stupidity... if someone doesn't like the music that's fair enough... but some arguments are so kindergarden it hurts... "nme says they're brilliant so they must be shite and everyone who likes them must be braindead"... "my mum's friend's hairdresser says they never had any fans, it's just a fabricated media scam"... get over it!
ps. in reply to mike's post: simon pegg rules!
Some days you wake up and sit on a park bench next to an eighty year old Russian architect, and some days you don't. I think this is my new life philosophy.
Some days you wake up and sit on a park bench next to an eighty year old Russian architect, and some days you don't. I think this is my new life philosophy.
‘I Bet You Look Good On The Dancefloor’
“The lyrics are a bit crap on that one, by our standards anyway.”
That's a cool quote. They don't get a big head because of the hype (btw, I agree that hype shouldnt determine how we feel about bands). I like how they go about their sudden stardom. Even though I was a bit critical in this thread, I basically like them and I'm curious how the album'll do.
Well, do you need a lot of what you've got to survive?
NME hyped The Libertines to the moon!....And I loved every god damn minute of it because they were a GREAT band. The blood, the guts...the endless POETRY (sorry, blackadder moment)....the romance, the intrigue that all went into this beautiful music. It just irks me that such a poor excuse can come and take all the success that belongs to a band like The Libs. But that's life and that's music. I'm over it...but I still hate The Arctic Monkeys. Bada bing.
Why are people so braindead! Go and fucking listen to Stevie Wonder.
why would i do that??? he's shite...
if any artist is more lauded by critics then i have yet to discover whom... I rate stevie wonder below most artists..
remember this is the guy who had the songs "I just called to say I love you" which was pish... and as for "happy birthday" fuck me... . thats 80's discotastic... every DJ in the land must be sick to death of that dirge.
give me Les Beatles anyday... :cool:
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
NME hyped The Libertines to the moon!....And I loved every god damn minute of it because they were a GREAT band. The blood, the guts...the endless POETRY (sorry, blackadder moment)....the romance, the intrigue that all went into this beautiful music. It just irks me that such a poor excuse can come and take all the success that belongs to a band like The Libs. But that's life and that's music. I'm over it...but I still hate The Arctic Monkeys. Bada bing.
Now see that's where personal preference comes into it
I don't get the hype round The Libertines, I like a couple of their songs but I don't get the god worship they've had. Plus Babyshambles are a shambles and Pete Doherty is an embarrassing tosser.
But I like Arctic Monkeys
.. and in a perfect world everyone would love Pearl Jam :cool:
if any artist is is more lauded by critics then i have yet to discover it... I rate stevie wonder below most artists..
remember this is the guy who had the songs "I just called to say I love you" which was pish... and as for "happy birthday" fuck me... . thats 80's discotastic... every DJ in the land must be sick to death of that dirge.
give me Les Beatles anyday... :cool:
That's not fair. You just gave later day examples which even his biggest fans will admit to being a disappointment. They take nothing away from his genius and if you really want to stick your neck out there then ridicule his 70's stuff. Talking Book, Innvervisions and Songs In The Key of Life....have you listened to this stuff? Do you like soul/motown/rhythm and blues? If you don't like that stuff then fair enough but the examples you gave are a cop out.
That's not fair. You just gave later day examples which even his biggest fans will admit to being a disappointment. They take nothing away from his genius and if you really want to stick your neck out there then ridicule his 70's stuff. Talking Book, Innvervisions and Songs In The Key of Life....have you listened to this stuff? Do you like soul/motown/rhythm and blues? If you don't like that stuff then fair enough but the examples you gave are a cop out.
I go by full collective output.... 3 good albums in the 70's does not a genius maketh.
True to say that I dont really like funk soul stuff... i think Marvin Gaye has more talent in his eyebrow than SWonder did... I cant watch him, I think his voice is dull and overrated. Its fair to say that if he were not blind i dont think his status would have reached such dizzying heights..
The thing i suppose is personal taste.. I would listen to Arctic Monkeys, The Arcade Fire and Kings of Leon every time before putting on a Stevie Wonder album... The former examples might not have the same jazz augmented fifths in their melodies or have a 3/7 signature time beat with a b flat diminshed bass line.... but they use simple chords and beats to produce something primal and unassuming... raw and edgy. Thats personal taste really
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
but they use simple chords and beats to produce something primal and unassuming... raw and edgy. Thats personal taste really
Congratulations! You've just given the best definition ever for Superstition. Just one of Stevie's many classics! :-)
To most people, his stuff is just pure spontaneous, soulful, rythmic beauty that is as alive as anything could be and I find it heartbreaking that someone could not be turned on by his music. Of course I shouldn't, but I do! Wow.
So you HAVE listened to those albums? Those are just his three best. He's done a million and one other things...plus, motown was more about singles anyway.
"Mark Phillips reports on a young English rock band called the Arctic Monkeys which has shocked the music industry by setting a debut sales record without the help of a major marketing"
I'm not really good at jumping on bandwagons, but our copy of the CD came from UK yesterday and we listened carefully and we think Arctic Monkeys really has something going for them. I'm glad I didn't hesitate to get tickets to see them live here, 'coz the show's sold out and has been moved to a bigger venue. I'm not saying that this band isn't going to change or get too commercial to listen to or whatever, but around here we think they have potential. We said the same thing about Coldplay, though. We liked them more when they were Coldplay not COLDPLAY, and now we're completely sick of them. Sooo, with that in mind, we're just enjoying this CD without making them out to be "the next big thing" by dancing around the kitchen and having a good time.
"Information is not knowledge.
Knowledge is not wisdom.
Wisdom is not truth.
Truth is not beauty.
Beauty is not love.
Love is not music.
Music is the best."
~ FZ ~
I listened to two of their songs from their website. Does anyone wanna do me a big favour and send me a few more songs? I can't wait until Tusday, I want more! ; )
Also, if anyone has any extra tickets for the toronto show please let me know. It's a long shot, but I'd prefer to see them at the Pheniex (sp) then buy off Ebay and have to see them with Oasis at the ACC
I'm not really good at jumping on bandwagons, but our copy of the CD came from UK yesterday and we listened carefully and we think Arctic Monkeys really has something going for them. I'm glad I didn't hesitate to get tickets to see them live here, 'coz the show's sold out and has been moved to a bigger venue. I'm not saying that this band isn't going to change or get too commercial to listen to or whatever, but around here we think they have potential. We said the same thing about Coldplay, though. We liked them more when they were Coldplay not COLDPLAY, and now we're completely sick of them. Sooo, with that in mind, we're just enjoying this CD without making them out to be "the next big thing" by dancing around the kitchen and having a good time.
I think it would be different if Coldplay had stuck to their sound. They were a rock group in Parachutes, a more mature rock group in Rush Of Blood but they went to over-the-top production on their last album. It's as if they're not a rock band anymore but a pop orchestra. If theyx would have done those same songs from x&y and played them with bass, drums, guitar and keys here and there it would have been a really great album. But I dont think the Monkeys are planning to install organs and stuff into their sound.
Well, do you need a lot of what you've got to survive?
I listened to two of their songs from their website. Does anyone wanna do me a big favour and send me a few more songs? I can't wait until Tusday, I want more! ; )
I think the NME are hyping them up way too much as they always do, they claim to be the first to hear these bands when actually they're 6 months behind the people who really know what they're talking about. They're an OK band, but I don't think they're life changing, I actually quite like "Dancefloor" but the other songs of theirs I've heard don't really do much for me, maybe it'll take time. I can't see personally what all the fuss is about, the NME were looking for a band to fill the gap left by the Libertines/Babyshambles and the Arctic Monkeys appeal to the same people, a lot of people listen to everything the paper says and any new band they say they should like, they will.
i can honestly say that i heard them late at night on john kennedy's show on xfm WAY before the nme even knew they existed... i liked what i heard and checked out their demos...
i think they already had their grassroot cult following going and that's the reason why the nme decided they could cash in on their success...
just wait how they'll react when they realize that they can't milk that cow any more...
"Cause all you people are vampires
And all your stories are stale
And though you pretend that you'll stand by us
I know you're sure that we'll fail"
Some days you wake up and sit on a park bench next to an eighty year old Russian architect, and some days you don't. I think this is my new life philosophy.
pearl jam @ the astoria, london, 20/04/06
Just a perfect example of good timing and marketing determining success in music. If I wanted to listen to somebody commentate in such a literal form on things that are as clear as day...then I'd buy a Streets album.
Why are people so braindead! Go and fucking listen to Stevie Wonder.
Chill. I do listen to Stevie Wonder but music doesn't start and stop with him now does it.
I don't usually go to this much trouble to 'big up' a band ;-) but I really think you're wrong. Where's the music? Well, there's thirteen songs on the album which touch a lot of different musical genres. Funnily enough, A Certain Romance could be straight off a Fugazi album (minus the shouting). And melody? If you listen to it, the album is packed full of melodies. It is a very varied record mate. Why shouldn't Alex Turner, at 19, come up with witty and heartfelt lyrics!? To think that he couldn't is incredibly patronising. You're just perpetuating a silly myth. Hey, maybe Beethoven didn't really perform his first concert aged 8.
Why do people begrudge them their success? I don't understand it. There is a glut of awful, manufactured, formulaic music out there to rail against. Yeah they compare to The Libertines because they reflect their environment - which makes a refreshing change.
Disclaimer: Of course, I am from South Yorkshire so I may be biased.
Maybe they are not "all that" *said in a Simon Pegg voice*. However the Arctic Monkeys are very much REAL. Seriously, are you content for your life be a musical void whilst you're sat on your arse waiting for the next musical revolution to be handed to you?
You want pseudo debate? http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/4677356.stm
" I Will Feel Alive as Long as I am Free"
"Are We Getting SomeThing Out Of this All Encompassing Trip? Makes Much More Sense To Live In The Present Tense"
the fundamental problem here is that there are two kinds of people...
1) those who jump on the bandwaggon and buy an album because nme says it's cool... those who hate on a band just because it is successful or hyped up by the wrong kind of media... those who start smoking because an album cover shows someone who smokes... those who want to ban these kind of images...
2) those who can decide for themselves if they like a band or not, or if they want to smoke or not...
unfortunately, the second group seems to be in the minority... everywhere...
but it pisses me off how ignorant and fucking stupid some people are... this doesn't even have anything to do with the arctic monkeys, the same could be applied to most other bands but since the discussion is very heated in here i will use this thread to vent...
don't get me wrong, for the most part, people here have different opions and discuss them in a civilized manner (it's a discussion forum after all)... in fact, i enjoy hearing different opinions to better define my own...
it's one thing to disagree and state your opinion without insulting others... and i couldn't care less what others call me for liking a certain band, especially on a message board... but what pisses me off more than anything is stupidity... if someone doesn't like the music that's fair enough... but some arguments are so kindergarden it hurts... "nme says they're brilliant so they must be shite and everyone who likes them must be braindead"... "my mum's friend's hairdresser says they never had any fans, it's just a fabricated media scam"... get over it!
ps. in reply to mike's post: simon pegg rules!
Some days you wake up and sit on a park bench next to an eighty year old Russian architect, and some days you don't. I think this is my new life philosophy.
pearl jam @ the astoria, london, 20/04/06
Some days you wake up and sit on a park bench next to an eighty year old Russian architect, and some days you don't. I think this is my new life philosophy.
pearl jam @ the astoria, london, 20/04/06
‘I Bet You Look Good On The Dancefloor’
“The lyrics are a bit crap on that one, by our standards anyway.”
That's a cool quote. They don't get a big head because of the hype (btw, I agree that hype shouldnt determine how we feel about bands). I like how they go about their sudden stardom. Even though I was a bit critical in this thread, I basically like them and I'm curious how the album'll do.
It's OK but they have nothing on Oasis.
Not to defend the Monkeys (I'll leave that to psycosmic
why would i do that??? he's shite...
if any artist is more lauded by critics then i have yet to discover whom... I rate stevie wonder below most artists..
remember this is the guy who had the songs "I just called to say I love you" which was pish... and as for "happy birthday" fuck me... . thats 80's discotastic... every DJ in the land must be sick to death of that dirge.
give me Les Beatles anyday... :cool:
Now see that's where personal preference comes into it
I don't get the hype round The Libertines, I like a couple of their songs but I don't get the god worship they've had. Plus Babyshambles are a shambles and Pete Doherty is an embarrassing tosser.
But I like Arctic Monkeys
.. and in a perfect world everyone would love Pearl Jam :cool:
That's not fair. You just gave later day examples which even his biggest fans will admit to being a disappointment. They take nothing away from his genius and if you really want to stick your neck out there then ridicule his 70's stuff. Talking Book, Innvervisions and Songs In The Key of Life....have you listened to this stuff? Do you like soul/motown/rhythm and blues? If you don't like that stuff then fair enough but the examples you gave are a cop out.
I go by full collective output.... 3 good albums in the 70's does not a genius maketh.
True to say that I dont really like funk soul stuff... i think Marvin Gaye has more talent in his eyebrow than SWonder did... I cant watch him, I think his voice is dull and overrated. Its fair to say that if he were not blind i dont think his status would have reached such dizzying heights..
The thing i suppose is personal taste.. I would listen to Arctic Monkeys, The Arcade Fire and Kings of Leon every time before putting on a Stevie Wonder album... The former examples might not have the same jazz augmented fifths in their melodies or have a 3/7 signature time beat with a b flat diminshed bass line.... but they use simple chords and beats to produce something primal and unassuming... raw and edgy. Thats personal taste really
Congratulations! You've just given the best definition ever for Superstition. Just one of Stevie's many classics! :-)
To most people, his stuff is just pure spontaneous, soulful, rythmic beauty that is as alive as anything could be and I find it heartbreaking that someone could not be turned on by his music. Of course I shouldn't, but I do! Wow.
So you HAVE listened to those albums? Those are just his three best. He's done a million and one other things...plus, motown was more about singles anyway.
"Mark Phillips reports on a young English rock band called the Arctic Monkeys which has shocked the music industry by setting a debut sales record without the help of a major marketing"
(Click on "Play Video" to see the report)
"It's gonna be ok" - Jack Black, High Fidelity
Knowledge is not wisdom.
Wisdom is not truth.
Truth is not beauty.
Beauty is not love.
Love is not music.
Music is the best."
~ FZ ~
jesus, when did it lever leave?
I think it would be different if Coldplay had stuck to their sound. They were a rock group in Parachutes, a more mature rock group in Rush Of Blood but they went to over-the-top production on their last album. It's as if they're not a rock band anymore but a pop orchestra. If theyx would have done those same songs from x&y and played them with bass, drums, guitar and keys here and there it would have been a really great album. But I dont think the Monkeys are planning to install organs and stuff into their sound.
There's 4 here:
sweet, thanks!