Bridge - 10/25/03
Mansfield I - 6/28/08
Eddie NYC - 8/4/08
Seattle - 9/21/09, 9/22/09
Salt Lake City 9/28/09
LA 9/30/09, 10/07/09
San Diego 10/9/09
Alpine Valley 9/03/11, 9/04/11
Ashbury Park 9/18/21
LA 5/06/21, 5/07/21
Phoenix 05/09/22
NYC 9/11/22
Denver 9/22/22
Ashbury Park 9/18/21
LA 5/06/21, 5/07/21
Phoenix 05/09/22
NYC 9/11/22
Denver 9/22/22
Male, 34
I'm on Facebook -
1998 Brisbane 2
2003 Brisbane 1
2006 LA 1 & 2
2008 LA 2, San Diego 1 (EV)
2009 LA 1, 2, 3 & 4, San Diego
2011 St. Louis (EV)
2012 Tulsa 1 & 2 (EV)
2013 Chicago, Dallas & OKC
Some of these fans are ridiculous when it comes to this stuff. They convince themselves they have some kind of sanctimonious higher-ground and viciously attack everyone else.
Look at behavior and sanctimonious drivel some of these people dished out to that guy selling his Benny on that audiocircle forum. Childish.
It's as if they think they're waving some kind of self-righteous flag of divine integrity, or something. I started to feel bad for that guy and felt the need to register on there , just for the purpose of apologizing for the behavior of the jerks and to assure him not all Pearl Jam fans are like that.
Also wished him luck in selling it. If I could afford it right now, I would buy it.
My Benny albums have seen a lot of play and I've been wanting to get another one, in case the vinyl starts to show some audible wear and tear.
But I can't afford it, right now.
He responded back to my PM, last night.
If these people would have took the time to engage in a civil discussion with that guy, they would have found out the reason he is selling it and why getting more money is important to him.
Guy got layed-off from his job, has three kids, a wife, a home and they are to put food on the table and pay all their bills. It became obvious from what he said in the PM that he really didn't want to sell it. But has no choice. Guy says he's been a Pearl Jam fan since day one. He got his Benny from the Ten Club sale.
So along comes these sanctimonious windbags, who register at that site just so they can start attacking the guy, sending him nasty, vicious PMs and crapping all over his sales thread. They didn't even take the time to ask the guy anything about why he was selling it.
I don't know, just doesn't seem right to do such a thing.
I can sympathize with him, for sure. I have two kids, a home ......and I don't know what I would do if I lost my job and had to support my family without a job. Yeah, Savings are there for me. But Savings don't last long when you're out of work, paying bills, feeding a family and out searching for a new job. And not everyone has Savings. Especially these days and after the last eight years.
While I completely understand the concept of "Limited Special Editions" and have no problem with that. I sure do wish Ten Club would do another pressing.
I don't support the attacks, but the agreement (as with most of 10c's sales) was that it was NOT FOR RESALE.
Some 10c members had their membership revoked for selling benny.
I feel for the guy but I hear that all the time. Many are in similar boats like this guy but the agreement with 10c was that they were not for resale, period.
If he wanted to sell this, then he had to know he was willing to face consequences - losing his 10c membership. I understand that is in pale comparison with his finanical situtation. If he was a long time PJ fan, then he had to know what kind of fans he would be dealing with? I'm just making assumptions here.
I have a lot of PJ stuff/collections that I could easily sell to make the ends meet, but the agreement I made with 10c was not to sell them and personally, myself, knowing the band doesn't wish for that makes it personal for me as well.
The guy made his decision, obviously...
As for others getting bashed and while I agree things could have been handled in a civil manner, the fans get upset because they know the rules and it's not okay for others to break the rules with 10c.
If one breaks the rule and gets away with it, then others can too. Then what is the point of enforcing the 10c's rules?
I guess the entire point is that 10c said "NOT FOR RESALE" - period.
EV: It's your band.
~Q Magazine
"Kisses for the glow...kisses for the lease." - BDRII
I imagine if this guy is struggling to feed his family the last thing on his mind is the fact that 10club might revoke his membership. Other than that I don't think 10club has any power to enforce the "not for resale" clause. It is his album to do what he wants with, it is not like they can take him to court over it. Personally if it were me in that position I would probably do the exact same thing.
My friend was going to see Eddie last night. Since he was in Vegas, I gave him 5 Grand to gamble with. I told him I wanted it all to go on Black. Bastard! PhillyCrownOfThorns-11-2-12
Okay, I see what you're saying.
But when someone is loses their job and is desperately trying to feed their family and keep a roof over their head. 10c's rules are going to pale in comparison.
Now for a few interesting points.......
This "Not For Resale" point you make is true. That is the rules.
But if you look in the original thread here at the Pit, no one ever mentioned anything about the "Not For Resale" rule. In fact, they were giddy with joy that a Benny Hall was available for purchase at the $300.00 price point.
And if you read his sales thread, you see that no one even mentions the "Not For Resale" rule. They are just griping and attacking because he changed and increased the price.
No one mentioned a damn thing in any of the threads about the "Not For Resale" rule, here at the Porch. Until you just mentioned it.
I suppose if he was selling the Benny Hall for $2.00 it would still be against the "Not For Resale" rule, correct? But I'll bet not one single person here would have a nasty thing to say about that! And I'll bet 99% of them would buy it for that $2.00 price and then resell it for a huge profit.
Some of the questions you ask whether rhetorical or not, would have to asked to him. I don't know.
But from reading what he has said in the threads and in his PMs, I don't think he is that familiar with the fan base. Doesn't seem like he's ever been here or spent any significant time the Pit. He said his friend from here is the one who enlightened him. And from his handling of the christmas singles ad, doesn't seem like he's all that in touch with what's going on.
I imagine three kids keeps a guy busy:D
Two wrongs don't make a right...
I doubt anyone would sell their Benny for $2.00 anyway...but I do see your point, though. I think I'd have a heart attack if it went for 2.00.
And I've got four keeping me busy, too!
EV: It's your band.
~Q Magazine
"Kisses for the glow...kisses for the lease." - BDRII
That's the law.
Meanwhile, my little guy is running the babysitter ragged...while I work
A recent court case dealing with the sale of radio station promo CDs ruled that just stamping something "Not for Resale" is absolutely meaningless and has no legal standing. The doctrine of first sale still stands! Once someone sells you something, you are legally free to do whatever you want with it.
—Dorothy Parker
this really is an excellent point, I recall that case now, I posted that on the pjcollectors forum.
Still there is a moral ground I guess, if Ten club asks you not to sell something perhaps we should respect that.
That being said, I have no trouble with anyone doing this, I certainly wouldnt call them from pillar to post and ask that they are banned as buying things is the onyl way I have managed to grow such a collection and acquire things I would have otherwise found impossibe to get.
There are a number of people, me included that has looked to sell the Mystery poster, ok only at the price paid, but is that technically wrong too??
This really is an endless argument that surfaces time and time again
You're talking common law.
IamMine and I were discussing " Ten Club " rules and how they apply to Ten Club membership.
Of course the law permits us to do what ever we want with it and I believe we should have the right to do what we want with it.
But Ten Club objects to this and has/will revoke membership over it. That was what IamMine was saying.
That's interesting - thanks for bringing that to my attention.
But if 10c said not for resale, they do have the rights to revoke one's membership if the rule is broken.
I can't imagine one would sue 10c for that!
pdalowsky - I agree that it's also about respect.
As for the mystery posters... I dunno? It couldn't hurt to shoot Santos a pm.
I would find it very funny if they dedicated an entire page or two defining what "not for resale" meant in details.
And then a FAQ page...
Gosh, I miss those ages, NMyTree! I never thought I'd say that about my daughter who is turning 13 this weekend...but phheeeww, she was one handful and mischevious child who did not like to listen, sleep at night, or even to be touched!
She is one lovely teenager now.
First time in 15 years the kids are in school full time....strange feeling. Feeling old, too.
EV: It's your band.
~Q Magazine
"Kisses for the glow...kisses for the lease." - BDRII
Accoring to Ten Club rules any Resale is against the rules. If I remember correctly the rules simply stipulates that "Not For Resale".
So if you sell something for a penny....50 cents......face value....or several hundreds of dollars above cost; it's still against the rules. If I'm wrong, I'm sure someone will correct me on it and show some proof with a quote from the rule book.
But you won't see anyone here complaining or attacking if someone is selling something for a penny or 50 cents. They'll be giddy in their celebration.
It's only when someone sells it for a lot more money than face value, even if it is clear the market has been set at the price; that the sanctimonious crap starts to flow.
I'll let you know how worse for wear I am when they are both 13 and 15:D
Nah, she's very reasonable and she's babysitting in my house. I work from home, so that comes with advantages and disadvantages.
Most of my income goes to mortgage, utilities, food, insurance... etc.
wow thats awesome,. over here in the Uk we get stung for such things, My brother pays the equivalent of $2000 a month to have his two little ones in Nursery from 9am to 4pm. Insane
Yeah it is insane. And believe me, quality Daycare/Nursery here in the USA is also quite expensive. If we had to go that way and find a suitable Daycare/Nursery; it would cost us close to the same thing as what your brother pays.
We can find cheaper here, but I'm very particular....cautious......selective about who watches my boys. I am very fortunate to have a trusted, close friend to watch them here in my home, while I work. as well as the means to compensate her.
A lot of people aren't so fortunate and they have a hard time finding trusted, quality daycare/babysitting.
As a parent you find yourself being overly cautious and selective in their safety and care. At least I do. I imagine most parents do.
Ahhh....I also have been and am working from home so I do know what you are talking about!
2,000 a month, pdalowsky?! That's insane!
Last time I put my kids in daycare it was like 230 a week PER CHILD!
Now it's gone up according to my friend who just had a baby and has to go back to work after 6 weeks.
I'm glad I got let go six months after our youngest was born.
That was the last time I had been in the "real world".
However, after I graduate this fall with my bachelor's degree...I might have to get back out there in the ugly world. Unless I get lucky and get hired working from home!
Having fun watching this thread getting off the track, mitchmoore2? Sorry, dude!
I see you are 22 years old... a baby to me!
Now i know how those older people feel when they have the urge to say something like: "Wow, when I was your age...."
Because I was about to say that...and decided to grind my teeth.
I'll shut up now and go outside to count the cars passing by.
EV: It's your band.
~Q Magazine
"Kisses for the glow...kisses for the lease." - BDRII
posters tickets vinyl whatever-reality is the auction sites and CL have made is easier and more profitable to sell stuff-thats the American way
I cant blame a person for trying making a buck
and $700-$1000 bucks for the benny set is nuts-cant blame anyone for making that deal
I get more angry at the people who feel compelled to notify the ten club when someone sells stuff-stop snitching and worry about your self (not directed at anyone-just venting)
Dad: Sorry I don't have money for heat or food since I got layed off.
Son: Well, can't you sell one of your vinyls?
Dad: Sorry Ten Club has their rules.
There's a lot of petty and childish people in the world. The Pearl Jam fanbase is no exception.
might actually be a higher concentration of them
Exactly you wouldn't want the dad to get his membership revoked and possibly lose his senority. He would have to sit in the back row at the next concert he goes to. A person has to have their priorities.